require 'spec_helper' describe PhoneGap::Build::PackageDownloader do let(:api_request) { double('PhoneGap::Build::ApiRequest') } before do PhoneGap::Build::ApiRequest.stub(:new).and_return api_request end context 'when given a package' do let(:platform) { 'some platform' } context 'and an app id' do let(:id) { 'id' } let(:http_response) { double('response', :success? => false, body: '{"key":"value"}') } it 'makes an api call to download the package' do expect(api_request).to receive(:get).with("/apps/#{id}/#{platform}").and_return http_response, platform) end context 'when the api call is successful' do let(:file_name) { 'Something.ipa' } let(:uri) { double('uri', request_uri: "/ios.phonegap/slicehost-production/apps/894786/#{file_name}" ) } let(:request) { double('request') } let(:http_response) { double('http response', success?: true, request: request, body: 'file content') } before do api_request.stub(:get).and_return http_response request.stub(:instance_variable_get).with(:@last_uri).and_return uri FileUtils.stub(:mkdir_p) File.stub(:open) end it 'creates a directory to store the file' do expect(FileUtils).to receive(:mkdir_p), platform) end context 'and given a directory to save to' do let(:target_dir) { '/save/me/here' } it 'saves each package to the given folder' do expect(File).to receive(:open).with("#{target_dir}/#{platform}/#{file_name}", anything), platform, target_dir) end end context 'and not given a directory to save to' do it 'saves the package to the tmp folder' do expect(File).to receive(:open).with("/tmp/#{platform}/#{file_name}", anything), platform) end end end end end end