module SNMP class Open class Parser # base class for value parsers class ValueParser include SNMP::Open::Parser::Constants def self.find(type, token) cls = KNOWN_TOKENS[token] || KNOWN_TYPES[type] || Other, token) end def initialize(type, token) @type = type @token = token end def parse(*) @parse end # parses BITS class Bits < ValueParser def parse(tokens) return @parse if @parse bytes = [] loop do break unless tokens.peek =~ /\A[0-9A-Za-z]{1,2}\z/ bytes << end @parse = [@type, bytes] end end # class Bits < ValueParser # parses objects with no explicit type class Default < ValueParser def initialize(_type, token) @parse = ['STRING', token] end end # class Default # parses integer-like objects class Integer < ValueParser def parse(tokens) @parse ||= [@type, Integer(] end end # parses objects identified like '= Hex-STRING:' class HexString < ValueParser def parse(tokens) return @parse if @parse bytes = [] loop do break unless tokens.peek =~ /\A[0-9A-Za-z]{2}\z/ bytes << end string = { |b| b.to_i(16).chr }.join @parse = [@type, string] end end # class HexString # handles messages indicating the end of the response class Stop < ValueParser def parse(*) raise StopIteration, @token end end # parses objects identified like '= Timeticks:' # note that 1 second = 100 ticks class Timeticks < ValueParser def parse(tokens) return @parse if @parse ticks ='()', '').to_i # consume tokens through one like 23:59:59.99 loop do break if =~ /\A\d\d:\d\d:\d\d.\d\d\z/ end @parse = [@type, ticks] end end # class Timeticks # handles objects not handled by any other parser class Other < ValueParser def parse(tokens) @parse ||= [@type,] end end # class Other # handles NoSuchInstance class NoSuchInstance < ValueParser def initialize(*) @parse = ['No Such Instance', nil] end end # class NoSuchInstance < ValueParser # handles NoSuchObject class NoSuchObject < ValueParser def initialize(*) @parse = ['No Such Object', nil] end end # class NoSuchObject < ValueParser KNOWN_TOKENS = { NOSUCHINSTANCE_STR => NoSuchInstance, NOSUCHOBJECT_STR => NoSuchObject, NOMOREVARIABLES_STR => Stop }.freeze KNOWN_TYPES = { nil => Default, 'BITS' => Bits, 'INTEGER' => ValueParser::Integer, 'Gauge32' => ValueParser::Integer, 'Gauge64' => ValueParser::Integer, 'Counter32' => ValueParser::Integer, 'Counter64' => ValueParser::Integer, 'Hex-STRING' => HexString, 'Timeticks' => Timeticks }.freeze end # class ValueParser end # class Parser end # class Open end # module SNMP