module Gravatarify::ViewHelper include Gravatarify::Base # Ensure proper gravatar_url method is available! alias_method :gravatar_url, :build_gravatar_url # Create tag by passing +email+ to +gravatar_url+, is based # on rails +image_tag+ helper method. # # <%= gravatar_tag(, :size => 20) %> # -> ... height= # <%= gravatar_tag('', :class => "gravatar") # -> # # Note: this method tries to be very clever about which options need to be passed to # +gravatar_url+ and which to +image_tag+, so using this method it's not possible to # send arbitary attributes to +gravatar_url+ and have them included in the url. def gravatar_tag(email, options = {}) url_options = options.symbolize_keys.reject { |key,value| !Gravatarify::GRAVATAR_OPTIONS.include?(key) } options[:alt] ||= Gravatarify::Base.get_smart_email_from(email) # use email as :alt attribute options[:width] = options[:height] = (url_options[:size] || Gravatarify::GRAVATAR_DEFAULT_SIZE) # customize size image_tag(email.respond_to?(:gravatar_url) ? email.gravatar_url(url_options) : gravatar_url(email, url_options), options) end end