# frozen_string_literal: true

# This file is generated. See the contributing guide for more information:
# https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-ruby/blob/version-3/CONTRIBUTING.md

require 'seahorse/client/plugins/content_length.rb'
require 'aws-sdk-core/plugins/credentials_configuration.rb'
require 'aws-sdk-core/plugins/logging.rb'
require 'aws-sdk-core/plugins/param_converter.rb'
require 'aws-sdk-core/plugins/param_validator.rb'
require 'aws-sdk-core/plugins/user_agent.rb'
require 'aws-sdk-core/plugins/helpful_socket_errors.rb'
require 'aws-sdk-core/plugins/retry_errors.rb'
require 'aws-sdk-core/plugins/global_configuration.rb'
require 'aws-sdk-core/plugins/regional_endpoint.rb'
require 'aws-sdk-core/plugins/endpoint_discovery.rb'
require 'aws-sdk-core/plugins/endpoint_pattern.rb'
require 'aws-sdk-core/plugins/response_paging.rb'
require 'aws-sdk-core/plugins/stub_responses.rb'
require 'aws-sdk-core/plugins/idempotency_token.rb'
require 'aws-sdk-core/plugins/jsonvalue_converter.rb'
require 'aws-sdk-core/plugins/client_metrics_plugin.rb'
require 'aws-sdk-core/plugins/client_metrics_send_plugin.rb'
require 'aws-sdk-core/plugins/transfer_encoding.rb'
require 'aws-sdk-core/plugins/http_checksum.rb'
require 'aws-sdk-core/plugins/checksum_algorithm.rb'
require 'aws-sdk-core/plugins/request_compression.rb'
require 'aws-sdk-core/plugins/defaults_mode.rb'
require 'aws-sdk-core/plugins/recursion_detection.rb'
require 'aws-sdk-core/plugins/sign.rb'
require 'aws-sdk-core/plugins/protocols/rest_json.rb'


module Aws::AppSync
  # An API client for AppSync.  To construct a client, you need to configure a `:region` and `:credentials`.
  #     client = Aws::AppSync::Client.new(
  #       region: region_name,
  #       credentials: credentials,
  #       # ...
  #     )
  # For details on configuring region and credentials see
  # the [developer guide](/sdk-for-ruby/v3/developer-guide/setup-config.html).
  # See {#initialize} for a full list of supported configuration options.
  class Client < Seahorse::Client::Base

    include Aws::ClientStubs

    @identifier = :appsync



    # @overload initialize(options)
    #   @param [Hash] options
    #   @option options [required, Aws::CredentialProvider] :credentials
    #     Your AWS credentials. This can be an instance of any one of the
    #     following classes:
    #     * `Aws::Credentials` - Used for configuring static, non-refreshing
    #       credentials.
    #     * `Aws::SharedCredentials` - Used for loading static credentials from a
    #       shared file, such as `~/.aws/config`.
    #     * `Aws::AssumeRoleCredentials` - Used when you need to assume a role.
    #     * `Aws::AssumeRoleWebIdentityCredentials` - Used when you need to
    #       assume a role after providing credentials via the web.
    #     * `Aws::SSOCredentials` - Used for loading credentials from AWS SSO using an
    #       access token generated from `aws login`.
    #     * `Aws::ProcessCredentials` - Used for loading credentials from a
    #       process that outputs to stdout.
    #     * `Aws::InstanceProfileCredentials` - Used for loading credentials
    #       from an EC2 IMDS on an EC2 instance.
    #     * `Aws::ECSCredentials` - Used for loading credentials from
    #       instances running in ECS.
    #     * `Aws::CognitoIdentityCredentials` - Used for loading credentials
    #       from the Cognito Identity service.
    #     When `:credentials` are not configured directly, the following
    #     locations will be searched for credentials:
    #     * `Aws.config[:credentials]`
    #     * The `:access_key_id`, `:secret_access_key`, and `:session_token` options.
    #     * `~/.aws/credentials`
    #     * `~/.aws/config`
    #     * EC2/ECS IMDS instance profile - When used by default, the timeouts
    #       are very aggressive. Construct and pass an instance of
    #       `Aws::InstanceProfileCredentails` or `Aws::ECSCredentials` to
    #       enable retries and extended timeouts. Instance profile credential
    #       fetching can be disabled by setting ENV['AWS_EC2_METADATA_DISABLED']
    #       to true.
    #   @option options [required, String] :region
    #     The AWS region to connect to.  The configured `:region` is
    #     used to determine the service `:endpoint`. When not passed,
    #     a default `:region` is searched for in the following locations:
    #     * `Aws.config[:region]`
    #     * `ENV['AWS_REGION']`
    #     * `ENV['AMAZON_REGION']`
    #     * `ENV['AWS_DEFAULT_REGION']`
    #     * `~/.aws/credentials`
    #     * `~/.aws/config`
    #   @option options [String] :access_key_id
    #   @option options [Boolean] :active_endpoint_cache (false)
    #     When set to `true`, a thread polling for endpoints will be running in
    #     the background every 60 secs (default). Defaults to `false`.
    #   @option options [Boolean] :adaptive_retry_wait_to_fill (true)
    #     Used only in `adaptive` retry mode.  When true, the request will sleep
    #     until there is sufficent client side capacity to retry the request.
    #     When false, the request will raise a `RetryCapacityNotAvailableError` and will
    #     not retry instead of sleeping.
    #   @option options [Boolean] :client_side_monitoring (false)
    #     When `true`, client-side metrics will be collected for all API requests from
    #     this client.
    #   @option options [String] :client_side_monitoring_client_id ("")
    #     Allows you to provide an identifier for this client which will be attached to
    #     all generated client side metrics. Defaults to an empty string.
    #   @option options [String] :client_side_monitoring_host ("")
    #     Allows you to specify the DNS hostname or IPv4 or IPv6 address that the client
    #     side monitoring agent is running on, where client metrics will be published via UDP.
    #   @option options [Integer] :client_side_monitoring_port (31000)
    #     Required for publishing client metrics. The port that the client side monitoring
    #     agent is running on, where client metrics will be published via UDP.
    #   @option options [Aws::ClientSideMonitoring::Publisher] :client_side_monitoring_publisher (Aws::ClientSideMonitoring::Publisher)
    #     Allows you to provide a custom client-side monitoring publisher class. By default,
    #     will use the Client Side Monitoring Agent Publisher.
    #   @option options [Boolean] :convert_params (true)
    #     When `true`, an attempt is made to coerce request parameters into
    #     the required types.
    #   @option options [Boolean] :correct_clock_skew (true)
    #     Used only in `standard` and adaptive retry modes. Specifies whether to apply
    #     a clock skew correction and retry requests with skewed client clocks.
    #   @option options [String] :defaults_mode ("legacy")
    #     See {Aws::DefaultsModeConfiguration} for a list of the
    #     accepted modes and the configuration defaults that are included.
    #   @option options [Boolean] :disable_host_prefix_injection (false)
    #     Set to true to disable SDK automatically adding host prefix
    #     to default service endpoint when available.
    #   @option options [Boolean] :disable_request_compression (false)
    #     When set to 'true' the request body will not be compressed
    #     for supported operations.
    #   @option options [String] :endpoint
    #     The client endpoint is normally constructed from the `:region`
    #     option. You should only configure an `:endpoint` when connecting
    #     to test or custom endpoints. This should be a valid HTTP(S) URI.
    #   @option options [Integer] :endpoint_cache_max_entries (1000)
    #     Used for the maximum size limit of the LRU cache storing endpoints data
    #     for endpoint discovery enabled operations. Defaults to 1000.
    #   @option options [Integer] :endpoint_cache_max_threads (10)
    #     Used for the maximum threads in use for polling endpoints to be cached, defaults to 10.
    #   @option options [Integer] :endpoint_cache_poll_interval (60)
    #     When :endpoint_discovery and :active_endpoint_cache is enabled,
    #     Use this option to config the time interval in seconds for making
    #     requests fetching endpoints information. Defaults to 60 sec.
    #   @option options [Boolean] :endpoint_discovery (false)
    #     When set to `true`, endpoint discovery will be enabled for operations when available.
    #   @option options [Boolean] :ignore_configured_endpoint_urls
    #     Setting to true disables use of endpoint URLs provided via environment
    #     variables and the shared configuration file.
    #   @option options [Aws::Log::Formatter] :log_formatter (Aws::Log::Formatter.default)
    #     The log formatter.
    #   @option options [Symbol] :log_level (:info)
    #     The log level to send messages to the `:logger` at.
    #   @option options [Logger] :logger
    #     The Logger instance to send log messages to.  If this option
    #     is not set, logging will be disabled.
    #   @option options [Integer] :max_attempts (3)
    #     An integer representing the maximum number attempts that will be made for
    #     a single request, including the initial attempt.  For example,
    #     setting this value to 5 will result in a request being retried up to
    #     4 times. Used in `standard` and `adaptive` retry modes.
    #   @option options [String] :profile ("default")
    #     Used when loading credentials from the shared credentials file
    #     at HOME/.aws/credentials.  When not specified, 'default' is used.
    #   @option options [Integer] :request_min_compression_size_bytes (10240)
    #     The minimum size in bytes that triggers compression for request
    #     bodies. The value must be non-negative integer value between 0
    #     and 10485780 bytes inclusive.
    #   @option options [Proc] :retry_backoff
    #     A proc or lambda used for backoff. Defaults to 2**retries * retry_base_delay.
    #     This option is only used in the `legacy` retry mode.
    #   @option options [Float] :retry_base_delay (0.3)
    #     The base delay in seconds used by the default backoff function. This option
    #     is only used in the `legacy` retry mode.
    #   @option options [Symbol] :retry_jitter (:none)
    #     A delay randomiser function used by the default backoff function.
    #     Some predefined functions can be referenced by name - :none, :equal, :full,
    #     otherwise a Proc that takes and returns a number. This option is only used
    #     in the `legacy` retry mode.
    #     @see https://www.awsarchitectureblog.com/2015/03/backoff.html
    #   @option options [Integer] :retry_limit (3)
    #     The maximum number of times to retry failed requests.  Only
    #     ~ 500 level server errors and certain ~ 400 level client errors
    #     are retried.  Generally, these are throttling errors, data
    #     checksum errors, networking errors, timeout errors, auth errors,
    #     endpoint discovery, and errors from expired credentials.
    #     This option is only used in the `legacy` retry mode.
    #   @option options [Integer] :retry_max_delay (0)
    #     The maximum number of seconds to delay between retries (0 for no limit)
    #     used by the default backoff function. This option is only used in the
    #     `legacy` retry mode.
    #   @option options [String] :retry_mode ("legacy")
    #     Specifies which retry algorithm to use. Values are:
    #     * `legacy` - The pre-existing retry behavior.  This is default value if
    #       no retry mode is provided.
    #     * `standard` - A standardized set of retry rules across the AWS SDKs.
    #       This includes support for retry quotas, which limit the number of
    #       unsuccessful retries a client can make.
    #     * `adaptive` - An experimental retry mode that includes all the
    #       functionality of `standard` mode along with automatic client side
    #       throttling.  This is a provisional mode that may change behavior
    #       in the future.
    #   @option options [String] :sdk_ua_app_id
    #     A unique and opaque application ID that is appended to the
    #     User-Agent header as app/<sdk_ua_app_id>. It should have a
    #     maximum length of 50.
    #   @option options [String] :secret_access_key
    #   @option options [String] :session_token
    #   @option options [Boolean] :stub_responses (false)
    #     Causes the client to return stubbed responses. By default
    #     fake responses are generated and returned. You can specify
    #     the response data to return or errors to raise by calling
    #     {ClientStubs#stub_responses}. See {ClientStubs} for more information.
    #     ** Please note ** When response stubbing is enabled, no HTTP
    #     requests are made, and retries are disabled.
    #   @option options [Aws::TokenProvider] :token_provider
    #     A Bearer Token Provider. This can be an instance of any one of the
    #     following classes:
    #     * `Aws::StaticTokenProvider` - Used for configuring static, non-refreshing
    #       tokens.
    #     * `Aws::SSOTokenProvider` - Used for loading tokens from AWS SSO using an
    #       access token generated from `aws login`.
    #     When `:token_provider` is not configured directly, the `Aws::TokenProviderChain`
    #     will be used to search for tokens configured for your profile in shared configuration files.
    #   @option options [Boolean] :use_dualstack_endpoint
    #     When set to `true`, dualstack enabled endpoints (with `.aws` TLD)
    #     will be used if available.
    #   @option options [Boolean] :use_fips_endpoint
    #     When set to `true`, fips compatible endpoints will be used if available.
    #     When a `fips` region is used, the region is normalized and this config
    #     is set to `true`.
    #   @option options [Boolean] :validate_params (true)
    #     When `true`, request parameters are validated before
    #     sending the request.
    #   @option options [Aws::AppSync::EndpointProvider] :endpoint_provider
    #     The endpoint provider used to resolve endpoints. Any object that responds to `#resolve_endpoint(parameters)` where `parameters` is a Struct similar to `Aws::AppSync::EndpointParameters`
    #   @option options [URI::HTTP,String] :http_proxy A proxy to send
    #     requests through.  Formatted like 'http://proxy.com:123'.
    #   @option options [Float] :http_open_timeout (15) The number of
    #     seconds to wait when opening a HTTP session before raising a
    #     `Timeout::Error`.
    #   @option options [Float] :http_read_timeout (60) The default
    #     number of seconds to wait for response data.  This value can
    #     safely be set per-request on the session.
    #   @option options [Float] :http_idle_timeout (5) The number of
    #     seconds a connection is allowed to sit idle before it is
    #     considered stale.  Stale connections are closed and removed
    #     from the pool before making a request.
    #   @option options [Float] :http_continue_timeout (1) The number of
    #     seconds to wait for a 100-continue response before sending the
    #     request body.  This option has no effect unless the request has
    #     "Expect" header set to "100-continue".  Defaults to `nil` which
    #     disables this behaviour.  This value can safely be set per
    #     request on the session.
    #   @option options [Float] :ssl_timeout (nil) Sets the SSL timeout
    #     in seconds.
    #   @option options [Boolean] :http_wire_trace (false) When `true`,
    #     HTTP debug output will be sent to the `:logger`.
    #   @option options [Boolean] :ssl_verify_peer (true) When `true`,
    #     SSL peer certificates are verified when establishing a
    #     connection.
    #   @option options [String] :ssl_ca_bundle Full path to the SSL
    #     certificate authority bundle file that should be used when
    #     verifying peer certificates.  If you do not pass
    #     `:ssl_ca_bundle` or `:ssl_ca_directory` the the system default
    #     will be used if available.
    #   @option options [String] :ssl_ca_directory Full path of the
    #     directory that contains the unbundled SSL certificate
    #     authority files for verifying peer certificates.  If you do
    #     not pass `:ssl_ca_bundle` or `:ssl_ca_directory` the the
    #     system default will be used if available.
    def initialize(*args)

    # @!group API Operations

    # Maps an endpoint to your custom domain.
    # @option params [required, String] :domain_name
    #   The domain name.
    # @option params [required, String] :api_id
    #   The API ID. Private APIs can not be associated with custom domains.
    # @return [Types::AssociateApiResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
    #   * {Types::AssociateApiResponse#api_association #api_association} => Types::ApiAssociation
    # @example Request syntax with placeholder values
    #   resp = client.associate_api({
    #     domain_name: "DomainName", # required
    #     api_id: "String", # required
    #   })
    # @example Response structure
    #   resp.api_association.domain_name #=> String
    #   resp.api_association.api_id #=> String
    #   resp.api_association.association_status #=> String, one of "PROCESSING", "FAILED", "SUCCESS"
    #   resp.api_association.deployment_detail #=> String
    # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/appsync-2017-07-25/AssociateApi AWS API Documentation
    # @overload associate_api(params = {})
    # @param [Hash] params ({})
    def associate_api(params = {}, options = {})
      req = build_request(:associate_api, params)

    # Creates an association between a Merged API and source API using the
    # source API's identifier.
    # @option params [required, String] :source_api_identifier
    #   The identifier of the AppSync Source API. This is generated by the
    #   AppSync service. In most cases, source APIs (especially in your
    #   account) only require the API ID value or ARN of the source API.
    #   However, source APIs from other accounts (cross-account use cases)
    #   strictly require the full resource ARN of the source API.
    # @option params [required, String] :merged_api_identifier
    #   The identifier of the AppSync Merged API. This is generated by the
    #   AppSync service. In most cases, Merged APIs (especially in your
    #   account) only require the API ID value or ARN of the merged API.
    #   However, Merged APIs in other accounts (cross-account use cases)
    #   strictly require the full resource ARN of the merged API.
    # @option params [String] :description
    #   The description field.
    # @option params [Types::SourceApiAssociationConfig] :source_api_association_config
    #   The `SourceApiAssociationConfig` object data.
    # @return [Types::AssociateMergedGraphqlApiResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
    #   * {Types::AssociateMergedGraphqlApiResponse#source_api_association #source_api_association} => Types::SourceApiAssociation
    # @example Request syntax with placeholder values
    #   resp = client.associate_merged_graphql_api({
    #     source_api_identifier: "String", # required
    #     merged_api_identifier: "String", # required
    #     description: "String",
    #     source_api_association_config: {
    #       merge_type: "MANUAL_MERGE", # accepts MANUAL_MERGE, AUTO_MERGE
    #     },
    #   })
    # @example Response structure
    #   resp.source_api_association.association_id #=> String
    #   resp.source_api_association.association_arn #=> String
    #   resp.source_api_association.source_api_id #=> String
    #   resp.source_api_association.source_api_arn #=> String
    #   resp.source_api_association.merged_api_arn #=> String
    #   resp.source_api_association.merged_api_id #=> String
    #   resp.source_api_association.description #=> String
    #   resp.source_api_association.source_api_association_config.merge_type #=> String, one of "MANUAL_MERGE", "AUTO_MERGE"
    #   resp.source_api_association.source_api_association_status #=> String, one of "MERGE_SCHEDULED", "MERGE_FAILED", "MERGE_SUCCESS", "MERGE_IN_PROGRESS", "AUTO_MERGE_SCHEDULE_FAILED", "DELETION_SCHEDULED", "DELETION_IN_PROGRESS", "DELETION_FAILED"
    #   resp.source_api_association.source_api_association_status_detail #=> String
    #   resp.source_api_association.last_successful_merge_date #=> Time
    # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/appsync-2017-07-25/AssociateMergedGraphqlApi AWS API Documentation
    # @overload associate_merged_graphql_api(params = {})
    # @param [Hash] params ({})
    def associate_merged_graphql_api(params = {}, options = {})
      req = build_request(:associate_merged_graphql_api, params)

    # Creates an association between a Merged API and source API using the
    # Merged API's identifier.
    # @option params [required, String] :merged_api_identifier
    #   The identifier of the AppSync Merged API. This is generated by the
    #   AppSync service. In most cases, Merged APIs (especially in your
    #   account) only require the API ID value or ARN of the merged API.
    #   However, Merged APIs in other accounts (cross-account use cases)
    #   strictly require the full resource ARN of the merged API.
    # @option params [required, String] :source_api_identifier
    #   The identifier of the AppSync Source API. This is generated by the
    #   AppSync service. In most cases, source APIs (especially in your
    #   account) only require the API ID value or ARN of the source API.
    #   However, source APIs from other accounts (cross-account use cases)
    #   strictly require the full resource ARN of the source API.
    # @option params [String] :description
    #   The description field.
    # @option params [Types::SourceApiAssociationConfig] :source_api_association_config
    #   The `SourceApiAssociationConfig` object data.
    # @return [Types::AssociateSourceGraphqlApiResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
    #   * {Types::AssociateSourceGraphqlApiResponse#source_api_association #source_api_association} => Types::SourceApiAssociation
    # @example Request syntax with placeholder values
    #   resp = client.associate_source_graphql_api({
    #     merged_api_identifier: "String", # required
    #     source_api_identifier: "String", # required
    #     description: "String",
    #     source_api_association_config: {
    #       merge_type: "MANUAL_MERGE", # accepts MANUAL_MERGE, AUTO_MERGE
    #     },
    #   })
    # @example Response structure
    #   resp.source_api_association.association_id #=> String
    #   resp.source_api_association.association_arn #=> String
    #   resp.source_api_association.source_api_id #=> String
    #   resp.source_api_association.source_api_arn #=> String
    #   resp.source_api_association.merged_api_arn #=> String
    #   resp.source_api_association.merged_api_id #=> String
    #   resp.source_api_association.description #=> String
    #   resp.source_api_association.source_api_association_config.merge_type #=> String, one of "MANUAL_MERGE", "AUTO_MERGE"
    #   resp.source_api_association.source_api_association_status #=> String, one of "MERGE_SCHEDULED", "MERGE_FAILED", "MERGE_SUCCESS", "MERGE_IN_PROGRESS", "AUTO_MERGE_SCHEDULE_FAILED", "DELETION_SCHEDULED", "DELETION_IN_PROGRESS", "DELETION_FAILED"
    #   resp.source_api_association.source_api_association_status_detail #=> String
    #   resp.source_api_association.last_successful_merge_date #=> Time
    # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/appsync-2017-07-25/AssociateSourceGraphqlApi AWS API Documentation
    # @overload associate_source_graphql_api(params = {})
    # @param [Hash] params ({})
    def associate_source_graphql_api(params = {}, options = {})
      req = build_request(:associate_source_graphql_api, params)

    # Creates a cache for the GraphQL API.
    # @option params [required, String] :api_id
    #   The GraphQL API ID.
    # @option params [required, Integer] :ttl
    #   TTL in seconds for cache entries.
    #   Valid values are 1–3,600 seconds.
    # @option params [Boolean] :transit_encryption_enabled
    #   Transit encryption flag when connecting to cache. You cannot update
    #   this setting after creation.
    # @option params [Boolean] :at_rest_encryption_enabled
    #   At-rest encryption flag for cache. You cannot update this setting
    #   after creation.
    # @option params [required, String] :api_caching_behavior
    #   Caching behavior.
    #   * **FULL\_REQUEST\_CACHING**: All requests are fully cached.
    #   * **PER\_RESOLVER\_CACHING**: Individual resolvers that you specify
    #     are cached.
    # @option params [required, String] :type
    #   The cache instance type. Valid values are
    #   * `SMALL`
    #   * `MEDIUM`
    #   * `LARGE`
    #   * `XLARGE`
    #   * `LARGE_2X`
    #   * `LARGE_4X`
    #   * `LARGE_8X` (not available in all regions)
    #   * `LARGE_12X`
    #   Historically, instance types were identified by an EC2-style value. As
    #   of July 2020, this is deprecated, and the generic identifiers above
    #   should be used.
    #   The following legacy instance types are available, but their use is
    #   discouraged:
    #   * **T2\_SMALL**: A t2.small instance type.
    #   * **T2\_MEDIUM**: A t2.medium instance type.
    #   * **R4\_LARGE**: A r4.large instance type.
    #   * **R4\_XLARGE**: A r4.xlarge instance type.
    #   * **R4\_2XLARGE**: A r4.2xlarge instance type.
    #   * **R4\_4XLARGE**: A r4.4xlarge instance type.
    #   * **R4\_8XLARGE**: A r4.8xlarge instance type.
    # @return [Types::CreateApiCacheResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
    #   * {Types::CreateApiCacheResponse#api_cache #api_cache} => Types::ApiCache
    # @example Request syntax with placeholder values
    #   resp = client.create_api_cache({
    #     api_id: "String", # required
    #     ttl: 1, # required
    #     transit_encryption_enabled: false,
    #     at_rest_encryption_enabled: false,
    #     api_caching_behavior: "FULL_REQUEST_CACHING", # required, accepts FULL_REQUEST_CACHING, PER_RESOLVER_CACHING
    #   })
    # @example Response structure
    #   resp.api_cache.ttl #=> Integer
    #   resp.api_cache.api_caching_behavior #=> String, one of "FULL_REQUEST_CACHING", "PER_RESOLVER_CACHING"
    #   resp.api_cache.transit_encryption_enabled #=> Boolean
    #   resp.api_cache.at_rest_encryption_enabled #=> Boolean
    #   resp.api_cache.type #=> String, one of "T2_SMALL", "T2_MEDIUM", "R4_LARGE", "R4_XLARGE", "R4_2XLARGE", "R4_4XLARGE", "R4_8XLARGE", "SMALL", "MEDIUM", "LARGE", "XLARGE", "LARGE_2X", "LARGE_4X", "LARGE_8X", "LARGE_12X"
    #   resp.api_cache.status #=> String, one of "AVAILABLE", "CREATING", "DELETING", "MODIFYING", "FAILED"
    # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/appsync-2017-07-25/CreateApiCache AWS API Documentation
    # @overload create_api_cache(params = {})
    # @param [Hash] params ({})
    def create_api_cache(params = {}, options = {})
      req = build_request(:create_api_cache, params)

    # Creates a unique key that you can distribute to clients who invoke
    # your API.
    # @option params [required, String] :api_id
    #   The ID for your GraphQL API.
    # @option params [String] :description
    #   A description of the purpose of the API key.
    # @option params [Integer] :expires
    #   From the creation time, the time after which the API key expires. The
    #   date is represented as seconds since the epoch, rounded down to the
    #   nearest hour. The default value for this parameter is 7 days from
    #   creation time. For more information, see .
    # @return [Types::CreateApiKeyResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
    #   * {Types::CreateApiKeyResponse#api_key #api_key} => Types::ApiKey
    # @example Request syntax with placeholder values
    #   resp = client.create_api_key({
    #     api_id: "String", # required
    #     description: "String",
    #     expires: 1,
    #   })
    # @example Response structure
    #   resp.api_key.id #=> String
    #   resp.api_key.description #=> String
    #   resp.api_key.expires #=> Integer
    #   resp.api_key.deletes #=> Integer
    # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/appsync-2017-07-25/CreateApiKey AWS API Documentation
    # @overload create_api_key(params = {})
    # @param [Hash] params ({})
    def create_api_key(params = {}, options = {})
      req = build_request(:create_api_key, params)

    # Creates a `DataSource` object.
    # @option params [required, String] :api_id
    #   The API ID for the GraphQL API for the `DataSource`.
    # @option params [required, String] :name
    #   A user-supplied name for the `DataSource`.
    # @option params [String] :description
    #   A description of the `DataSource`.
    # @option params [required, String] :type
    #   The type of the `DataSource`.
    # @option params [String] :service_role_arn
    #   The Identity and Access Management (IAM) service role Amazon Resource
    #   Name (ARN) for the data source. The system assumes this role when
    #   accessing the data source.
    # @option params [Types::DynamodbDataSourceConfig] :dynamodb_config
    #   Amazon DynamoDB settings.
    # @option params [Types::LambdaDataSourceConfig] :lambda_config
    #   Lambda settings.
    # @option params [Types::ElasticsearchDataSourceConfig] :elasticsearch_config
    #   Amazon OpenSearch Service settings.
    #   As of September 2021, Amazon Elasticsearch service is Amazon
    #   OpenSearch Service. This configuration is deprecated. For new data
    #   sources, use CreateDataSourceRequest$openSearchServiceConfig to create
    #   an OpenSearch data source.
    # @option params [Types::OpenSearchServiceDataSourceConfig] :open_search_service_config
    #   Amazon OpenSearch Service settings.
    # @option params [Types::HttpDataSourceConfig] :http_config
    #   HTTP endpoint settings.
    # @option params [Types::RelationalDatabaseDataSourceConfig] :relational_database_config
    #   Relational database settings.
    # @option params [Types::EventBridgeDataSourceConfig] :event_bridge_config
    #   Amazon EventBridge settings.
    # @return [Types::CreateDataSourceResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
    #   * {Types::CreateDataSourceResponse#data_source #data_source} => Types::DataSource
    # @example Request syntax with placeholder values
    #   resp = client.create_data_source({
    #     api_id: "String", # required
    #     name: "ResourceName", # required
    #     description: "String",
    #     service_role_arn: "String",
    #     dynamodb_config: {
    #       table_name: "String", # required
    #       aws_region: "String", # required
    #       use_caller_credentials: false,
    #       delta_sync_config: {
    #         base_table_ttl: 1,
    #         delta_sync_table_name: "String",
    #         delta_sync_table_ttl: 1,
    #       },
    #       versioned: false,
    #     },
    #     lambda_config: {
    #       lambda_function_arn: "String", # required
    #     },
    #     elasticsearch_config: {
    #       endpoint: "String", # required
    #       aws_region: "String", # required
    #     },
    #     open_search_service_config: {
    #       endpoint: "String", # required
    #       aws_region: "String", # required
    #     },
    #     http_config: {
    #       endpoint: "String",
    #       authorization_config: {
    #         authorization_type: "AWS_IAM", # required, accepts AWS_IAM
    #         aws_iam_config: {
    #           signing_region: "String",
    #           signing_service_name: "String",
    #         },
    #       },
    #     },
    #     relational_database_config: {
    #       relational_database_source_type: "RDS_HTTP_ENDPOINT", # accepts RDS_HTTP_ENDPOINT
    #       rds_http_endpoint_config: {
    #         aws_region: "String",
    #         db_cluster_identifier: "String",
    #         database_name: "String",
    #         schema: "String",
    #         aws_secret_store_arn: "String",
    #       },
    #     },
    #     event_bridge_config: {
    #       event_bus_arn: "String", # required
    #     },
    #   })
    # @example Response structure
    #   resp.data_source.data_source_arn #=> String
    #   resp.data_source.name #=> String
    #   resp.data_source.description #=> String
    #   resp.data_source.service_role_arn #=> String
    #   resp.data_source.dynamodb_config.table_name #=> String
    #   resp.data_source.dynamodb_config.aws_region #=> String
    #   resp.data_source.dynamodb_config.use_caller_credentials #=> Boolean
    #   resp.data_source.dynamodb_config.delta_sync_config.base_table_ttl #=> Integer
    #   resp.data_source.dynamodb_config.delta_sync_config.delta_sync_table_name #=> String
    #   resp.data_source.dynamodb_config.delta_sync_config.delta_sync_table_ttl #=> Integer
    #   resp.data_source.dynamodb_config.versioned #=> Boolean
    #   resp.data_source.lambda_config.lambda_function_arn #=> String
    #   resp.data_source.elasticsearch_config.endpoint #=> String
    #   resp.data_source.elasticsearch_config.aws_region #=> String
    #   resp.data_source.open_search_service_config.endpoint #=> String
    #   resp.data_source.open_search_service_config.aws_region #=> String
    #   resp.data_source.http_config.endpoint #=> String
    #   resp.data_source.http_config.authorization_config.authorization_type #=> String, one of "AWS_IAM"
    #   resp.data_source.http_config.authorization_config.aws_iam_config.signing_region #=> String
    #   resp.data_source.http_config.authorization_config.aws_iam_config.signing_service_name #=> String
    #   resp.data_source.relational_database_config.relational_database_source_type #=> String, one of "RDS_HTTP_ENDPOINT"
    #   resp.data_source.relational_database_config.rds_http_endpoint_config.aws_region #=> String
    #   resp.data_source.relational_database_config.rds_http_endpoint_config.db_cluster_identifier #=> String
    #   resp.data_source.relational_database_config.rds_http_endpoint_config.database_name #=> String
    #   resp.data_source.relational_database_config.rds_http_endpoint_config.schema #=> String
    #   resp.data_source.relational_database_config.rds_http_endpoint_config.aws_secret_store_arn #=> String
    #   resp.data_source.event_bridge_config.event_bus_arn #=> String
    # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/appsync-2017-07-25/CreateDataSource AWS API Documentation
    # @overload create_data_source(params = {})
    # @param [Hash] params ({})
    def create_data_source(params = {}, options = {})
      req = build_request(:create_data_source, params)

    # Creates a custom `DomainName` object.
    # @option params [required, String] :domain_name
    #   The domain name.
    # @option params [required, String] :certificate_arn
    #   The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the certificate. This can be an
    #   Certificate Manager (ACM) certificate or an Identity and Access
    #   Management (IAM) server certificate.
    # @option params [String] :description
    #   A description of the `DomainName`.
    # @return [Types::CreateDomainNameResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
    #   * {Types::CreateDomainNameResponse#domain_name_config #domain_name_config} => Types::DomainNameConfig
    # @example Request syntax with placeholder values
    #   resp = client.create_domain_name({
    #     domain_name: "DomainName", # required
    #     certificate_arn: "CertificateArn", # required
    #     description: "Description",
    #   })
    # @example Response structure
    #   resp.domain_name_config.domain_name #=> String
    #   resp.domain_name_config.description #=> String
    #   resp.domain_name_config.certificate_arn #=> String
    #   resp.domain_name_config.appsync_domain_name #=> String
    #   resp.domain_name_config.hosted_zone_id #=> String
    # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/appsync-2017-07-25/CreateDomainName AWS API Documentation
    # @overload create_domain_name(params = {})
    # @param [Hash] params ({})
    def create_domain_name(params = {}, options = {})
      req = build_request(:create_domain_name, params)

    # Creates a `Function` object.
    # A function is a reusable entity. You can use multiple functions to
    # compose the resolver logic.
    # @option params [required, String] :api_id
    #   The GraphQL API ID.
    # @option params [required, String] :name
    #   The `Function` name. The function name does not have to be unique.
    # @option params [String] :description
    #   The `Function` description.
    # @option params [required, String] :data_source_name
    #   The `Function` `DataSource` name.
    # @option params [String] :request_mapping_template
    #   The `Function` request mapping template. Functions support only the
    #   2018-05-29 version of the request mapping template.
    # @option params [String] :response_mapping_template
    #   The `Function` response mapping template.
    # @option params [String] :function_version
    #   The `version` of the request mapping template. Currently, the
    #   supported value is 2018-05-29. Note that when using VTL and mapping
    #   templates, the `functionVersion` is required.
    # @option params [Types::SyncConfig] :sync_config
    #   Describes a Sync configuration for a resolver.
    #   Specifies which Conflict Detection strategy and Resolution strategy to
    #   use when the resolver is invoked.
    # @option params [Integer] :max_batch_size
    #   The maximum batching size for a resolver.
    # @option params [Types::AppSyncRuntime] :runtime
    #   Describes a runtime used by an Amazon Web Services AppSync pipeline
    #   resolver or Amazon Web Services AppSync function. Specifies the name
    #   and version of the runtime to use. Note that if a runtime is
    #   specified, code must also be specified.
    # @option params [String] :code
    #   The `function` code that contains the request and response functions.
    #   When code is used, the `runtime` is required. The `runtime` value must
    #   be `APPSYNC_JS`.
    # @return [Types::CreateFunctionResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
    #   * {Types::CreateFunctionResponse#function_configuration #function_configuration} => Types::FunctionConfiguration
    # @example Request syntax with placeholder values
    #   resp = client.create_function({
    #     api_id: "String", # required
    #     name: "ResourceName", # required
    #     description: "String",
    #     data_source_name: "ResourceName", # required
    #     request_mapping_template: "MappingTemplate",
    #     response_mapping_template: "MappingTemplate",
    #     function_version: "String",
    #     sync_config: {
    #       conflict_detection: "VERSION", # accepts VERSION, NONE
    #       lambda_conflict_handler_config: {
    #         lambda_conflict_handler_arn: "String",
    #       },
    #     },
    #     max_batch_size: 1,
    #     runtime: {
    #       name: "APPSYNC_JS", # required, accepts APPSYNC_JS
    #       runtime_version: "String", # required
    #     },
    #     code: "Code",
    #   })
    # @example Response structure
    #   resp.function_configuration.function_id #=> String
    #   resp.function_configuration.function_arn #=> String
    #   resp.function_configuration.name #=> String
    #   resp.function_configuration.description #=> String
    #   resp.function_configuration.data_source_name #=> String
    #   resp.function_configuration.request_mapping_template #=> String
    #   resp.function_configuration.response_mapping_template #=> String
    #   resp.function_configuration.function_version #=> String
    #   resp.function_configuration.sync_config.conflict_handler #=> String, one of "OPTIMISTIC_CONCURRENCY", "LAMBDA", "AUTOMERGE", "NONE"
    #   resp.function_configuration.sync_config.conflict_detection #=> String, one of "VERSION", "NONE"
    #   resp.function_configuration.sync_config.lambda_conflict_handler_config.lambda_conflict_handler_arn #=> String
    #   resp.function_configuration.max_batch_size #=> Integer
    #   resp.function_configuration.runtime.name #=> String, one of "APPSYNC_JS"
    #   resp.function_configuration.runtime.runtime_version #=> String
    #   resp.function_configuration.code #=> String
    # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/appsync-2017-07-25/CreateFunction AWS API Documentation
    # @overload create_function(params = {})
    # @param [Hash] params ({})
    def create_function(params = {}, options = {})
      req = build_request(:create_function, params)

    # Creates a `GraphqlApi` object.
    # @option params [required, String] :name
    #   A user-supplied name for the `GraphqlApi`.
    # @option params [Types::LogConfig] :log_config
    #   The Amazon CloudWatch Logs configuration.
    # @option params [required, String] :authentication_type
    #   The authentication type: API key, Identity and Access Management
    #   (IAM), OpenID Connect (OIDC), Amazon Cognito user pools, or Lambda.
    # @option params [Types::UserPoolConfig] :user_pool_config
    #   The Amazon Cognito user pool configuration.
    # @option params [Types::OpenIDConnectConfig] :open_id_connect_config
    #   The OIDC configuration.
    # @option params [Hash<String,String>] :tags
    #   A `TagMap` object.
    # @option params [Array<Types::AdditionalAuthenticationProvider>] :additional_authentication_providers
    #   A list of additional authentication providers for the `GraphqlApi`
    #   API.
    # @option params [Boolean] :xray_enabled
    #   A flag indicating whether to use X-Ray tracing for the `GraphqlApi`.
    # @option params [Types::LambdaAuthorizerConfig] :lambda_authorizer_config
    #   Configuration for Lambda function authorization.
    # @option params [String] :visibility
    #   Sets the value of the GraphQL API to public (`GLOBAL`) or private
    #   (`PRIVATE`). If no value is provided, the visibility will be set to
    #   `GLOBAL` by default. This value cannot be changed once the API has
    #   been created.
    # @option params [String] :api_type
    #   The value that indicates whether the GraphQL API is a standard API
    #   (`GRAPHQL`) or merged API (`MERGED`).
    # @option params [String] :merged_api_execution_role_arn
    #   The Identity and Access Management service role ARN for a merged API.
    #   The AppSync service assumes this role on behalf of the Merged API to
    #   validate access to source APIs at runtime and to prompt the
    #   `AUTO_MERGE` to update the merged API endpoint with the source API
    #   changes automatically.
    # @option params [String] :owner_contact
    #   The owner contact information for an API resource.
    #   This field accepts any string input with a length of 0 - 256
    #   characters.
    # @option params [String] :introspection_config
    #   Sets the value of the GraphQL API to enable (`ENABLED`) or disable
    #   (`DISABLED`) introspection. If no value is provided, the introspection
    #   configuration will be set to `ENABLED` by default. This field will
    #   produce an error if the operation attempts to use the introspection
    #   feature while this field is disabled.
    #   For more information about introspection, see [GraphQL
    #   introspection][1].
    #   [1]: https://graphql.org/learn/introspection/
    # @option params [Integer] :query_depth_limit
    #   The maximum depth a query can have in a single request. Depth refers
    #   to the amount of nested levels allowed in the body of query. The
    #   default value is `0` (or unspecified), which indicates there's no
    #   depth limit. If you set a limit, it can be between `1` and `75` nested
    #   levels. This field will produce a limit error if the operation falls
    #   out of bounds.
    #   Note that fields can still be set to nullable or non-nullable. If a
    #   non-nullable field produces an error, the error will be thrown upwards
    #   to the first nullable field available.
    # @option params [Integer] :resolver_count_limit
    #   The maximum number of resolvers that can be invoked in a single
    #   request. The default value is `0` (or unspecified), which will set the
    #   limit to `10000`. When specified, the limit value can be between `1`
    #   and `10000`. This field will produce a limit error if the operation
    #   falls out of bounds.
    # @return [Types::CreateGraphqlApiResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
    #   * {Types::CreateGraphqlApiResponse#graphql_api #graphql_api} => Types::GraphqlApi
    # @example Request syntax with placeholder values
    #   resp = client.create_graphql_api({
    #     name: "String", # required
    #     log_config: {
    #       field_log_level: "NONE", # required, accepts NONE, ERROR, ALL
    #       cloud_watch_logs_role_arn: "String", # required
    #       exclude_verbose_content: false,
    #     },
    #     authentication_type: "API_KEY", # required, accepts API_KEY, AWS_IAM, AMAZON_COGNITO_USER_POOLS, OPENID_CONNECT, AWS_LAMBDA
    #     user_pool_config: {
    #       user_pool_id: "String", # required
    #       aws_region: "String", # required
    #       default_action: "ALLOW", # required, accepts ALLOW, DENY
    #       app_id_client_regex: "String",
    #     },
    #     open_id_connect_config: {
    #       issuer: "String", # required
    #       client_id: "String",
    #       iat_ttl: 1,
    #       auth_ttl: 1,
    #     },
    #     tags: {
    #       "TagKey" => "TagValue",
    #     },
    #     additional_authentication_providers: [
    #       {
    #         authentication_type: "API_KEY", # accepts API_KEY, AWS_IAM, AMAZON_COGNITO_USER_POOLS, OPENID_CONNECT, AWS_LAMBDA
    #         open_id_connect_config: {
    #           issuer: "String", # required
    #           client_id: "String",
    #           iat_ttl: 1,
    #           auth_ttl: 1,
    #         },
    #         user_pool_config: {
    #           user_pool_id: "String", # required
    #           aws_region: "String", # required
    #           app_id_client_regex: "String",
    #         },
    #         lambda_authorizer_config: {
    #           authorizer_result_ttl_in_seconds: 1,
    #           authorizer_uri: "String", # required
    #           identity_validation_expression: "String",
    #         },
    #       },
    #     ],
    #     xray_enabled: false,
    #     lambda_authorizer_config: {
    #       authorizer_result_ttl_in_seconds: 1,
    #       authorizer_uri: "String", # required
    #       identity_validation_expression: "String",
    #     },
    #     visibility: "GLOBAL", # accepts GLOBAL, PRIVATE
    #     api_type: "GRAPHQL", # accepts GRAPHQL, MERGED
    #     merged_api_execution_role_arn: "String",
    #     owner_contact: "String",
    #     introspection_config: "ENABLED", # accepts ENABLED, DISABLED
    #     query_depth_limit: 1,
    #     resolver_count_limit: 1,
    #   })
    # @example Response structure
    #   resp.graphql_api.name #=> String
    #   resp.graphql_api.api_id #=> String
    #   resp.graphql_api.authentication_type #=> String, one of "API_KEY", "AWS_IAM", "AMAZON_COGNITO_USER_POOLS", "OPENID_CONNECT", "AWS_LAMBDA"
    #   resp.graphql_api.log_config.field_log_level #=> String, one of "NONE", "ERROR", "ALL"
    #   resp.graphql_api.log_config.cloud_watch_logs_role_arn #=> String
    #   resp.graphql_api.log_config.exclude_verbose_content #=> Boolean
    #   resp.graphql_api.user_pool_config.user_pool_id #=> String
    #   resp.graphql_api.user_pool_config.aws_region #=> String
    #   resp.graphql_api.user_pool_config.default_action #=> String, one of "ALLOW", "DENY"
    #   resp.graphql_api.user_pool_config.app_id_client_regex #=> String
    #   resp.graphql_api.open_id_connect_config.issuer #=> String
    #   resp.graphql_api.open_id_connect_config.client_id #=> String
    #   resp.graphql_api.open_id_connect_config.iat_ttl #=> Integer
    #   resp.graphql_api.open_id_connect_config.auth_ttl #=> Integer
    #   resp.graphql_api.arn #=> String
    #   resp.graphql_api.uris #=> Hash
    #   resp.graphql_api.uris["String"] #=> String
    #   resp.graphql_api.tags #=> Hash
    #   resp.graphql_api.tags["TagKey"] #=> String
    #   resp.graphql_api.additional_authentication_providers #=> Array
    #   resp.graphql_api.additional_authentication_providers[0].authentication_type #=> String, one of "API_KEY", "AWS_IAM", "AMAZON_COGNITO_USER_POOLS", "OPENID_CONNECT", "AWS_LAMBDA"
    #   resp.graphql_api.additional_authentication_providers[0].open_id_connect_config.issuer #=> String
    #   resp.graphql_api.additional_authentication_providers[0].open_id_connect_config.client_id #=> String
    #   resp.graphql_api.additional_authentication_providers[0].open_id_connect_config.iat_ttl #=> Integer
    #   resp.graphql_api.additional_authentication_providers[0].open_id_connect_config.auth_ttl #=> Integer
    #   resp.graphql_api.additional_authentication_providers[0].user_pool_config.user_pool_id #=> String
    #   resp.graphql_api.additional_authentication_providers[0].user_pool_config.aws_region #=> String
    #   resp.graphql_api.additional_authentication_providers[0].user_pool_config.app_id_client_regex #=> String
    #   resp.graphql_api.additional_authentication_providers[0].lambda_authorizer_config.authorizer_result_ttl_in_seconds #=> Integer
    #   resp.graphql_api.additional_authentication_providers[0].lambda_authorizer_config.authorizer_uri #=> String
    #   resp.graphql_api.additional_authentication_providers[0].lambda_authorizer_config.identity_validation_expression #=> String
    #   resp.graphql_api.xray_enabled #=> Boolean
    #   resp.graphql_api.waf_web_acl_arn #=> String
    #   resp.graphql_api.lambda_authorizer_config.authorizer_result_ttl_in_seconds #=> Integer
    #   resp.graphql_api.lambda_authorizer_config.authorizer_uri #=> String
    #   resp.graphql_api.lambda_authorizer_config.identity_validation_expression #=> String
    #   resp.graphql_api.dns #=> Hash
    #   resp.graphql_api.dns["String"] #=> String
    #   resp.graphql_api.visibility #=> String, one of "GLOBAL", "PRIVATE"
    #   resp.graphql_api.api_type #=> String, one of "GRAPHQL", "MERGED"
    #   resp.graphql_api.merged_api_execution_role_arn #=> String
    #   resp.graphql_api.owner #=> String
    #   resp.graphql_api.owner_contact #=> String
    #   resp.graphql_api.introspection_config #=> String, one of "ENABLED", "DISABLED"
    #   resp.graphql_api.query_depth_limit #=> Integer
    #   resp.graphql_api.resolver_count_limit #=> Integer
    # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/appsync-2017-07-25/CreateGraphqlApi AWS API Documentation
    # @overload create_graphql_api(params = {})
    # @param [Hash] params ({})
    def create_graphql_api(params = {}, options = {})
      req = build_request(:create_graphql_api, params)

    # Creates a `Resolver` object.
    # A resolver converts incoming requests into a format that a data source
    # can understand, and converts the data source's responses into
    # GraphQL.
    # @option params [required, String] :api_id
    #   The ID for the GraphQL API for which the resolver is being created.
    # @option params [required, String] :type_name
    #   The name of the `Type`.
    # @option params [required, String] :field_name
    #   The name of the field to attach the resolver to.
    # @option params [String] :data_source_name
    #   The name of the data source for which the resolver is being created.
    # @option params [String] :request_mapping_template
    #   The mapping template to use for requests.
    #   A resolver uses a request mapping template to convert a GraphQL
    #   expression into a format that a data source can understand. Mapping
    #   templates are written in Apache Velocity Template Language (VTL).
    #   VTL request mapping templates are optional when using an Lambda data
    #   source. For all other data sources, VTL request and response mapping
    #   templates are required.
    # @option params [String] :response_mapping_template
    #   The mapping template to use for responses from the data source.
    # @option params [String] :kind
    #   The resolver type.
    #   * **UNIT**: A UNIT resolver type. A UNIT resolver is the default
    #     resolver type. You can use a UNIT resolver to run a GraphQL query
    #     against a single data source.
    #   * **PIPELINE**: A PIPELINE resolver type. You can use a PIPELINE
    #     resolver to invoke a series of `Function` objects in a serial
    #     manner. You can use a pipeline resolver to run a GraphQL query
    #     against multiple data sources.
    # @option params [Types::PipelineConfig] :pipeline_config
    #   The `PipelineConfig`.
    # @option params [Types::SyncConfig] :sync_config
    #   The `SyncConfig` for a resolver attached to a versioned data source.
    # @option params [Types::CachingConfig] :caching_config
    #   The caching configuration for the resolver.
    # @option params [Integer] :max_batch_size
    #   The maximum batching size for a resolver.
    # @option params [Types::AppSyncRuntime] :runtime
    #   Describes a runtime used by an Amazon Web Services AppSync pipeline
    #   resolver or Amazon Web Services AppSync function. Specifies the name
    #   and version of the runtime to use. Note that if a runtime is
    #   specified, code must also be specified.
    # @option params [String] :code
    #   The `resolver` code that contains the request and response functions.
    #   When code is used, the `runtime` is required. The `runtime` value must
    #   be `APPSYNC_JS`.
    # @return [Types::CreateResolverResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
    #   * {Types::CreateResolverResponse#resolver #resolver} => Types::Resolver
    # @example Request syntax with placeholder values
    #   resp = client.create_resolver({
    #     api_id: "String", # required
    #     type_name: "ResourceName", # required
    #     field_name: "ResourceName", # required
    #     data_source_name: "ResourceName",
    #     request_mapping_template: "MappingTemplate",
    #     response_mapping_template: "MappingTemplate",
    #     kind: "UNIT", # accepts UNIT, PIPELINE
    #     pipeline_config: {
    #       functions: ["String"],
    #     },
    #     sync_config: {
    #       conflict_detection: "VERSION", # accepts VERSION, NONE
    #       lambda_conflict_handler_config: {
    #         lambda_conflict_handler_arn: "String",
    #       },
    #     },
    #     caching_config: {
    #       ttl: 1, # required
    #       caching_keys: ["String"],
    #     },
    #     max_batch_size: 1,
    #     runtime: {
    #       name: "APPSYNC_JS", # required, accepts APPSYNC_JS
    #       runtime_version: "String", # required
    #     },
    #     code: "Code",
    #   })
    # @example Response structure
    #   resp.resolver.type_name #=> String
    #   resp.resolver.field_name #=> String
    #   resp.resolver.data_source_name #=> String
    #   resp.resolver.resolver_arn #=> String
    #   resp.resolver.request_mapping_template #=> String
    #   resp.resolver.response_mapping_template #=> String
    #   resp.resolver.kind #=> String, one of "UNIT", "PIPELINE"
    #   resp.resolver.pipeline_config.functions #=> Array
    #   resp.resolver.pipeline_config.functions[0] #=> String
    #   resp.resolver.sync_config.conflict_handler #=> String, one of "OPTIMISTIC_CONCURRENCY", "LAMBDA", "AUTOMERGE", "NONE"
    #   resp.resolver.sync_config.conflict_detection #=> String, one of "VERSION", "NONE"
    #   resp.resolver.sync_config.lambda_conflict_handler_config.lambda_conflict_handler_arn #=> String
    #   resp.resolver.caching_config.ttl #=> Integer
    #   resp.resolver.caching_config.caching_keys #=> Array
    #   resp.resolver.caching_config.caching_keys[0] #=> String
    #   resp.resolver.max_batch_size #=> Integer
    #   resp.resolver.runtime.name #=> String, one of "APPSYNC_JS"
    #   resp.resolver.runtime.runtime_version #=> String
    #   resp.resolver.code #=> String
    # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/appsync-2017-07-25/CreateResolver AWS API Documentation
    # @overload create_resolver(params = {})
    # @param [Hash] params ({})
    def create_resolver(params = {}, options = {})
      req = build_request(:create_resolver, params)

    # Creates a `Type` object.
    # @option params [required, String] :api_id
    #   The API ID.
    # @option params [required, String] :definition
    #   The type definition, in GraphQL Schema Definition Language (SDL)
    #   format.
    #   For more information, see the [GraphQL SDL documentation][1].
    #   [1]: http://graphql.org/learn/schema/
    # @option params [required, String] :format
    #   The type format: SDL or JSON.
    # @return [Types::CreateTypeResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
    #   * {Types::CreateTypeResponse#type #type} => Types::Type
    # @example Request syntax with placeholder values
    #   resp = client.create_type({
    #     api_id: "String", # required
    #     definition: "String", # required
    #     format: "SDL", # required, accepts SDL, JSON
    #   })
    # @example Response structure
    #   resp.type.name #=> String
    #   resp.type.description #=> String
    #   resp.type.arn #=> String
    #   resp.type.definition #=> String
    #   resp.type.format #=> String, one of "SDL", "JSON"
    # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/appsync-2017-07-25/CreateType AWS API Documentation
    # @overload create_type(params = {})
    # @param [Hash] params ({})
    def create_type(params = {}, options = {})
      req = build_request(:create_type, params)

    # Deletes an `ApiCache` object.
    # @option params [required, String] :api_id
    #   The API ID.
    # @return [Struct] Returns an empty {Seahorse::Client::Response response}.
    # @example Request syntax with placeholder values
    #   resp = client.delete_api_cache({
    #     api_id: "String", # required
    #   })
    # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/appsync-2017-07-25/DeleteApiCache AWS API Documentation
    # @overload delete_api_cache(params = {})
    # @param [Hash] params ({})
    def delete_api_cache(params = {}, options = {})
      req = build_request(:delete_api_cache, params)

    # Deletes an API key.
    # @option params [required, String] :api_id
    #   The API ID.
    # @option params [required, String] :id
    #   The ID for the API key.
    # @return [Struct] Returns an empty {Seahorse::Client::Response response}.
    # @example Request syntax with placeholder values
    #   resp = client.delete_api_key({
    #     api_id: "String", # required
    #     id: "String", # required
    #   })
    # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/appsync-2017-07-25/DeleteApiKey AWS API Documentation
    # @overload delete_api_key(params = {})
    # @param [Hash] params ({})
    def delete_api_key(params = {}, options = {})
      req = build_request(:delete_api_key, params)

    # Deletes a `DataSource` object.
    # @option params [required, String] :api_id
    #   The API ID.
    # @option params [required, String] :name
    #   The name of the data source.
    # @return [Struct] Returns an empty {Seahorse::Client::Response response}.
    # @example Request syntax with placeholder values
    #   resp = client.delete_data_source({
    #     api_id: "String", # required
    #     name: "ResourceName", # required
    #   })
    # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/appsync-2017-07-25/DeleteDataSource AWS API Documentation
    # @overload delete_data_source(params = {})
    # @param [Hash] params ({})
    def delete_data_source(params = {}, options = {})
      req = build_request(:delete_data_source, params)

    # Deletes a custom `DomainName` object.
    # @option params [required, String] :domain_name
    #   The domain name.
    # @return [Struct] Returns an empty {Seahorse::Client::Response response}.
    # @example Request syntax with placeholder values
    #   resp = client.delete_domain_name({
    #     domain_name: "DomainName", # required
    #   })
    # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/appsync-2017-07-25/DeleteDomainName AWS API Documentation
    # @overload delete_domain_name(params = {})
    # @param [Hash] params ({})
    def delete_domain_name(params = {}, options = {})
      req = build_request(:delete_domain_name, params)

    # Deletes a `Function`.
    # @option params [required, String] :api_id
    #   The GraphQL API ID.
    # @option params [required, String] :function_id
    #   The `Function` ID.
    # @return [Struct] Returns an empty {Seahorse::Client::Response response}.
    # @example Request syntax with placeholder values
    #   resp = client.delete_function({
    #     api_id: "String", # required
    #     function_id: "ResourceName", # required
    #   })
    # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/appsync-2017-07-25/DeleteFunction AWS API Documentation
    # @overload delete_function(params = {})
    # @param [Hash] params ({})
    def delete_function(params = {}, options = {})
      req = build_request(:delete_function, params)

    # Deletes a `GraphqlApi` object.
    # @option params [required, String] :api_id
    #   The API ID.
    # @return [Struct] Returns an empty {Seahorse::Client::Response response}.
    # @example Request syntax with placeholder values
    #   resp = client.delete_graphql_api({
    #     api_id: "String", # required
    #   })
    # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/appsync-2017-07-25/DeleteGraphqlApi AWS API Documentation
    # @overload delete_graphql_api(params = {})
    # @param [Hash] params ({})
    def delete_graphql_api(params = {}, options = {})
      req = build_request(:delete_graphql_api, params)

    # Deletes a `Resolver` object.
    # @option params [required, String] :api_id
    #   The API ID.
    # @option params [required, String] :type_name
    #   The name of the resolver type.
    # @option params [required, String] :field_name
    #   The resolver field name.
    # @return [Struct] Returns an empty {Seahorse::Client::Response response}.
    # @example Request syntax with placeholder values
    #   resp = client.delete_resolver({
    #     api_id: "String", # required
    #     type_name: "ResourceName", # required
    #     field_name: "ResourceName", # required
    #   })
    # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/appsync-2017-07-25/DeleteResolver AWS API Documentation
    # @overload delete_resolver(params = {})
    # @param [Hash] params ({})
    def delete_resolver(params = {}, options = {})
      req = build_request(:delete_resolver, params)

    # Deletes a `Type` object.
    # @option params [required, String] :api_id
    #   The API ID.
    # @option params [required, String] :type_name
    #   The type name.
    # @return [Struct] Returns an empty {Seahorse::Client::Response response}.
    # @example Request syntax with placeholder values
    #   resp = client.delete_type({
    #     api_id: "String", # required
    #     type_name: "ResourceName", # required
    #   })
    # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/appsync-2017-07-25/DeleteType AWS API Documentation
    # @overload delete_type(params = {})
    # @param [Hash] params ({})
    def delete_type(params = {}, options = {})
      req = build_request(:delete_type, params)

    # Removes an `ApiAssociation` object from a custom domain.
    # @option params [required, String] :domain_name
    #   The domain name.
    # @return [Struct] Returns an empty {Seahorse::Client::Response response}.
    # @example Request syntax with placeholder values
    #   resp = client.disassociate_api({
    #     domain_name: "DomainName", # required
    #   })
    # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/appsync-2017-07-25/DisassociateApi AWS API Documentation
    # @overload disassociate_api(params = {})
    # @param [Hash] params ({})
    def disassociate_api(params = {}, options = {})
      req = build_request(:disassociate_api, params)

    # Deletes an association between a Merged API and source API using the
    # source API's identifier and the association ID.
    # @option params [required, String] :source_api_identifier
    #   The identifier of the AppSync Source API. This is generated by the
    #   AppSync service. In most cases, source APIs (especially in your
    #   account) only require the API ID value or ARN of the source API.
    #   However, source APIs from other accounts (cross-account use cases)
    #   strictly require the full resource ARN of the source API.
    # @option params [required, String] :association_id
    #   The ID generated by the AppSync service for the source API
    #   association.
    # @return [Types::DisassociateMergedGraphqlApiResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
    #   * {Types::DisassociateMergedGraphqlApiResponse#source_api_association_status #source_api_association_status} => String
    # @example Request syntax with placeholder values
    #   resp = client.disassociate_merged_graphql_api({
    #     source_api_identifier: "String", # required
    #     association_id: "String", # required
    #   })
    # @example Response structure
    # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/appsync-2017-07-25/DisassociateMergedGraphqlApi AWS API Documentation
    # @overload disassociate_merged_graphql_api(params = {})
    # @param [Hash] params ({})
    def disassociate_merged_graphql_api(params = {}, options = {})
      req = build_request(:disassociate_merged_graphql_api, params)

    # Deletes an association between a Merged API and source API using the
    # Merged API's identifier and the association ID.
    # @option params [required, String] :merged_api_identifier
    #   The identifier of the AppSync Merged API. This is generated by the
    #   AppSync service. In most cases, Merged APIs (especially in your
    #   account) only require the API ID value or ARN of the merged API.
    #   However, Merged APIs in other accounts (cross-account use cases)
    #   strictly require the full resource ARN of the merged API.
    # @option params [required, String] :association_id
    #   The ID generated by the AppSync service for the source API
    #   association.
    # @return [Types::DisassociateSourceGraphqlApiResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
    #   * {Types::DisassociateSourceGraphqlApiResponse#source_api_association_status #source_api_association_status} => String
    # @example Request syntax with placeholder values
    #   resp = client.disassociate_source_graphql_api({
    #     merged_api_identifier: "String", # required
    #     association_id: "String", # required
    #   })
    # @example Response structure
    # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/appsync-2017-07-25/DisassociateSourceGraphqlApi AWS API Documentation
    # @overload disassociate_source_graphql_api(params = {})
    # @param [Hash] params ({})
    def disassociate_source_graphql_api(params = {}, options = {})
      req = build_request(:disassociate_source_graphql_api, params)

    # Evaluates the given code and returns the response. The code definition
    # requirements depend on the specified runtime. For `APPSYNC_JS`
    # runtimes, the code defines the request and response functions. The
    # request function takes the incoming request after a GraphQL operation
    # is parsed and converts it into a request configuration for the
    # selected data source operation. The response function interprets
    # responses from the data source and maps it to the shape of the GraphQL
    # field output type.
    # @option params [required, Types::AppSyncRuntime] :runtime
    #   The runtime to be used when evaluating the code. Currently, only the
    #   `APPSYNC_JS` runtime is supported.
    # @option params [required, String] :code
    #   The code definition to be evaluated. Note that `code` and `runtime`
    #   are both required for this action. The `runtime` value must be
    #   `APPSYNC_JS`.
    # @option params [required, String] :context
    #   The map that holds all of the contextual information for your resolver
    #   invocation. A `context` is required for this action.
    # @option params [String] :function
    #   The function within the code to be evaluated. If provided, the valid
    #   values are `request` and `response`.
    # @return [Types::EvaluateCodeResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
    #   * {Types::EvaluateCodeResponse#evaluation_result #evaluation_result} => String
    #   * {Types::EvaluateCodeResponse#error #error} => Types::EvaluateCodeErrorDetail
    #   * {Types::EvaluateCodeResponse#logs #logs} => Array&lt;String&gt;
    # @example Request syntax with placeholder values
    #   resp = client.evaluate_code({
    #     runtime: { # required
    #       name: "APPSYNC_JS", # required, accepts APPSYNC_JS
    #       runtime_version: "String", # required
    #     },
    #     code: "Code", # required
    #     context: "Context", # required
    #     function: "String",
    #   })
    # @example Response structure
    #   resp.evaluation_result #=> String
    #   resp.error.message #=> String
    #   resp.error.code_errors #=> Array
    #   resp.error.code_errors[0].error_type #=> String
    #   resp.error.code_errors[0].value #=> String
    #   resp.error.code_errors[0].location.line #=> Integer
    #   resp.error.code_errors[0].location.column #=> Integer
    #   resp.error.code_errors[0].location.span #=> Integer
    #   resp.logs #=> Array
    #   resp.logs[0] #=> String
    # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/appsync-2017-07-25/EvaluateCode AWS API Documentation
    # @overload evaluate_code(params = {})
    # @param [Hash] params ({})
    def evaluate_code(params = {}, options = {})
      req = build_request(:evaluate_code, params)

    # Evaluates a given template and returns the response. The mapping
    # template can be a request or response template.
    # Request templates take the incoming request after a GraphQL operation
    # is parsed and convert it into a request configuration for the selected
    # data source operation. Response templates interpret responses from the
    # data source and map it to the shape of the GraphQL field output type.
    # Mapping templates are written in the Apache Velocity Template Language
    # (VTL).
    # @option params [required, String] :template
    #   The mapping template; this can be a request or response template. A
    #   `template` is required for this action.
    # @option params [required, String] :context
    #   The map that holds all of the contextual information for your resolver
    #   invocation. A `context` is required for this action.
    # @return [Types::EvaluateMappingTemplateResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
    #   * {Types::EvaluateMappingTemplateResponse#evaluation_result #evaluation_result} => String
    #   * {Types::EvaluateMappingTemplateResponse#error #error} => Types::ErrorDetail
    #   * {Types::EvaluateMappingTemplateResponse#logs #logs} => Array&lt;String&gt;
    # @example Request syntax with placeholder values
    #   resp = client.evaluate_mapping_template({
    #     template: "Template", # required
    #     context: "Context", # required
    #   })
    # @example Response structure
    #   resp.evaluation_result #=> String
    #   resp.error.message #=> String
    #   resp.logs #=> Array
    #   resp.logs[0] #=> String
    # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/appsync-2017-07-25/EvaluateMappingTemplate AWS API Documentation
    # @overload evaluate_mapping_template(params = {})
    # @param [Hash] params ({})
    def evaluate_mapping_template(params = {}, options = {})
      req = build_request(:evaluate_mapping_template, params)

    # Flushes an `ApiCache` object.
    # @option params [required, String] :api_id
    #   The API ID.
    # @return [Struct] Returns an empty {Seahorse::Client::Response response}.
    # @example Request syntax with placeholder values
    #   resp = client.flush_api_cache({
    #     api_id: "String", # required
    #   })
    # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/appsync-2017-07-25/FlushApiCache AWS API Documentation
    # @overload flush_api_cache(params = {})
    # @param [Hash] params ({})
    def flush_api_cache(params = {}, options = {})
      req = build_request(:flush_api_cache, params)

    # Retrieves an `ApiAssociation` object.
    # @option params [required, String] :domain_name
    #   The domain name.
    # @return [Types::GetApiAssociationResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
    #   * {Types::GetApiAssociationResponse#api_association #api_association} => Types::ApiAssociation
    # @example Request syntax with placeholder values
    #   resp = client.get_api_association({
    #     domain_name: "DomainName", # required
    #   })
    # @example Response structure
    #   resp.api_association.domain_name #=> String
    #   resp.api_association.api_id #=> String
    #   resp.api_association.association_status #=> String, one of "PROCESSING", "FAILED", "SUCCESS"
    #   resp.api_association.deployment_detail #=> String
    # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/appsync-2017-07-25/GetApiAssociation AWS API Documentation
    # @overload get_api_association(params = {})
    # @param [Hash] params ({})
    def get_api_association(params = {}, options = {})
      req = build_request(:get_api_association, params)

    # Retrieves an `ApiCache` object.
    # @option params [required, String] :api_id
    #   The API ID.
    # @return [Types::GetApiCacheResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
    #   * {Types::GetApiCacheResponse#api_cache #api_cache} => Types::ApiCache
    # @example Request syntax with placeholder values
    #   resp = client.get_api_cache({
    #     api_id: "String", # required
    #   })
    # @example Response structure
    #   resp.api_cache.ttl #=> Integer
    #   resp.api_cache.api_caching_behavior #=> String, one of "FULL_REQUEST_CACHING", "PER_RESOLVER_CACHING"
    #   resp.api_cache.transit_encryption_enabled #=> Boolean
    #   resp.api_cache.at_rest_encryption_enabled #=> Boolean
    #   resp.api_cache.type #=> String, one of "T2_SMALL", "T2_MEDIUM", "R4_LARGE", "R4_XLARGE", "R4_2XLARGE", "R4_4XLARGE", "R4_8XLARGE", "SMALL", "MEDIUM", "LARGE", "XLARGE", "LARGE_2X", "LARGE_4X", "LARGE_8X", "LARGE_12X"
    #   resp.api_cache.status #=> String, one of "AVAILABLE", "CREATING", "DELETING", "MODIFYING", "FAILED"
    # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/appsync-2017-07-25/GetApiCache AWS API Documentation
    # @overload get_api_cache(params = {})
    # @param [Hash] params ({})
    def get_api_cache(params = {}, options = {})
      req = build_request(:get_api_cache, params)

    # Retrieves a `DataSource` object.
    # @option params [required, String] :api_id
    #   The API ID.
    # @option params [required, String] :name
    #   The name of the data source.
    # @return [Types::GetDataSourceResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
    #   * {Types::GetDataSourceResponse#data_source #data_source} => Types::DataSource
    # @example Request syntax with placeholder values
    #   resp = client.get_data_source({
    #     api_id: "String", # required
    #     name: "ResourceName", # required
    #   })
    # @example Response structure
    #   resp.data_source.data_source_arn #=> String
    #   resp.data_source.name #=> String
    #   resp.data_source.description #=> String
    #   resp.data_source.service_role_arn #=> String
    #   resp.data_source.dynamodb_config.table_name #=> String
    #   resp.data_source.dynamodb_config.aws_region #=> String
    #   resp.data_source.dynamodb_config.use_caller_credentials #=> Boolean
    #   resp.data_source.dynamodb_config.delta_sync_config.base_table_ttl #=> Integer
    #   resp.data_source.dynamodb_config.delta_sync_config.delta_sync_table_name #=> String
    #   resp.data_source.dynamodb_config.delta_sync_config.delta_sync_table_ttl #=> Integer
    #   resp.data_source.dynamodb_config.versioned #=> Boolean
    #   resp.data_source.lambda_config.lambda_function_arn #=> String
    #   resp.data_source.elasticsearch_config.endpoint #=> String
    #   resp.data_source.elasticsearch_config.aws_region #=> String
    #   resp.data_source.open_search_service_config.endpoint #=> String
    #   resp.data_source.open_search_service_config.aws_region #=> String
    #   resp.data_source.http_config.endpoint #=> String
    #   resp.data_source.http_config.authorization_config.authorization_type #=> String, one of "AWS_IAM"
    #   resp.data_source.http_config.authorization_config.aws_iam_config.signing_region #=> String
    #   resp.data_source.http_config.authorization_config.aws_iam_config.signing_service_name #=> String
    #   resp.data_source.relational_database_config.relational_database_source_type #=> String, one of "RDS_HTTP_ENDPOINT"
    #   resp.data_source.relational_database_config.rds_http_endpoint_config.aws_region #=> String
    #   resp.data_source.relational_database_config.rds_http_endpoint_config.db_cluster_identifier #=> String
    #   resp.data_source.relational_database_config.rds_http_endpoint_config.database_name #=> String
    #   resp.data_source.relational_database_config.rds_http_endpoint_config.schema #=> String
    #   resp.data_source.relational_database_config.rds_http_endpoint_config.aws_secret_store_arn #=> String
    #   resp.data_source.event_bridge_config.event_bus_arn #=> String
    # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/appsync-2017-07-25/GetDataSource AWS API Documentation
    # @overload get_data_source(params = {})
    # @param [Hash] params ({})
    def get_data_source(params = {}, options = {})
      req = build_request(:get_data_source, params)

    # Retrieves the record of an existing introspection. If the retrieval is
    # successful, the result of the instrospection will also be returned. If
    # the retrieval fails the operation, an error message will be returned
    # instead.
    # @option params [required, String] :introspection_id
    #   The introspection ID. Each introspection contains a unique ID that can
    #   be used to reference the instrospection record.
    # @option params [Boolean] :include_models_sdl
    #   A boolean flag that determines whether SDL should be generated for
    #   introspected types or not. If set to `true`, each model will contain
    #   an `sdl` property that contains the SDL for that type. The SDL only
    #   contains the type data and no additional metadata or directives.
    # @option params [String] :next_token
    #   Determines the number of types to be returned in a single response
    #   before paginating. This value is typically taken from `nextToken`
    #   value from the previous response.
    # @option params [Integer] :max_results
    #   The maximum number of introspected types that will be returned in a
    #   single response.
    # @return [Types::GetDataSourceIntrospectionResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
    #   * {Types::GetDataSourceIntrospectionResponse#introspection_id #introspection_id} => String
    #   * {Types::GetDataSourceIntrospectionResponse#introspection_status #introspection_status} => String
    #   * {Types::GetDataSourceIntrospectionResponse#introspection_status_detail #introspection_status_detail} => String
    #   * {Types::GetDataSourceIntrospectionResponse#introspection_result #introspection_result} => Types::DataSourceIntrospectionResult
    # @example Request syntax with placeholder values
    #   resp = client.get_data_source_introspection({
    #     introspection_id: "String", # required
    #     include_models_sdl: false,
    #     next_token: "PaginationToken",
    #     max_results: 1,
    #   })
    # @example Response structure
    #   resp.introspection_id #=> String
    #   resp.introspection_status #=> String, one of "PROCESSING", "FAILED", "SUCCESS"
    #   resp.introspection_status_detail #=> String
    #   resp.introspection_result.models #=> Array
    #   resp.introspection_result.models[0].name #=> String
    #   resp.introspection_result.models[0].fields #=> Array
    #   resp.introspection_result.models[0].fields[0].name #=> String
    #   resp.introspection_result.models[0].fields[0].type.kind #=> String
    #   resp.introspection_result.models[0].fields[0].type.name #=> String
    #   resp.introspection_result.models[0].fields[0].type.type #=> Types::DataSourceIntrospectionModelFieldType
    #   resp.introspection_result.models[0].fields[0].type.values #=> Array
    #   resp.introspection_result.models[0].fields[0].type.values[0] #=> String
    #   resp.introspection_result.models[0].fields[0].length #=> Integer
    #   resp.introspection_result.models[0].primary_key.name #=> String
    #   resp.introspection_result.models[0].primary_key.fields #=> Array
    #   resp.introspection_result.models[0].primary_key.fields[0] #=> String
    #   resp.introspection_result.models[0].indexes #=> Array
    #   resp.introspection_result.models[0].indexes[0].name #=> String
    #   resp.introspection_result.models[0].indexes[0].fields #=> Array
    #   resp.introspection_result.models[0].indexes[0].fields[0] #=> String
    #   resp.introspection_result.models[0].sdl #=> String
    #   resp.introspection_result.next_token #=> String
    # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/appsync-2017-07-25/GetDataSourceIntrospection AWS API Documentation
    # @overload get_data_source_introspection(params = {})
    # @param [Hash] params ({})
    def get_data_source_introspection(params = {}, options = {})
      req = build_request(:get_data_source_introspection, params)

    # Retrieves a custom `DomainName` object.
    # @option params [required, String] :domain_name
    #   The domain name.
    # @return [Types::GetDomainNameResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
    #   * {Types::GetDomainNameResponse#domain_name_config #domain_name_config} => Types::DomainNameConfig
    # @example Request syntax with placeholder values
    #   resp = client.get_domain_name({
    #     domain_name: "DomainName", # required
    #   })
    # @example Response structure
    #   resp.domain_name_config.domain_name #=> String
    #   resp.domain_name_config.description #=> String
    #   resp.domain_name_config.certificate_arn #=> String
    #   resp.domain_name_config.appsync_domain_name #=> String
    #   resp.domain_name_config.hosted_zone_id #=> String
    # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/appsync-2017-07-25/GetDomainName AWS API Documentation
    # @overload get_domain_name(params = {})
    # @param [Hash] params ({})
    def get_domain_name(params = {}, options = {})
      req = build_request(:get_domain_name, params)

    # Get a `Function`.
    # @option params [required, String] :api_id
    #   The GraphQL API ID.
    # @option params [required, String] :function_id
    #   The `Function` ID.
    # @return [Types::GetFunctionResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
    #   * {Types::GetFunctionResponse#function_configuration #function_configuration} => Types::FunctionConfiguration
    # @example Request syntax with placeholder values
    #   resp = client.get_function({
    #     api_id: "String", # required
    #     function_id: "ResourceName", # required
    #   })
    # @example Response structure
    #   resp.function_configuration.function_id #=> String
    #   resp.function_configuration.function_arn #=> String
    #   resp.function_configuration.name #=> String
    #   resp.function_configuration.description #=> String
    #   resp.function_configuration.data_source_name #=> String
    #   resp.function_configuration.request_mapping_template #=> String
    #   resp.function_configuration.response_mapping_template #=> String
    #   resp.function_configuration.function_version #=> String
    #   resp.function_configuration.sync_config.conflict_handler #=> String, one of "OPTIMISTIC_CONCURRENCY", "LAMBDA", "AUTOMERGE", "NONE"
    #   resp.function_configuration.sync_config.conflict_detection #=> String, one of "VERSION", "NONE"
    #   resp.function_configuration.sync_config.lambda_conflict_handler_config.lambda_conflict_handler_arn #=> String
    #   resp.function_configuration.max_batch_size #=> Integer
    #   resp.function_configuration.runtime.name #=> String, one of "APPSYNC_JS"
    #   resp.function_configuration.runtime.runtime_version #=> String
    #   resp.function_configuration.code #=> String
    # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/appsync-2017-07-25/GetFunction AWS API Documentation
    # @overload get_function(params = {})
    # @param [Hash] params ({})
    def get_function(params = {}, options = {})
      req = build_request(:get_function, params)

    # Retrieves a `GraphqlApi` object.
    # @option params [required, String] :api_id
    #   The API ID for the GraphQL API.
    # @return [Types::GetGraphqlApiResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
    #   * {Types::GetGraphqlApiResponse#graphql_api #graphql_api} => Types::GraphqlApi
    # @example Request syntax with placeholder values
    #   resp = client.get_graphql_api({
    #     api_id: "String", # required
    #   })
    # @example Response structure
    #   resp.graphql_api.name #=> String
    #   resp.graphql_api.api_id #=> String
    #   resp.graphql_api.authentication_type #=> String, one of "API_KEY", "AWS_IAM", "AMAZON_COGNITO_USER_POOLS", "OPENID_CONNECT", "AWS_LAMBDA"
    #   resp.graphql_api.log_config.field_log_level #=> String, one of "NONE", "ERROR", "ALL"
    #   resp.graphql_api.log_config.cloud_watch_logs_role_arn #=> String
    #   resp.graphql_api.log_config.exclude_verbose_content #=> Boolean
    #   resp.graphql_api.user_pool_config.user_pool_id #=> String
    #   resp.graphql_api.user_pool_config.aws_region #=> String
    #   resp.graphql_api.user_pool_config.default_action #=> String, one of "ALLOW", "DENY"
    #   resp.graphql_api.user_pool_config.app_id_client_regex #=> String
    #   resp.graphql_api.open_id_connect_config.issuer #=> String
    #   resp.graphql_api.open_id_connect_config.client_id #=> String
    #   resp.graphql_api.open_id_connect_config.iat_ttl #=> Integer
    #   resp.graphql_api.open_id_connect_config.auth_ttl #=> Integer
    #   resp.graphql_api.arn #=> String
    #   resp.graphql_api.uris #=> Hash
    #   resp.graphql_api.uris["String"] #=> String
    #   resp.graphql_api.tags #=> Hash
    #   resp.graphql_api.tags["TagKey"] #=> String
    #   resp.graphql_api.additional_authentication_providers #=> Array
    #   resp.graphql_api.additional_authentication_providers[0].authentication_type #=> String, one of "API_KEY", "AWS_IAM", "AMAZON_COGNITO_USER_POOLS", "OPENID_CONNECT", "AWS_LAMBDA"
    #   resp.graphql_api.additional_authentication_providers[0].open_id_connect_config.issuer #=> String
    #   resp.graphql_api.additional_authentication_providers[0].open_id_connect_config.client_id #=> String
    #   resp.graphql_api.additional_authentication_providers[0].open_id_connect_config.iat_ttl #=> Integer
    #   resp.graphql_api.additional_authentication_providers[0].open_id_connect_config.auth_ttl #=> Integer
    #   resp.graphql_api.additional_authentication_providers[0].user_pool_config.user_pool_id #=> String
    #   resp.graphql_api.additional_authentication_providers[0].user_pool_config.aws_region #=> String
    #   resp.graphql_api.additional_authentication_providers[0].user_pool_config.app_id_client_regex #=> String
    #   resp.graphql_api.additional_authentication_providers[0].lambda_authorizer_config.authorizer_result_ttl_in_seconds #=> Integer
    #   resp.graphql_api.additional_authentication_providers[0].lambda_authorizer_config.authorizer_uri #=> String
    #   resp.graphql_api.additional_authentication_providers[0].lambda_authorizer_config.identity_validation_expression #=> String
    #   resp.graphql_api.xray_enabled #=> Boolean
    #   resp.graphql_api.waf_web_acl_arn #=> String
    #   resp.graphql_api.lambda_authorizer_config.authorizer_result_ttl_in_seconds #=> Integer
    #   resp.graphql_api.lambda_authorizer_config.authorizer_uri #=> String
    #   resp.graphql_api.lambda_authorizer_config.identity_validation_expression #=> String
    #   resp.graphql_api.dns #=> Hash
    #   resp.graphql_api.dns["String"] #=> String
    #   resp.graphql_api.visibility #=> String, one of "GLOBAL", "PRIVATE"
    #   resp.graphql_api.api_type #=> String, one of "GRAPHQL", "MERGED"
    #   resp.graphql_api.merged_api_execution_role_arn #=> String
    #   resp.graphql_api.owner #=> String
    #   resp.graphql_api.owner_contact #=> String
    #   resp.graphql_api.introspection_config #=> String, one of "ENABLED", "DISABLED"
    #   resp.graphql_api.query_depth_limit #=> Integer
    #   resp.graphql_api.resolver_count_limit #=> Integer
    # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/appsync-2017-07-25/GetGraphqlApi AWS API Documentation
    # @overload get_graphql_api(params = {})
    # @param [Hash] params ({})
    def get_graphql_api(params = {}, options = {})
      req = build_request(:get_graphql_api, params)

    # Retrieves the list of environmental variable key-value pairs
    # associated with an API by its ID value.
    # @option params [required, String] :api_id
    #   The ID of the API from which the environmental variable list will be
    #   retrieved.
    # @return [Types::GetGraphqlApiEnvironmentVariablesResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
    #   * {Types::GetGraphqlApiEnvironmentVariablesResponse#environment_variables #environment_variables} => Hash&lt;String,String&gt;
    # @example Request syntax with placeholder values
    #   resp = client.get_graphql_api_environment_variables({
    #     api_id: "String", # required
    #   })
    # @example Response structure
    #   resp.environment_variables #=> Hash
    #   resp.environment_variables["EnvironmentVariableKey"] #=> String
    # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/appsync-2017-07-25/GetGraphqlApiEnvironmentVariables AWS API Documentation
    # @overload get_graphql_api_environment_variables(params = {})
    # @param [Hash] params ({})
    def get_graphql_api_environment_variables(params = {}, options = {})
      req = build_request(:get_graphql_api_environment_variables, params)

    # Retrieves the introspection schema for a GraphQL API.
    # @option params [required, String] :api_id
    #   The API ID.
    # @option params [required, String] :format
    #   The schema format: SDL or JSON.
    # @option params [Boolean] :include_directives
    #   A flag that specifies whether the schema introspection should contain
    #   directives.
    # @return [Types::GetIntrospectionSchemaResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
    #   * {Types::GetIntrospectionSchemaResponse#schema #schema} => String
    # @example Request syntax with placeholder values
    #   resp = client.get_introspection_schema({
    #     api_id: "String", # required
    #     format: "SDL", # required, accepts SDL, JSON
    #     include_directives: false,
    #   })
    # @example Response structure
    #   resp.schema #=> String
    # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/appsync-2017-07-25/GetIntrospectionSchema AWS API Documentation
    # @overload get_introspection_schema(params = {})
    # @param [Hash] params ({})
    def get_introspection_schema(params = {}, options = {})
      req = build_request(:get_introspection_schema, params)

    # Retrieves a `Resolver` object.
    # @option params [required, String] :api_id
    #   The API ID.
    # @option params [required, String] :type_name
    #   The resolver type name.
    # @option params [required, String] :field_name
    #   The resolver field name.
    # @return [Types::GetResolverResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
    #   * {Types::GetResolverResponse#resolver #resolver} => Types::Resolver
    # @example Request syntax with placeholder values
    #   resp = client.get_resolver({
    #     api_id: "String", # required
    #     type_name: "ResourceName", # required
    #     field_name: "ResourceName", # required
    #   })
    # @example Response structure
    #   resp.resolver.type_name #=> String
    #   resp.resolver.field_name #=> String
    #   resp.resolver.data_source_name #=> String
    #   resp.resolver.resolver_arn #=> String
    #   resp.resolver.request_mapping_template #=> String
    #   resp.resolver.response_mapping_template #=> String
    #   resp.resolver.kind #=> String, one of "UNIT", "PIPELINE"
    #   resp.resolver.pipeline_config.functions #=> Array
    #   resp.resolver.pipeline_config.functions[0] #=> String
    #   resp.resolver.sync_config.conflict_handler #=> String, one of "OPTIMISTIC_CONCURRENCY", "LAMBDA", "AUTOMERGE", "NONE"
    #   resp.resolver.sync_config.conflict_detection #=> String, one of "VERSION", "NONE"
    #   resp.resolver.sync_config.lambda_conflict_handler_config.lambda_conflict_handler_arn #=> String
    #   resp.resolver.caching_config.ttl #=> Integer
    #   resp.resolver.caching_config.caching_keys #=> Array
    #   resp.resolver.caching_config.caching_keys[0] #=> String
    #   resp.resolver.max_batch_size #=> Integer
    #   resp.resolver.runtime.name #=> String, one of "APPSYNC_JS"
    #   resp.resolver.runtime.runtime_version #=> String
    #   resp.resolver.code #=> String
    # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/appsync-2017-07-25/GetResolver AWS API Documentation
    # @overload get_resolver(params = {})
    # @param [Hash] params ({})
    def get_resolver(params = {}, options = {})
      req = build_request(:get_resolver, params)

    # Retrieves the current status of a schema creation operation.
    # @option params [required, String] :api_id
    #   The API ID.
    # @return [Types::GetSchemaCreationStatusResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
    #   * {Types::GetSchemaCreationStatusResponse#status #status} => String
    #   * {Types::GetSchemaCreationStatusResponse#details #details} => String
    # @example Request syntax with placeholder values
    #   resp = client.get_schema_creation_status({
    #     api_id: "String", # required
    #   })
    # @example Response structure
    #   resp.status #=> String, one of "PROCESSING", "ACTIVE", "DELETING", "FAILED", "SUCCESS", "NOT_APPLICABLE"
    #   resp.details #=> String
    # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/appsync-2017-07-25/GetSchemaCreationStatus AWS API Documentation
    # @overload get_schema_creation_status(params = {})
    # @param [Hash] params ({})
    def get_schema_creation_status(params = {}, options = {})
      req = build_request(:get_schema_creation_status, params)

    # Retrieves a `SourceApiAssociation` object.
    # @option params [required, String] :merged_api_identifier
    #   The identifier of the AppSync Merged API. This is generated by the
    #   AppSync service. In most cases, Merged APIs (especially in your
    #   account) only require the API ID value or ARN of the merged API.
    #   However, Merged APIs in other accounts (cross-account use cases)
    #   strictly require the full resource ARN of the merged API.
    # @option params [required, String] :association_id
    #   The ID generated by the AppSync service for the source API
    #   association.
    # @return [Types::GetSourceApiAssociationResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
    #   * {Types::GetSourceApiAssociationResponse#source_api_association #source_api_association} => Types::SourceApiAssociation
    # @example Request syntax with placeholder values
    #   resp = client.get_source_api_association({
    #     merged_api_identifier: "String", # required
    #     association_id: "String", # required
    #   })
    # @example Response structure
    #   resp.source_api_association.association_id #=> String
    #   resp.source_api_association.association_arn #=> String
    #   resp.source_api_association.source_api_id #=> String
    #   resp.source_api_association.source_api_arn #=> String
    #   resp.source_api_association.merged_api_arn #=> String
    #   resp.source_api_association.merged_api_id #=> String
    #   resp.source_api_association.description #=> String
    #   resp.source_api_association.source_api_association_config.merge_type #=> String, one of "MANUAL_MERGE", "AUTO_MERGE"
    #   resp.source_api_association.source_api_association_status #=> String, one of "MERGE_SCHEDULED", "MERGE_FAILED", "MERGE_SUCCESS", "MERGE_IN_PROGRESS", "AUTO_MERGE_SCHEDULE_FAILED", "DELETION_SCHEDULED", "DELETION_IN_PROGRESS", "DELETION_FAILED"
    #   resp.source_api_association.source_api_association_status_detail #=> String
    #   resp.source_api_association.last_successful_merge_date #=> Time
    # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/appsync-2017-07-25/GetSourceApiAssociation AWS API Documentation
    # @overload get_source_api_association(params = {})
    # @param [Hash] params ({})
    def get_source_api_association(params = {}, options = {})
      req = build_request(:get_source_api_association, params)

    # Retrieves a `Type` object.
    # @option params [required, String] :api_id
    #   The API ID.
    # @option params [required, String] :type_name
    #   The type name.
    # @option params [required, String] :format
    #   The type format: SDL or JSON.
    # @return [Types::GetTypeResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
    #   * {Types::GetTypeResponse#type #type} => Types::Type
    # @example Request syntax with placeholder values
    #   resp = client.get_type({
    #     api_id: "String", # required
    #     type_name: "ResourceName", # required
    #     format: "SDL", # required, accepts SDL, JSON
    #   })
    # @example Response structure
    #   resp.type.name #=> String
    #   resp.type.description #=> String
    #   resp.type.arn #=> String
    #   resp.type.definition #=> String
    #   resp.type.format #=> String, one of "SDL", "JSON"
    # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/appsync-2017-07-25/GetType AWS API Documentation
    # @overload get_type(params = {})
    # @param [Hash] params ({})
    def get_type(params = {}, options = {})
      req = build_request(:get_type, params)

    # Lists the API keys for a given API.
    # <note markdown="1"> API keys are deleted automatically 60 days after they expire. However,
    # they may still be included in the response until they have actually
    # been deleted. You can safely call `DeleteApiKey` to manually delete a
    # key before it's automatically deleted.
    #  </note>
    # @option params [required, String] :api_id
    #   The API ID.
    # @option params [String] :next_token
    #   An identifier that was returned from the previous call to this
    #   operation, which you can use to return the next set of items in the
    #   list.
    # @option params [Integer] :max_results
    #   The maximum number of results that you want the request to return.
    # @return [Types::ListApiKeysResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
    #   * {Types::ListApiKeysResponse#api_keys #api_keys} => Array&lt;Types::ApiKey&gt;
    #   * {Types::ListApiKeysResponse#next_token #next_token} => String
    # @example Request syntax with placeholder values
    #   resp = client.list_api_keys({
    #     api_id: "String", # required
    #     next_token: "PaginationToken",
    #     max_results: 1,
    #   })
    # @example Response structure
    #   resp.api_keys #=> Array
    #   resp.api_keys[0].id #=> String
    #   resp.api_keys[0].description #=> String
    #   resp.api_keys[0].expires #=> Integer
    #   resp.api_keys[0].deletes #=> Integer
    #   resp.next_token #=> String
    # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/appsync-2017-07-25/ListApiKeys AWS API Documentation
    # @overload list_api_keys(params = {})
    # @param [Hash] params ({})
    def list_api_keys(params = {}, options = {})
      req = build_request(:list_api_keys, params)

    # Lists the data sources for a given API.
    # @option params [required, String] :api_id
    #   The API ID.
    # @option params [String] :next_token
    #   An identifier that was returned from the previous call to this
    #   operation, which you can use to return the next set of items in the
    #   list.
    # @option params [Integer] :max_results
    #   The maximum number of results that you want the request to return.
    # @return [Types::ListDataSourcesResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
    #   * {Types::ListDataSourcesResponse#data_sources #data_sources} => Array&lt;Types::DataSource&gt;
    #   * {Types::ListDataSourcesResponse#next_token #next_token} => String
    # @example Request syntax with placeholder values
    #   resp = client.list_data_sources({
    #     api_id: "String", # required
    #     next_token: "PaginationToken",
    #     max_results: 1,
    #   })
    # @example Response structure
    #   resp.data_sources #=> Array
    #   resp.data_sources[0].data_source_arn #=> String
    #   resp.data_sources[0].name #=> String
    #   resp.data_sources[0].description #=> String
    #   resp.data_sources[0].service_role_arn #=> String
    #   resp.data_sources[0].dynamodb_config.table_name #=> String
    #   resp.data_sources[0].dynamodb_config.aws_region #=> String
    #   resp.data_sources[0].dynamodb_config.use_caller_credentials #=> Boolean
    #   resp.data_sources[0].dynamodb_config.delta_sync_config.base_table_ttl #=> Integer
    #   resp.data_sources[0].dynamodb_config.delta_sync_config.delta_sync_table_name #=> String
    #   resp.data_sources[0].dynamodb_config.delta_sync_config.delta_sync_table_ttl #=> Integer
    #   resp.data_sources[0].dynamodb_config.versioned #=> Boolean
    #   resp.data_sources[0].lambda_config.lambda_function_arn #=> String
    #   resp.data_sources[0].elasticsearch_config.endpoint #=> String
    #   resp.data_sources[0].elasticsearch_config.aws_region #=> String
    #   resp.data_sources[0].open_search_service_config.endpoint #=> String
    #   resp.data_sources[0].open_search_service_config.aws_region #=> String
    #   resp.data_sources[0].http_config.endpoint #=> String
    #   resp.data_sources[0].http_config.authorization_config.authorization_type #=> String, one of "AWS_IAM"
    #   resp.data_sources[0].http_config.authorization_config.aws_iam_config.signing_region #=> String
    #   resp.data_sources[0].http_config.authorization_config.aws_iam_config.signing_service_name #=> String
    #   resp.data_sources[0].relational_database_config.relational_database_source_type #=> String, one of "RDS_HTTP_ENDPOINT"
    #   resp.data_sources[0].relational_database_config.rds_http_endpoint_config.aws_region #=> String
    #   resp.data_sources[0].relational_database_config.rds_http_endpoint_config.db_cluster_identifier #=> String
    #   resp.data_sources[0].relational_database_config.rds_http_endpoint_config.database_name #=> String
    #   resp.data_sources[0].relational_database_config.rds_http_endpoint_config.schema #=> String
    #   resp.data_sources[0].relational_database_config.rds_http_endpoint_config.aws_secret_store_arn #=> String
    #   resp.data_sources[0].event_bridge_config.event_bus_arn #=> String
    #   resp.next_token #=> String
    # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/appsync-2017-07-25/ListDataSources AWS API Documentation
    # @overload list_data_sources(params = {})
    # @param [Hash] params ({})
    def list_data_sources(params = {}, options = {})
      req = build_request(:list_data_sources, params)

    # Lists multiple custom domain names.
    # @option params [String] :next_token
    #   An identifier that was returned from the previous call to this
    #   operation, which you can use to return the next set of items in the
    #   list.
    # @option params [Integer] :max_results
    #   The maximum number of results that you want the request to return.
    # @return [Types::ListDomainNamesResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
    #   * {Types::ListDomainNamesResponse#domain_name_configs #domain_name_configs} => Array&lt;Types::DomainNameConfig&gt;
    #   * {Types::ListDomainNamesResponse#next_token #next_token} => String
    # @example Request syntax with placeholder values
    #   resp = client.list_domain_names({
    #     next_token: "PaginationToken",
    #     max_results: 1,
    #   })
    # @example Response structure
    #   resp.domain_name_configs #=> Array
    #   resp.domain_name_configs[0].domain_name #=> String
    #   resp.domain_name_configs[0].description #=> String
    #   resp.domain_name_configs[0].certificate_arn #=> String
    #   resp.domain_name_configs[0].appsync_domain_name #=> String
    #   resp.domain_name_configs[0].hosted_zone_id #=> String
    #   resp.next_token #=> String
    # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/appsync-2017-07-25/ListDomainNames AWS API Documentation
    # @overload list_domain_names(params = {})
    # @param [Hash] params ({})
    def list_domain_names(params = {}, options = {})
      req = build_request(:list_domain_names, params)

    # List multiple functions.
    # @option params [required, String] :api_id
    #   The GraphQL API ID.
    # @option params [String] :next_token
    #   An identifier that was returned from the previous call to this
    #   operation, which you can use to return the next set of items in the
    #   list.
    # @option params [Integer] :max_results
    #   The maximum number of results that you want the request to return.
    # @return [Types::ListFunctionsResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
    #   * {Types::ListFunctionsResponse#functions #functions} => Array&lt;Types::FunctionConfiguration&gt;
    #   * {Types::ListFunctionsResponse#next_token #next_token} => String
    # @example Request syntax with placeholder values
    #   resp = client.list_functions({
    #     api_id: "String", # required
    #     next_token: "PaginationToken",
    #     max_results: 1,
    #   })
    # @example Response structure
    #   resp.functions #=> Array
    #   resp.functions[0].function_id #=> String
    #   resp.functions[0].function_arn #=> String
    #   resp.functions[0].name #=> String
    #   resp.functions[0].description #=> String
    #   resp.functions[0].data_source_name #=> String
    #   resp.functions[0].request_mapping_template #=> String
    #   resp.functions[0].response_mapping_template #=> String
    #   resp.functions[0].function_version #=> String
    #   resp.functions[0].sync_config.conflict_handler #=> String, one of "OPTIMISTIC_CONCURRENCY", "LAMBDA", "AUTOMERGE", "NONE"
    #   resp.functions[0].sync_config.conflict_detection #=> String, one of "VERSION", "NONE"
    #   resp.functions[0].sync_config.lambda_conflict_handler_config.lambda_conflict_handler_arn #=> String
    #   resp.functions[0].max_batch_size #=> Integer
    #   resp.functions[0].runtime.name #=> String, one of "APPSYNC_JS"
    #   resp.functions[0].runtime.runtime_version #=> String
    #   resp.functions[0].code #=> String
    #   resp.next_token #=> String
    # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/appsync-2017-07-25/ListFunctions AWS API Documentation
    # @overload list_functions(params = {})
    # @param [Hash] params ({})
    def list_functions(params = {}, options = {})
      req = build_request(:list_functions, params)

    # Lists your GraphQL APIs.
    # @option params [String] :next_token
    #   An identifier that was returned from the previous call to this
    #   operation, which you can use to return the next set of items in the
    #   list.
    # @option params [Integer] :max_results
    #   The maximum number of results that you want the request to return.
    # @option params [String] :api_type
    #   The value that indicates whether the GraphQL API is a standard API
    #   (`GRAPHQL`) or merged API (`MERGED`).
    # @option params [String] :owner
    #   The account owner of the GraphQL API.
    # @return [Types::ListGraphqlApisResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
    #   * {Types::ListGraphqlApisResponse#graphql_apis #graphql_apis} => Array&lt;Types::GraphqlApi&gt;
    #   * {Types::ListGraphqlApisResponse#next_token #next_token} => String
    # @example Request syntax with placeholder values
    #   resp = client.list_graphql_apis({
    #     next_token: "PaginationToken",
    #     max_results: 1,
    #     api_type: "GRAPHQL", # accepts GRAPHQL, MERGED
    #   })
    # @example Response structure
    #   resp.graphql_apis #=> Array
    #   resp.graphql_apis[0].name #=> String
    #   resp.graphql_apis[0].api_id #=> String
    #   resp.graphql_apis[0].authentication_type #=> String, one of "API_KEY", "AWS_IAM", "AMAZON_COGNITO_USER_POOLS", "OPENID_CONNECT", "AWS_LAMBDA"
    #   resp.graphql_apis[0].log_config.field_log_level #=> String, one of "NONE", "ERROR", "ALL"
    #   resp.graphql_apis[0].log_config.cloud_watch_logs_role_arn #=> String
    #   resp.graphql_apis[0].log_config.exclude_verbose_content #=> Boolean
    #   resp.graphql_apis[0].user_pool_config.user_pool_id #=> String
    #   resp.graphql_apis[0].user_pool_config.aws_region #=> String
    #   resp.graphql_apis[0].user_pool_config.default_action #=> String, one of "ALLOW", "DENY"
    #   resp.graphql_apis[0].user_pool_config.app_id_client_regex #=> String
    #   resp.graphql_apis[0].open_id_connect_config.issuer #=> String
    #   resp.graphql_apis[0].open_id_connect_config.client_id #=> String
    #   resp.graphql_apis[0].open_id_connect_config.iat_ttl #=> Integer
    #   resp.graphql_apis[0].open_id_connect_config.auth_ttl #=> Integer
    #   resp.graphql_apis[0].arn #=> String
    #   resp.graphql_apis[0].uris #=> Hash
    #   resp.graphql_apis[0].uris["String"] #=> String
    #   resp.graphql_apis[0].tags #=> Hash
    #   resp.graphql_apis[0].tags["TagKey"] #=> String
    #   resp.graphql_apis[0].additional_authentication_providers #=> Array
    #   resp.graphql_apis[0].additional_authentication_providers[0].authentication_type #=> String, one of "API_KEY", "AWS_IAM", "AMAZON_COGNITO_USER_POOLS", "OPENID_CONNECT", "AWS_LAMBDA"
    #   resp.graphql_apis[0].additional_authentication_providers[0].open_id_connect_config.issuer #=> String
    #   resp.graphql_apis[0].additional_authentication_providers[0].open_id_connect_config.client_id #=> String
    #   resp.graphql_apis[0].additional_authentication_providers[0].open_id_connect_config.iat_ttl #=> Integer
    #   resp.graphql_apis[0].additional_authentication_providers[0].open_id_connect_config.auth_ttl #=> Integer
    #   resp.graphql_apis[0].additional_authentication_providers[0].user_pool_config.user_pool_id #=> String
    #   resp.graphql_apis[0].additional_authentication_providers[0].user_pool_config.aws_region #=> String
    #   resp.graphql_apis[0].additional_authentication_providers[0].user_pool_config.app_id_client_regex #=> String
    #   resp.graphql_apis[0].additional_authentication_providers[0].lambda_authorizer_config.authorizer_result_ttl_in_seconds #=> Integer
    #   resp.graphql_apis[0].additional_authentication_providers[0].lambda_authorizer_config.authorizer_uri #=> String
    #   resp.graphql_apis[0].additional_authentication_providers[0].lambda_authorizer_config.identity_validation_expression #=> String
    #   resp.graphql_apis[0].xray_enabled #=> Boolean
    #   resp.graphql_apis[0].waf_web_acl_arn #=> String
    #   resp.graphql_apis[0].lambda_authorizer_config.authorizer_result_ttl_in_seconds #=> Integer
    #   resp.graphql_apis[0].lambda_authorizer_config.authorizer_uri #=> String
    #   resp.graphql_apis[0].lambda_authorizer_config.identity_validation_expression #=> String
    #   resp.graphql_apis[0].dns #=> Hash
    #   resp.graphql_apis[0].dns["String"] #=> String
    #   resp.graphql_apis[0].visibility #=> String, one of "GLOBAL", "PRIVATE"
    #   resp.graphql_apis[0].api_type #=> String, one of "GRAPHQL", "MERGED"
    #   resp.graphql_apis[0].merged_api_execution_role_arn #=> String
    #   resp.graphql_apis[0].owner #=> String
    #   resp.graphql_apis[0].owner_contact #=> String
    #   resp.graphql_apis[0].introspection_config #=> String, one of "ENABLED", "DISABLED"
    #   resp.graphql_apis[0].query_depth_limit #=> Integer
    #   resp.graphql_apis[0].resolver_count_limit #=> Integer
    #   resp.next_token #=> String
    # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/appsync-2017-07-25/ListGraphqlApis AWS API Documentation
    # @overload list_graphql_apis(params = {})
    # @param [Hash] params ({})
    def list_graphql_apis(params = {}, options = {})
      req = build_request(:list_graphql_apis, params)

    # Lists the resolvers for a given API and type.
    # @option params [required, String] :api_id
    #   The API ID.
    # @option params [required, String] :type_name
    #   The type name.
    # @option params [String] :next_token
    #   An identifier that was returned from the previous call to this
    #   operation, which you can use to return the next set of items in the
    #   list.
    # @option params [Integer] :max_results
    #   The maximum number of results that you want the request to return.
    # @return [Types::ListResolversResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
    #   * {Types::ListResolversResponse#resolvers #resolvers} => Array&lt;Types::Resolver&gt;
    #   * {Types::ListResolversResponse#next_token #next_token} => String
    # @example Request syntax with placeholder values
    #   resp = client.list_resolvers({
    #     api_id: "String", # required
    #     type_name: "String", # required
    #     next_token: "PaginationToken",
    #     max_results: 1,
    #   })
    # @example Response structure
    #   resp.resolvers #=> Array
    #   resp.resolvers[0].type_name #=> String
    #   resp.resolvers[0].field_name #=> String
    #   resp.resolvers[0].data_source_name #=> String
    #   resp.resolvers[0].resolver_arn #=> String
    #   resp.resolvers[0].request_mapping_template #=> String
    #   resp.resolvers[0].response_mapping_template #=> String
    #   resp.resolvers[0].kind #=> String, one of "UNIT", "PIPELINE"
    #   resp.resolvers[0].pipeline_config.functions #=> Array
    #   resp.resolvers[0].pipeline_config.functions[0] #=> String
    #   resp.resolvers[0].sync_config.conflict_handler #=> String, one of "OPTIMISTIC_CONCURRENCY", "LAMBDA", "AUTOMERGE", "NONE"
    #   resp.resolvers[0].sync_config.conflict_detection #=> String, one of "VERSION", "NONE"
    #   resp.resolvers[0].sync_config.lambda_conflict_handler_config.lambda_conflict_handler_arn #=> String
    #   resp.resolvers[0].caching_config.ttl #=> Integer
    #   resp.resolvers[0].caching_config.caching_keys #=> Array
    #   resp.resolvers[0].caching_config.caching_keys[0] #=> String
    #   resp.resolvers[0].max_batch_size #=> Integer
    #   resp.resolvers[0].runtime.name #=> String, one of "APPSYNC_JS"
    #   resp.resolvers[0].runtime.runtime_version #=> String
    #   resp.resolvers[0].code #=> String
    #   resp.next_token #=> String
    # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/appsync-2017-07-25/ListResolvers AWS API Documentation
    # @overload list_resolvers(params = {})
    # @param [Hash] params ({})
    def list_resolvers(params = {}, options = {})
      req = build_request(:list_resolvers, params)

    # List the resolvers that are associated with a specific function.
    # @option params [required, String] :api_id
    #   The API ID.
    # @option params [required, String] :function_id
    #   The function ID.
    # @option params [String] :next_token
    #   An identifier that was returned from the previous call to this
    #   operation, which you can use to return the next set of items in the
    #   list.
    # @option params [Integer] :max_results
    #   The maximum number of results that you want the request to return.
    # @return [Types::ListResolversByFunctionResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
    #   * {Types::ListResolversByFunctionResponse#resolvers #resolvers} => Array&lt;Types::Resolver&gt;
    #   * {Types::ListResolversByFunctionResponse#next_token #next_token} => String
    # @example Request syntax with placeholder values
    #   resp = client.list_resolvers_by_function({
    #     api_id: "String", # required
    #     function_id: "String", # required
    #     next_token: "PaginationToken",
    #     max_results: 1,
    #   })
    # @example Response structure
    #   resp.resolvers #=> Array
    #   resp.resolvers[0].type_name #=> String
    #   resp.resolvers[0].field_name #=> String
    #   resp.resolvers[0].data_source_name #=> String
    #   resp.resolvers[0].resolver_arn #=> String
    #   resp.resolvers[0].request_mapping_template #=> String
    #   resp.resolvers[0].response_mapping_template #=> String
    #   resp.resolvers[0].kind #=> String, one of "UNIT", "PIPELINE"
    #   resp.resolvers[0].pipeline_config.functions #=> Array
    #   resp.resolvers[0].pipeline_config.functions[0] #=> String
    #   resp.resolvers[0].sync_config.conflict_handler #=> String, one of "OPTIMISTIC_CONCURRENCY", "LAMBDA", "AUTOMERGE", "NONE"
    #   resp.resolvers[0].sync_config.conflict_detection #=> String, one of "VERSION", "NONE"
    #   resp.resolvers[0].sync_config.lambda_conflict_handler_config.lambda_conflict_handler_arn #=> String
    #   resp.resolvers[0].caching_config.ttl #=> Integer
    #   resp.resolvers[0].caching_config.caching_keys #=> Array
    #   resp.resolvers[0].caching_config.caching_keys[0] #=> String
    #   resp.resolvers[0].max_batch_size #=> Integer
    #   resp.resolvers[0].runtime.name #=> String, one of "APPSYNC_JS"
    #   resp.resolvers[0].runtime.runtime_version #=> String
    #   resp.resolvers[0].code #=> String
    #   resp.next_token #=> String
    # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/appsync-2017-07-25/ListResolversByFunction AWS API Documentation
    # @overload list_resolvers_by_function(params = {})
    # @param [Hash] params ({})
    def list_resolvers_by_function(params = {}, options = {})
      req = build_request(:list_resolvers_by_function, params)

    # Lists the `SourceApiAssociationSummary` data.
    # @option params [required, String] :api_id
    #   The API ID.
    # @option params [String] :next_token
    #   An identifier that was returned from the previous call to this
    #   operation, which you can use to return the next set of items in the
    #   list.
    # @option params [Integer] :max_results
    #   The maximum number of results that you want the request to return.
    # @return [Types::ListSourceApiAssociationsResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
    #   * {Types::ListSourceApiAssociationsResponse#source_api_association_summaries #source_api_association_summaries} => Array&lt;Types::SourceApiAssociationSummary&gt;
    #   * {Types::ListSourceApiAssociationsResponse#next_token #next_token} => String
    # @example Request syntax with placeholder values
    #   resp = client.list_source_api_associations({
    #     api_id: "String", # required
    #     next_token: "PaginationToken",
    #     max_results: 1,
    #   })
    # @example Response structure
    #   resp.source_api_association_summaries #=> Array
    #   resp.source_api_association_summaries[0].association_id #=> String
    #   resp.source_api_association_summaries[0].association_arn #=> String
    #   resp.source_api_association_summaries[0].source_api_id #=> String
    #   resp.source_api_association_summaries[0].source_api_arn #=> String
    #   resp.source_api_association_summaries[0].merged_api_id #=> String
    #   resp.source_api_association_summaries[0].merged_api_arn #=> String
    #   resp.source_api_association_summaries[0].description #=> String
    #   resp.next_token #=> String
    # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/appsync-2017-07-25/ListSourceApiAssociations AWS API Documentation
    # @overload list_source_api_associations(params = {})
    # @param [Hash] params ({})
    def list_source_api_associations(params = {}, options = {})
      req = build_request(:list_source_api_associations, params)

    # Lists the tags for a resource.
    # @option params [required, String] :resource_arn
    #   The `GraphqlApi` Amazon Resource Name (ARN).
    # @return [Types::ListTagsForResourceResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
    #   * {Types::ListTagsForResourceResponse#tags #tags} => Hash&lt;String,String&gt;
    # @example Request syntax with placeholder values
    #   resp = client.list_tags_for_resource({
    #     resource_arn: "ResourceArn", # required
    #   })
    # @example Response structure
    #   resp.tags #=> Hash
    #   resp.tags["TagKey"] #=> String
    # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/appsync-2017-07-25/ListTagsForResource AWS API Documentation
    # @overload list_tags_for_resource(params = {})
    # @param [Hash] params ({})
    def list_tags_for_resource(params = {}, options = {})
      req = build_request(:list_tags_for_resource, params)

    # Lists the types for a given API.
    # @option params [required, String] :api_id
    #   The API ID.
    # @option params [required, String] :format
    #   The type format: SDL or JSON.
    # @option params [String] :next_token
    #   An identifier that was returned from the previous call to this
    #   operation, which you can use to return the next set of items in the
    #   list.
    # @option params [Integer] :max_results
    #   The maximum number of results that you want the request to return.
    # @return [Types::ListTypesResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
    #   * {Types::ListTypesResponse#types #types} => Array&lt;Types::Type&gt;
    #   * {Types::ListTypesResponse#next_token #next_token} => String
    # @example Request syntax with placeholder values
    #   resp = client.list_types({
    #     api_id: "String", # required
    #     format: "SDL", # required, accepts SDL, JSON
    #     next_token: "PaginationToken",
    #     max_results: 1,
    #   })
    # @example Response structure
    #   resp.types #=> Array
    #   resp.types[0].name #=> String
    #   resp.types[0].description #=> String
    #   resp.types[0].arn #=> String
    #   resp.types[0].definition #=> String
    #   resp.types[0].format #=> String, one of "SDL", "JSON"
    #   resp.next_token #=> String
    # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/appsync-2017-07-25/ListTypes AWS API Documentation
    # @overload list_types(params = {})
    # @param [Hash] params ({})
    def list_types(params = {}, options = {})
      req = build_request(:list_types, params)

    # Lists `Type` objects by the source API association ID.
    # @option params [required, String] :merged_api_identifier
    #   The identifier of the AppSync Merged API. This is generated by the
    #   AppSync service. In most cases, Merged APIs (especially in your
    #   account) only require the API ID value or ARN of the merged API.
    #   However, Merged APIs in other accounts (cross-account use cases)
    #   strictly require the full resource ARN of the merged API.
    # @option params [required, String] :association_id
    #   The ID generated by the AppSync service for the source API
    #   association.
    # @option params [required, String] :format
    #   The format type.
    # @option params [String] :next_token
    #   An identifier that was returned from the previous call to this
    #   operation, which you can use to return the next set of items in the
    #   list.
    # @option params [Integer] :max_results
    #   The maximum number of results that you want the request to return.
    # @return [Types::ListTypesByAssociationResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
    #   * {Types::ListTypesByAssociationResponse#types #types} => Array&lt;Types::Type&gt;
    #   * {Types::ListTypesByAssociationResponse#next_token #next_token} => String
    # @example Request syntax with placeholder values
    #   resp = client.list_types_by_association({
    #     merged_api_identifier: "String", # required
    #     association_id: "String", # required
    #     format: "SDL", # required, accepts SDL, JSON
    #     next_token: "PaginationToken",
    #     max_results: 1,
    #   })
    # @example Response structure
    #   resp.types #=> Array
    #   resp.types[0].name #=> String
    #   resp.types[0].description #=> String
    #   resp.types[0].arn #=> String
    #   resp.types[0].definition #=> String
    #   resp.types[0].format #=> String, one of "SDL", "JSON"
    #   resp.next_token #=> String
    # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/appsync-2017-07-25/ListTypesByAssociation AWS API Documentation
    # @overload list_types_by_association(params = {})
    # @param [Hash] params ({})
    def list_types_by_association(params = {}, options = {})
      req = build_request(:list_types_by_association, params)

    # Creates a list of environmental variables in an API by its ID value.
    # When creating an environmental variable, it must follow the
    # constraints below:
    # * Both JavaScript and VTL templates support environmental variables.
    # * Environmental variables are not evaluated before function
    #   invocation.
    # * Environmental variables only support string values.
    # * Any defined value in an environmental variable is considered a
    #   string literal and not expanded.
    # * Variable evaluations should ideally be performed in the function
    #   code.
    # When creating an environmental variable key-value pair, it must follow
    # the additional constraints below:
    # * Keys must begin with a letter.
    # * Keys must be at least two characters long.
    # * Keys can only contain letters, numbers, and the underscore character
    #   (\_).
    # * Values can be up to 512 characters long.
    # * You can configure up to 50 key-value pairs in a GraphQL API.
    # You can create a list of environmental variables by adding it to the
    # `environmentVariables` payload as a list in the format
    # `\{"key1":"value1","key2":"value2", …\}`. Note that each call of the
    # `PutGraphqlApiEnvironmentVariables` action will result in the
    # overwriting of the existing environmental variable list of that API.
    # This means the existing environmental variables will be lost. To avoid
    # this, you must include all existing and new environmental variables in
    # the list each time you call this action.
    # @option params [required, String] :api_id
    #   The ID of the API to which the environmental variable list will be
    #   written.
    # @option params [required, Hash<String,String>] :environment_variables
    #   The list of environmental variables to add to the API.
    #   When creating an environmental variable key-value pair, it must follow
    #   the additional constraints below:
    #   * Keys must begin with a letter.
    #   * Keys must be at least two characters long.
    #   * Keys can only contain letters, numbers, and the underscore character
    #     (\_).
    #   * Values can be up to 512 characters long.
    #   * You can configure up to 50 key-value pairs in a GraphQL API.
    #   You can create a list of environmental variables by adding it to the
    #   `environmentVariables` payload as a list in the format
    #   `\{"key1":"value1","key2":"value2", …\}`. Note that each call of the
    #   `PutGraphqlApiEnvironmentVariables` action will result in the
    #   overwriting of the existing environmental variable list of that API.
    #   This means the existing environmental variables will be lost. To avoid
    #   this, you must include all existing and new environmental variables in
    #   the list each time you call this action.
    # @return [Types::PutGraphqlApiEnvironmentVariablesResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
    #   * {Types::PutGraphqlApiEnvironmentVariablesResponse#environment_variables #environment_variables} => Hash&lt;String,String&gt;
    # @example Request syntax with placeholder values
    #   resp = client.put_graphql_api_environment_variables({
    #     api_id: "String", # required
    #     environment_variables: { # required
    #       "EnvironmentVariableKey" => "EnvironmentVariableValue",
    #     },
    #   })
    # @example Response structure
    #   resp.environment_variables #=> Hash
    #   resp.environment_variables["EnvironmentVariableKey"] #=> String
    # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/appsync-2017-07-25/PutGraphqlApiEnvironmentVariables AWS API Documentation
    # @overload put_graphql_api_environment_variables(params = {})
    # @param [Hash] params ({})
    def put_graphql_api_environment_variables(params = {}, options = {})
      req = build_request(:put_graphql_api_environment_variables, params)

    # Creates a new introspection. Returns the `introspectionId` of the new
    # introspection after its creation.
    # @option params [Types::RdsDataApiConfig] :rds_data_api_config
    #   The `rdsDataApiConfig` object data.
    # @return [Types::StartDataSourceIntrospectionResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
    #   * {Types::StartDataSourceIntrospectionResponse#introspection_id #introspection_id} => String
    #   * {Types::StartDataSourceIntrospectionResponse#introspection_status #introspection_status} => String
    #   * {Types::StartDataSourceIntrospectionResponse#introspection_status_detail #introspection_status_detail} => String
    # @example Request syntax with placeholder values
    #   resp = client.start_data_source_introspection({
    #     rds_data_api_config: {
    #       resource_arn: "RdsDataApiConfigResourceArn", # required
    #       secret_arn: "RdsDataApiConfigSecretArn", # required
    #       database_name: "RdsDataApiConfigDatabaseName", # required
    #     },
    #   })
    # @example Response structure
    #   resp.introspection_id #=> String
    #   resp.introspection_status #=> String, one of "PROCESSING", "FAILED", "SUCCESS"
    #   resp.introspection_status_detail #=> String
    # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/appsync-2017-07-25/StartDataSourceIntrospection AWS API Documentation
    # @overload start_data_source_introspection(params = {})
    # @param [Hash] params ({})
    def start_data_source_introspection(params = {}, options = {})
      req = build_request(:start_data_source_introspection, params)

    # Adds a new schema to your GraphQL API.
    # This operation is asynchronous. Use to determine when it has
    # completed.
    # @option params [required, String] :api_id
    #   The API ID.
    # @option params [required, String, StringIO, File] :definition
    #   The schema definition, in GraphQL schema language format.
    # @return [Types::StartSchemaCreationResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
    #   * {Types::StartSchemaCreationResponse#status #status} => String
    # @example Request syntax with placeholder values
    #   resp = client.start_schema_creation({
    #     api_id: "String", # required
    #     definition: "data", # required
    #   })
    # @example Response structure
    #   resp.status #=> String, one of "PROCESSING", "ACTIVE", "DELETING", "FAILED", "SUCCESS", "NOT_APPLICABLE"
    # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/appsync-2017-07-25/StartSchemaCreation AWS API Documentation
    # @overload start_schema_creation(params = {})
    # @param [Hash] params ({})
    def start_schema_creation(params = {}, options = {})
      req = build_request(:start_schema_creation, params)

    # Initiates a merge operation. Returns a status that shows the result of
    # the merge operation.
    # @option params [required, String] :association_id
    #   The ID generated by the AppSync service for the source API
    #   association.
    # @option params [required, String] :merged_api_identifier
    #   The identifier of the AppSync Merged API. This is generated by the
    #   AppSync service. In most cases, Merged APIs (especially in your
    #   account) only require the API ID value or ARN of the merged API.
    #   However, Merged APIs in other accounts (cross-account use cases)
    #   strictly require the full resource ARN of the merged API.
    # @return [Types::StartSchemaMergeResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
    #   * {Types::StartSchemaMergeResponse#source_api_association_status #source_api_association_status} => String
    # @example Request syntax with placeholder values
    #   resp = client.start_schema_merge({
    #     association_id: "String", # required
    #     merged_api_identifier: "String", # required
    #   })
    # @example Response structure
    # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/appsync-2017-07-25/StartSchemaMerge AWS API Documentation
    # @overload start_schema_merge(params = {})
    # @param [Hash] params ({})
    def start_schema_merge(params = {}, options = {})
      req = build_request(:start_schema_merge, params)

    # Tags a resource with user-supplied tags.
    # @option params [required, String] :resource_arn
    #   The `GraphqlApi` Amazon Resource Name (ARN).
    # @option params [required, Hash<String,String>] :tags
    #   A `TagMap` object.
    # @return [Struct] Returns an empty {Seahorse::Client::Response response}.
    # @example Request syntax with placeholder values
    #   resp = client.tag_resource({
    #     resource_arn: "ResourceArn", # required
    #     tags: { # required
    #       "TagKey" => "TagValue",
    #     },
    #   })
    # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/appsync-2017-07-25/TagResource AWS API Documentation
    # @overload tag_resource(params = {})
    # @param [Hash] params ({})
    def tag_resource(params = {}, options = {})
      req = build_request(:tag_resource, params)

    # Untags a resource.
    # @option params [required, String] :resource_arn
    #   The `GraphqlApi` Amazon Resource Name (ARN).
    # @option params [required, Array<String>] :tag_keys
    #   A list of `TagKey` objects.
    # @return [Struct] Returns an empty {Seahorse::Client::Response response}.
    # @example Request syntax with placeholder values
    #   resp = client.untag_resource({
    #     resource_arn: "ResourceArn", # required
    #     tag_keys: ["TagKey"], # required
    #   })
    # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/appsync-2017-07-25/UntagResource AWS API Documentation
    # @overload untag_resource(params = {})
    # @param [Hash] params ({})
    def untag_resource(params = {}, options = {})
      req = build_request(:untag_resource, params)

    # Updates the cache for the GraphQL API.
    # @option params [required, String] :api_id
    #   The GraphQL API ID.
    # @option params [required, Integer] :ttl
    #   TTL in seconds for cache entries.
    #   Valid values are 1–3,600 seconds.
    # @option params [required, String] :api_caching_behavior
    #   Caching behavior.
    #   * **FULL\_REQUEST\_CACHING**: All requests are fully cached.
    #   * **PER\_RESOLVER\_CACHING**: Individual resolvers that you specify
    #     are cached.
    # @option params [required, String] :type
    #   The cache instance type. Valid values are
    #   * `SMALL`
    #   * `MEDIUM`
    #   * `LARGE`
    #   * `XLARGE`
    #   * `LARGE_2X`
    #   * `LARGE_4X`
    #   * `LARGE_8X` (not available in all regions)
    #   * `LARGE_12X`
    #   Historically, instance types were identified by an EC2-style value. As
    #   of July 2020, this is deprecated, and the generic identifiers above
    #   should be used.
    #   The following legacy instance types are available, but their use is
    #   discouraged:
    #   * **T2\_SMALL**: A t2.small instance type.
    #   * **T2\_MEDIUM**: A t2.medium instance type.
    #   * **R4\_LARGE**: A r4.large instance type.
    #   * **R4\_XLARGE**: A r4.xlarge instance type.
    #   * **R4\_2XLARGE**: A r4.2xlarge instance type.
    #   * **R4\_4XLARGE**: A r4.4xlarge instance type.
    #   * **R4\_8XLARGE**: A r4.8xlarge instance type.
    # @return [Types::UpdateApiCacheResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
    #   * {Types::UpdateApiCacheResponse#api_cache #api_cache} => Types::ApiCache
    # @example Request syntax with placeholder values
    #   resp = client.update_api_cache({
    #     api_id: "String", # required
    #     ttl: 1, # required
    #     api_caching_behavior: "FULL_REQUEST_CACHING", # required, accepts FULL_REQUEST_CACHING, PER_RESOLVER_CACHING
    #   })
    # @example Response structure
    #   resp.api_cache.ttl #=> Integer
    #   resp.api_cache.api_caching_behavior #=> String, one of "FULL_REQUEST_CACHING", "PER_RESOLVER_CACHING"
    #   resp.api_cache.transit_encryption_enabled #=> Boolean
    #   resp.api_cache.at_rest_encryption_enabled #=> Boolean
    #   resp.api_cache.type #=> String, one of "T2_SMALL", "T2_MEDIUM", "R4_LARGE", "R4_XLARGE", "R4_2XLARGE", "R4_4XLARGE", "R4_8XLARGE", "SMALL", "MEDIUM", "LARGE", "XLARGE", "LARGE_2X", "LARGE_4X", "LARGE_8X", "LARGE_12X"
    #   resp.api_cache.status #=> String, one of "AVAILABLE", "CREATING", "DELETING", "MODIFYING", "FAILED"
    # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/appsync-2017-07-25/UpdateApiCache AWS API Documentation
    # @overload update_api_cache(params = {})
    # @param [Hash] params ({})
    def update_api_cache(params = {}, options = {})
      req = build_request(:update_api_cache, params)

    # Updates an API key. You can update the key as long as it's not
    # deleted.
    # @option params [required, String] :api_id
    #   The ID for the GraphQL API.
    # @option params [required, String] :id
    #   The API key ID.
    # @option params [String] :description
    #   A description of the purpose of the API key.
    # @option params [Integer] :expires
    #   From the update time, the time after which the API key expires. The
    #   date is represented as seconds since the epoch. For more information,
    #   see .
    # @return [Types::UpdateApiKeyResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
    #   * {Types::UpdateApiKeyResponse#api_key #api_key} => Types::ApiKey
    # @example Request syntax with placeholder values
    #   resp = client.update_api_key({
    #     api_id: "String", # required
    #     id: "String", # required
    #     description: "String",
    #     expires: 1,
    #   })
    # @example Response structure
    #   resp.api_key.id #=> String
    #   resp.api_key.description #=> String
    #   resp.api_key.expires #=> Integer
    #   resp.api_key.deletes #=> Integer
    # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/appsync-2017-07-25/UpdateApiKey AWS API Documentation
    # @overload update_api_key(params = {})
    # @param [Hash] params ({})
    def update_api_key(params = {}, options = {})
      req = build_request(:update_api_key, params)

    # Updates a `DataSource` object.
    # @option params [required, String] :api_id
    #   The API ID.
    # @option params [required, String] :name
    #   The new name for the data source.
    # @option params [String] :description
    #   The new description for the data source.
    # @option params [required, String] :type
    #   The new data source type.
    # @option params [String] :service_role_arn
    #   The new service role Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the data source.
    # @option params [Types::DynamodbDataSourceConfig] :dynamodb_config
    #   The new Amazon DynamoDB configuration.
    # @option params [Types::LambdaDataSourceConfig] :lambda_config
    #   The new Lambda configuration.
    # @option params [Types::ElasticsearchDataSourceConfig] :elasticsearch_config
    #   The new OpenSearch configuration.
    #   As of September 2021, Amazon Elasticsearch service is Amazon
    #   OpenSearch Service. This configuration is deprecated. Instead, use
    #   UpdateDataSourceRequest$openSearchServiceConfig to update an
    #   OpenSearch data source.
    # @option params [Types::OpenSearchServiceDataSourceConfig] :open_search_service_config
    #   The new OpenSearch configuration.
    # @option params [Types::HttpDataSourceConfig] :http_config
    #   The new HTTP endpoint configuration.
    # @option params [Types::RelationalDatabaseDataSourceConfig] :relational_database_config
    #   The new relational database configuration.
    # @option params [Types::EventBridgeDataSourceConfig] :event_bridge_config
    #   The new Amazon EventBridge settings.
    # @return [Types::UpdateDataSourceResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
    #   * {Types::UpdateDataSourceResponse#data_source #data_source} => Types::DataSource
    # @example Request syntax with placeholder values
    #   resp = client.update_data_source({
    #     api_id: "String", # required
    #     name: "ResourceName", # required
    #     description: "String",
    #     service_role_arn: "String",
    #     dynamodb_config: {
    #       table_name: "String", # required
    #       aws_region: "String", # required
    #       use_caller_credentials: false,
    #       delta_sync_config: {
    #         base_table_ttl: 1,
    #         delta_sync_table_name: "String",
    #         delta_sync_table_ttl: 1,
    #       },
    #       versioned: false,
    #     },
    #     lambda_config: {
    #       lambda_function_arn: "String", # required
    #     },
    #     elasticsearch_config: {
    #       endpoint: "String", # required
    #       aws_region: "String", # required
    #     },
    #     open_search_service_config: {
    #       endpoint: "String", # required
    #       aws_region: "String", # required
    #     },
    #     http_config: {
    #       endpoint: "String",
    #       authorization_config: {
    #         authorization_type: "AWS_IAM", # required, accepts AWS_IAM
    #         aws_iam_config: {
    #           signing_region: "String",
    #           signing_service_name: "String",
    #         },
    #       },
    #     },
    #     relational_database_config: {
    #       relational_database_source_type: "RDS_HTTP_ENDPOINT", # accepts RDS_HTTP_ENDPOINT
    #       rds_http_endpoint_config: {
    #         aws_region: "String",
    #         db_cluster_identifier: "String",
    #         database_name: "String",
    #         schema: "String",
    #         aws_secret_store_arn: "String",
    #       },
    #     },
    #     event_bridge_config: {
    #       event_bus_arn: "String", # required
    #     },
    #   })
    # @example Response structure
    #   resp.data_source.data_source_arn #=> String
    #   resp.data_source.name #=> String
    #   resp.data_source.description #=> String
    #   resp.data_source.service_role_arn #=> String
    #   resp.data_source.dynamodb_config.table_name #=> String
    #   resp.data_source.dynamodb_config.aws_region #=> String
    #   resp.data_source.dynamodb_config.use_caller_credentials #=> Boolean
    #   resp.data_source.dynamodb_config.delta_sync_config.base_table_ttl #=> Integer
    #   resp.data_source.dynamodb_config.delta_sync_config.delta_sync_table_name #=> String
    #   resp.data_source.dynamodb_config.delta_sync_config.delta_sync_table_ttl #=> Integer
    #   resp.data_source.dynamodb_config.versioned #=> Boolean
    #   resp.data_source.lambda_config.lambda_function_arn #=> String
    #   resp.data_source.elasticsearch_config.endpoint #=> String
    #   resp.data_source.elasticsearch_config.aws_region #=> String
    #   resp.data_source.open_search_service_config.endpoint #=> String
    #   resp.data_source.open_search_service_config.aws_region #=> String
    #   resp.data_source.http_config.endpoint #=> String
    #   resp.data_source.http_config.authorization_config.authorization_type #=> String, one of "AWS_IAM"
    #   resp.data_source.http_config.authorization_config.aws_iam_config.signing_region #=> String
    #   resp.data_source.http_config.authorization_config.aws_iam_config.signing_service_name #=> String
    #   resp.data_source.relational_database_config.relational_database_source_type #=> String, one of "RDS_HTTP_ENDPOINT"
    #   resp.data_source.relational_database_config.rds_http_endpoint_config.aws_region #=> String
    #   resp.data_source.relational_database_config.rds_http_endpoint_config.db_cluster_identifier #=> String
    #   resp.data_source.relational_database_config.rds_http_endpoint_config.database_name #=> String
    #   resp.data_source.relational_database_config.rds_http_endpoint_config.schema #=> String
    #   resp.data_source.relational_database_config.rds_http_endpoint_config.aws_secret_store_arn #=> String
    #   resp.data_source.event_bridge_config.event_bus_arn #=> String
    # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/appsync-2017-07-25/UpdateDataSource AWS API Documentation
    # @overload update_data_source(params = {})
    # @param [Hash] params ({})
    def update_data_source(params = {}, options = {})
      req = build_request(:update_data_source, params)

    # Updates a custom `DomainName` object.
    # @option params [required, String] :domain_name
    #   The domain name.
    # @option params [String] :description
    #   A description of the `DomainName`.
    # @return [Types::UpdateDomainNameResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
    #   * {Types::UpdateDomainNameResponse#domain_name_config #domain_name_config} => Types::DomainNameConfig
    # @example Request syntax with placeholder values
    #   resp = client.update_domain_name({
    #     domain_name: "DomainName", # required
    #     description: "Description",
    #   })
    # @example Response structure
    #   resp.domain_name_config.domain_name #=> String
    #   resp.domain_name_config.description #=> String
    #   resp.domain_name_config.certificate_arn #=> String
    #   resp.domain_name_config.appsync_domain_name #=> String
    #   resp.domain_name_config.hosted_zone_id #=> String
    # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/appsync-2017-07-25/UpdateDomainName AWS API Documentation
    # @overload update_domain_name(params = {})
    # @param [Hash] params ({})
    def update_domain_name(params = {}, options = {})
      req = build_request(:update_domain_name, params)

    # Updates a `Function` object.
    # @option params [required, String] :api_id
    #   The GraphQL API ID.
    # @option params [required, String] :name
    #   The `Function` name.
    # @option params [String] :description
    #   The `Function` description.
    # @option params [required, String] :function_id
    #   The function ID.
    # @option params [required, String] :data_source_name
    #   The `Function` `DataSource` name.
    # @option params [String] :request_mapping_template
    #   The `Function` request mapping template. Functions support only the
    #   2018-05-29 version of the request mapping template.
    # @option params [String] :response_mapping_template
    #   The `Function` request mapping template.
    # @option params [String] :function_version
    #   The `version` of the request mapping template. Currently, the
    #   supported value is 2018-05-29. Note that when using VTL and mapping
    #   templates, the `functionVersion` is required.
    # @option params [Types::SyncConfig] :sync_config
    #   Describes a Sync configuration for a resolver.
    #   Specifies which Conflict Detection strategy and Resolution strategy to
    #   use when the resolver is invoked.
    # @option params [Integer] :max_batch_size
    #   The maximum batching size for a resolver.
    # @option params [Types::AppSyncRuntime] :runtime
    #   Describes a runtime used by an Amazon Web Services AppSync pipeline
    #   resolver or Amazon Web Services AppSync function. Specifies the name
    #   and version of the runtime to use. Note that if a runtime is
    #   specified, code must also be specified.
    # @option params [String] :code
    #   The `function` code that contains the request and response functions.
    #   When code is used, the `runtime` is required. The `runtime` value must
    #   be `APPSYNC_JS`.
    # @return [Types::UpdateFunctionResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
    #   * {Types::UpdateFunctionResponse#function_configuration #function_configuration} => Types::FunctionConfiguration
    # @example Request syntax with placeholder values
    #   resp = client.update_function({
    #     api_id: "String", # required
    #     name: "ResourceName", # required
    #     description: "String",
    #     function_id: "ResourceName", # required
    #     data_source_name: "ResourceName", # required
    #     request_mapping_template: "MappingTemplate",
    #     response_mapping_template: "MappingTemplate",
    #     function_version: "String",
    #     sync_config: {
    #       conflict_detection: "VERSION", # accepts VERSION, NONE
    #       lambda_conflict_handler_config: {
    #         lambda_conflict_handler_arn: "String",
    #       },
    #     },
    #     max_batch_size: 1,
    #     runtime: {
    #       name: "APPSYNC_JS", # required, accepts APPSYNC_JS
    #       runtime_version: "String", # required
    #     },
    #     code: "Code",
    #   })
    # @example Response structure
    #   resp.function_configuration.function_id #=> String
    #   resp.function_configuration.function_arn #=> String
    #   resp.function_configuration.name #=> String
    #   resp.function_configuration.description #=> String
    #   resp.function_configuration.data_source_name #=> String
    #   resp.function_configuration.request_mapping_template #=> String
    #   resp.function_configuration.response_mapping_template #=> String
    #   resp.function_configuration.function_version #=> String
    #   resp.function_configuration.sync_config.conflict_handler #=> String, one of "OPTIMISTIC_CONCURRENCY", "LAMBDA", "AUTOMERGE", "NONE"
    #   resp.function_configuration.sync_config.conflict_detection #=> String, one of "VERSION", "NONE"
    #   resp.function_configuration.sync_config.lambda_conflict_handler_config.lambda_conflict_handler_arn #=> String
    #   resp.function_configuration.max_batch_size #=> Integer
    #   resp.function_configuration.runtime.name #=> String, one of "APPSYNC_JS"
    #   resp.function_configuration.runtime.runtime_version #=> String
    #   resp.function_configuration.code #=> String
    # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/appsync-2017-07-25/UpdateFunction AWS API Documentation
    # @overload update_function(params = {})
    # @param [Hash] params ({})
    def update_function(params = {}, options = {})
      req = build_request(:update_function, params)

    # Updates a `GraphqlApi` object.
    # @option params [required, String] :api_id
    #   The API ID.
    # @option params [required, String] :name
    #   The new name for the `GraphqlApi` object.
    # @option params [Types::LogConfig] :log_config
    #   The Amazon CloudWatch Logs configuration for the `GraphqlApi` object.
    # @option params [String] :authentication_type
    #   The new authentication type for the `GraphqlApi` object.
    # @option params [Types::UserPoolConfig] :user_pool_config
    #   The new Amazon Cognito user pool configuration for the `~GraphqlApi`
    #   object.
    # @option params [Types::OpenIDConnectConfig] :open_id_connect_config
    #   The OpenID Connect configuration for the `GraphqlApi` object.
    # @option params [Array<Types::AdditionalAuthenticationProvider>] :additional_authentication_providers
    #   A list of additional authentication providers for the `GraphqlApi`
    #   API.
    # @option params [Boolean] :xray_enabled
    #   A flag indicating whether to use X-Ray tracing for the `GraphqlApi`.
    # @option params [Types::LambdaAuthorizerConfig] :lambda_authorizer_config
    #   Configuration for Lambda function authorization.
    # @option params [String] :merged_api_execution_role_arn
    #   The Identity and Access Management service role ARN for a merged API.
    #   The AppSync service assumes this role on behalf of the Merged API to
    #   validate access to source APIs at runtime and to prompt the
    #   `AUTO_MERGE` to update the merged API endpoint with the source API
    #   changes automatically.
    # @option params [String] :owner_contact
    #   The owner contact information for an API resource.
    #   This field accepts any string input with a length of 0 - 256
    #   characters.
    # @option params [String] :introspection_config
    #   Sets the value of the GraphQL API to enable (`ENABLED`) or disable
    #   (`DISABLED`) introspection. If no value is provided, the introspection
    #   configuration will be set to `ENABLED` by default. This field will
    #   produce an error if the operation attempts to use the introspection
    #   feature while this field is disabled.
    #   For more information about introspection, see [GraphQL
    #   introspection][1].
    #   [1]: https://graphql.org/learn/introspection/
    # @option params [Integer] :query_depth_limit
    #   The maximum depth a query can have in a single request. Depth refers
    #   to the amount of nested levels allowed in the body of query. The
    #   default value is `0` (or unspecified), which indicates there's no
    #   depth limit. If you set a limit, it can be between `1` and `75` nested
    #   levels. This field will produce a limit error if the operation falls
    #   out of bounds.
    #   Note that fields can still be set to nullable or non-nullable. If a
    #   non-nullable field produces an error, the error will be thrown upwards
    #   to the first nullable field available.
    # @option params [Integer] :resolver_count_limit
    #   The maximum number of resolvers that can be invoked in a single
    #   request. The default value is `0` (or unspecified), which will set the
    #   limit to `10000`. When specified, the limit value can be between `1`
    #   and `10000`. This field will produce a limit error if the operation
    #   falls out of bounds.
    # @return [Types::UpdateGraphqlApiResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
    #   * {Types::UpdateGraphqlApiResponse#graphql_api #graphql_api} => Types::GraphqlApi
    # @example Request syntax with placeholder values
    #   resp = client.update_graphql_api({
    #     api_id: "String", # required
    #     name: "String", # required
    #     log_config: {
    #       field_log_level: "NONE", # required, accepts NONE, ERROR, ALL
    #       cloud_watch_logs_role_arn: "String", # required
    #       exclude_verbose_content: false,
    #     },
    #     user_pool_config: {
    #       user_pool_id: "String", # required
    #       aws_region: "String", # required
    #       default_action: "ALLOW", # required, accepts ALLOW, DENY
    #       app_id_client_regex: "String",
    #     },
    #     open_id_connect_config: {
    #       issuer: "String", # required
    #       client_id: "String",
    #       iat_ttl: 1,
    #       auth_ttl: 1,
    #     },
    #     additional_authentication_providers: [
    #       {
    #         authentication_type: "API_KEY", # accepts API_KEY, AWS_IAM, AMAZON_COGNITO_USER_POOLS, OPENID_CONNECT, AWS_LAMBDA
    #         open_id_connect_config: {
    #           issuer: "String", # required
    #           client_id: "String",
    #           iat_ttl: 1,
    #           auth_ttl: 1,
    #         },
    #         user_pool_config: {
    #           user_pool_id: "String", # required
    #           aws_region: "String", # required
    #           app_id_client_regex: "String",
    #         },
    #         lambda_authorizer_config: {
    #           authorizer_result_ttl_in_seconds: 1,
    #           authorizer_uri: "String", # required
    #           identity_validation_expression: "String",
    #         },
    #       },
    #     ],
    #     xray_enabled: false,
    #     lambda_authorizer_config: {
    #       authorizer_result_ttl_in_seconds: 1,
    #       authorizer_uri: "String", # required
    #       identity_validation_expression: "String",
    #     },
    #     merged_api_execution_role_arn: "String",
    #     owner_contact: "String",
    #     introspection_config: "ENABLED", # accepts ENABLED, DISABLED
    #     query_depth_limit: 1,
    #     resolver_count_limit: 1,
    #   })
    # @example Response structure
    #   resp.graphql_api.name #=> String
    #   resp.graphql_api.api_id #=> String
    #   resp.graphql_api.authentication_type #=> String, one of "API_KEY", "AWS_IAM", "AMAZON_COGNITO_USER_POOLS", "OPENID_CONNECT", "AWS_LAMBDA"
    #   resp.graphql_api.log_config.field_log_level #=> String, one of "NONE", "ERROR", "ALL"
    #   resp.graphql_api.log_config.cloud_watch_logs_role_arn #=> String
    #   resp.graphql_api.log_config.exclude_verbose_content #=> Boolean
    #   resp.graphql_api.user_pool_config.user_pool_id #=> String
    #   resp.graphql_api.user_pool_config.aws_region #=> String
    #   resp.graphql_api.user_pool_config.default_action #=> String, one of "ALLOW", "DENY"
    #   resp.graphql_api.user_pool_config.app_id_client_regex #=> String
    #   resp.graphql_api.open_id_connect_config.issuer #=> String
    #   resp.graphql_api.open_id_connect_config.client_id #=> String
    #   resp.graphql_api.open_id_connect_config.iat_ttl #=> Integer
    #   resp.graphql_api.open_id_connect_config.auth_ttl #=> Integer
    #   resp.graphql_api.arn #=> String
    #   resp.graphql_api.uris #=> Hash
    #   resp.graphql_api.uris["String"] #=> String
    #   resp.graphql_api.tags #=> Hash
    #   resp.graphql_api.tags["TagKey"] #=> String
    #   resp.graphql_api.additional_authentication_providers #=> Array
    #   resp.graphql_api.additional_authentication_providers[0].authentication_type #=> String, one of "API_KEY", "AWS_IAM", "AMAZON_COGNITO_USER_POOLS", "OPENID_CONNECT", "AWS_LAMBDA"
    #   resp.graphql_api.additional_authentication_providers[0].open_id_connect_config.issuer #=> String
    #   resp.graphql_api.additional_authentication_providers[0].open_id_connect_config.client_id #=> String
    #   resp.graphql_api.additional_authentication_providers[0].open_id_connect_config.iat_ttl #=> Integer
    #   resp.graphql_api.additional_authentication_providers[0].open_id_connect_config.auth_ttl #=> Integer
    #   resp.graphql_api.additional_authentication_providers[0].user_pool_config.user_pool_id #=> String
    #   resp.graphql_api.additional_authentication_providers[0].user_pool_config.aws_region #=> String
    #   resp.graphql_api.additional_authentication_providers[0].user_pool_config.app_id_client_regex #=> String
    #   resp.graphql_api.additional_authentication_providers[0].lambda_authorizer_config.authorizer_result_ttl_in_seconds #=> Integer
    #   resp.graphql_api.additional_authentication_providers[0].lambda_authorizer_config.authorizer_uri #=> String
    #   resp.graphql_api.additional_authentication_providers[0].lambda_authorizer_config.identity_validation_expression #=> String
    #   resp.graphql_api.xray_enabled #=> Boolean
    #   resp.graphql_api.waf_web_acl_arn #=> String
    #   resp.graphql_api.lambda_authorizer_config.authorizer_result_ttl_in_seconds #=> Integer
    #   resp.graphql_api.lambda_authorizer_config.authorizer_uri #=> String
    #   resp.graphql_api.lambda_authorizer_config.identity_validation_expression #=> String
    #   resp.graphql_api.dns #=> Hash
    #   resp.graphql_api.dns["String"] #=> String
    #   resp.graphql_api.visibility #=> String, one of "GLOBAL", "PRIVATE"
    #   resp.graphql_api.api_type #=> String, one of "GRAPHQL", "MERGED"
    #   resp.graphql_api.merged_api_execution_role_arn #=> String
    #   resp.graphql_api.owner #=> String
    #   resp.graphql_api.owner_contact #=> String
    #   resp.graphql_api.introspection_config #=> String, one of "ENABLED", "DISABLED"
    #   resp.graphql_api.query_depth_limit #=> Integer
    #   resp.graphql_api.resolver_count_limit #=> Integer
    # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/appsync-2017-07-25/UpdateGraphqlApi AWS API Documentation
    # @overload update_graphql_api(params = {})
    # @param [Hash] params ({})
    def update_graphql_api(params = {}, options = {})
      req = build_request(:update_graphql_api, params)

    # Updates a `Resolver` object.
    # @option params [required, String] :api_id
    #   The API ID.
    # @option params [required, String] :type_name
    #   The new type name.
    # @option params [required, String] :field_name
    #   The new field name.
    # @option params [String] :data_source_name
    #   The new data source name.
    # @option params [String] :request_mapping_template
    #   The new request mapping template.
    #   A resolver uses a request mapping template to convert a GraphQL
    #   expression into a format that a data source can understand. Mapping
    #   templates are written in Apache Velocity Template Language (VTL).
    #   VTL request mapping templates are optional when using an Lambda data
    #   source. For all other data sources, VTL request and response mapping
    #   templates are required.
    # @option params [String] :response_mapping_template
    #   The new response mapping template.
    # @option params [String] :kind
    #   The resolver type.
    #   * **UNIT**: A UNIT resolver type. A UNIT resolver is the default
    #     resolver type. You can use a UNIT resolver to run a GraphQL query
    #     against a single data source.
    #   * **PIPELINE**: A PIPELINE resolver type. You can use a PIPELINE
    #     resolver to invoke a series of `Function` objects in a serial
    #     manner. You can use a pipeline resolver to run a GraphQL query
    #     against multiple data sources.
    # @option params [Types::PipelineConfig] :pipeline_config
    #   The `PipelineConfig`.
    # @option params [Types::SyncConfig] :sync_config
    #   The `SyncConfig` for a resolver attached to a versioned data source.
    # @option params [Types::CachingConfig] :caching_config
    #   The caching configuration for the resolver.
    # @option params [Integer] :max_batch_size
    #   The maximum batching size for a resolver.
    # @option params [Types::AppSyncRuntime] :runtime
    #   Describes a runtime used by an Amazon Web Services AppSync pipeline
    #   resolver or Amazon Web Services AppSync function. Specifies the name
    #   and version of the runtime to use. Note that if a runtime is
    #   specified, code must also be specified.
    # @option params [String] :code
    #   The `resolver` code that contains the request and response functions.
    #   When code is used, the `runtime` is required. The `runtime` value must
    #   be `APPSYNC_JS`.
    # @return [Types::UpdateResolverResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
    #   * {Types::UpdateResolverResponse#resolver #resolver} => Types::Resolver
    # @example Request syntax with placeholder values
    #   resp = client.update_resolver({
    #     api_id: "String", # required
    #     type_name: "ResourceName", # required
    #     field_name: "ResourceName", # required
    #     data_source_name: "ResourceName",
    #     request_mapping_template: "MappingTemplate",
    #     response_mapping_template: "MappingTemplate",
    #     kind: "UNIT", # accepts UNIT, PIPELINE
    #     pipeline_config: {
    #       functions: ["String"],
    #     },
    #     sync_config: {
    #       conflict_detection: "VERSION", # accepts VERSION, NONE
    #       lambda_conflict_handler_config: {
    #         lambda_conflict_handler_arn: "String",
    #       },
    #     },
    #     caching_config: {
    #       ttl: 1, # required
    #       caching_keys: ["String"],
    #     },
    #     max_batch_size: 1,
    #     runtime: {
    #       name: "APPSYNC_JS", # required, accepts APPSYNC_JS
    #       runtime_version: "String", # required
    #     },
    #     code: "Code",
    #   })
    # @example Response structure
    #   resp.resolver.type_name #=> String
    #   resp.resolver.field_name #=> String
    #   resp.resolver.data_source_name #=> String
    #   resp.resolver.resolver_arn #=> String
    #   resp.resolver.request_mapping_template #=> String
    #   resp.resolver.response_mapping_template #=> String
    #   resp.resolver.kind #=> String, one of "UNIT", "PIPELINE"
    #   resp.resolver.pipeline_config.functions #=> Array
    #   resp.resolver.pipeline_config.functions[0] #=> String
    #   resp.resolver.sync_config.conflict_handler #=> String, one of "OPTIMISTIC_CONCURRENCY", "LAMBDA", "AUTOMERGE", "NONE"
    #   resp.resolver.sync_config.conflict_detection #=> String, one of "VERSION", "NONE"
    #   resp.resolver.sync_config.lambda_conflict_handler_config.lambda_conflict_handler_arn #=> String
    #   resp.resolver.caching_config.ttl #=> Integer
    #   resp.resolver.caching_config.caching_keys #=> Array
    #   resp.resolver.caching_config.caching_keys[0] #=> String
    #   resp.resolver.max_batch_size #=> Integer
    #   resp.resolver.runtime.name #=> String, one of "APPSYNC_JS"
    #   resp.resolver.runtime.runtime_version #=> String
    #   resp.resolver.code #=> String
    # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/appsync-2017-07-25/UpdateResolver AWS API Documentation
    # @overload update_resolver(params = {})
    # @param [Hash] params ({})
    def update_resolver(params = {}, options = {})
      req = build_request(:update_resolver, params)

    # Updates some of the configuration choices of a particular source API
    # association.
    # @option params [required, String] :association_id
    #   The ID generated by the AppSync service for the source API
    #   association.
    # @option params [required, String] :merged_api_identifier
    #   The identifier of the AppSync Merged API. This is generated by the
    #   AppSync service. In most cases, Merged APIs (especially in your
    #   account) only require the API ID value or ARN of the merged API.
    #   However, Merged APIs in other accounts (cross-account use cases)
    #   strictly require the full resource ARN of the merged API.
    # @option params [String] :description
    #   The description field.
    # @option params [Types::SourceApiAssociationConfig] :source_api_association_config
    #   The `SourceApiAssociationConfig` object data.
    # @return [Types::UpdateSourceApiAssociationResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
    #   * {Types::UpdateSourceApiAssociationResponse#source_api_association #source_api_association} => Types::SourceApiAssociation
    # @example Request syntax with placeholder values
    #   resp = client.update_source_api_association({
    #     association_id: "String", # required
    #     merged_api_identifier: "String", # required
    #     description: "String",
    #     source_api_association_config: {
    #       merge_type: "MANUAL_MERGE", # accepts MANUAL_MERGE, AUTO_MERGE
    #     },
    #   })
    # @example Response structure
    #   resp.source_api_association.association_id #=> String
    #   resp.source_api_association.association_arn #=> String
    #   resp.source_api_association.source_api_id #=> String
    #   resp.source_api_association.source_api_arn #=> String
    #   resp.source_api_association.merged_api_arn #=> String
    #   resp.source_api_association.merged_api_id #=> String
    #   resp.source_api_association.description #=> String
    #   resp.source_api_association.source_api_association_config.merge_type #=> String, one of "MANUAL_MERGE", "AUTO_MERGE"
    #   resp.source_api_association.source_api_association_status #=> String, one of "MERGE_SCHEDULED", "MERGE_FAILED", "MERGE_SUCCESS", "MERGE_IN_PROGRESS", "AUTO_MERGE_SCHEDULE_FAILED", "DELETION_SCHEDULED", "DELETION_IN_PROGRESS", "DELETION_FAILED"
    #   resp.source_api_association.source_api_association_status_detail #=> String
    #   resp.source_api_association.last_successful_merge_date #=> Time
    # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/appsync-2017-07-25/UpdateSourceApiAssociation AWS API Documentation
    # @overload update_source_api_association(params = {})
    # @param [Hash] params ({})
    def update_source_api_association(params = {}, options = {})
      req = build_request(:update_source_api_association, params)

    # Updates a `Type` object.
    # @option params [required, String] :api_id
    #   The API ID.
    # @option params [required, String] :type_name
    #   The new type name.
    # @option params [String] :definition
    #   The new definition.
    # @option params [required, String] :format
    #   The new type format: SDL or JSON.
    # @return [Types::UpdateTypeResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
    #   * {Types::UpdateTypeResponse#type #type} => Types::Type
    # @example Request syntax with placeholder values
    #   resp = client.update_type({
    #     api_id: "String", # required
    #     type_name: "ResourceName", # required
    #     definition: "String",
    #     format: "SDL", # required, accepts SDL, JSON
    #   })
    # @example Response structure
    #   resp.type.name #=> String
    #   resp.type.description #=> String
    #   resp.type.arn #=> String
    #   resp.type.definition #=> String
    #   resp.type.format #=> String, one of "SDL", "JSON"
    # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/appsync-2017-07-25/UpdateType AWS API Documentation
    # @overload update_type(params = {})
    # @param [Hash] params ({})
    def update_type(params = {}, options = {})
      req = build_request(:update_type, params)

    # @!endgroup

    # @param params ({})
    # @api private
    def build_request(operation_name, params = {})
      handlers = @handlers.for(operation_name)
      context = Seahorse::Client::RequestContext.new(
        operation_name: operation_name,
        operation: config.api.operation(operation_name),
        client: self,
        params: params,
        config: config)
      context[:gem_name] = 'aws-sdk-appsync'
      context[:gem_version] = '1.72.0'
      Seahorse::Client::Request.new(handlers, context)

    # @api private
    # @deprecated
    def waiter_names

    class << self

      # @api private
      attr_reader :identifier

      # @api private
      def errors_module
