#!/bin/sh # # This script installs and configures (or reconfigures) an Mu Master, # setting up the Mu tools, Chef, and assorted support libraries and utilities. # # clean containing environment of nonsense unset GEM_HOME unset GEM_PATH DIST_VERSION=`rpm -qa \*-release\* | grep -Ei "redhat|centos" | cut -d"-" -f3` IS_AMAZON=0 if [ "$DIST_VERSION" == "" ];then # funny package name in Amazon Linux # DIST_VERSION=`rpm -qa \*-release\* | cut -d"-" -f3` # XXX always 6 for now DIST_VERSION=6 IS_AMAZON=1 elif [ "$DIST_VERSION" == "server" ];then # funny package name in RHEL6 DIST_VERSION="6" fi EPEL_RPM="http://mirror.metrocast.net/fedora/epel/epel-release-latest-$DIST_VERSION.noarch.rpm" CHEF_CLIENT_VERSION="12.17.44-1" CHEF_SERVER_VERSION="12.11.1-1" if [ "$DIST_VERSION" == "7" ];then # mariadb replaces mysql, qt and qt-x11 are required by gecode which is required by the dep_selector gem. PACKAGES="git curl vim-enhanced zip unzip java-1.8.0-openjdk gcc gcc-c++ make libxml2-devel libxslt-devel cryptsetup-luks python-pip lsof mlocate strace nmap openssl-devel readline-devel python-devel ImageMagick-devel diffutils patch bind-utils httpd-tools gecode-devel mailx postgresql-devel openssl libyaml graphviz graphviz-devel mariadb mariadb-devel qt qt-x11 iptables-services jq" DEL_PACKAGES="nagios firewalld" OPSCODE_CHEF_PKG="chef-server-core-$CHEF_SERVER_VERSION.el7.x86_64" OPSCODE_CHEF_DL="https://packages.chef.io/stable/el/7/${OPSCODE_CHEF_PKG}.rpm" CHEF_CLIENT_PKG="chef-$CHEF_CLIENT_VERSION.el7.x86_64" RUBY_RPM="https://s3.amazonaws.com/cloudamatic/ruby23-2.3.1-1.el7.centos.x86_64.rpm" RUBY_INSTALL_DIR="/opt/rubies/ruby-2.3.1" RUBY_VERSION="ruby23-2.3.1" GECODE_RPMS="https://s3.amazonaws.com/cap-public/gecode-3.7.3-2.el7.centos.x86_64.rpm https://s3.amazonaws.com/cap-public/gecode-devel-3.7.3-2.el7.centos.x86_64.rpm" else PACKAGES="git curl vim-enhanced zip unzip java-1.5.0-gcj java-1.8.0-openjdk mysql-server gcc gcc-c++ make libxml2-devel libxslt-devel cryptsetup-luks python-pip lsof mlocate strace nmap openssl-devel readline-devel python-devel diffutils patch bind-utils httpd-tools mailx mysql-devel postgresql-devel openssl libyaml graphviz autoconf ImageMagick-devel graphviz-devel jq" if [ "$IS_AMAZON" != "1" ];then PACKAGES="${PACKAGES} gecode-devel" # else # PACKAGES="${PACKAGES} " fi OPSCODE_CHEF_PKG="chef-server-core-$CHEF_SERVER_VERSION.el6.x86_64" OPSCODE_CHEF_DL="https://packages.chef.io/stable/el/6/${OPSCODE_CHEF_PKG}.rpm" CHEF_CLIENT_PKG="chef-$CHEF_CLIENT_VERSION.el6.x86_64" RUBY_RPM="https://s3.amazonaws.com/cloudamatic/ruby23-2.3.1-1.el6.x86_64.rpm" RUBY_INSTALL_DIR="/opt/rubies/ruby-2.3.1" RUBY_VERSION="ruby23-2.3.1" DEL_PACKAGES="nagios" fi if ! curl --fail > /dev/null 2>&1;then IN_AWS=0 else GET_METADATA="curl --fail -s -S" IN_AWS=1 fi if ! curl --fail http://metadata.google.internal/computeMetadata/v1/instance/name -H "Metadata-Flavor: Google" > /dev/null 2>&1;then IN_GOOGLE=0 else GET_METADATA="curl --fail -s -S http://metadata.google.internal/computeMetadata/v1" IN_GOOGLE=1 fi RCFILE=".murc" #tput will cause a noninteractive session to silently fail, else color things if [ -t 0 ]; then BOLD=`tput bold` NORM=`tput sgr0` BLACK=`tput setaf 0` RED=`tput setaf 1` GREEN=`tput setaf 2` YELLOW=`tput setaf 3` BLUE=`tput setaf 4` PINK=`tput setaf 5` CYAN=`tput setaf 6` WHITE=`tput setaf 7` fi export PATH="/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin" # Non-root users can only customize certain configuration parameters if [ "root" == "`whoami`" ];then CONFIG_VARS="AWS_ACCESS AWS_SECRET MU_ADMIN_EMAIL MU_ADMIN_PW JENKINS_ADMIN_PW MU_INSTALLDIR MU_DATADIR ADDTL_CHEF_REPOS MU_REPO CHEF_PUBLIC_IP HOST_NAME EC2SECGROUP LOG_BUCKET_NAME ALLOW_INVADE_FOREIGN_VPCS MU_SSL_CERT MU_SSL_KEY MU_SSL_CHAIN" RO_CONFIG_VARS="AWS_ACCOUNT_NUMBER EC2_REGION" else CONFIG_VARS="AWS_ACCESS AWS_SECRET MU_DATADIR ADDTL_CHEF_REPOS MU_REPO LOG_BUCKET_NAME" RO_CONFIG_VARS="AWS_ACCOUNT_NUMBER EC2_REGION CHEF_PUBLIC_IP HOST_NAME EC2SECGROUP MU_INSTALLDIR" fi usage() { echo "Create or reconfigure your Chef master." echo "Usage: $0 [-d] [-c /path/to/murc] [-b branch]" echo " -d: Use default values and run non-interactively." echo " -b: Choose a branch (default: master)." echo " -c: Use an alternate .murc file." echo " -k: Run curl with -k to skip SSL certificate checks." exit 1 } _me="`basename $0`" #if [ "$_me" == "mu-configure" ];then # chef_artifacts_uploaded=1 # if [ -d "$MU_LIBDIR/.git" ]; then # cd $MU_LIBDIR # MUBRANCH="`git branch 2>/dev/null | egrep '^\*' |cut -d' ' -f2`" # fi #fi if [ "$_me" == "mu-self-update" ];then library=1 fi if [ "$_me" == "mu-upload-chef-artifacts" ];then library=1 fi if [ "$_me" == "mu-user-manage" ];then library=1 fi curl_dash_k=1 chef_self_test=0 if [ "$library" != "1" ];then while getopts "c:tdhkb:" opt; do case $opt in c) MURC=$OPTARG ;; d) use_defaults=1 ;; b) MUBRANCH=$OPTARG ;; k) curl_dash_k=1 ;; h) usage ;; \?) usage ;; esac done else set +e set +x fi umask 0077 # Populate key environment variables. Default them to whatever's set in the # environment we've inherited, and failing that, see if we can extract some of # them from this instance's EC2 metadata. USER=`whoami` if [ "$MU_INSTALLDIR" == "" ];then MU_INSTALLDIR="/opt/mu" fi if [ "$MU_SSL_CERT" == "" ];then MU_SSL_CERT="/opt/mu/var/ssl/mommacat.crt" fi if [ "$MU_SSL_KEY" == "" ];then MU_SSL_KEY="/opt/mu/var/ssl/mommacat.key" fi if [ "$MU_SSL_CHAIN" == "" ];then MU_SSL_CHAIN="/opt/mu/var/ssl/Mu_CA.pem" fi HOMEDIR="`getent passwd \"$USER\" |cut -d: -f6`" MU_CHEF_CACHE="$HOMEDIR/.chef" if [ -z $MU_DATADIR ];then if [ "$USER" != "root" ];then MU_DATADIR="$HOMEDIR/.mu" else MU_DATADIR="$MU_INSTALLDIR/var" fi fi if [ "$MU_LIBDIR" == "" ];then MU_LIBDIR="$MU_INSTALLDIR/lib" fi if [ "$MURC" == "" ];then if [ "$USER" != "root" ];then MURC="$HOMEDIR/$RCFILE" else MURC="$MU_INSTALLDIR/etc/mu.rc" test -f "$MU_INSTALLDIR/etc/mu.rc" || ( mkdir -p $MU_INSTALLDIR/etc && touch "$MU_INSTALLDIR/etc/mu.rc" ) chmod 755 $MU_INSTALLDIR/etc fi fi # Source the global .murc file, then overlay the local one if it exists test -f "$MU_INSTALLDIR/etc/mu.rc" && source "$MU_INSTALLDIR/etc/mu.rc" if [ -f "$MURC" -a "$MURC" != "$MU_INSTALLDIR/etc/mu.rc" ] ;then source $MURC fi MU_REPO='cloudamatic/mu.git' if [ "$MUBRANCH" == "" ];then if [ -d "$MU_LIBDIR/.git" ]; then cd $MU_LIBDIR MUBRANCH="`git branch 2>/dev/null | grep '^\*' | awk '{print $2}'`" fi if [ "$MUBRANCH" == "" ];then MUBRANCH="master" fi fi MU_REPO_NAME="`echo $MU_REPO | cut -d/ -f2 | sed -e 's/\.git$//'`" MY_PRIVATE_IP="" if [ "$IN_AWS" == "1" ];then if [ "$EC2_AVAILABILITY_ZONE" == "" ];then EC2_AVAILABILITY_ZONE=`$GET_METADATA/meta-data/placement/availability-zone` fi if [ "$EC2_REGION" == "" ];then EC2_REGION=`$GET_METADATA/dynamic/instance-identity/document|grep region|awk -F\" '{print $4}'` fi if [ "$AWS_ACCOUNT_NUMBER" == "" ];then AWS_ACCOUNT_NUMBER=`$GET_METADATA/dynamic/instance-identity/document|grep accountId|awk -F\" '{print $4}'` fi ip_pattern='^[[:digit:]]+\.[[:digit:]]+\.[[:digit:]]+\.[[:digit:]]+$' MY_INSTANCE_ID="`$GET_METADATA/meta-data/instance-id`" MY_PRIVATE_IP="`$GET_METADATA/meta-data/local-ipv4 | egrep \"$ip_pattern\"`" MY_PUBLIC_IP="`$GET_METADATA/meta-data/public-ipv4 2>&1 | egrep \"$ip_pattern\"`" if [ "$MY_PRIVATE_IP" == "" ];then echo "Couldn't determine my private IP with '$GET_METADATA/meta-data/local-ipv4'" exit 1 fi elif [ "$IN_GOOGLE" == "1" ];then MY_INSTANCE_ID="`$GET_METADATA/instance/name -H 'Metadata-Flavor: Google'`" MY_PRIVATE_IP="`$GET_METADATA/instance/network-interfaces/0/ip -H 'Metadata-Flavor: Google'`" if [ "$MY_PRIVATE_IP" == "" ];then echo "Couldn't determine my private IP with '$GET_METADATA/instance/network-interfaces/0/ip'" exit 1 fi # MY_PUBLIC_IP="`$GET_METADATA/meta-data/public-ipv4 | egrep \"$ip_pattern\"`" fi if [ "$CHEF_PUBLIC_IP" == "" -a "$MY_PUBLIC_IP" != "" ];then CHEF_PUBLIC_IP=$MY_PUBLIC_IP fi if [ "$MY_PUBLIC_IP" == "" ];then MY_PUBLIC_IP=$MY_PRIVATE_IP fi if [ "$HOST_NAME" == "" ];then HOST_NAME="`hostname -s`" fi MY_VPC_ID="" # Figure out if we have at least one interface in a VPC if [ "$IN_AWS" == "1" ];then if [ "$LOG_BUCKET_NAME" == "" ];then LOG_BUCKET_NAME="mu-logs-${HOST_NAME}-${MY_INSTANCE_ID}" fi for mac in `$GET_METADATA/meta-data/network/interfaces/macs/`;do vpc_id="`$GET_METADATA/meta-data/network/interfaces/macs/$mac/vpc-id | egrep '^vpc\-'`" if [ "$vpc_id" != "" ];then MY_VPC_ID=$vpc_id break fi done IAM_ROLE="`$GET_METADATA/meta-data/iam/security-credentials/ 2> /dev/null`" fi ############################################################################### fail_with_message() { if [ "$1" != "" ];then echo "" echo "${RED}*******************************************************************************${NORM}" echo "${RED}*******************************************************************************${NORM}" echo $1 test "$2" != "" && echo $2 echo "${RED}*******************************************************************************${NORM}" echo "${RED}*******************************************************************************${NORM}" echo "" fi exit 1 } ############################################################################### warning_message() { if [ "$1" != "" ];then echo "" echo "${YELLOW}*******************************************************************************${NORM}" echo $1 test "$2" != "" && echo $2 echo "${YELLOW}*******************************************************************************${NORM}" echo "" fi } ############################################################################### status_message() { if [ "$1" != "" ];then echo "" echo "${GREEN}*******************************************************************************${NORM}" echo $1 test "$2" != "" && echo $2 echo "${GREEN}*******************************************************************************${NORM}" echo "" fi } ############################################################################### # Useful for accessing our parallel key/value structure. # Accepts named key as argument # Returns value of target env variable from array structures # Uses stdout so do **not** echo or printf in this function ############################################################################### return_targetvar_value() { for i in "${!var_name[@]}"; do if [ ${var_name[$i]} = "$1" ]; then printf '%s' ${var_val[$i]} break fi done } ############################################################################### update_murc() { name="$1" value="$2" murc_path="$3" if [ "$murc_path" == "" ];then murc_path="$MURC" fi if [ "$name" == "" ];then fail_with_message "update_murc called with missing variable name" fi test -f $murc_path && sed -i "/^export $name=.*/d" $murc_path echo "export $name=\"$value\"" >> $murc_path chmod 644 $murc_path } ############################################################################### set_path_env_vars() { MU_REPO_NAME="`echo $MU_REPO | cut -d/ -f2 | sed -e 's/\.git$//'`" HOMEDIR="`getent passwd \"$USER\" |cut -d: -f6`" MU_CHEF_CACHE="$HOMEDIR/.chef" SSHDIR="$HOMEDIR/.ssh" ENVFILE="$HOMEDIR/.bash_profile" mkdir -p $MU_INSTALLDIR/etc $MU_INSTALLDIR/bin $MU_DATADIR/deployments chmod 755 $MU_INSTALLDIR $MU_DATADIR DEVOPS_TMP_DIR='/tmp/.mu.$$' update_murc MU_INSTALLDIR $MU_INSTALLDIR update_murc MU_DATADIR $MU_DATADIR AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=$AWS_ACCESS AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=$AWS_SECRET } pivotal_cfg_setup(){ port=$2 if [ "$port" == "" ];then port=7443 fi cat >> /etc/opscode/pivotal.rb.tmp.$$ << EOF node_name "pivotal" chef_server_url "https://${CHEF_PUBLIC_IP}:$port" chef_server_root "https://${CHEF_PUBLIC_IP}:$port" client_key "/etc/opscode/pivotal.pem" ssl_verify_mode :verify_none EOF if [ ! -f /etc/opscode/pivotal.rb -o "`diff /etc/opscode/pivotal.rb /etc/opscode/pivotal.rb.tmp.$$`" != "" ];then /bin/mv -f /etc/opscode/pivotal.rb.tmp.$$ /etc/opscode/pivotal.rb fi pivotal_pem="/opt/opscode/embedded/service/omnibus-ctl/spec/fixtures/pivotal.pem" if [ -f /etc/opscode/pivotal.pem ];then pivotal_pem="/etc/opscode/pivotal.pem" fi pivotal_cfg="-u pivotal -k $pivotal_pem" knife ssl fetch $pivotal_cfg > /dev/null 2>&1 eval "$1=\"$pivotal_cfg\"" } remove_chef_org() { org="$1" pivotal_cfg_setup pivotal_cfg # chef-server-ctl generates a spectcular amount of stupid noise filter="(ffi-yajl|falling back to ffi)" if ! /opt/opscode/bin/chef-server-ctl org-list $pivotal_cfg 2>&1 | egrep -v "$filter" | grep "^$org$" >/dev/null;then warning_message "Chef org ${BOLD}$org${NORM} already removed" else status_message "Deleting Chef org ${BOLD}$org${NORM}" /opt/opscode/bin/chef-server-ctl org-delete -y "$org" $pivotal_cfg 2>&1 | egrep -v "$filter" fi } manage_chef_org() { org=$1 orgname=$2 add_user=$3 association_user=$4 if curl -k -so /dev/null https://${CHEF_PUBLIC_IP}:7443;then pivotal_cfg_setup pivotal_cfg else pivotal_cfg_setup pivotal_cfg 443 fi # chef-server-ctl generates a spectcular amount of stupid noise filter="(ffi-yajl|falling back to ffi)" if [ "$orgname" == "" ];then orgname="$org" fi mkdir -p $MU_DATADIR/orgs/$org assoc="" if [ "$association_user" != "" ];then assoc="-a $association_user" fi keypath="$MU_DATADIR/orgs/$org/$org.org.key" if ! /opt/opscode/bin/chef-server-ctl org-list $pivotal_cfg 2>&1 | egrep -v "$filter" | grep "^$org$" >/dev/null;then if [ "$association_user" != "" ];then status_message "Creating Chef organization ${BOLD}$org${NORM} with admin user ${BOLD}$association_user${NORM}" else status_message "Creating Chef organization ${BOLD}$org${NORM}" fi attempts=0 while : ;do /bin/rm -f $keypath cmd="/opt/opscode/bin/chef-server-ctl org-create $org $orgname $assoc -f $keypath $pivotal_cfg" $cmd 2>&1 | egrep -v "$filter" test -f $keypath && grep 'BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY' $keypath > /dev/null && break attempts=`expr $attempts + 1` if [ $attempts -gt 5 ];then output="`$cmd 2>&1 | egrep -v \"$filter\"`" warning_message "Unable to set up Chef org ${BOLD}$org${NORM}" "$cmd: $output" break fi done if [ "$association_user" != "" ];then if [ "$association_user" != "mu" ];then user_home="`getent passwd \"$association_user\" |cut -d: -f6`" else user_home="`getent passwd \"root\" |cut -d: -f6`" fi mkdir -p "$user_home/.chef" /bin/cp -f "$keypath" "$user_home/.chef/" fi fi if [ "$add_user" != "" -a "$add_user" != "$association_user" ];then status_message "Adding ${BOLD}$add_user${NORM} to Chef organization ${BOLD}$org${NORM}" cmd="/opt/opscode/bin/chef-server-ctl org-user-add $org $add_user $pivotal_cfg" $cmd 2>&1 | egrep -v "$filter" if [ "$org" != "mu" ];then if [ "$add_user" != "mu" ];then user_home="`getent passwd \"$add_user\" |cut -d: -f6`" else user_home="`getent passwd \"root\" |cut -d: -f6`" fi mkdir -p "$user_home/.chef" /bin/cp -f "$keypath" "$user_home/.chef/" fi fi # warning_message "Failed to add ${BOLD}$user${NORM} to Chef org ${BOLD}$org${NORM}" "$cmd" } remove_chef_user_from_org() { user="$1" org="$2" pivotal_cfg_setup pivotal_cfg # chef-server-ctl generates a spectcular amount of stupid noise filter="(ffi-yajl|falling back to ffi)" status_message "Removing ${BOLD}$user${NORM} from Chef org ${BOLD}$org${NORM}" /opt/opscode/bin/chef-server-ctl org-user-remove "$org" "$user" -y $pivotal_cfg 2>&1 | egrep -v "$filter" } remove_chef_user() { user="$1" pivotal_cfg_setup pivotal_cfg # chef-server-ctl generates a spectcular amount of stupid noise filter="(ffi-yajl|falling back to ffi)" if ! /opt/opscode/bin/chef-server-ctl user-list $pivotal_cfg 2>&1 | egrep -v "$filter" | grep "^$user$" >/dev/null;then warning_message "Chef user ${BOLD}$user${NORM} already removed" else remove_chef_org "$user" for org in `/opt/opscode/bin/chef-server-ctl user-show $user --with-orgs $pivotal_cfg 2>&1 | egrep -v "$filter" | grep ^organizations: |cut -d: -f2`;do remove_chef_user_from_org "$user" "$org" done status_message "Deleting Chef user ${BOLD}$user${NORM}" /opt/opscode/bin/chef-server-ctl user-delete "$user" -y $pivotal_cfg 2>&1 | egrep -v "$filter" fi } list_chef_users(){ # chef-server-ctl generates a spectcular amount of stupid noise filter="(ffi-yajl|falling back to ffi)" list="`/opt/opscode/bin/chef-server-ctl user-list 2>&1 | egrep -v \"$filter\" | egrep -v '^(pivotal)$' | tr -s '\n' ' '`" eval "$1=\"$list\"" } manage_chef_user() { user="$1" pass="$2" name="$3" email="$4" org="$5" is_admin="$6" is_normal="$7" replace="$8" if [ "$is_admin" == "1" -a "$is_normal" == "1" ];then fail_with_message "Can't force-set a Chef user to both administrator and regular user" fi mkdir -p "$MU_DATADIR/users/$user" /bin/chmod g+rsx "$MU_DATADIR/users" /bin/chgrp mu-users "$MU_DATADIR/users" if curl -k -so /dev/null https://${CHEF_PUBLIC_IP}:7443;then pivotal_cfg_setup pivotal_cfg else pivotal_cfg_setup pivotal_cfg 443 fi # chef-server-ctl generates a spectcular amount of stupid noise filter="(ffi-yajl|falling back to ffi)" if ! ( [ -f "$MU_DATADIR/users/$user/$user.user.key" ] && /opt/opscode/bin/chef-server-ctl user-list 2>&1 | egrep -v "$filter" | grep "^$user$" >/dev/null );then ok=1 if [ "$name" == "" ];then warning_message "Must supply a real name to create new Chef user ${BOLD}$user${NORM}" ok=0 fi if [ "$email" == "" ];then warning_message "Must supply an email address to create new Chef user ${BOLD}$user${NORM}" ok=0 fi if [ "$pass" == "" ];then warning_message "Must supply a password to create new Chef user ${BOLD}$user${NORM}" ok=0 fi if [ "$ok" != "1" ];then return fi status_message "Creating Chef user ${BOLD}$user${NORM} - $name ($email)" attempts=0 keypath="$MU_DATADIR/users/$user/$user.user.key" if [ ! -f "$MU_DATADIR/users/$user/$user.user.key" -a "$replace" != "" ];then /opt/opscode/bin/chef-server-ctl user-delete "$user" -y $pivotal_cfg 2>&1 | egrep -v "$filter" fi create_cmd="/opt/opscode/bin/chef-server-ctl user-create $user $name $email $pass $pivotal_cfg -f $keypath" while : ;do /bin/rm -f "$keypath" # XXX Flinging passwords around CLI calls is terrible, need a better way # to do this. Maybe we need local-brew directory services. $create_cmd 2>&1 | egrep -v "$filter" test -f "$keypath" && grep 'BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY' "$keypath" > /dev/null && break attempts=`expr $attempts + 1` if [ $attempts -gt 5 ];then output="`$create_cmd 2>&1 | egrep -v \"$filter\"`" warning_message "Unable to set up Chef ${BOLD}$user${NORM} user" "$create_cmd: $output" break fi done if [ "$user" != "mu" ];then user_home="`getent passwd \"$user\" |cut -d: -f6`" else user_home="`getent passwd \"root\" |cut -d: -f6`" fi mkdir -p "$user_home/.chef" /bin/cp -f "$keypath" "$user_home/.chef/" manage_chef_org "$user" "$user" "" "$user" set_knife_rb "organizations/$user" "$user" "https://${CHEF_PUBLIC_IP}:7443" status_message "Configuring ${BOLD}$user_home/.chef/client.rb${NORM}" cat /dev/null > "$user_home/.chef/client.rb" cat >> "$user_home/.chef/client.rb" << EOF # # Client settings # log_level :info log_location STDOUT chef_server_url "https://${CHEF_PUBLIC_IP}:7443/organizations/$user" validation_client_name '$user-validator' EOF if [ "$user" != "mu" ];then chown -R "$user" "$user_home/.chef/" runuser -l "$user" -c "cd $user_home && /opt/chef/bin/knife ssl fetch" > /root/knifesslfetch.out 2>&1 else /opt/chef/bin/knife ssl fetch > /dev/null 2>&1 fi if [ "$add_org" != "" ];then manage_chef_org "$add_org" "$add_org" "$user" "mu" fi if [ "$is_admin" == "1" ];then manage_chef_org "mu" "" "$user" elif [ "$is_normal" == "1" ];then remove_chef_user_from_org "$user" "mu" fi else status_message "Updating Chef user ${BOLD}$user${NORM}" if [ "$add_org" != "" ];then manage_chef_org "$add_org" "$add_org" "$user" "mu" fi if [ "$is_admin" == "1" ];then manage_chef_org "mu" "" "$user" elif [ "$is_normal" == "1" ];then remove_chef_user_from_org "$user" "mu" fi if [ "$password" != "" ];then warning_message "You'll have to enter the new password again for Chef" "Also it will display it back to you in plain text. Yeah." /opt/opscode/bin/chef-server-ctl password $user fi fi } ############################################################################### validate_setup_env_vars(){ n=1 validate_errs=0 while [ "${var_name[$n]}" != "" ];do if [ "${var_name[$n]}" == "AWS_ACCESS" -o "${var_name[$n]}" == "AWS_SECRET" ]; then if [ "$IAM_ROLE" == "" -a "${var_val[$n]}" == "" ];then warning_message "No IAM instance profile assigned to this server. You must specify AWS credentials." validate_errs=1 fi elif [ "${var_name[$n]}" == "CHEF_PUBLIC_IP" ]; then if [ "${var_val[$n]}" == "" ];then warning_message "An IP accessible to client nodes must be specified" validate_errs=1 fi elif [ "${var_name[$n]}" == "MU_ADMIN_EMAIL" ]; then if [ "${var_val[$n]}" == "" ];then warning_message "You must specify an email contact for the 'mu' admin user." validate_errs=1 elif ! ( echo ${var_val[$n]} | egrep -q '^[A-Za-z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Za-z0-9.-]+\.[A-Za-z]{2,6}$' ) ; then warning_message "The 'mu' admin user email contact is badly formed!" validate_errs=1 fi elif [ "${var_name[$n]}" == "MU_ADMIN_PW" -a ! -f "$MU_CHEF_CACHE/mu.user.key" ]; then if [ "${var_val[$n]}" == "" ];then warning_message "You must specify a password for the 'mu' admin user." validate_errs=1 fi elif [ "${var_name[$n]}" == "LOG_BUCKET_NAME" ]; then if [ "${var_val[$n]}" == "" ];then warning_message "You must specify a dns-legal log bucket name ." validate_errs=1 elif ! ( echo ${var_val[$n]} | egrep -q '^[a-z0-9.-]*$' ) ; then warning_message "The log bucket name is badly formed!" validate_errs=1 fi elif [ "${var_name[$n]}" == "JENKINS_ADMIN_PW" ]; then if [ "${var_val[$n]}" == "" ];then warning_message "You must specify a password for the 'jenkins' admin user to enable the Jenkins front-end. Jenkins will not be enabled at this time. Rerun mu-configure and supply a password if you wish to enable it." sleep 5 fi fi n=$[$n +1] done MU_ADMIN_EMAIL_VAL=$(return_targetvar_value "MU_ADMIN_EMAIL") JENKINS_ADMIN_EMAIL_VAL=$(return_targetvar_value "MU_ADMIN_EMAIL") } ############################################################################### print_setup_env_vars(){ echo "${CYAN}System-wide settings${NORM}:" for ro in $RO_CONFIG_VARS;do echo " ${BOLD}$ro${NORM}: ${CYAN}${!ro}${NORM}" done echo "${GREEN}Configurable settings to write to ${BOLD}$MURC${NORM}:" n=1 while [ "${var_name[$n]}" != "" ];do if [ "${var_name[$n]}" == "CHEF_PUBLIC_IP" ]; then if [ "$MY_VPC_ID" != "" ];then echo " ${BOLD}$n${NORM}) ${var_name[$n]} (if in private subnet, set to bastion public IP): ${GREEN}${var_val[$n]}${NORM}" else echo " ${BOLD}$n${NORM}) ${var_name[$n]} (OPTIONAL; will try to guess): ${GREEN}${var_val[$n]}${NORM}" fi elif [ "${var_name[$n]}" == "AWS_ACCESS" -o "${var_name[$n]}" == "AWS_SECRET" ]; then if [ "$IAM_ROLE" != "" ];then echo " ${BOLD}$n${NORM}) ${var_name[$n]} (N/A if IAM role ${BOLD}$IAM_ROLE${NORM} has admin privs): ${GREEN}${var_val[$n]}${NORM}" else echo " ${BOLD}$n${NORM}) ${var_name[$n]} (required): ${GREEN}${var_val[$n]}${NORM}" fi elif [ "${var_name[$n]}" == "MU_ADMIN_EMAIL" ]; then echo " ${BOLD}$n${NORM}) ${var_name[$n]} (required): ${GREEN}${var_val[$n]}${NORM}" elif [ "${var_name[$n]}" == "MU_ADMIN_PW" ]; then if [ "${var_val[$n]}" != "" -o -f "$MU_CHEF_CACHE/mu.user.key" ];then echo " ${BOLD}$n${NORM}) ${var_name[$n]} (required): ********" else echo " ${BOLD}$n${NORM}) ${var_name[$n]} (required):" fi elif [ "${var_name[$n]}" == "JENKINS_ADMIN_PW" ]; then if [ "${var_val[$n]}" != "" ];then echo " ${BOLD}$n${NORM}) ${var_name[$n]} (OPTIONAL): ********" else echo " ${BOLD}$n${NORM}) ${var_name[$n]} (OPTIONAL):" fi elif [ "${var_name[$n]}" == "EC2SECGROUP" ]; then if [ "$MY_VPC_ID" == "" ];then echo " ${BOLD}$n${NORM}) ${var_name[$n]} (OPTIONAL; will try to guess): ${GREEN}${var_val[$n]}${NORM}" fi else echo " ${BOLD}$n${NORM}) ${var_name[$n]}: ${GREEN}${var_val[$n]}${NORM}" fi n=$[$n +1] done } chef_client() { punch_tcp_hole 7443 # sometimes this isn't ready upload_chef_artifacts -n -r $MU_REPO_NAME status_message "chef-client $@" chef_cert_name="`echo $CHEF_PUBLIC_IP | sed 's/\./_/g'`" /bin/cp -f /opt/mu/var/ssl/Mu_CA.pem /etc/chef/trusted_certs/ if (knife ssl check -c /etc/chef/client.rb | egrep "^ERROR.*certificate");then /bin/rm -f /etc/chef/trusted_certs/${chef_cert_name}.crt /bin/rm -f /etc/chef/trusted_certs/${HOST_NAME}_platform-mu.crt /opt/chef/bin/knife ssl fetch -c /etc/chef/client.rb fi # Same, but for /root/.chef/trusted_certs /bin/cp -f /opt/mu/var/ssl/Mu_CA.pem /root/.chef/trusted_certs/ if (knife ssl check | egrep "^ERROR.*certificate");then /bin/rm -f /root/.chef/trusted_certs/${chef_cert_name}.crt /bin/rm -f /root/.chef/trusted_certs/${HOST_NAME}_platform-mu.crt /opt/chef/bin/knife ssl fetch fi chef-client $@ } ############################################################################### chef_server_ctl() { cmd=$1 pivotal_cfg_setup pivotal_cfg status_message "/opt/opscode/bin/chef-server-ctl $cmd" if ! /opt/opscode/bin/chef-server-ctl $cmd > /dev/null;then status_message "Bad exit code from chef-server-ctl $cmd! Logs:" (/opt/opscode/bin/chef-server-ctl tail) & pid=$! pgid="`ps x -o \"%p %r %y %x %c \" | egrep \"^[[:space:]]*$pid[[:space:]]+\" | awk '{print $2}'`" sleep 10 && kill -TERM -$pgid fail_with_message "Bad exit code from chef-server-ctl $cmd! See above logs. $pid $pgid" fi } ############################################################################### ## Patch knife-windows to deal with Cygwin patch_knife_windows() { kw_version="1.8.0" for rubydir in $RUBY_INSTALL_DIR /opt/chef/embedded;do if [ -d "$rubydir/lib/ruby/gems" ];then # Remove gem versions other than the one we're mangling for gem in `find $rubydir/lib/ruby/gems -type d -name 'knife-windows-*' | grep -v "knife-windows-$kw_version" | sed 's/.*\///'`;do kw_badversion="`echo $gem | cut -d\- -f3`" status_message "Removing knife-windows $kw_badversion from $rubydir" $rubydir/bin/gem uninstall --force knife-windows --version $kw_badversion done knife_win_dir=`find $rubydir/lib/ruby/gems -type d -name knife-windows-$kw_version | grep -v /doc/knife-windows` if [ "$knife_win_dir" == "" ];then status_message "Installing knife-windows-$kw_version in $rubydir" $rubydir/bin/gem install --force knife-windows --version $kw_version knife_win_dir=`find $rubydir/lib/ruby/gems -type d -name knife-windows-$kw_version | grep -v /doc/knife-windows` fi if [ "`grep -i 'locate_config_value(:cygwin)' $knife_win_dir/lib/chef/knife/bootstrap_windows_base.rb`" == "" ];then status_message "Patching Cygwin support into knife-windows-$kw_version in $rubydir" cd $knife_win_dir && patch -p1 < $MU_LIBDIR/install/knife-windows-cygwin-$kw_version.patch || warning_message "Failed to patch knife-windows gem! Cygwin-based deploys of Windows hosts may not work!" fi # if [ "`grep -i '@config\[:node_ssl_verify_mode\]' $knife_win_dir/lib/chef/knife/core/windows_bootstrap_context.rb`" == "" ];then # status_message "Patching Chef 12 support into knife-windows-$kw_version in $rubydir" # cd $knife_win_dir && patch -p1 < $MU_LIBDIR/install/knife-windows-chef12-$kw_version.patch || warning_message "Failed to patch knife-windows gem! Cygwin-based deploys of Windows hosts may not work!" # fi if [ -e $rubydir ];then find $rubydir/lib/ruby/gems -type f -exec chmod o+r {} \; find $rubydir/lib/ruby/gems -type d -exec chmod o+rx {} \; fi fi done cd } ############################################################################### adjust_config_vars() { n=1 for v in $CONFIG_VARS;do var_name[$n]=$v var_val[$n]=${!v} n=$[$n +1] done last_var=$n print_setup_env_vars bypass_aws_creds=0 while read -p "Enter ${BOLD}O${NORM} to proceed with this config, or select a number to change. `echo $'\n> '`" config do echo "" if [ "$config" == "O" -o "$config" == "o" ];then validate_setup_env_vars if [ $validate_errs == 0 ];then break fi elif ! echo $config | egrep '^[0-9]{1,2}$' ; then warning_message "Invalid option $config" print_setup_env_vars continue else [ "${var_name[$config]}" != "" ] 2>/dev/null # Process vars with password-style reads if [ "${var_name[$config]}" == "MU_ADMIN_PW" ];then read -s -p "Enter password for the ${BOLD}mu${NORM} admin user. `echo $'\n> '`" newval elif [ "${var_name[$config]}" == "JENKINS_ADMIN_PW" ];then read -s -p "Enter password for the ${BOLD}jenkins${NORM} admin user. `echo $'\n> '`" newval else # Process vars with normal style reads and special prompts case ${var_name[$config]} in "ADDTL_CHEF_REPOS") echo "Enter the Github repos from which we'll pull Chef artifacts additional to those " echo "from $MU_REPO. Delineate multiple repositories with spaces. Example:" echo "${BOLD}eGT-Labs/mu-internal.git HHS/healthdata_platform.git${NORM}" echo "" ;;& "MU_ADMIN_EMAIL") echo "Enter an email address for the internal 'mu' user." echo "Note that you won't be able to reuse this address for a regular user. See also:" echo "https://github.com/chef/chef-server/issues/59" ;;& *) # Everybody gets a read read -p "Enter new value for ${BOLD}${var_name[$config]}${NORM}. `echo $'\n> '`" newval ;; esac fi var_val[$config]=$newval print_setup_env_vars fi done n=1 homedir="`getent passwd \"$USER\" |cut -d: -f6`" while [ "${var_name[$n]}" != "" ];do if [ "${var_name[$n]}" != "PATH" ];then eval "export ${var_name[$n]}=\"${var_val[$n]}\"" fi # Set these in .murc too if [ "${var_name[$n]}" == "AWS_ACCESS" -a "${var_val[$n]}" == "" ];then echo "AWS_ACCESS is empty, leaving it unset" > /dev/null elif [ "${var_name[$n]}" == "AWS_SECRET" -a "${var_val[$n]}" == "" ];then echo "AWS_SECRET is empty, leaving it unset" > /dev/null elif [ "${var_name[$n]}" != "MU_ADMIN_PW" -a "${var_name[$n]}" != "JENKINS_ADMIN_PW" ];then update_murc ${var_name[$n]} "${var_val[$n]}" fi n=$[$n +1] done # Special cases- alternate env variable names for AWS credentials if [ "$AWS_ACCESS" != "" ];then update_murc AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID $AWS_ACCESS fi if [ "$AWS_SECRET" != "" ];then update_murc AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY $AWS_SECRET fi for v in $RO_CONFIG_VARS;do update_murc $v "${!v}" done } ############################################################################### create_ssh_config() { mkdir -p $SSHDIR touch $SSHDIR/config chmod 600 $SSHDIR/config # grep "^StrictHostKeyChecking " $SSHDIR/config || echo "StrictHostKeyChecking no" >> $SSHDIR/config } ############################################################################### set_up_github_ssh_key() { set -e keyname="github-key-from-mu-install.$$" echo "Paste a ${BOLD}private${NORM} SSH key for $1 here (^D to commit):" cat > $SSHDIR/$keyname chmod 400 $SSHDIR/$keyname echo "Host github.com" >> $SSHDIR/config echo " User git" >> $SSHDIR/config echo " IdentityFile $SSHDIR/$keyname" >> $SSHDIR/config echo " StrictHostKeyChecking no" >> $SSHDIR/config set +e export keyname } ############################################################################### # Only use this if called right after set_up_github_ssh_key. It's not smart. expunge_github_ssh_key(){ keyname=$1 head -n -3 $SSHDIR/config > $SSHDIR/config.tmp.$$ /bin/mv -f $SSHDIR/config.tmp.$$ $SSHDIR/config /bin/rm -f $keyname unset keyname } fix_platform_repo_permissions() { chefdir="$1" if [ "$chefdir" != "" ];then chmod go+rx $chefdir for subdir in applications cookbooks site_cookbooks roles environments data_bags modules Berks* README.md LICENSE.md demo;do if [ -e "$chefdir/$subdir" ];then find "$chefdir/$subdir" -type d -exec chmod go+rx {} \; find "$chefdir/$subdir" -type f -exec chmod go+r {} \; fi done for subdir in bin utils;do if [ -e "$chefdir/$subdir" ];then find "$chefdir/$subdir" -type d -exec chmod go+rx {} \; find "$chefdir/$subdir" -type f -exec chmod go+rx {} \; fi done fi } ############################################################################### clone_repository() { set +e repo=$1 clone_path=$2 clone_ssh="git clone git@github.com:$repo $clone_path" # This is ugly. Adding a 30 second timeout for HTTPS clone so we don't hang if prompted for a username and/or password. clone_https="timeout 30 git clone https://github.com/$repo $clone_path" mkdir -p $clone_path if [ "$(ls -A $clone_path)" ];then echo "$clone_path exists and is non-empty. I'm going to assume the repo has already been cloned..." sleep 3 else mkdir -p $SSHDIR echo "Attempting to clone $repo without private key." echo $clone_https $clone_https 2>&1 > /dev/null if [ "$(ls -A $clone_path)" ];then echo "$clone_path exists and is not empty. I'm going to assume $repo was cloned successfully without a private key" else if [ "`grep ^github.com $SSHDIR/known_hosts 2>/dev/null`" != "" ];then echo "Attempting to clone $repo with existing keys..." echo $clone_ssh $clone_ssh 2>&1 > /dev/null fi if [ $? != 0 -o "`grep ^github.com $SSHDIR/known_hosts 2>/dev/null`" == "" ];then echo "" authtype="" echo "We'll need a key for access to ${BOLD}$repo${NORM}." if [ "$use_defaults" != "" ];then fail_with_message "In non-interactive mode, but I need Git credentials! Run without -n." fi while /bin/true ;do rm -rf $clone_path expunge_github_ssh_key $keyname echo "" set_up_github_ssh_key $repo echo $clone_ssh $clone_ssh && break done fi fi fi fix_platform_repo_permissions "$clone_path" } ############################################################################### set_hostname() { if [ "$HOST_NAME" != "`hostname -s`" ];then hostname $HOST_NAME sed -i "s/^HOST_NAME=.*/HOST_NAME=$HOST_NAME/" /etc/sysconfig/network if [ $DIST_VERSION == 7 ];then hostnamectl set-hostname $HOST_NAME && systemctl restart systemd-hostnamed fi fi if ! grep "^$MY_PRIVATE_IP $HOST_NAME.platform-mu $HOST_NAME MU-MASTER" /etc/hosts > /dev/null;then sed -i "/ $HOST_NAME/d" /etc/hosts sed -i "/^$MY_PRIVATE_IP/d" /etc/hosts echo "$MY_PRIVATE_IP $HOST_NAME.platform-mu $HOST_NAME MU-MASTER" >> /etc/hosts fi if [ "$MY_PRIVATE_IP" != "$MY_PUBLIC_IP" -a "$MY_PUBLIC_IP" != "" ];then if ! grep "^$MY_PUBLIC_IP $HOST_NAME.platform-mu $HOST_NAME MU-MASTER" /etc/hosts > /dev/null;then sed -i "/ $HOST_NAME/d" /etc/hosts sed -i "/^$MY_PUBLIC_IP/d" /etc/hosts echo "$MY_PRIVATE_IP $HOST_NAME.platform-mu $HOST_NAME MU-MASTER" >> /etc/hosts echo "$MY_PUBLIC_IP $HOST_NAME.platform-mu $HOST_NAME MU-MASTER" >> /etc/hosts fi fi export HOST_NAME } ############################################################################### set_logbucket() { if [ "$LOG_BUCKET_NAME" == "" ];then LOG_BUCKET_NAME="mu-logs-${HOST_NAME}-${MY_INSTANCE_ID}" fi export LOG_BUCKET_NAME update_murc LOG_BUCKET_NAME $LOG_BUCKET_NAME } ############################################################################### install_system_packages() { if [ ! -f /etc/yum.repos.d/epel.repo ];then status_message "Installing ${BOLD}EPEL${NORM}" rpm -ivh ${EPEL_RPM} fi uninstall_me="" for pkg in $DEL_PACKAGES;do rpm -q $pkg 2>&1 > /dev/null && uninstall_me="${install_me} $pkg" done if [ "$uninstall_me" != "" ];then yum -y erase ${uninstall_me} || exit 1 fi install_me="" for pkg in $PACKAGES;do rpm -q $pkg 2>&1 > /dev/null || install_me="${install_me} $pkg" done enables="" for r in rhui-REGION-rhel-server-releases-optional epel extras;do if grep $r /etc/yum.repos.d/* > /dev/null;then enables="${enables} --enablerepo=$r" fi done if [ "$install_me" != "" ];then status_message "Installing ${BOLD}base packages${NORM}" yum -y install ${enables} ${install_me} || exit 1 fi # if [ $DIST_VERSION == 7 ];then # for pkg in $GECODE_RPMS;do # rpm -ivh $pkg # done # fi } ############################################################################### set_bash_defaults() { status_message "Initializing ${BOLD}shell environment${NORM}" # Stange-isms, maybe these don't belong here. grep "alias vi=" $HOMEDIR/.bashrc > /dev/null || echo "alias vi=vim" >> $HOMEDIR/.bashrc grep "export EDITOR=vim" $HOMEDIR/.bashrc > /dev/null || echo "export EDITOR=vim" >> $HOMEDIR/.bashrc update_murc PATH "$MU_INSTALLDIR/bin:/usr/local/ruby-current/bin:\${PATH}:/opt/opscode/embedded/bin" grep "^source $MURC" $HOMEDIR/.bashrc > /dev/null || echo "source $MURC" >> $HOMEDIR/.bashrc } ############################################################################### clone_mu_repository() { rpm -q git > /dev/null || yum -y install git || exit 1 status_message "Cloning ${BOLD}$MU_REPO${NORM} to $MU_LIBDIR" clone_repository $MU_REPO "$MU_LIBDIR" status_message "Checking out $MUBRANCH" cd "$MU_LIBDIR" && git checkout "$MUBRANCH" } ############################################################################### ## Go fetch a current version of Ruby. Some of our tools will need this, ## and this isn't the same as the Ruby that is bundled with Chef, which ## will reside in its own /opt/chef sandbox and should be left unmolested. install_ruby() { if [ "$1" == "purgeold" ];then status_message "Purging existing ${BOLD}$RUBY_VERSION${NORM} package" rpm -e $RUBY_VERSION rm -rf $RUBY_INSTALL_DIR fi status_message "Installing ${BOLD}$RUBY_VERSION${NORM}" if rpm -q ruby > /dev/null ;then yum -y erase ruby fi if ! rpm -q $RUBY_VERSION > /dev/null ;then if [ "$IS_AMAZON" != "1" ];then yum -y install $RUBY_RPM else rpm -ivh --nodeps $RUBY_RPM # XXX hack workaround for spurious dependency fi fi rm -f /usr/local/ruby-current ln -s $RUBY_INSTALL_DIR /usr/local/ruby-current # Init Mu's gem library now that it has a Ruby to use. export USE_SYSTEM_GECODE=1 if [ ! -f $RUBY_INSTALL_DIR/bin/bundle ];then set -e $RUBY_INSTALL_DIR/bin/gem install bundler cd $MU_LIBDIR/modules && $RUBY_INSTALL_DIR/bin/bundle install set +e fi add_chef_support_gems $RUBY_INSTALL_DIR } ############################################################################### ## Fetch cookbooks managed by berkshelf install_cookbooks() { status_message "Installing Berkshelf cookbooks specified in $MU_LIBDIR/Berksfile" rm -rf $HOMEDIR/.berkshelf/cookbooks/* cd $MU_LIBDIR && ( /usr/local/ruby-current/bin/berks install || /usr/local/ruby-current/bin/berks update ) } ############################################################################### ## Let's use the AWS CLI tools in lieu of... well, all the other crufty ## tools we might try. install_awscli() { status_message "Installing ${BOLD}awscli${NORM}" test -x /usr/bin/aws || pip install awscli if [ ! -f $HOMEDIR/.aws/config ];then mkdir -p $HOMEDIR/.aws cat > $HOMEDIR/.aws/config <> $HOMEDIR/.aws/config echo "aws_secret_access_key = $AWS_SECRET" >> $HOMEDIR/.aws/config else echo "${BOLD}AWS_SECRET${NORM} or ${BOLD}AWS_ACCESS${NORM} aren't set!" echo "Note that ${BOLD}awscli${NORM} will not work without credentials, unless you have configured" echo "${BOLD}IAM Roles${NORM} to allow us to manage resources." echo "" fi else echo "Looks like /usr/bin/aws is already present." fi test -f $HOMEDIR/.aws/config && chmod 400 $HOMEDIR/.aws/config if ! aws ec2 describe-instances --instance-ids $MY_INSTANCE_ID >/dev/null;then warning_message "I can't run basic AWS commands with awscli!" "Tried: aws ec2 describe-instances --instance-ids $MY_INSTANCE_ID" fi } ############################################################################### ## Create our internal-use ".platform-mu" private DNS zone create_private_dns_zone() { status_message "Creating private ${BOLD}.platform-mu${NORM} DNS zone" $MU_LIBDIR/bin/mu-aws-setup -d } ############################################################################### ## Associate our preferred public IP address, if applicable. associate_public_ip() { status_message "Setting IP to ${BOLD}$CHEF_PUBLIC_IP${NORM}" $MU_LIBDIR/bin/mu-aws-setup -i } ############################################################################### configure_ec2_security_group() { status_message "Detecting ${BOLD}EC2 Security Group${NORM} configuration" set -e EC2SECGROUP="`$MU_LIBDIR/bin/mu-aws-setup -s | grep 'Setting' | cut -d'(' -f2 | cut -d')' -f1`" set +e update_murc EC2SECGROUP $EC2SECGROUP } ############################################################################### punch_tcp_hole() { port=$1 # status_message "Opening firewall for port ${BOLD}$port${NORM}" /sbin/iptables -nL | egrep "^ACCEPT.*dpt:$port($| )" > /dev/null || ( /sbin/iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport $port -j ACCEPT && service iptables save ) } ############################################################################### ## Install gems for Rubies that use Chef add_chef_support_gems() { rubydir=$1 set -e $rubydir/bin/gem list | grep '^bundler' > /dev/null || $rubydir/bin/gem install bundler --no-rdoc --no-ri status_message "Installing support gems in $rubydir" cd $MU_LIBDIR/modules && $rubydir/bin/bundle install $rubydir/bin/gem update --system set +e find $rubydir/ -type f -exec chmod go+r {} \; find $rubydir/bin -type f -exec chmod go+rx {} \; find $rubydir/ -type d -exec chmod go+rx {} \; } ############################################################################### ## Set up knife.rb for root set_knife_rb() { basepath="$1" knife_user="$2" url="$3" chef_cache="$MU_CHEF_CACHE" if [ "$knife_user" == "" ];then knife_user="mu" elif [ "$knife_user" != "mu" ];then chef_cache="`getent passwd \"$association_user\" |cut -d: -f6`/.chef" fi mkdir -p $chef_cache cat /dev/null > $chef_cache/knife.rb # XXX verify_api_cert ssl_verify_mode shouldn't have to be set like this. # don't release with this grotesquely insecure configuration. cat > $chef_cache/knife.rb.tmp.$$ << EOF log_level :info log_location STDOUT node_name '$knife_user' client_key '$chef_cache/$knife_user.user.key' validation_client_name '$knife_user-validator' validation_key '$chef_cache/$knife_user.org.key' chef_server_url "https://${CHEF_PUBLIC_IP}:7443/$basepath" chef_server_root "https://${CHEF_PUBLIC_IP}:7443/$basepath" syntax_check_cache_path '$chef_cache/syntax_check_cache' cookbook_path [ '$chef_cache/cookbooks', '$chef_cache/site_cookbooks' ] knife[:vault_mode] = 'client' knife[:vault_admins] = ['$knife_user'] # verify_api_cert false # ssl_verify_mode :verify_none EOF mv -f $chef_cache/knife.rb.tmp.$$ $chef_cache/knife.rb } ############################################################################### ## Install the Chef Omnibus package. install_chef() { punch_tcp_hole 80 punch_tcp_hole 443 punch_tcp_hole 7443 # Sometimes we get a half-deleted Chef package in our way if [ ! -d /opt/chef ];then rpm -e chef fi # Chef Server 12 inexplicably ships with old, broken versions of the # client. Install something sane. if ! rpm -q $CHEF_CLIENT_PKG > /dev/null ;then status_message "Installing current Chef client" yum -y erase chef || rpm -e chef # one of these will get it rm -rf /opt/chef # and stay out curl https://omnitruck.chef.io/install.sh > /root/chef-install.sh sh /root/chef-install.sh -v $CHEF_CLIENT_VERSION fi if [ -f /opt/chef/embedded/bin/gem ];then add_chef_support_gems /opt/chef/embedded fi port="`grep \"'ssl_port'\" /etc/opscode/chef-server.rb | awk '{print $3}'`" if [ "$port" == "" ];then port="443" service httpd stop # sits on 443, and Chef is stupid; disable temporarily fi set_knife_rb organizations/mu mu "https://${CHEF_PUBLIC_IP}:$port" # Now Chef server if ! rpm -q chef-server-core > /dev/null ;then if rpm -q chef-server > /dev/null ;then /opt/chef-server/bin/chef-server-ctl stop fi status_message "Installing ${BOLD}Chef Server${NORM} (listen port: ${port})" rpm -ivh $OPSCODE_CHEF_DL find /opt/opscode/embedded/lib/ruby -type f -exec chmod o+r {} \; find /opt/opscode/embedded/lib/ruby -type d -exec chmod o+rx {} \; pivotal_cfg_setup pivotal_cfg $port /opt/opscode/bin/chef-server-ctl reconfigure chef_self_test=1 elif [ ! -f "/var/opt/opscode/nginx/ca/${CHEF_PUBLIC_IP}.crt" ];then status_message "Hostname or IP may have changed, reconfiguring Chef (listen port: ${port})" pivotal_cfg_setup pivotal_cfg $port /opt/opscode/bin/chef-server-ctl restart /opt/opscode/bin/chef-server-ctl reconfigure knife ssl fetch -u pivotal -k /etc/opscode/pivotal.pem -s https://${CHEF_PUBLIC_IP}:$port > /dev/null 2>&1 rm -f /etc/chef/client.* knife node delete -y MU-MASTER knife client delete -y MU-MASTER chef_self_test=1 fi # add_chef_support_gems /opt/opscode/embedded pivotal_cfg_setup pivotal_cfg $port knife ssl fetch $pivotal_cfg > /dev/null 2>&1 list_chef_users ext_chef_users umask 0077 # if ! ( echo "$ext_chef_users" | egrep "(^| )mu( |$)" > /dev/null );then if [ ! -f "$MU_DATADIR/users/mu/mu.user.key" -o ! -f "$MU_CHEF_CACHE/mu.org.key" ];then manage_chef_user "mu" "$MU_ADMIN_PW" "Mu Master" "$MU_ADMIN_EMAIL" "" "1" "" "1" fi mkdir -p "$MU_DATADIR/users/mu" echo "$MU_ADMIN_EMAIL" > "$MU_DATADIR/users/mu/email" echo "Mu Master" > "$MU_DATADIR/users/mu/realname" if [ ! -f "$MU_DATADIR/users/mu/htpasswd" -a "$MU_ADMIN_PW" != "" ];then # XXX this is sloppy as hell, from a security standpoint /usr/bin/htpasswd -c -b -m "$MU_DATADIR/users/mu/htpasswd" "mu" "$MU_ADMIN_PW" fi set_knife_rb organizations/mu mu "https://${CHEF_PUBLIC_IP}:$port" /opt/chef/bin/knife ssl fetch -s https://$CHEF_PUBLIC_IP:$port > /dev/null 2>&1 umask 0022 cur_chef="`rpm -q chef-server-core`" if [ "$cur_chef" != "$OPSCODE_CHEF_PKG" ];then status_message "Upgrading ${BOLD}Chef Server${NORM}" if rpm -Uvh $OPSCODE_CHEF_DL;then chef_self_test=1 /opt/opscode/bin/chef-server-ctl upgrade find /opt/opscode/embedded/lib/ruby -type f -exec chmod o+r {} \; find /opt/opscode/embedded/lib/ruby -type d -exec chmod o+rx {} \; /opt/opscode/bin/chef-server-ctl reconfigure # add_chef_support_gems /opt/opscode/embedded $RUBY_INSTALLDIR/bin/bundle update chef /opt/opscode/bin/chef-server-ctl start else warning_message "Failed to upgrade to package $OPSCODE_CHEF_DL" fi fi export CHEF_PUBLIC_IP if ! ( echo $PATH | egrep ":/opt/opscode/embedded/bin(:|$)" > /dev/null );then export PATH="$MU_INSTALLDIR/bin:${PATH}:/opt/opscode/embedded/bin" fi mkdir -p /etc/opscode cat >> /etc/opscode/chef-server.rb.tmp.$$ << EOF # # Mu Chef Server Settings # server_name="$CHEF_PUBLIC_IP" api_fqdn server_name nginx['server_name'] = server_name nginx['enable_non_ssl'] = false nginx['non_ssl_port'] = 81 nginx['ssl_port'] = 7443 nginx['ssl_ciphers'] = "HIGH:MEDIUM:!LOW:!kEDH:!aNULL:!ADH:!eNULL:!EXP:!SSLv2:!SEED:!CAMELLIA:!PSK" nginx['ssl_protocols'] = "TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2" nginx['ssl_certificate'] = "$MU_SSL_CERT" nginx['ssl_certificate_key'] = "$MU_SSL_KEY" bookshelf['external_url'] = "https://"+server_name+":7443" bookshelf['vip_port'] = 7443 EOF if [ ! -f /etc/opscode/chef-server.rb -o "`diff /etc/opscode/chef-server.rb /etc/opscode/chef-server.rb.tmp.$$`" != "" ];then /bin/mv -f /etc/opscode/chef-server.rb.tmp.$$ /etc/opscode/chef-server.rb chef_server_ctl reconfigure else /bin/rm -f /etc/opscode/chef-server.rb.tmp.$$ fi # XXX workaround for vile chef bug, see: # https://github.com/chef/chef-server/issues/50 # if ! grep "s3_url, \"https:\/\/${HOST_NAME}.platform-mu:7443\"" /var/opt/opscode/opscode-erchef/sys.config > /dev/null;then # status_message "Switching ${BOLD}Chef Server${NORM} to port ${BOLD}7443${NORM}" # /bin/sed -i "s/s3_url, \"https:\/\/${HOST_NAME}.platform-mu\"/s3_url, \"https:\/\/${HOST_NAME}.platform-mu:7443\"/" /var/opt/opscode/opscode-erchef/sys.config # chef_server_ctl restart # fi set_knife_rb organizations/mu mu "https://${CHEF_PUBLIC_IP}:7443" /opt/chef/bin/knife ssl fetch -s https://$CHEF_PUBLIC_IP:7443 > /dev/null 2>&1 /opt/chef/bin/knife ssl fetch -s https://localhost:7443 > /dev/null 2>&1 /opt/chef/bin/knife ssl fetch -s > /dev/null 2>&1 pivotal_cfg_setup pivotal_cfg 7443 cat >> /etc/chef/client.rb.tmp.$$ << EOF log_location STDOUT chef_server_url "https://${CHEF_PUBLIC_IP}:7443/organizations/mu" validation_client_name "mu-validator" node_name "MU-MASTER" trusted_certs_dir "/etc/chef/trusted_certs" EOF if [ -f /etc/chef/client.rb -a "`diff /etc/chef/client.rb /etc/chef/client.rb.tmp.$$`" != "" ];then /bin/cp -f /etc/chef/client.rb.tmp.$$ /etc/chef/client.rb fi if [ -f /root/.chef/client.rb -a "`diff /root/.chef/client.rb /etc/chef/client.rb.tmp.$$`" != "" ];then /bin/cp -f /etc/chef/client.rb.tmp.$$ /root/.chef/client.rb fi /bin/rm -f /etc/chef/client.rb.tmp.$$ /etc/chef/validation.pem /sbin/service httpd start 2>&1 > /dev/null punch_tcp_hole 7443 # sometimes this isn't ready knife vault create scratchpad dummy '{ "merp":"meep" }' knife vault delete -y scratchpad dummy } upload_chef_artifacts() { punch_tcp_hole 7443 # sometimes this isn't ready if [ "$chef_artifacts_uploaded" != "1" ];then if ! echo "$@" | egrep -- "-n" ;then rm -rf $HOMEDIR/.berkshelf rm -rf $HOMEDIR/.chef/cookbooks rm -rf $HOMEDIR/.chef/site_cookbooks rm -rf $MU_LIBDIR/cookbooks/cap-* for a in cookbooks site_bookbooks data_bags roles environments;do /bin/rm -rf $MU_CHEF_CACHE/$a done fi /opt/chef/bin/knife ssl fetch -s https://$CHEF_PUBLIC_IP > /dev/null 2>&1 status_message "Syncing Chef artifacts to running server..." $MU_LIBDIR/bin/mu-upload-chef-artifacts $@ chef_artifacts_uploaded_by_installer=1 fi chef_artifacts_uploaded=1 } ############################################################################### ## Set us up to use ~/.chef, and knife accordingly. setup_chef_cache() { upload_chef_artifacts=$1 status_message "Setting up local Chef cache in ${BOLD}$MU_CHEF_CACHE${NORM}" mkdir -p $MU_CHEF_CACHE } ############################################################################### ## Get ~/.devops arranged install_mu_executables() { status_message "Installing/updating Mu executables" # if [ "$_me" == "mu-self-update" ];then # XXX need to test this a different way # if [ "`diff $MU_LIBDIR/bin/$_me $MU_INSTALLDIR/bin/$_me`" != "" -o "`diff $MU_LIBDIR/install/mu_setup $MU_INSTALLDIR/bin/mu-configure`" != "" ];then # status_message "We're updating $_me, and $_me has changed." "Re-invoking as ${BOLD}$MU_LIBDIR/bin/$_me $@${NORM}" # /bin/cp -f $MU_LIBDIR/bin/$_me $MU_INSTALLDIR/bin/$_me # /bin/cp -f $MU_LIBDIR/install/mu_setup $MU_INSTALLDIR/bin/mu-configure # chmod 0755 $MU_INSTALLDIR/bin/$_me $MU_INSTALLDIR/bin/mu-configure # exec $MU_LIBDIR/bin/$_me $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8 $9 # exit # fi # fi rm -rf $MU_INSTALLDIR/bin/* # most executables should just be symlinks _files=$MU_LIBDIR/bin/* for file in $_files;do f="`basename $file`" if [ "$f" != "mu-self-update" ];then ln -s $MU_LIBDIR/bin/$f $MU_INSTALLDIR/bin/$f fi done /bin/cp -f $MU_LIBDIR/bin/mu-self-update $MU_INSTALLDIR/bin/mu-self-update # /bin/cp -f $MU_LIBDIR/install/mu_setup $MU_INSTALLDIR/bin/mu-configure chmod 0755 $MU_INSTALLDIR/bin/mu-self-update $MU_INSTALLDIR/bin/mu-configure # ...and make sure the flippin' link to mu-cli-lib.rb is right. /bin/rm -f $MU_INSTALLDIR/bin/mu-load-config.rb /bin/ln -s $MU_LIBDIR/modules/mu-load-config.rb $MU_INSTALLDIR/bin/mu-load-config.rb chef_bin=/opt/chef/embedded/bin # We can get invoked before Chef is installed, so handle that gracefully if [ -d $chef_bin ];then for f in `ls -1 $chef_bin/*knife* $chef_bin/*chef* $chef_bin/*ohai*`;do name="`basename $f`" ln -s $f $MU_INSTALLDIR/bin/$name done fi # Same thing, but for server-only executables chef_bin=/opt/opscode/embedded/bin if [ -d $chef_bin ];then for f in `ls -1 $chef_bin/*knife* $chef_bin/*chef* $chef_bin/*ohai*`;do name="`basename $f`" if [ ! -h $MU_INSTALLDIR/bin/$name ];then ln -s $f $MU_INSTALLDIR/bin/$name fi done fi chmod 755 $MU_INSTALLDIR/bin } start_momma_cat() { status_message "Setting up ${BOLD}mu-momma-cat${NORM}" punch_tcp_hole 2260 /bin/cp -f $MU_LIBDIR/bin/mu-momma-cat /etc/init.d/ chkconfig mu-momma-cat on service mu-momma-cat restart } ############################################################################### setup_localhost_chef_client() { punch_tcp_hole 7443 # sometimes this isn't ready allowuser="`grep ^AllowUsers /etc/ssh/sshd_config | awk '{print $2}'`" if [ "$allowuser" == "" ];then allowuser="root" fi if [ ! -f $HOMEDIR/.ssh/id_rsa.pub ];then ssh-keygen -N '' -f $HOMEDIR/.ssh/id_rsa chmod 600 $HOMEDIR/.ssh/id_rsa fi # On CentOS 7 and the like, this is some non-root user ssh_homedir="`getent passwd \"$allowuser\" |cut -d: -f6`" mkdir -p "$ssh_homedir/.ssh/" pubkey="`cat $HOMEDIR/.ssh/id_rsa.pub`" if [ "`grep \"$pubkey\" $ssh_homedir/.ssh/authorized_keys`" == "" ];then echo "$pubkey" >> $ssh_homedir/.ssh/authorized_keys fi chown -R "$allowuser" "$ssh_homedir/.ssh/" if [ "`grep '^Host localhost' $HOMEDIR/.ssh/config`" == "" ];then echo "Host localhost" >> $HOMEDIR/.ssh/config echo " IdentityFile $HOMEDIR/.ssh/id_rsa" >> $HOMEDIR/.ssh/config fi if [ "`/opt/chef/bin/knife node list | grep '^CAP-MASTER$'`" == "CAP-MASTER" ];then warning_message "Removing old Chef node profile 'CAP-MASTER'" rm -f /etc/chef/client.* /opt/chef/bin/knife node delete -y CAP-MASTER /opt/chef/bin/knife client delete -y CAP-MASTER fi if [ "`/opt/chef/bin/knife node list | grep '^MU-MASTER$'`" != "MU-MASTER" ];then status_message "Bootstrapping localhost as Chef node 'MU-MASTER'" chef_artifacts_uploaded=0 if [ "$chef_artifacts_uploaded_by_installer" != "1" ];then upload_chef_artifacts -n -r $MU_REPO_NAME fi mkdir -p /etc/chef if [ "$allowuser" == "root" -o "$allowuser" == "" ];then /opt/chef/bin/knife bootstrap -N MU-MASTER --no-node-verify-api-cert --node-ssl-verify-mode=none ${CHEF_PUBLIC_IP} else /opt/chef/bin/knife bootstrap -N MU-MASTER --no-node-verify-api-cert --node-ssl-verify-mode=none -x ${allowuser} --sudo ${CHEF_PUBLIC_IP} fi run_chef_client=0 fi status_message "Configuring local LDAP directory" punch_tcp_hole 389 punch_tcp_hole 636 $MU_LIBDIR/install/ldap_setup.rb /opt/chef/bin/knife node run_list remove MU-MASTER "role[mu-master-jenkins]" > /dev/null 2>&1 # buggy prior invocations get fouled up on subsequent runs /opt/chef/bin/knife node run_list add MU-MASTER "role[mu-master]" chef_client } ############################################################################### configure_nagios_server() { status_message "Configuring the ${BOLD}Nagios${NORM} server" punch_tcp_hole 8443 if [ "`/bin/ls $MU_DATADIR/users/`" == "" ];then echo "${RED}Cannot enable Nagios until at least one admin user is specified.${NORM}" echo "${RED}Use ${BOLD}mu-user-manage${NORM}${RED} to create and manage users.${NORM}" return fi if [ "`grep ^nagios: /etc/passwd`" == "" -o "`pgrep -u nagios -f /usr/sbin/nagios`" == "" ];then # skip this if we're being called from mu-self-update and have already # done it if [ "$chef_artifacts_uploaded" != 1 ];then upload_chef_artifacts -r mu upload_chef_artifacts -n fi chef_client -o "recipe[mu-master::update_nagios_only]" run_chef_client=0 fi mkdir -p /opt/mu/var/nagios_user_home chown nagios:nagios /opt/mu/var/nagios_user_home if [ "`grep ^nagios: /etc/passwd | grep /opt/mu/var/nagios_user_home`" = "" ];then /sbin/service nagios stop sleep 5 /usr/bin/pkill -u nagios /usr/sbin/usermod -d /opt/mu/var/nagios_user_home nagios /sbin/service nagios start fi if [ -d /home/nagios ];then /bin/mv -f /home/nagios /home/nagios.old /bin/ln -s /opt/mu/var/nagios_user_home /home/nagios fi } ############################################################################### preconfigure_jenkins_artifacts() { punch_tcp_hole 7443 # sometimes this isn't ready if [ "$JENKINS_ADMIN_PW" != "" ];then status_message "Configuring the ${BOLD}Jenkins${NORM} artifacts" punch_tcp_hole 9443 if [ "`/bin/ls $MU_DATADIR/users/`" == "" ];then echo "${RED}Cannot enable Jenkins until at least one admin user is specified.${NORM}" echo "${RED}Use ${BOLD}mu-user-manage${NORM}${RED} to create and manage users.${NORM}" return fi # skip user and vault creation if we're being called from mu-self-update and have already # done it # if ! (knife vault show jenkins > /dev/null 2>&1) ;then # Create Jenkins Vault with admin and user items $MU_LIBDIR/install/jenkinskeys.rb knife vault create jenkins users "{\"mu_user_password\":\"$JENKINS_ADMIN_PW\"}" --mode client -F json -u mu --search name:MU-MASTER # Create the Jenkins user fi if [ ! -d /home/jenkins ];then $MU_LIBDIR/bin/mu-user-manage jenkins -e $JENKINS_ADMIN_EMAIL -p "$JENKINS_ADMIN_PW" -n "Jenkins Service" -s --no-scratchpad su - jenkins -c "ls" fi fi mkdir -p /home/jenkins chown jenkins /home/jenkins } generate_docs() { status_message "Generating documentation" cd $MU_LIBDIR/modules && /usr/local/ruby-current/bin/bundle install /usr/local/ruby-current/bin/ruby $MU_INSTALLDIR/bin/mu-gen-docs } generate_ssl_certs() { status_message "Managing internal SSL certificates" skip_chef="$1" mkdir -p $MU_DATADIR/ssl cd $MU_DATADIR/ssl if [ -f Mu_CA.pem ];then # Force us to clean up crusty old certs that we generated badly if ! ( /usr/bin/openssl x509 -in $MU_DATADIR/ssl/Mu_CA.pem -text -noout | grep "Subject: CN=$CHEF_PUBLIC_IP, OU=Mu Server $CHEF_PUBLIC_IP," > /dev/null );then /usr/bin/openssl x509 -in $MU_DATADIR/ssl/Mu_CA.pem -text -noout | grep "Subject: " status_message "Forcing regeneration of Mu's self-signed SSL certificate authority (didn't see ${BOLD}Subject: CN=$CHEF_PUBLIC_IP, OU=Mu Server $CHEF_PUBLIC_IP,${NORM})" /usr/bin/openssl x509 -in $MU_DATADIR/ssl/Mu_CA.pem -text -noout | grep "Subject: " /bin/rm -f Mu_CA.* fi fi regen_all=0 if [ ! -f Mu_CA.pem ];then regen_all=1 status_message "Creating internal-use SSL certificate authority" openssl genrsa -out Mu_CA.key 4096 chmod 400 Mu_CA.key openssl req -subj "/CN=$CHEF_PUBLIC_IP/OU=Mu Server $CHEF_PUBLIC_IP/O=eGlobalTech/C=US" -x509 -new -nodes -key Mu_CA.key -days 1024 -out Mu_CA.pem -sha512 /bin/cp -f Mu_CA.pem $MU_LIBDIR/cookbooks/mu-tools/files/default/Mu_CA.pem if [ "$skip_chef" == "" ];then chef_artifacts_uploaded=0 upload_chef_artifacts -r $MU_REPO_NAME -n -s fi elif [ ! -f $MU_LIBDIR/cookbooks/mu-tools/files/default/Mu_CA.pem ];then /bin/cp -f Mu_CA.pem $MU_LIBDIR/cookbooks/mu-tools/files/default/Mu_CA.pem if [ "$skip_chef" == "" ];then chef_artifacts_uploaded=0 upload_chef_artifacts -r $MU_REPO_NAME -n -s fi fi # XXX should use set_serial option and maniuplate "serial" for cert in rsyslog mommacat ldap;do if [ -f $cert.crt ];then # Force us to clean up crusty old certs that we generated badly, # making sure the CA cert is bundled while we're at it. if ! ( grep "BEGIN CERTIFICATE" $MU_DATADIR/ssl/$cert.crt | wc -l | grep '^2$' > /dev/null );then status_message "Forcing regeneration of $MU_DATADIR/ssl/$cert.crt" /bin/rm -f $cert.crt elif openssl x509 -text -noout -in $MU_DATADIR/ssl/$cert.crt | grep "Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption" > /dev/null ;then status_message "Forcing regeneration of $MU_DATADIR/ssl/$cert.crt (SHA-1 signature detected)" /bin/rm -f $cert.crt fi fi if [ ! -f $cert.crt -o $regen_all == 1 ];then status_message "Creating self-signed $cert SSL certificate" openssl genrsa -out $cert.key 4096 chmod 400 $cert.key openssl req -subj "/CN=$CHEF_PUBLIC_IP/OU=Mu $cert/O=eGlobalTech/C=US" -new -key $cert.key -out $cert.csr -sha512 openssl x509 -req -in $cert.csr -CA Mu_CA.pem -CAkey Mu_CA.key -CAcreateserial -out $cert.crt -days 500 -sha512 cat Mu_CA.pem >> $cert.crt if [ "$cert" == "mommacat" -a "$skip_chef" == "" ];then chef_server_ctl restart /bin/rm -f /etc/chef/trusted_certs/*.crt /root/.chef/trusted_certs/*.crt /opt/chef/bin/knife ssl fetch -s https://$CHEF_PUBLIC_IP > /dev/null 2>&1 /bin/cp -f /root/.chef/trusted_certs/*.crt /etc/chef/trusted_certs/ if (knife ssl check -c /etc/chef/client.rb | egrep "^ERROR.*certificate");then /opt/chef/bin/knife ssl fetch -c /etc/chef/client.rb fi if (knife ssl check | egrep "^ERROR.*certificate");then /opt/chef/bin/knife ssl fetch fi fi fi if [ ! -f $cert.p12 -o $regen_all == 1 ];then openssl pkcs12 -export -inkey $cert.key -in $cert.crt -out $cert.p12 -nodes -name "$cert" -passout pass:"" fi done /bin/cp -f /opt/mu/var/ssl/Mu_CA.pem /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors/ /usr/bin/update-ca-trust force-enable /usr/bin/update-ca-trust extract } enable_audit_logs() { status_message "Enabling Mu audit logs" punch_tcp_hole 10514 set -e $MU_LIBDIR/bin/mu-aws-setup -l set +e } set_permissions() { /bin/chmod g+rsx "$MU_DATADIR/users" /bin/chgrp mu-users "$MU_DATADIR/users" cp -a $MU_LIBDIR/extras/git-fix-permissions-hook $MU_LIBDIR/.git/hooks/post-merge cp -a $MU_LIBDIR/extras/git-fix-permissions-hook $MU_LIBDIR/.git/hooks/post-checkout cp -a $MU_LIBDIR/extras/git-fix-permissions-hook $MU_LIBDIR/.git/hooks/post-rewrite status_message "Setting permissions in Ruby installations and platform repos" test -f $MU_INSTALLDIR/etc/amazon_images.yaml && chmod 644 $MU_INSTALLDIR/etc/amazon_images.yaml chmod 644 $MU_INSTALLDIR/etc/mu.rc for extra in $ADDTL_CHEF_REPOS;do extra_repo_name="`echo $extra | sed 's/^.*\///' | cut -d. -f1`" fix_platform_repo_permissions "$MU_DATADIR/$extra_repo_name" done fix_platform_repo_permissions "$MU_LIBDIR" if [ "$1" != "skip_rubies" ] ;then /sbin/restorecon -r /home for rubydir in /opt/opscode/embedded /opt/chef/embedded `find /opt/rubies -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d`;do find $rubydir/lib/ruby/gems -type f -exec chmod o+r {} \; find $rubydir/lib/ruby/gems -type d -exec chmod o+rx {} \; done fi } generate_repo_berksfile() { repodir=$1 cd $repodir || return if [ ! -f "Berksfile" ];then warning_message "Generating a Berksfile in ${BOLD}$repodir${NORM}" cat > "$repodir/Berksfile" << EOF if !ENV.include? 'MU_DATADIR' if !ENV.include? 'MU_INSTALLDIR' raise "Can't find MU_DATADIR or MU_INSTALLDIR in my environment!" end ENV['MU_DATADIR'] = "#{ENV['MU_INSTALLDIR']}/var" end instance_eval(File.read(File.expand_path("#{ENV['MU_INSTALLDIR']}/lib/Berksfile", __FILE__))) source "https://supermarket.getchef.com" EOF for d in cookbooks site_cookbooks;do if [ -d "$repodir/$d" ];then cd "$repodir/$d" for c in `ls -1`;do echo "cookbook '$c', path: '$repodir/$d/$c'" >> "$repodir/Berksfile" done fi done cd "$repodir" && berks install fi } ############################################################################### ############################################################################### ############################################################################### # Main execution path begins here ############################################################################### ############################################################################### ############################################################################### if [ "$library" != "1" ];then if [ "$use_defaults" == "" ];then adjust_config_vars fi set_path_env_vars set_bash_defaults set_hostname set_logbucket create_ssh_config umask 0022 clone_mu_repository for extra in $ADDTL_CHEF_REPOS;do extra_repo_name="`echo $extra | sed 's/^.*\///' | cut -d. -f1`" clone_repository "$extra" "$MU_DATADIR/$extra_repo_name" generate_repo_berksfile "$MU_DATADIR/$extra_repo_name" done if [ "$USER" == "root" ];then install_system_packages install_ruby install_awscli fi install_mu_executables # We might disconnect right here! That's normal. associate_public_ip create_private_dns_zone configure_ec2_security_group generate_ssl_certs skip_chef install_chef patch_knife_windows if [ "$USER" == "root" ];then # set up executables again to enable Chef aliases install_mu_executables enable_audit_logs umask 0077 start_momma_cat setup_localhost_chef_client generate_ssl_certs configure_nagios_server set_permissions preconfigure_jenkins_artifacts fi if [ "$JENKINS_ADMIN_PW" != "" ];then punch_tcp_hole 7443 # sometimes this isn't ready knife node run_list add MU-MASTER "role[mu-master-jenkins]" chef_client -l info fi cd source $MURC generate_docs # Chef's reloads of sshd don't seem to cause it to re-read its config for # some reason. This means regular user logins don't work on new installs # until it's been kicked. /sbin/service sshd restart echo "" echo "You MUST source all of the changes I made to your environment:" echo "" echo "${BOLD}source $MURC${NORM}" echo "" $MU_LIBDIR/bin/mu-user-manage echo "" echo "To add more users, use ${BOLD}mu-user-manage${NORM}." echo "" fi