require 'ostruct' module Familia require 'familia/redisobject' # Auto-extended into a class that includes Familia module ClassMethods Familia::RedisObject.registration.each_pair do |kind, klass| # e.g. # # list(name, klass, opts) # list?(name) # lists # define_method :"#{kind}" do |*args, &blk| name, opts = *args install_redis_object name, klass, opts redis_objects[name.to_s.to_sym] end define_method :"#{kind}?" do |name| obj = redis_objects[name.to_s.to_sym] !obj.nil? && klass == obj.klass end define_method :"#{kind}s" do names = { |name| send(:"#{kind}?", name) } names.collect! { |name| redis_objects[name] } names end # e.g. # # class_list(name, klass, opts) # class_list?(name) # class_lists # define_method :"class_#{kind}" do |*args, &blk| name, opts = *args install_class_redis_object name, klass, opts end define_method :"class_#{kind}?" do |name| obj = class_redis_objects[name.to_s.to_sym] !obj.nil? && klass == obj.klass end define_method :"class_#{kind}s" do names = { |name| ret = send(:"class_#{kind}?", name) } # TODO: This returns instances of the RedisObject class which # also contain the options. This is different from the instance # RedisObjects defined above which returns the OpenStruct of name, klass, and opts. #names.collect! { |name| self.send name } # OR NOT: names.collect! { |name| class_redis_objects[name] } names end end def inherited(obj) obj.db = self.db obj.uri = self.uri obj.ttl = self.ttl obj.parent = self obj.class_zset :instances, :class => obj, :reference => true Familia.classes << obj super(obj) end def extended(obj) obj.db = self.db obj.ttl = self.ttl obj.uri = self.uri obj.parent = self obj.class_zset :instances, :class => obj, :reference => true Familia.classes << obj end # Creates an instance method called +name+ that # returns an instance of the RedisObject +klass+ def install_redis_object name, klass, opts raise ArgumentError, "Name is blank" if name.to_s.empty? name = name.to_s.to_sym opts ||= {} redis_objects_order << name redis_objects[name] = redis_objects[name].name = name redis_objects[name].klass = klass redis_objects[name].opts = opts self.send :attr_reader, name define_method "#{name}=" do |v| self.send(name).replace v end define_method "#{name}?" do !self.send(name).empty? end redis_objects[name] end def qstamp quantum=nil, pattern=nil, quantum ||= ttl || 10.minutes pattern ||= '%H%M' rounded = now - (now % quantum) end # Creates a class method called +name+ that # returns an instance of the RedisObject +klass+ def install_class_redis_object name, klass, opts raise ArgumentError, "Name is blank" if name.to_s.empty? name = name.to_s.to_sym opts = opts.nil? ? {} : opts.clone opts[:parent] = self unless opts.has_key?(:parent) # TODO: investigate using attic.redis_objects class_redis_objects_order << name class_redis_objects[name] = class_redis_objects[name].name = name class_redis_objects[name].klass = klass class_redis_objects[name].opts = opts # An accessor method created in the metclass will # access the instance variables for this class. attic.send :attr_reader, name attic.send :define_method, "#{name}=" do |v| send(name).replace v end attic.send :define_method, "#{name}?" do !send(name).empty? end redis_object = name, opts redis_object.freeze self.instance_variable_set("@#{name}", redis_object) class_redis_objects[name] end def from_redisdump dump dump # todo end attr_accessor :parent def ttl v=nil @ttl = v unless v.nil? @ttl || (parent ? parent.ttl : nil) end def ttl=(v) @ttl = v end def db v=nil @db = v unless v.nil? @db || (parent ? parent.db : nil) end def db=(db) @db = db end def host(host=nil) @host = host if host; @host end def host=(host) @host = host end def port(port=nil) @port = port if port; @port end def port=(port) @port = port end def uri=(uri) uri = URI.parse uri if String === uri @uri = uri end def uri(uri=nil) self.uri = uri if !uri.to_s.empty? @uri ||= (parent ? parent.uri : Familia.uri) @uri.db = @db if @db && @uri.db.to_s != @db.to_s @uri end def redis Familia.redis uri end def flushdb "flushing #{uri}" redis.flushdb end def keys(suffix=nil) self.redis.keys(rediskey('*',suffix)) || [] end def all(suffix=:object) # objects that could not be parsed will be nil keys(suffix).collect { |k| from_key(k) }.compact end def any?(filter='*') size(filter) > 0 end def size(filter='*') self.redis.keys(rediskey(filter)).compact.size end def suffix(a=nil, &blk) @suffix = a || blk if a || !blk.nil? val = @suffix || Familia.default_suffix val end def prefix=(a) @prefix = a end def prefix(a=nil) @prefix = a if a; @prefix ||'::', Familia.delim).to_sym end # TODO: grab db, ttl, uri from parent #def parent=(a) @parent = a end #def parent(a=nil) @parent = a if a; @parent end def index(i=nil, &blk) @index = i || blk if i || !blk.nil? @index ||= Familia.index @index end def suffixes redis_objects.keys.uniq end def class_redis_objects_order @class_redis_objects_order ||= [] @class_redis_objects_order end def class_redis_objects @class_redis_objects ||= {} @class_redis_objects end def class_redis_objects? name class_redis_objects.has_key? name.to_s.to_sym end def redis_object? name redis_objects.has_key? name.to_s.to_sym end def redis_objects_order @redis_objects_order ||= [] @redis_objects_order end def redis_objects @redis_objects ||= {} @redis_objects end def create *args me = from_array *args raise "#{self} exists: #{me.rediskey}" if me.exists? me end def multiget(*ids) ids = rawmultiget(*ids) ids.compact.collect { |json| self.from_json(json) }.compact end def rawmultiget(*ids) ids.collect! { |objid| rediskey(objid) } return [] if ids.compact.empty? Familia.trace :MULTIGET, self.redis, "#{ids.size}: #{ids}", caller if Familia.debug? ids = self.redis.mget *ids end # Returns an instance based on +idx+ otherwise it # creates and saves a new instance base on +idx+. # See from_index def load_or_create idx return from_redis(idx) if exists?(idx) obj = from_index idx obj end # Note +idx+ needs to be an appropriate index for # the given class. If the index is multi-value it # must be passed as an Array in the proper order. # Does not call save. def from_index idx obj = new obj.index = idx obj end def from_key objkey raise ArgumentError, "Empty key" if objkey.to_s.empty? Familia.trace :LOAD, Familia.redis(self.uri), objkey, caller if Familia.debug? obj = objkey, :class => self obj.value end def from_redis idx, suffix=:object return nil if idx.to_s.empty? objkey = rediskey idx, suffix #Familia.trace :FROMREDIS, Familia.redis(self.uri), objkey, caller.first if Familia.debug? me = from_key objkey me end def exists? idx, suffix=:object return false if idx.to_s.empty? objkey = rediskey idx, suffix ret = Familia.redis(self.uri).exists objkey Familia.trace :EXISTS, Familia.redis(self.uri), "#{rediskey(idx, suffix)} #{ret}", caller if Familia.debug? ret end def destroy! idx, suffix=:object ret = Familia.redis(self.uri).del rediskey(idx, suffix) Familia.trace :DELETED, Familia.redis(self.uri), "#{rediskey(idx, suffix)}: #{ret}", caller if Familia.debug? ret end def find suffix='*' list = Familia.redis(self.uri).keys(rediskey('*', suffix)) || [] end # idx can be a value or an Array of values used to create the index. # We don't enforce a default suffix; that's left up to the instance. # A nil +suffix+ will not be included in the key. def rediskey idx, suffix=self.suffix raise RuntimeError, "No index for #{self}" if idx.to_s.empty? idx = Familia.join *idx if Array === idx idx &&= idx.to_s Familia.rediskey(prefix, idx, suffix) end def expand(short_idx, suffix=self.suffix) expand_key = Familia.rediskey(self.prefix, "#{short_idx}*", suffix) Familia.trace :EXPAND, Familia.redis(self.uri), expand_key, caller.first if Familia.debug? list = Familia.redis(self.uri).keys expand_key case list.size when 0 nil when 1 matches = list.first.match(/\A#{Familia.rediskey(prefix)}\:(.+?)\:#{suffix}/) || [] matches[1] else raise Familia::NonUniqueKey, "Short key returned more than 1 match" end end end module InstanceMethods # A default initialize method. This will be replaced # if a class defines its own initialize method after # including Familia. In that case, the replacement # must call initialize_redis_objects. def initialize *args initialize_redis_objects init *args if respond_to? :init end # This needs to be called in the initialize method of # any class that includes Familia. def initialize_redis_objects # Generate instances of each RedisObject. These need to be # unique for each instance of this class so they can refer # to the index of this specific instance. # # i.e. # familia_object.rediskey == v1:bone:INDEXVALUE:object # familia_object.redis_object.rediskey == v1:bone:INDEXVALUE:name # # See RedisObject.install_redis_object self.class.redis_objects.each_pair do |name, redis_object_definition| klass, opts = redis_object_definition.klass, redis_object_definition.opts opts = opts.nil? ? {} : opts.clone opts[:parent] = self unless opts.has_key?(:parent) redis_object = name, opts redis_object.freeze self.instance_variable_set "@#{name}", redis_object end end def qstamp quantum=nil, pattern=nil, self.class.qstamp ttl, pattern, now end def from_redis self.class.from_redis self.index end def redis self.class.redis end def redisinfo info = { :uri => self.class.uri, :db => self.class.db, :key => rediskey, :type => redistype, :ttl => realttl } end def exists? Familia.redis(self.class.uri).exists rediskey end #def rediskeys # self.class.redis_objects.each do |redis_object_definition| # # end #end def allkeys # TODO: Use redis_objects instead keynames = [] self.class.suffixes.each do |sfx| keynames << rediskey(sfx) end keynames end # +suffix+ is the value to be used at the end of the redis key # + ignored+ is literally ignored. It's around to maintain # consistency with the class version of this method. # (RedisObject#rediskey may call against a class or instance). def rediskey(suffix=nil, ignored=nil) "[#{self.class}] something was ignored" unless ignored.nil? raise Familia::NoIndex, self.class if index.to_s.empty? if suffix.nil? suffix = self.class.suffix.kind_of?(Proc) ? : self.class.suffix end self.class.rediskey self.index, suffix end def object_proxy @object_proxy ||= self.rediskey, :ttl => ttl, :class => self.class @object_proxy end def save meth=:set #Familia.trace :SAVE, Familia.redis(self.class.uri), redisuri, caller.first if Familia.debug? preprocess if respond_to?(:preprocess) self.update_time if self.respond_to?(:update_time) ret = object_proxy.send(meth, self) # object is a name reserved by Familia unless ret.nil? now = self.class.instances.add now, self # use this set instead of Klass.keys object_proxy.update_expiration # does nothing unless if not specified end ret == "OK" || ret == true || ret == 1 end def savenx save :setnx end def update! hsh=nil updated = false hsh ||= {} if hsh.empty? raise Familia::Problem, "No #{self.class}#{to_hash} method" unless respond_to?(:to_hash) ret = from_redis hsh = ret.to_hash if ret end hsh.keys.each { |field| v = hsh[field.to_s] || hsh[field.to_s.to_sym] next if v.nil? self.send(:"#{field}=", v) updated = true } updated end def destroy! ret = object_proxy.delete if Familia.debug? Familia.trace :DELETED, Familia.redis(self.class.uri), "#{rediskey}: #{ret}", caller.first if Familia.debug? end self.class.instances.rem self if ret > 0 ret end def index case self.class.index when Proc when Array parts = self.class.index.collect { |meth| unless self.respond_to? meth raise NoIndex, "No such method: `#{meth}' for #{self.class}" end ret = self.send(meth) ret = ret.index if ret.kind_of?(Familia) ret } parts.join Familia.delim when Symbol, String if self.class.redis_object?(self.class.index.to_sym) raise Familia::NoIndex, "Cannot use a RedisObject as an index" else unless self.respond_to? self.class.index raise NoIndex, "No such method: `#{self.class.index}' for #{self.class}" end ret = self.send(self.class.index) ret = ret.index if ret.kind_of?(Familia) ret end else raise Familia::NoIndex, self end end def index=(v) case self.class.index when Proc raise ArgumentError, "Cannot set a Proc index" when Array unless Array === v && v.size == self.class.index.size raise ArgumentError, "Index mismatch (#{v.size} for #{self.class.index.size})" end parts = self.class.index.each_with_index { |meth,idx| unless self.respond_to? "#{meth}=" raise NoIndex, "No such method: `#{meth}=' for #{self.class}" end self.send("#{meth}=", v[idx]) } when Symbol, String if self.class.redis_object?(self.class.index.to_sym) raise Familia::NoIndex, "Cannot use a RedisObject as an index" else unless self.respond_to? "#{self.class.index}=" raise NoIndex, "No such method: `#{self.class.index}=' for #{self.class}" end self.send("#{self.class.index}=", v) end else raise Familia::NoIndex, self end end def expire(ttl=nil) ttl ||= self.class.ttl Familia.redis(self.class.uri).expire rediskey, ttl.to_i end def realttl Familia.redis(self.class.uri).ttl rediskey end def ttl=(v) @ttl = v.to_i end def ttl @ttl || self.class.ttl end def raw(suffix=nil) suffix ||= :object Familia.redis(self.class.uri).get rediskey(suffix) end def redisuri(suffix=nil) u = URI.parse self.class.uri.to_s u.db ||= self.class.db.to_s u.key = rediskey(suffix) u end def redistype(suffix=nil) Familia.redis(self.class.uri).type rediskey(suffix) end # Finds the shortest available unique key (lower limit of 6) def shortid len = 6 loop do begin self.class.expand(@id.shorten(len)) break rescue Familia::NonUniqueKey len += 1 end end @id.shorten(len) end end end