module Locomotive module Steam module Liquid module Drops class Page < I18nBase delegate :fullpath, :depth, :seo_title, :meta_keywords, :meta_description, :redirect_url, :handle, to: :@_source delegate :listed?, :published?, :redirect?, :is_layout?, :templatized?, to: :@_source def title title = @_source.templatized? ? @context['entry'].try(:_label) : nil title || @_source.title end def slug slug = @_source.templatized? ? @context['entry'].try(:_slug).try(:singularize) : nil slug || @_source.slug end def original_title @_source.title end def original_slug @_source.slug end def parent @parent ||= repository.parent_of(@_source).to_liquid end def breadcrumbs @breadcrumbs ||= liquify(*repository.ancestors_of(@_source)) end def children @children ||= liquify(*repository.children_of(@_source)) end def content_type if @_source.templatized? # content_type can be either the slug of a content type or a content type content_type = content_type_repository.find(@_source.content_type_id) else nil end end def editable_elements @editable_elements_hash ||= build_editable_elements_hash end private def repository @context.registers[:services] end def content_type_repository @context.registers[:services].repositories.content_type end def build_editable_elements_hash {}.tap do |hash| # default content from the template itself _build_default_editable_elements_hash(hash) # content updated by the users _build_editable_elements_hash(hash) end end def _build_default_editable_elements_hash(hash) (@context.registers[:default_editable_content] || []).each do |key, content| keys = key.split('/') _build_editable_elements_hashes(hash, keys, keys.pop, content) end end def _build_editable_elements_hash(hash) (repository.editable_elements_of(@_source) || []).each do |el| keys = el.block.try(:split, '/').try(:compact) || [] # decorate the el instance which is localized because # el.content returns a I18nField. content = editable_element_content(el) _build_editable_elements_hashes(hash, keys, el.slug, content) end end def editable_element_content(element), @_source.__locale__, @_source.__default_locale__).content end def _build_editable_elements_hashes(hash, keys, slug, content) last_hash = hash # go the last hash keys.each do |key| safe_key = key.parameterize.underscore last_hash = (last_hash[safe_key] ||= {}) end last_hash[slug.parameterize.underscore] = content end end end end end end