module Montage # Represents a pseudo-file system path, where a directory can be replaced # with the :sprite named segment. :name will match any directory -- all # files with the same :name value will be placed into the same sprite file. # # Where a sprite source defines a :name segment, no sprite name needs to be # explicitly set in the .montage file. # # For example, given the following directory structure: # # /path/to/something/ # big/ # one.png # two.png # small/ # three.png # four.png # # ... then segmented path "/path/to/something/:name/*" will match all four # PNG files, with "one" and "two" being placed in the "big" sprite, "three" # and "four" in the "small" sprite. # class SpriteDefinition # Creates a new SpriteDefinition instance. # # @param [Montage::Project] project # @param [String, Pathname] path # @param [Hash{String => Object}] options # def initialize(project, path, options = {}) @project = project @path = project.paths.root + path # Symbolize option keys. @options = options.inject({}) do |opts, (key, value)| opts[key.to_sym] = value ; opts end @options[:to] = (@project.paths.root + (@options[:to] || Project::DEFAULTS[:to])).to_s @options[:url] ||= project.paths.url @options[:padding] ||= project.padding if has_name_segment? and @options.has_key?(:name) raise Montage::DuplicateName, <<-ERROR.compress_lines Sprite `#{path}' has both a :name path segment and a "name" option; please use only one. ERROR elsif not has_name_segment? and not @options.has_key?(:name) raise Montage::MissingName, <<-ERROR.compress_lines Sprite `#{path}' requires a name. Add a :name path segment or add a "name" option. ERROR elsif has_name_segment? and not @options[:to] =~ /:name/ raise Montage::MissingName, <<-ERROR.compress_lines Sprite `#{path}' requires :name in the "to" option. ERROR end end # Returns an array of Sprites defined. # # @return [Array(Montage::Sprite)] # def to_sprites do |sprite_name, sources| save_path =[:to].gsub(/:name/, sprite_name)) url = @options[:url].dup # Since it may be the DEFAULT string url.gsub!(/:name/, sprite_name) url.gsub!(/:filename/, save_path.basename.to_s), sources, save_path, @project, :url => url, :padding => @options[:padding] ) end end private # ================================================================ # Returns whether the path has a :name segment. # # @return [Boolean] # def has_name_segment? @path.to_s =~ /:name/ end # Returns a Hash containing source files which can be used when creating # Sprites. Each key is sprite name with each value the path to a matching # source file. When a SpriteDefinition doesn't have a :name segment, the # Hash will contain a single key: nil. # # @return[Hash{String => Array(Pathname)}] # def matching_sources @matching_sources ||= begin if not has_name_segment? { @options[:name] => Pathname.glob(@path.to_s) } else regexp = Regexp.escape(@path.to_s) regexp.gsub!(/\\\*\\\*/, '.+') regexp.gsub!(/\\\*/, '[^\\/]+') regexp.gsub!(/:name/, '([^\\/]+)') # Replace OR globs ({png,jpg,etc}). regexp.gsub!(/\\\{([^\\\}]+)\\\}/) do |found| "(?:#{found[2..-4].split(',').join('|')})" end all_files = Pathname.glob(@path.to_s.gsub(/:name/, '*')) all_files.inject({}) do |sources, file| if file.file? && match = file.to_s.match(regexp) sources[match[1]] ||= [] sources[match[1]] << file end sources end end end # begin end # matching_sources end # SpriteDefinition end # Montage