# frozen_string_literal: true Esse.configure do |config| config.indices_directory = File.expand_path('../../app/indices', __FILE__) config.cluster(:default) do |cluster| # Default index prefix cluster.index_prefix = "esse" # you also can add environment to the index prefix if available: # cluster.index_prefix = "esse_#{ENV['RACK_ENV']}" # # Initialize the ElastiSearch/OpenSearch client to be used by the default cluster # cluster.client = Elasticsearch::Client.new or OpenSearch::Client.new # Global index settings # cluster.settings = { # index: { # number_of_shards: 5, # number_of_replicas: 0, # } # } # Global index mappings # cluster.mappings = { # dynamic_templates: [ # # ... Dynamic templates ... # ], # properties: { # # ... Explicit mapping # }, # } end end