The post title
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The post title
This is the body of the post.
The post title
This is the body of the post.
going to bed. Way too late again. Will work on the #tumblr #gem some more tomorrow! :)
listening to “reuben- fall of the bastille - ” ♫ <a href=""></a>
listening to “A Fault Line, A Fault Of Mine - UNDEROATH” ♫ <a href=""></a>
just re-wrote the whole fetch-part of the #tumblr #gem. (has tests now ;) ) Doing some more work on the rest (create, update, destroy) now.
listening to “The Approaching Curve by Rise Against - ” ♫ <a href=""></a>
simplified the error handling in the #tumblr #gem. It was just weird…
Son, have you seen the world? What would you say if I said that you could? ♫ <a href=""></a>
listening to “Re-Education (Through Labor) - Rise Against” ♫ <a href=""></a>
listening to “In Flames-The Chosen Pessimist - ” ♫ <a href=""></a>
listening to “reuben- our song - ” ♫ <a href=""></a>
working on the #tumblr #ror #gem (<a href=""></a>) To make possible to use it without rails :)
listening to “This could be anywhere in the world - Alexisonfire” ♫ <a href=""></a>
Wallpaper :o
iMac has begun running slow. Time for it’s monthly reboot then :)
watching episode 16 of @<a href="">delekkersteshow</a> -> making a Tequila Sunrise :)
Wha? <a href=""></a>
Making final tweaks to AwesomeScaffold (yes, that’s the name of the #rspec/#cucumber/#haml scaffold genegrator) for the initial commit. :)
Yay! Got an alpha invite to @<a href="">kohive</a>. Checking it out now :) Thanks a lot @<a href="">EdwardVII</a>
just updated the #tumblr #ror #gem (<a href=""></a>) Thanks a lot @<a href="">zapnap</a>! :)
Writing cucumber scenarios for the scaffold generator. Pretty hard when you don’t know what you’re working with…
Would love to be able to auto-download new podcast episodes directly to my iPhone. (like iTunes does)
Girlfriend bought an USB flash drive. It came with “essential software”: firefox, vlc and more free stuff. Awful sales strategy…
Spent some time writing a custom rails scaffold generator the other day. It generates rspec and cucumber tests and uses haml for templating.
#lyt #inman, great serve!
experience with using #cucumber and #selenium together? Anyone? #ror
awesome volley by @<a href="">shauninman</a>. @<a href="">ghubacek</a>’s last one was great too by the way… #lyt
lazyweb: how do I change / where can I find the validations in #authlogic? #ror
RT @<a href="">haacked</a>: #geekyourmomjokes Your momma so fat I called her and got a stack overflow.
Now that the #iPhone has copy & paste, I’d love to see a “shorten urls” feature in @<a href="">tweetie</a>…
Just checked out #haml & #sass (<a href=""></a>). Looks pretty awesome :)
does anybody know any good resources for learning #rspec? #ror
loving #glims’ (feature add-on for #safari) (<a href=""></a>) search engine features (like autocomplete)
Tried #tarantula. It doesn’t like my UserSessions model since it can’t find any user_sessions table. Does anyone know a workaround? #ror
Does anyone have any experience with Tarantula (<a href=""></a>) ? Looks pretty cool to me :)
“Imagine yourself gliding in me and cumming inside me. thats what i want, lets make it happen” WHAT?! #twitterspam has evolved… Reported
loving #cucumber. Does anyone have any idea how I can access my helper methods (from the app controller) in a cucumber step? #ror
falling in love with cucumber (the BDD tool, not the fruit, @<a href="">edwardvii</a> ;) ) <a href=""></a>
trying out cucumber. When trying to run “cucumber features -n” I get this: “-bash: cucumber: command not found” Help! (@<a href="">rbates</a>?)
going to bed. Finally. See you tomorrow @<a href="">meskyanichi</a> :)
My extra desk <a href=""></a>
One o’clock already… Have… to… finish… presentation…
using iTunes DJ. It’s been a while. I still can’t believe the awesome music that’s in my library without me knowing it :)
Microsoft to stop using Word to render emails in Outlook 2010 <a href=""></a> … <a href=""></a> @<a href="">patrickaltoft</a>
has been using Google Docs to write Documents, Presentations and Spreadsheets the last couple of days. I’m really impressed! :)
Any recommendations for Audioboos to follow? Anyone?
loving @<a href="">audioboo</a>’s “subsribe via iTunes” feature. Any recommendations, anyone? Or, do you have a “boo”?