module AttributeExtras class HookBuilder # store the given options def initialize(verb, past) @verb = verb @past = past end # build the hook def build hook = hook.module_eval(module_definition) hook end private # the module definition for the extra def module_definition <<-RUBY def #{@verb}_attributes(*attributes, validator: true, writer: true) if self.table_exists? && (non_attributes = - self.column_names).any? raise ArgumentError, "Invalid attributes passed to #{@verb}_attributes: \#{non_attributes.join(', ')}" end include ::AttributeExtras::#{@verb.capitalize}Attributes attributes.each do |attribute| options = self.#{@verb}_options_for(attribute) modifier =, options) if validator validates attribute, self.#{@verb}_validator_for(modifier.options) end if writer define_method("\#{attribute}=") do |value| write_attribute(attribute, self.class.#{@verb}_attribute_extra(value, modifier.options)) end end #{@past}_attributes << modifier end end RUBY end end end