require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/spec_helper.rb' describe Model do it "should have valid keys" do @onion.key.should == "food:onion" == "onion" end it "should have a working integer field" do @onion.calories.should == 0 @onion.calories = 120 @onion.calories.should == 120 end it "should have a valid reference" do @onion.category.should be_nil @onion.category = @vegetable == "vegetable" end it "should not allow its key values to be changed" do @onion.should respond_to :name @onion.should_not respond_to :name= @onion.should respond_to :description @onion.should respond_to :description= end it "should have a valid reference set" do @fruit.foods.count.should == 0 @fruit.foods << [ @apple, @lemon ] @fruit.foods.should be_include(@apple) @fruit.foods.should be_include(@lemon) @fruit.foods.should be_include("food:lemon")) @fruit.foods.should_not be_include(@steak) @fruit.foods = @onion @fruit.foods.count.should == 1 @fruit.foods.first.should == @onion end it "should not allow you to instantiate with a key that doesnt match its class" do lambda {"balogna") }.should raise_error(TypeError) lambda { }.should raise_error(TypeError) lambda { }.should_not raise_error(TypeError) end it "should allow for complex types in the key" do lambda { FavoriteFood.create("Billy Bob Thorton", "squeezy") }.should raise_error(TypeError) fav = FavoriteFood.create("Billy Bob Thorton", @onion) fav.key.should == "person:Billy_Bob_Thorton:food:onion" fav.person.should == "Billy Bob Thorton" == @onion end it "should have a valid list of fields" do fields = %w( name foods ) @vegetable.fields.should == fields end it "should use its on_change field correctly" do @apple.calories.should == 0 @apple.description = "good" @apple.description = "bad" @apple.calories.should == 2 end context "with single reference" do it "should reverse to a single reference" do @apple.sibling.should be_nil @lemon.sibling.should be_nil @apple.sibling = @lemon @apple.sibling.should == @lemon @lemon.sibling.should == @apple @lemon.sibling = nil @apple.sibling.should be_nil @lemon.sibling.should be_nil end it "should reverse to a reference set" do @onion.category.should be_nil @vegetable.foods.count.should be_zero 2.times do @onion.category = @vegetable == "vegetable" @vegetable.foods.count.should == 1 @vegetable.foods.should be_include(@onion) end @onion.category = nil @onion.category.should be_nil @vegetable.foods.count.should == 0 @vegetable.foods.should_not be_include(@onion) end it "should allow for generic references" do @onion.something.should be_nil @onion.something = @steak == "steak" @onion.something = @vegetable == "vegetable" end end context "with reference sets" do it "should reverse to single references" do @onion.category.should be_nil @vegetable.foods.count.should be_zero 2.times do @vegetable.foods << @onion == "vegetable" @vegetable.foods.count.should == 1 @vegetable.foods.should be_include(@onion) end @vegetable.foods.delete @onion @onion.category.should be_nil @vegetable.foods.count.should == 0 @vegetable.foods.should_not be_include(@onion) end it "should reverse to a reference set" do @apple.friends.count.should == 0 @lemon.friends.count.should == 0 @onion.friends.count.should == 0 @apple.friends << [ @lemon, @onion ] @apple.friends.count.should == 2 @lemon.friends.count.should == 1 @onion.friends.count.should == 1 @apple.friends.should be_include(@lemon) @apple.friends.should be_include(@onion) @lemon.friends.should be_include(@apple) @onion.friends.should be_include(@apple) @apple.friends.delete @lemon @apple.friends.count.should == 1 @lemon.friends.count.should == 0 @onion.friends.count.should == 1 @apple.friends.should_not be_include(@lemon) @apple.friends.should be_include(@onion) @lemon.friends.should_not be_include(@apple) @onion.friends.should be_include(@apple) end end context "website sister sites" do it "should update each others sister sites table" do site1 = Website.create("Site One") site2 = Website.create("Site Two") site1.sister_sites.count.should == 0 site2.sister_sites.count.should == 0 site1.sister_sites.should_not be_include site2 site2.sister_sites.should_not be_include site1 site1.sister_sites << site2 site1.sister_sites.count.should == 1 site2.sister_sites.count.should == 1 site1.sister_sites.should be_include site2 site2.sister_sites.should be_include site1 site2.sister_sites.delete site1 site1.sister_sites.count.should == 0 site2.sister_sites.count.should == 0 site1.sister_sites.should_not be_include site2 site2.sister_sites.should_not be_include site1 end end it "should enumerable all foods" do Food.count.should == 5 count = 0 Food.each do |food| count += 1 food.should be_a(Food) end count.should == 5 end it "should call its on_change method for all fields" do o = OnChangeTestModel.create lambda { o.string = "test" }.should raise_exception TestEx lambda { o.integer = 123 }.should raise_exception TestEx lambda { o.set = [1,2,3] }.should raise_exception TestEx lambda { o.list = [1,5,8] }.should raise_exception TestEx lambda { o.ref = o }.should raise_exception TestEx lambda { o.refs << o }.should raise_exception TestEx end it "should be ok when you have sets and lists in the key" do lambda { WeirdKeyModel.create([ "ok" ], [ "weird" ]) }.should raise_exception(ArgumentError) end end