class Caboose::User < ActiveRecord::Base self.table_name = "users" #has_and_belongs_to_many :roles has_many :role_memberships has_many :roles, :through => :role_memberships has_attached_file :image, :path => ':path_prefixusers/:id_:style.:extension', :default_url => '', :styles => { :tiny => '150x200>', :thumb => '300x400>', :large => '600x800>' } do_not_validate_attachment_file_type :image attr_accessible :id, :email, :first_name, :last_name, :username, :token, :password, :phone, :timezone ADMIN_USER_ID = 1 LOGGED_OUT_USER_ID = 2 before_save do = if end def self.logged_out_user #return self.where('username' => 'elo').first return self.where(:id => self::LOGGED_OUT_USER_ID).first end def self.logged_out_user_id #return self.where('username' => 'elo').limit(1).pluck(:id)[0] return self::LOGGED_OUT_USER_ID end def is_allowed(resource, action) elo = Caboose::Role.logged_out_role return true if elo.is_allowed(resource, action) eli = Caboose::Role.logged_in_role return true if != && eli.is_allowed(resource, action) for role in roles return true if role.is_allowed(resource, action) end return false; end def self.validate_token(token) user = self.where('token' => token).first return user end def add_to_role_with_name(role_name) r = Caboose::Role.where(:name => role_name).first return false if r.nil? return add_to_role( end def add_to_role(role_id) r = Caboose::Role.find(role_id) return false if r.nil? if (!is_member?( roles.push r save end return true end def is_member?(role_id) roles.each do |r| return true if ( == role_id) end return false end def self.user_for_reset_id(reset_id) return nil if reset_id.nil? d = - 3.days if self.where("password_reset_id = ? and password_reset_sent > ?", reset_id, d).exists? return self.where("password_reset_id = ? and password_reset_sent > ?", reset_id, d).first end return nil end end