module MemoryModel class Collection module Operations def clear indexes.each { |name, index| index.clear } GC.start all end def read_all(*ids) return [] if ids.blank? indexes[primary_key].values_at(*ids).compact end def load_all(*uuids) return [] if uuids.blank? indexes[:_uuid_].values_at(*uuids) end def create(item) item._uuid_ = SecureRandom.uuid transact item, operation: :create, rollback_with: :delete end def read(key) indexes[primary_key].read(key) end def update(item) transact item, operation: :update, rollback_with: :rollback end def delete(item) transact item, operation: :delete end private def transact(record, options={}) # Set up the index successful_indexes = [] # Fetch the options operation = options[:operation] || :undefined indexes = options[:indexes] || self.indexes.values rollback_operation = options[:rollback_with] # Marshal the object marshaled_record = # Do the transaction do |index| send("#{operation}_with_index", index, record, marshaled_record).tap do successful_indexes << index end end rescue Exception => e transact(record, operation: rollback_operation, indexes: successful_indexes) if rollback_operation raise e end ## Transactors def create_with_index(index, record, marshaled_record) index.create record.read_attribute(, marshaled_record end def update_with_index(index, record, marshaled_record) index.update record.read_attribute(, marshaled_record end def rollback_with_index(index, record, marshaled_record) index.update record.changed_attributes[], marshaled_record end def delete_with_index(index, record, marshaled_record) index.delete marshaled_record.uuid end end end end