require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), %w[.. .. spec_helper]) describe Wackamole::SearchFilter do before( :each ) do @filter = now = @test_time = Chronic.parse( "%d/%2d/%2d 17:00:00" % [now.year,now.month,] ) end it "should initialize with the correct defaults" do @filter = check_filter( @filter, "today", "All", "", -1) end it "should reset a filter correctly" do @filter = @filter.time_frame = "1 year" @filter.browser_type = "Safari" @filter.search_terms = "blee" @filter.feature_id = 10 check_filter( @filter, "1 year", "Safari", "blee", 10 ) @filter.reset! check_filter( @filter, "today", "All", "", -1) end it "should retrieve the correct feature context" do @filter.context_for( {'ctx' => "/blee/fred" } ).should == "/blee/fred" @filter.context_for( {'ctl' => "blee", 'act' => "fred" } ).should == "blee#fred" end it "should retrieve the correct start date" do @filter.from_date_id.should_not be_nil end it "should map id to type correctly" do types = %w( Feature Perf Fault ) [0,1,2].each do |t| @filter.send( :to_filter_type, t ).should == types[t] end end describe "series" do it "should generate the correct time_ids" do @filter.time_frame = "7 days" @filter.time_ids.should have(8).items @filter.time_ids.each { |did| did.size.should == 8 } end it "should generate the correct time series" do @filter.time_frame = "10 days" @filter.time_series.should have(11).items @filter.time_series.each { |date| date.should match( /\d{4}\-\d{2}\-\d{2}/) } end end it "should populate correctly from request params" do @filter.from_options( {:time_frame => '1 year', :browser_type => 'Safari', :search_terms => "blee", :feature_id => 100 } ) check_filter( @filter, "1 year", "Safari", "blee", 100 ) end describe "#to_conds" before :all do @now = end it "should spews default filter query conds correctly" do conds = @filter.to_conds conds.should have(1).item conds.key?( '$where' ).should == true conds['$where'].should == "((this.did == '#{@test_time.to_date_id}' && this.tid >= '060001') || ( this.did == '#{(@test_time+24*60*60).to_date_id}' && this.tid <= '055959') )" end it "should include browser if specified correctly" do @filter.browser_type = 'Safari' conds = @filter.to_conds time = Chronic.parse( "now" ).utc conds.should have(2).items conds[''].should == "Safari" end it "should include mole type is specfied" do @filter.browser_type = 'Safari' @filter.type = Wackamole::SearchFilter.mole_types[1] conds = @filter.to_conds time = Chronic.parse( "now" ).utc conds.should have(3).items conds[''].should == "Safari" conds[:typ].should == Rackamole.feature end it "should include feature is specfied" do @filter.feature_id = "4b25b0049983a8a193000010" conds = @filter.to_conds time = Chronic.parse( "now" ).utc conds.should have(2).items conds[:fid].should == BSON::ObjectID.from_string( "4b25b0049983a8a193000010" ) end describe "search terms" do before( :all ) do Wackamole::Control.init_config( File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), %w[.. .. config test.yml]) ) Wackamole::Control.current_db( "test", "app1", "test", true ) end it "should retrieve features correctly" do features = @filter.features features.should have(7).items count = 0 expected = %w(All / /error /normal /params/10 /post /slow) features.each do |f| f.should have(2).items f.first.should == expected[count] count += 1 end end it "should include user if specified" do @filter.search_terms = "user:fernand" conds = @filter.to_conds conds.should have(2).items conds[:uid].should_not be_nil conds[:uid].key?( "$in" ).should == true conds[:uid]["$in"].should have(1).item conds[:uid]["$in"].first.to_s.size.should == 24 end it "should include an adoc regexp if specified" do @filter.search_terms = "host:blee" conds = @filter.to_conds conds.should have(2).items conds[:hos].should_not be_nil conds[:hos].should == /blee/ end it "should include an adoc regexp if specified" do @filter.search_terms = "browser:name:duh" conds = @filter.to_conds conds.should have(2).items conds[''].should_not be_nil conds[''].should == /duh/ end it "should raise an exception is search exp cannot be parsed" do lambda { @filter.search_terms = "key:blee:duh:booba" conds = @filter.to_conds }.should raise_error /Unable to evaluate search terms/ end end describe "#map_mole_type" do it "should map mole types correctly" do %w[Feature Perf Fault].each { |type| @filter.send( :map_mole_type, type ).should == Rackamole.send( type.downcase ) } end it "should crap out for invalid mole types" do lambda { @filter.send( :map_mole_type, "bozo" ) }.should raise_error( /Invalid mole type `bozo/ ) end end it "should reset a time stamp correctly" do @filter.send( :now ).strftime( "%H:%M:%S" ).should match( /00\:00\:00/ ) end end def check_filter( filter, time_frame, browser, terms, feature_id ) filter.time_frame.should == time_frame filter.browser_type.should == browser filter.search_terms.should == terms filter.feature_id.should == feature_id end