other resources: http://vitobotta.com/resque-automatically-kill-stuck-workers-retry-failed-jobs/#sthash.oQsaNeb5.dpbs http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10757758/find-out-if-a-resque-job-is-still-running-and-kill-it-if-its-stuck heartbeat? redis scenario different processes (cant share state in Resque memory etc.) different boxes! (redis is shared state) if this is included in servers, you have clusters os unicorn/mongrel etc, ensure it works across multiple running instances of this lib? Thing.setup_checker_thread Thing.enqueue_repeating_refresh_job reproduce the error and integrate test like that ## TODOS verify @config options, raise if no handler, etc. - use locks to only notify/trigger once in case this is used in a server-cluster type environment adn you only want the handler triggered once - resque in stuck (t state process) SIGSTOP sticks up the checker thread? or if not running - ensure it only runs from the server box and not the resque box?? (the deploy restarts the server but not resque workers)