sc_require('views/template'); /** @private @class SC._BindableSpan is a private view created by the Handlebars {{bind}} helpers that is used to keep track of bound properties. Every time a property is bound using a {{mustache}}, an anonymous subclass of SC._BindableSpan is created with the appropriate sub-template and context set up. When the associated property changes, just the template for this view will re-render. */ SC._BindableSpan = SC.TemplateView.extend( /** @scope SC._BindableSpan.prototype */{ /** The type of HTML tag to use. To ensure compatibility with Internet Explorer 7, a tag is used to ensure that inline elements are not rendered with display: block. @property {String} */ tagName: 'span', /** The function used to determine if the +displayTemplate+ or +inverseTemplate+ should be rendered. This should be a function that takes a value and returns a Boolean. @property {Function} */ shouldDisplayFunc: null, /** Whether the template rendered by this view gets passed the context object of its parent template, or gets passed the value of retrieving +property+ from the previous context. For example, this is YES when using the {{#if}} helper, because the template inside the helper should look up properties relative to the same object as outside the block. This would be NO when used with +{{#with foo}}+ because the template should receive the object found by evaluating +foo+. @property {Boolean} */ preserveContext: NO, /** The template to render when +shouldDisplayFunc+ evaluates to YES. @property {Function} */ displayTemplate: null, /** The template to render when +shouldDisplayFunc+ evaluates to NO. @property {Function} */ inverseTemplate: null, /** The key to look up on +previousContext+ that is passed to +shouldDisplayFunc+ to determine which template to render. In addition, if +preserveContext+ is NO, this object will be passed to the template when rendering. @property {String} */ property: null, /** Determines which template to invoke, sets up the correct state based on that logic, then invokes the default SC.TemplateView +render+ implementation. This method will first look up the +property+ key on +previousContext+, then pass that value to the +shouldDisplayFunc+ function. If that returns YES, the +displayTemplate+ function will be rendered to DOM. Otherwise, +inverseTemplate+, if specified, will be rendered. For example, if this SC._BindableSpan represented the {{#with foo}} helper, it would look up the +foo+ property of its context, and +shouldDisplayFunc+ would always return true. The object found by looking up +foo+ would be passed to +displayTemplate+. @param {SC.RenderContext} renderContext} */ render: function(renderContext) { // If not invoked via a triple-mustache ({{{foo}}}), escape // the content of the template. var escape = this.get('isEscaped'); var shouldDisplay = this.get('shouldDisplayFunc'), property = this.get('property'), preserveContext = this.get('preserveContext'), context = this.get('previousContext'); var inverseTemplate = this.get('inverseTemplate'), displayTemplate = this.get('displayTemplate'); var result; // Use the current context as the result if no // property is provided. if (property === '') { result = context; } else { result = context.getPath(property); } // First, test the conditional to see if we should // render the template or not. if (shouldDisplay(result)) { this.set('template', displayTemplate); // If we are preserving the context (for example, if this // is an #if block, call the template with the same object. if (preserveContext) { this.set('context', context); } else { // Otherwise, determine if this is a block bind or not. // If so, pass the specified object to the template if (displayTemplate) { this.set('context', result); } else { // This is not a bind block, just push the result of the // expression to the render context and return. if (result == null) { result = ""; } else { result = String(result); } if (escape) { result = Handlebars.Utils.escapeExpression(result); } renderContext.push(result); //Handlebars.Utils.escapeExpression(result)); return; } } } else if (inverseTemplate) { this.set('template', inverseTemplate); if (preserveContext) { this.set('context', context); } else { this.set('context', result); } } else { this.set('template', function() { return ''; }); } return sc_super(); }, /** Called when the property associated with this changes. We destroy all registered children, then render the view again and insert it into DOM. */ rerender: function() { var idx, len, childViews, childView; childViews = this.get('childViews'); len = childViews.get('length'); for (idx = len-1; idx >= 0; idx--){ childView = childViews[idx]; childView.$().remove(); childView.removeFromParent(); childView.destroy(); } var context = this.renderContext(this.get('tagName')); var elem; this.renderToContext(context); elem = context.element(); this.$().replaceWith(elem); this.set('layer', elem); this._notifyDidCreateLayer(); } });