# frozen_string_literal: true require_relative '../unit_helper' describe Watir::Locators::Button::SelectorBuilder do include LocatorSpecHelper let(:selector_builder) { described_class.new(attributes, query_scope) } let(:uppercase) { 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZÀÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑÒÓÔÕÖØÙÚÛÜÝÞŸŽŠŒ' } let(:lowercase) { 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzàáâãäåæçèéêëìíîïðñòóôõöøùúûüýþÿžšœ' } let(:default_types) do "translate(@type,'#{uppercase}','#{lowercase}')=translate('button','#{uppercase}','#{lowercase}') or " \ "translate(@type,'#{uppercase}','#{lowercase}')=translate('reset','#{uppercase}','#{lowercase}') or " \ "translate(@type,'#{uppercase}','#{lowercase}')=translate('submit','#{uppercase}','#{lowercase}') or " \ "translate(@type,'#{uppercase}','#{lowercase}')=translate('image','#{uppercase}','#{lowercase}')" end describe '#build' do it 'without any arguments' do selector = {} built = {xpath: ".//*[(local-name()='button') or (local-name()='input' and (#{default_types}))]"} expect(selector_builder.build(selector)).to eq built end context 'with type' do it 'false only locates with button without a type' do selector = {type: false} built = {xpath: ".//*[(local-name()='button' and not(@type))]"} expect(selector_builder.build(selector)).to eq built end it 'true locates button or input with a type' do selector = {type: true} built = {xpath: ".//*[(local-name()='button' and @type) or " \ "(local-name()='input' and (#{default_types}))]"} expect(selector_builder.build(selector)).to eq built end it 'locates input or button element with specified type' do selector = {type: 'reset'} type = "translate('reset','#{uppercase}','#{lowercase}')" built = {xpath: ".//*[(local-name()='button' and " \ "translate(@type,'#{uppercase}','#{lowercase}')=#{type}) or " \ "(local-name()='input' and (translate(@type,'#{uppercase}','#{lowercase}')=#{type}))]"} expect(selector_builder.build(selector)).to eq built end it 'raises exception when a non-button type input is specified' do selector = {type: 'checkbox'} msg = 'Button Elements can not be located by input type: checkbox' expect { selector_builder.build(selector) } .to raise_exception Watir::Exception::LocatorException, msg end end context 'with xpath or css' do it 'returns tag name and type to the locator' do selector = {xpath: '#disabled_button', tag_name: 'input', type: 'submit'} built = {xpath: '#disabled_button', tag_name: 'input', type: 'submit'} expect(selector_builder.build(selector)).to eq built end end context 'with text' do it 'locates value of input element with String' do selector = {text: 'Button'} built = {xpath: ".//*[(local-name()='button' and normalize-space()='Button') or " \ "(local-name()='input' and (#{default_types}) and @value='Button')]"} expect(selector_builder.build(selector)).to eq built end it 'locates text of button element with String' do selector = {text: 'Button 2'} built = {xpath: ".//*[(local-name()='button' and normalize-space()='Button 2') or " \ "(local-name()='input' and (#{default_types}) and @value='Button 2')]"} expect(selector_builder.build(selector)).to eq built end it 'locates value of input element with simple Regexp' do selector = {text: /Button/} built = {xpath: ".//*[(local-name()='button' and contains(normalize-space(), \"Button\")) or " \ "(local-name()='input' and (#{default_types}) and contains(@value, \"Button\"))]"} expect(selector_builder.build(selector)).to eq built end it 'locates text of button element with simple Regexp' do selector = {text: /Button 2/} built = {xpath: ".//*[(local-name()='button' and contains(normalize-space(), \"Button 2\")) or " \ "(local-name()='input' and (#{default_types}) and contains(@value, \"Button 2\"))]"} expect(selector_builder.build(selector)).to eq built end it 'Simple Regexp for text' do selector = {text: /n 2/} built = {xpath: ".//*[(local-name()='button' and contains(normalize-space(), \"n 2\")) or " \ "(local-name()='input' and (#{default_types}) and contains(@value, \"n 2\"))]"} expect(selector_builder.build(selector)).to eq built end it 'Simple Regexp for value' do selector = {text: /Prev/} built = {xpath: ".//*[(local-name()='button' and contains(normalize-space(), \"Prev\")) or " \ "(local-name()='input' and (#{default_types}) and contains(@value, \"Prev\"))]"} expect(selector_builder.build(selector)).to eq built end it 'returns complex Regexp to the locator' do selector = {text: /^foo$/} built = {xpath: ".//*[(local-name()='button' and contains(normalize-space(), \"foo\")) or " \ "(local-name()='input' and (#{default_types}) and contains(@value, \"foo\"))]", text: /^foo$/} expect(selector_builder.build(selector)).to eq built end end context 'with value' do it 'input element value with String' do selector = {value: 'Preview'} built = {xpath: ".//*[(local-name()='button') or (local-name()='input' and (#{default_types}))]" \ "[normalize-space()='Preview' or @value='Preview']"} expect(selector_builder.build(selector)).to eq built end it 'button element value with String' do selector = {value: 'button_2'} built = {xpath: ".//*[(local-name()='button') or (local-name()='input' and (#{default_types}))]" \ "[normalize-space()='button_2' or @value='button_2']"} expect(selector_builder.build(selector)).to eq built end it 'input element value with simple Regexp' do selector = {value: /Prev/} built = {xpath: ".//*[(local-name()='button') or (local-name()='input' and (#{default_types}))]" \ '[contains(normalize-space(), "Prev") or contains(@value, "Prev")]'} expect(selector_builder.build(selector)).to eq built end it 'button element value with simple Regexp' do selector = {value: /on_2/} built = {xpath: ".//*[(local-name()='button') or (local-name()='input' and (#{default_types}))]" \ '[contains(normalize-space(), "on_2") or contains(@value, "on_2")]'} expect(selector_builder.build(selector)).to eq built end it 'button element text with String' do selector = {value: 'Button 2'} built = {xpath: ".//*[(local-name()='button') or (local-name()='input' and (#{default_types}))]" \ "[normalize-space()='Button 2' or @value='Button 2']"} expect(selector_builder.build(selector)).to eq built end it 'button element text with simple Regexp' do selector = {value: /ton 2/} built = {xpath: ".//*[(local-name()='button') or (local-name()='input' and (#{default_types}))]" \ '[contains(normalize-space(), "ton 2") or contains(@value, "ton 2")]'} expect(selector_builder.build(selector)).to eq built end it 'returns complex Regexp to the locator' do selector = {value: /^foo$/} built = {xpath: ".//*[(local-name()='button') or (local-name()='input' and (#{default_types}))]" \ '[contains(normalize-space(), "foo") or contains(@value, "foo")]', value: /^foo$/} expect(selector_builder.build(selector)).to eq built end end context 'with index' do it 'positive' do selector = {index: 3} built = {xpath: "(.//*[(local-name()='button') or (local-name()='input' and (#{default_types}))])[4]"} expect(selector_builder.build(selector)).to eq built end it 'negative' do selector = {index: -4} built = {xpath: "(.//*[(local-name()='button') or " \ "(local-name()='input' and (#{default_types}))])[last()-3]"} expect(selector_builder.build(selector)).to eq built end it 'last' do selector = {index: -1} built = {xpath: "(.//*[(local-name()='button') or " \ "(local-name()='input' and (#{default_types}))])[last()]"} expect(selector_builder.build(selector)).to eq built end it 'does not return index if it is zero' do selector = {index: 0} built = {xpath: ".//*[(local-name()='button') or (local-name()='input' and (#{default_types}))]"} expect(selector_builder.build(selector)).to eq built end it 'raises exception when index is not an Integer', skip_after: true do selector = {index: 'foo'} msg = /expected one of \[(Integer|Fixnum)\], got "foo":String/ expect { selector_builder.build(selector) }.to raise_exception TypeError, msg end end context 'with multiple locators' do it 'locates using class and attributes' do selector = {class: 'image', name: 'new_user_image', src: true} built = {xpath: ".//*[(local-name()='button') or (local-name()='input' and (#{default_types}))]" \ "[contains(concat(' ', normalize-space(@class), ' '), ' image ')]" \ "[@name='new_user_image' and @src]"} expect(selector_builder.build(selector)).to eq built end end end end