# Copyright (c) 2007-2021 Andy Maleh # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining # a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the # "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including # without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, # distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to # permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to # the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be # included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, # EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND # NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION # OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION # WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. require 'glimmer/config' module Glimmer module Config DEFAULT_IMPORT_SWT_PACKAGES = [ 'org.eclipse.swt', 'org.eclipse.swt.widgets', 'org.eclipse.swt.layout', 'org.eclipse.swt.graphics', 'org.eclipse.swt.browser', 'org.eclipse.swt.custom', 'org.eclipse.swt.dnd', 'org.eclipse.swt.printing', ] DEFAULT_AUTO_SYNC_EXEC = true class << self # Tells Glimmer to import SWT packages into including class (default: true) def import_swt_packages=(value) @@import_swt_packages = value end # Returns whether Glimmer will import SWT packages into including class def import_swt_packages @@import_swt_packages = DEFAULT_IMPORT_SWT_PACKAGES if !defined?(@@import_swt_packages) || (defined?(@@import_swt_packages) && @@import_swt_packages == true) @@import_swt_packages end # Tells Glimmer to avoid automatic use of sync_exec when invoking GUI calls from another thread (default: true) def auto_sync_exec=(value) @@auto_sync_exec = value end # Returns whether Glimmer will import SWT packages into including class def auto_sync_exec @@auto_sync_exec = DEFAULT_AUTO_SYNC_EXEC if !defined?(@@auto_sync_exec) @@auto_sync_exec end alias auto_sync_exec? auto_sync_exec # Returns Logging Devices. Default is [:stdout, :syslog] def logging_devices unless defined? @@logging_devices @@logging_devices = [:stdout, :syslog] end @@logging_devices end # Logging Devices is an array of these possible values: :stdout (default), :stderr, :file, :syslog (default), :stringio def logging_devices=(devices) @@logging_devices = devices reset_logger! end def logging_device_file_options @@logging_device_file_options = {size: 1_000_000, age: 'daily', roll_by: 'number'} unless defined? @@logging_device_file_options @@logging_device_file_options end def logging_device_file_options=(custom_options) @@logging_device_file_options = custom_options reset_logger! end def logging_appender_options @@logging_appender_options = {async: true, auto_flushing: 500, write_size: 500, flush_period: 60, immediate_at: [:error, :fatal], layout: logging_layout} unless defined? @@logging_appender_options # TODO make this a glimmer command option if ENV['GLIMMER_LOGGER_ASYNC'].to_s.downcase == 'false' @@logging_appender_options.merge!(async: false, auto_flushing: 1, immediate_at: [:debug, :info, :warn, :error, :fatal]) end @@logging_appender_options end def logging_appender_options=(custom_options) @@logging_appender_options = custom_options reset_logger! end def logging_layout unless defined? @@logging_layout @@logging_layout = Logging.layouts.pattern( pattern: '[%d] %-5l %c: %m\n', date_pattern: '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' ) end @@logging_layout end def logging_layout=(custom_layout) @@logging_layout = custom_layout reset_logger! end def reset_logger! @first_time = !defined?(@@logger) old_level = logger.level unless @first_time self.logger = Logging.logger['glimmer'].tap do |logger| logger.level = old_level || :error appenders = [] appenders << Logging.appenders.stdout(logging_appender_options) if logging_devices.include?(:stdout) appenders << Logging.appenders.stderr(logging_appender_options) if logging_devices.include?(:stderr) if logging_devices.include?(:file) require 'fileutils' FileUtils.mkdir_p('log') appenders << Logging.appenders.rolling_file('log/glimmer.log', logging_appender_options.merge(logging_device_file_options)) if logging_devices.include?(:file) end if Object.const_defined?(:Syslog) && logging_devices.include?(:syslog) Syslog.close if Syslog.opened? appenders << Logging.appenders.syslog('glimmer', logging_appender_options) end logger.appenders = appenders end end end end end Glimmer::Config.reset_logger! unless ENV['GLIMMER_LOGGER_ENABLED'].to_s.downcase == 'false' if ENV['GLIMMER_LOGGER_LEVEL'] # if glimmer log level is being overridden for debugging purposes, then disable async logging making logging immediate Glimmer::Config.logging_appender_options = Glimmer::Config.logging_appender_options.merge(async: false, auto_flushing: 1, immediate_at: [:unknown, :debug, :info, :error, :fatal]) Glimmer::Config.logging_devices = [:stdout] begin puts "Adjusting Glimmer logging level to #{ENV['GLIMMER_LOGGER_LEVEL']}" Glimmer::Config.logger.level = ENV['GLIMMER_LOGGER_LEVEL'].strip rescue => e puts e.message end end Glimmer::Config.excluded_keyword_checkers << lambda do |method_symbol, *args| method = method_symbol.to_s return true if method == 'post_initialize_child' return true if method == 'handle' return true if method.end_with?('=') return true if ['drag_source_proxy', 'drop_target_proxy'].include?(method) && is_a?(Glimmer::UI::CustomWidget) return true if method == 'dispose' && is_a?(Glimmer::UI::CustomWidget) && respond_to?(method) return true if ['finish_edit!', 'search', 'all_tree_items', 'depth_first_search'].include?(method) && is_a?(Glimmer::UI::CustomWidget) && body_root.respond_to?(method) end