module RailsPagination class Pagination def initialize(*args) options = args.extract_options! @request = args[0] @collection = args[1] @parameter = options[:parameter] || Rails.application.config.pagination.default_parameter @navigation =[1], options[:navigation] || Rails.application.config.pagination.default_navigation) end def has_multiple_pages? @has_multiple_pages ||= @collection.total_pages > 1 end def is_current_page?(page) @collection.current_page == page end def has_previous_page? @has_previous_page ||= @collection.previous_page != nil end def has_next_page? @has_next_page ||= @collection.next_page != nil end def has_first_page? @collection.current_page > 1 and @collection.total_pages > 1 end def is_first_page? @is_first_page ||= @collection.current_page == 1 end def has_last_page? @collection.current_page != @collection.last_page and @collection.total_pages > 1 end def is_last_page? @is_last_page ||= @collection.current_page == total_pages end def navigation @navigation end def page_path(page) @request.path + '?' + @request.query_parameters.merge(@parameter => page).to_query end def page_url(page) @request.protocol + @request.host_with_port + page_path(page) end def current_page_path page_path @collection.current_page end def current_page_url page_url @collection.current_page end def first_page_path page_path @collection.first_page end def first_page_url page_url @collection.first_page end def previous_page_path page_path @collection.previous_page end def previous_page_url page_url @collection.previous_page end def next_page_path page_path @collection.next_page end def next_page_url page_url @collection.next_page end def last_page_path page_path @collection.last_page end def last_page_url page_url @collection.last_page end end end