# frozen_string_literal: true
module Net
class IMAP < Protocol
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# :section: System Flags
# A message has a list of zero or more named tokens, known as "flags",
# associated with it. A flag is set by its addition to this list and is
# cleared by its removal. There are two types of flags in
# IMAP4rev1[https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc3501.html] and
# IMAP4rev2[https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc9051.html]: flags and
# keywords. A flag of either type can be permanent or session-only.
# A "system flag" is a message flag name that is predefined in the \IMAP
# specifications and begins with "\". Net::IMAP returns all
# system flags as symbols, without the "\" prefix.
# The descriptions here were copied from {[RFC-9051
# §2.3.2]}[https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc9051.html#section-2.3.2].
# See also {[RFC-3501
# §2.3.2]}[https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc3501.html#section-2.3.2],
# which describes the flags message attribute semantics under
# IMAP4rev1[https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc3501.html].
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Flag indicating a message has been read.
SEEN = :Seen
# Flag indicating a message has been answered.
ANSWERED = :Answered
# A message flag indicating a message has been flagged for special or urgent
# attention.
# Also a mailbox special use attribute, which indicates that this mailbox
# presents all messages marked in some way as "important". When this
# special use is supported, it is likely to represent a virtual mailbox
# collecting messages (from other mailboxes) that are marked with the
# "\Flagged" message flag.
FLAGGED = :Flagged
# Flag indicating a message has been marked for deletion. This
# will occur when the mailbox is closed or expunged.
DELETED = :Deleted
# Flag indicating a message is only a draft or work-in-progress version.
DRAFT = :Draft
# Flag indicating that the message is "recent," meaning that this
# session is the first session in which the client has been notified
# of this message.
# This flag was defined by
# IMAP4rev1[https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc3501.html]
# and is deprecated by
# IMAP4rev2[https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc9051.html].
RECENT = :Recent
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# :section: Basic Mailbox Attributes
# Mailbox name attributes will be returned in #list responses. Base
# attributes must be returned according to the server's capabilities.
# IMAP4 specifies that all mailbox name attributes, including future
# extensions, begin with "\". Net::IMAP returns all mailbox
# attributes as symbols, without the "\" prefix.
# Mailbox name attributes are not case-sensitive. The current
# implementation normalizes mailbox attribute case using
# String#capitalize, such as +:Noselect+ (not +:NoSelect+). The constants
# (such as NO_SELECT) can also be used for comparison. The constants have
# been defined both with and without underscores between words.
# The descriptions here were copied from {[RFC-9051 §
# 7.3.1]}[https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc9051.html#section-7.3.1].
# Other mailbox name attributes can be found in the {IANA IMAP Mailbox Name
# Attributes registry}[https://www.iana.org/assignments/imap-mailbox-name-attributes/imap-mailbox-name-attributes.xhtml].
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# The +\NonExistent+ attribute indicates that a mailbox name does not refer
# to an existing mailbox. Note that this attribute is not meaningful by
# itself, as mailbox names that match the canonical #list pattern but don't
# exist must not be returned unless one of the two conditions listed below
# is also satisfied:
# 1. The mailbox name also satisfies the selection criteria (for example,
# it is subscribed and the "SUBSCRIBED" selection option has been
# specified).
# 2. "RECURSIVEMATCH" has been specified, and the mailbox name has at least
# one descendant mailbox name that does not match the #list pattern and
# does match the selection criteria.
# In practice, this means that the +\NonExistent+ attribute is usually
# returned with one or more of +\Subscribed+, +\Remote+, +\HasChildren+, or
# the CHILDINFO extended data item.
# The client must treat the presence of the +\NonExistent+ attribute as if the
# +\NoSelect+ attribute was also sent by the server
NONEXISTENT = :Nonexistent
# Mailbox attribute indicating it is not possible for any child levels of
# hierarchy to exist under this name; no child levels exist now and none can
# be created in the future children.
# The client must treat the presence of the +\NoInferiors+ attribute as if the
# +\HasNoChildren+ attribute was also sent by the server
NO_INFERIORS = :Noinferiors
# Mailbox attribute indicating it is not possible to use this name as a
# selectable mailbox.
NO_SELECT = :Noselect
# The presence of this attribute indicates that the mailbox has child
# mailboxes. A server SHOULD NOT set this attribute if there are child
# mailboxes and the user does not have permission to access any of them. In
# this case, +\HasNoChildren+ SHOULD be used. In many cases, however, a
# server may not be able to efficiently compute whether a user has access to
# any child mailboxes. Note that even though the +\HasChildren+ attribute
# for a mailbox must be correct at the time of processing the mailbox, a
# client must be prepared to deal with a situation when a mailbox is marked
# with the +\HasChildren+ attribute, but no child mailbox appears in the
# response to the #list command. This might happen, for example, due to child
# mailboxes being deleted or made inaccessible to the user (using access
# control) by another client before the server is able to list them.
# It is an error for the server to return both a +\HasChildren+ and a
# +\HasNoChildren+ attribute in the same #list response. A client that
# encounters a #list response with both +\HasChildren+ and +\HasNoChildren+
# attributes present should act as if both are absent in the #list response.
HAS_CHILDREN = :Haschildren
# The presence of this attribute indicates that the mailbox has NO child
# mailboxes that are accessible to the currently authenticated user.
# It is an error for the server to return both a +\HasChildren+ and a
# +\HasNoChildren+ attribute in the same #list response. A client that
# encounters a #list response with both +\HasChildren+ and +\HasNoChildren+
# attributes present should act as if both are absent in the #list response.
# Note: the +\HasNoChildren+ attribute should not be confused with the
# +\NoInferiors+ attribute, which indicates that no child mailboxes exist
# now and none can be created in the future.
HAS_NO_CHILDREN = :Hasnochildren
# The mailbox has been marked "interesting" by the server; the mailbox
# probably contains messages that have been added since the last time the
# mailbox was selected.
# If it is not feasible for the server to determine whether or not the
# mailbox is "interesting", the server SHOULD NOT send either +\Marked+ or
# +\Unmarked+. The server MUST NOT send more than one of +\Marked+,
# +\Unmarked+, and +\NoSelect+ for a single mailbox, and it MAY send none of
# these.
MARKED = :Marked
# The mailbox does not contain any additional messages since the last time
# the mailbox was selected.
# If it is not feasible for the server to determine whether or not the
# mailbox is "interesting", the server SHOULD NOT send either +\Marked+ or
# +\Unmarked+. The server MUST NOT send more than one of +\Marked+,
# +\Unmarked+, and +\NoSelect+ for a single mailbox, and it MAY send none of
# these.
UNMARKED = :Unmarked
# The mailbox name was subscribed to using the #subscribe command.
SUBSCRIBED = :Subscribed
# The mailbox is a remote mailbox.
REMOTE = :Remove
# Alias for NO_INFERIORS, to match the \IMAP spelling.
# Alias for NO_SELECT, to match the \IMAP spelling.
# Alias for HAS_CHILDREN, to match the \IMAP spelling.
# Alias for HAS_NO_CHILDREN, to match the \IMAP spelling.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# :section: Mailbox role attributes
# Mailbox name attributes will be returned in #list responses. In addition
# to the base mailbox name attributes defined above, an \IMAP server MAY
# also include any or all of the following attributes that denote "role" (or
# "special-use") of a mailbox. These attributes are included along with base
# attributes defined above. A given mailbox may have none, one, or more than
# one of these attributes. In some cases, a special use is advice to a
# client about what to put in that mailbox. In other cases, it's advice to a
# client about what to expect to find there.
# IMAP4 specifies that all mailbox name attributes, including future
# extensions, begin with "\". Net::IMAP returns all mailbox
# attributes as symbols, without the "\" prefix.
# The special use attributes were first defined as part of the
# SPECIAL-USE[https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc6154.html] extension, but
# servers may return them without including the +SPECIAL-USE+ #capability.
# The descriptions here were copied from {[RFC-9051 §
# 7.3.1]}[https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc9051.html#section-7.3.1].
# Other mailbox name attributes can be found in the {IANA IMAP Mailbox Name
# Attributes registry}[https://www.iana.org/assignments/imap-mailbox-name-attributes/imap-mailbox-name-attributes.xhtml].
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Mailbox attribute indicating that this mailbox presents all messages in
# the user's message store. Implementations MAY omit some messages, such as,
# perhaps, those in \Trash and \Junk. When this special use is supported, it
# is almost certain to represent a virtual mailbox
ALL = :All
# Mailbox attribute indicating that this mailbox is used to archive
# messages. The meaning of an "archival" mailbox is server dependent;
# typically, it will be used to get messages out of the inbox, or otherwise
# keep them out of the user's way, while still making them accessible
ARCHIVE = :Archive
# Mailbox attribute indicating that this mailbox is used to hold draft
# messages -- typically, messages that are being composed but have not yet
# been sent. In some server implementations, this might be a virtual
# mailbox, containing messages from other mailboxes that are marked with the
# "\Draft" message flag. Alternatively, this might just be advice that a
# client put drafts here
DRAFTS = :Drafts
# n.b. FLAGGED is defined in the system flags section.
# Mailbox attribute indicating that this mailbox is where messages deemed to
# be junk mail are held. Some server implementations might put messages here
# automatically. Alternatively, this might just be advice to a client-side
# spam filter.
JUNK = :Junk
# Mailbox attribute indicating that this mailbox is used to hold copies of
# messages that have been sent. Some server implementations might put
# messages here automatically. Alternatively, this might just be advice that
# a client save sent messages here.
SENT = :Sent
# Mailbox attribute indicating that this mailbox is used to hold messages
# that have been deleted or marked for deletion. In some server
# implementations, this might be a virtual mailbox, containing messages from
# other mailboxes that are marked with the +\Deleted+ message flag.
# Alternatively, this might just be advice that a client that chooses not to
# use the \IMAP +\Deleted+ model should use as its trash location. In server
# implementations that strictly expect the \IMAP +\Deleted+ model, this
# special use is likely not to be supported.
TRASH = :Trash
# :section: