== Version 0.8.2 This release adds search statistics along with some new arithmetic constraints and channel constraints between boolean and integer variables. * Wrapping an enumerable that is already wrapped is no longer allowed. * Added search statistics. * Added squared value and square root constraints. * Added channel constraints between single integer variables and boolean variables. * Added channel constraints between enumerations of boolean variables and single integer variables. == Version 0.8.1 This release adds tuple constraints along with a couple of minor features. It also fixes a bug introduced in the previous version. * [#19435] Fixed a bug causing inconsistencies during BAB-search. The bug stopped the send+more=money example from working correctly. * Fixed the "raw_bindings" and "sudoku-set" examples, which were broken by the 0.8.0 release. * Integers can now be used to specify singleton lower and upper bounds when creating set variables. * Added convenience methods Model#maximize! and Model#minimize! for optimizing single variables. * Added tuple constraints for enumerations of integer and boolean variables. == Version 0.8.0 This release makes the jump from using Gecode 1.3.1 to using Gecode 2.1.1 . The following changes have been made to the interface as a result of the jump. * Removed the distinct constraint for sets. * Added the propagation kind option to the non-set constraints. == Version 0.7.1 This release adds boolean linear constraints. * Set domain constraints now checks illegal parameters when it's added (rather than when the search begins). * Added boolean linear constraint. == Version 0.7.0 This release adds the set selection and operation constraints. * Added set selection constraints (set array access, select union, select intersection (optionally with specified universe) and select disjoint). * Added set operation constraints (union, minus, disjoint_union and intersection) on pairs of set variables or set constants with variable or constant right hand side. * Added set operation constraints on enumerations of sets. == Version 0.6.1 This release fixes various bugs introduced in 0.6.0 and changes the way that int variable domains are specified (breaking backward-compatibility). * The domain for int variables can no longer be specified as several individual elements, it has to be specified as either a single element, a range or another enumeration. * Fixed a bug with set cardinality, min and max constraints using composite sugar. * Variables can now be created inside the optimization block. == Version 0.6.0 This release adds most of the remaining set constraints. It also makes backward-compatibility breaking changes to the way that properties of variables are accessed. * Added channel constraints involving set variables. * Added set min and max constraints. * Added set sum constraints (optionally weighted or substituted). * Added include (match) constraint for sets. * Added distinct constraints (distinct and at most one) for sets. * Added branch and bound search (optimization search). It's quite shaky at the moment though. * Assigned values of variables are now always accessed using #value instead of the various previous methods. The methods for extracting information from set variables have been changed and renamed. * Enumerations containing variables now provide a convenience method #values which returns an array of the enum's values. == Version 0.5.0 This release adds set variables and some of their constraints, along with the last of the boolean constraints. * Added exclusive or and implication. * Added conjunction and disjunction for boolean enumerations. * Added set variables. They are created using Model{#set_var, #set_var_array, #set_var_matrix}. * Added domain constraints for set variables. * Added relation constraints for set variables. * Added set cardinality constraints. == Version 0.4.0 This release adds most of the integer variable constraints supported by Gecode. * [#11861] Fixed a bug stopping the creation of int variables with non-range domains. * Added domain constraints for int variables. * Added equality constraint for int enums. * Matrices of integer and boolean variables can now be created using Model#int_var_matrix Model#bool_var_matrix. * Added channel constraint for int enums. * Added element constraints (variable array access). * Added count constraints. * Added sortedness constraints. * Added arithmetic constraints (min, max, abs and variable multiplication). == Version 0.3.0 This release fleshes out the existing constraints with things such as reification and adds boolean variables and their basic constraints. * The constructor of Gecode::Model no longer has to be called by classes inheriting from it. * Added Model#reset! which resets a model after search. * Added Model#solution which passes the first solution to a block and returns the result of that block. * Added Model#each_solution which iterates over each solution. * Added boolean variables. They are created using Model#bool_var and Model#bool_var_array . * Added two options to constraints: propagation strength and reification variable. * Linear and simple relation constraints can now also be specified using #equal, #equal_to, #greater, #greater_than,... in addition to comparison operators. * Added distinct with offsets. * Simple relation constraints can now be used to specify relations between two variables. * Added basic boolean domain constraints along with conjunction and disjunction. * Added syntactic sugar for combining reifiable constraints with | and &. == Version 0.2.0 This is the first release of Gecode/R, a Ruby interface to Gecode. * Added support for finite domain integers. * Added some basic relation, linear and distinct constraints. * Added the basis needed to model problems and find the first solution.