project "Test" 2011-08-01 +1m { now 2011-08-15 trackingscenario plan } flags foo resource r1 "R1" resource r2 "R2" resource r3 "R3" resource r4 "R4" task t1 "T1" { task t2 "T2" { effort 1w allocate r1 } task t3 "T3" { effort 1w allocate r2 journalentry 2011-08-08 "r1 had to help out" { author r2 } } } # Timesheets 1st week timesheet r1 2011-08-01 +1w { task t1.t2 { work 3d remaining 6d status green "All good" { summary "No problems found" details "Work is progressing well" } } task t1.t3 { work 1d remaining 2d status yellow "Helped out" { summary "r2 asked for d2" } } newtask t4 "T4" { work 1d remaining 3d status red "Big Problem" { flags foo summary "Had to help out" details "Unplanned distraction" } } } timesheet r3 2011-08-01 +1w { status yellow "Not feeling good" { summary "Will see the doctor again" } newtask sick "Out sick" { work 5d remaining 2d status green "Hope to feel better soon" } } # Timesheet 2nd week timesheet r1 2011-08-08 +1w { task t1.t2 { work 5d remaining 1d status green "All ok" } task t1.t3 { work 0d remaining 2d status red "Fire burning" { details "It's really hot" } } } statussheet r4 2011-08-09 { task t1 { status green "Don't panik!" } } macro columns [ columns name, journal { title "journal" celltext 1 "<-query attribute='journal' journalmode='journal'->" }, journal { title "journal_sub" celltext 1 "<-query attribute='journal' journalmode='journal_sub'->" }, journal { title "status_up" celltext 1 "<-query attribute='journal' journalmode='status_up'->" }, journal { title "status_down" celltext 1 "<-query attribute='journal' journalmode='status_down'->" }, journal { title "alerts_down" celltext 1 "<-query attribute='journal' journalmode='alerts_down'->" } ] resourcereport "JournalMode-1" { formats html, csv journalmode journal journalattributes * ${columns} } taskreport "JournalMode-2" { formats html, csv journalmode journal journalattributes * ${columns} }