Ext.define('Netzke.Basepack.SearchPanel.ConditionField', { extend: 'Ext.form.FieldContainer', alias: 'widget.netzkebasepacksearchpanelconditionfield', hideLabel: true, layout: 'hbox', // Config refinements for the value field valueFieldConfigs: { string: { xtype : 'textfield' }, datetime: { xtype : 'datefield' }, date: { xtype : 'datefield' }, decimal: { xtype: 'numberfield' }, integer: { xtype: 'numberfield' } }, initComponent: function(){ if (!this.type || this.assoc) this.type = 'string'; this.typeHash = {}; var storeData = Ext.Array.map(this.ownerCt.attrs, function(attr) { this.typeHash[attr.name] = attr.type; return [attr.name, attr.text]; }, this); var items = [ // attribute combo { xtype : 'combo', store: storeData, allowBlank: true, // store: [], name: this.attr + '_attr', itemId: 'attrCombo', emptyText: 'Attribute', triggerAction: 'all', value: this.attr ? this.attr.underscore() : "", listeners: { select: this.netzkeOnAttributeChange, scope: this } } ]; if (this.attr) { var operators = this.ownerCt.attributeOperatorsMap[this.type] || [[]]; if (this.type === 'boolean') { items.push({ xtype : 'tricheckbox', width: 100, name: this.attr + '_value', itemId: 'valueField', checked: this.value }); items.push({ flex: 1, xtype: 'displayfield' }); } else { // operator combo items.push( { width: 100, xtype: 'combo', fieldLabel: 'Operator', hideLabel: true, store: operators, name: this.attr + '_operator', value: this.operator || operators[0][0], autoSelect: true, triggerAction: 'all', emptyText: "Operator", itemId: "operatorCombo" } ); // value field items.push(Ext.apply( { xtype: 'textfield', emptyText: "Value", flex: 1, name: this.attr + '_value', value: this.value, itemId: "valueField" }, this.valueFieldConfigs[this.type] // refining the config dependent on the attr type )); } // delete button items.push({ xtype: 'button', cls: 'x-btn-icon', icon: Netzke.RelativeUrlRoot + "/images/icons/cross.png", handler: this.removeSelf, scope: this }); } this.items = items; this.callParent(); this.attrCombo = this.getComponent('attrCombo'); this.operatorCombo = this.getComponent('operatorCombo'); this.valueField = this.getComponent('valueField'); }, isConfigured: function() { return !!this.attrCombo.getValue(); }, removeSelf: function(){ var ownerCt = this.ownerCt; this.destroy(); ownerCt.fireEvent('fieldsnumberchange'); }, netzkeOnAttributeChange: function(e){ this.fireEvent('configured'); this.changeAttribute(e.value); }, // Dynamically replace self with a field with different type changeAttribute: function(attr){ var type = this.typeHash[attr]; var idx = this.ownerCt.items.indexOf(this); var owner = this.ownerCt; var newSelf = Ext.createByAlias('widget.netzkebasepacksearchpanelconditionfield', Ext.apply(this.initialConfig, {name: attr, type: type, attr: attr.underscore(), ownerCt: this.ownerCt, operator: null})); owner.insert(idx, newSelf); setTimeout(function() { this.destroy(); }.bind(this), 1); // this gives time for pending events to get handled without errors }, // Returns true if it should be in the query valueIsSet: function(){ return !!(this.attrCombo.getValue() && (this.type === 'boolean' || this.operatorCombo.getValue()) && !Ext.isEmpty(this.valueField.getValue())); }, // Returns the query object buildValue: function(){ var res = {attr: this.attrCombo.getValue(), value: this.valueField.getValue()}; if (this.attrType !== 'boolean') { res.operator = this.operatorCombo.getValue(); } return res; }, clearValue: function() { this.valueField.reset(); } });