################################### # GS2 CodeRunner Module: GSL Tools # # Various useful methods for manipulating gsl data. # ################################### module GSL def self.cache @cache ||= {} @cache end end class GSL::Vector def pieces(no_pieces) ans = [] piece_sizes = [] for i in 0...no_pieces ans.push []; piece_sizes[i] = 0 end for j in 0...size piece_sizes[j % no_pieces] += 1 end # p ans, piece_sizes accum = 0 piece_sizes.each_with_index do |piece_size, piece| ans[piece] = self.subvector(accum, piece_size) accum += piece_size end return ans end def from_box_order size = self.size v1, v2 = self.subvector(0, (size+1)/2), self.subvector((size+1)/2, (size-1)/2) return v2.connect(v1) end def to_box_order size = self.size v1, v2 = self.subvector(0, (size-1)/2), self.subvector((size-1)/2, (size+1)/2) return v2.connect(v1) end end class GSL::Matrix::Complex def self.re_im(re, im) raise "Shape of real and imaginary matrices must match" unless re.shape == im.shape rows, cols = re.shape mat = alloc(rows, cols) for i in 0...rows for j in 0...cols mat[i,j] = GSL::Complex.alloc([re[i,j], im[i,j]]) end end return mat end def backward_cols_c2c(normalise = false) gm = self.dup rows, cols = gm.shape table = GSL.cache[[:fft_table, :complex, rows]] ||= GSL::FFT::ComplexWavetable.alloc(rows) work = GSL.cache[[:fft_work, :complex, rows]] ||= GSL::FFT::ComplexWorkspace.alloc(rows) for i in 0...cols vec = gm.col(i) vec.backward!(table, work) for j in 0...rows gm[j,i] = vec[j] end end gm = gm / rows if normalise gm end def forward_cols_c2c gm = self.dup rows, cols = gm.shape table = GSL.cache[[:fft_table, :complex, rows]] ||= GSL::FFT::ComplexWavetable.alloc(rows) work = GSL.cache[[:fft_work, :complex, rows]] ||= GSL::FFT::ComplexWorkspace.alloc(rows) for i in 0...cols vec = gm.col(i) vec.forward!(table, work) for j in 0...rows gm[j,i] = vec[j] end end gm end def backward_rows_cc2r(normalise = false) gm = self.dup rows, cols = gm.shape # if cols%2 == 0 # newcols = cols*2 # else # newcols = cols*2 - 1 # end was_even = rows.times.inject(true) do |bool, i| bool and (gm[i, cols - 1].imag == 0.0) end # ep was_even if was_even newcols = cols * 2 - 2 else newcols = cols * 2 - 1 end gm_re = GSL::Matrix.alloc(rows, newcols) table = GSL.cache[[:fft_table, :real, newcols]] ||= GSL::FFT::RealWavetable.alloc(newcols) work = GSL.cache[[:fft_work, :real, newcols]] ||= GSL::FFT::RealWorkspace.alloc(newcols) row = GSL::Vector::Complex.alloc(cols) # p rows for i in 0...rows # p i # row = gm.row(i) (0...cols).each{|j| row[j] = gm[i,j]} if was_even vec = row.concat(row.subvector(1, row.size - 2).reverse.conjugate) if cols > 2 else vec = row.concat(row.subvector(1, row.size - 1).reverse.conjugate) if cols > 1 end vec.backward!(table, work) for j in 0...newcols gm_re[i,j] = vec[j].real end end gm_re = gm_re / newcols.to_f if normalise gm_re end end class GSL::Matrix def move_rows_from_box_order rows, cols = self.shape gm1, gm2 = self.view(0,0, (rows + 1)/2, cols), self.view((rows + 1)/2, 0, (rows - 1)/2, cols) return gm2.vertcat(gm1) end def move_cols_from_box_order rows, cols = self.shape gm1, gm2 = self.view(0,0, rows, (cols + 1)/2), self.view(0, (cols + 1)/2, rows, (cols - 1)/2) return gm2.horzcat(gm1) end def forward_rows_r2cc gm = self.dup rows, cols = gm.shape if cols%2 == 0 newcols = (cols+2)/2 else newcols = (cols+1)/2 end gm_cc = GSL::Matrix::Complex.alloc(rows, newcols) table = GSL.cache[[:fft_table, :real, cols]] ||= GSL::FFT::RealWavetable.alloc(cols) work = GSL.cache[[:fft_work, :real, cols]] ||= GSL::FFT::RealWorkspace.alloc(cols) row = GSL::Vector.alloc(cols) for i in 0...rows (0...cols).each{|j| row[j] = gm[i,j]} # p i # row = gm.get_row(i) # vec_out = GSL::Vector::Complex.alloc(row.size) # (0...row.size).each{|j| vec[j] = row[j]} # if cols%2 == 0 # vec_out = vec.concat(vec.subvector(1, vec.size - 2).reverse.conjugate) # else # vec_out = vec.concat(vec.subvector(1, vec.size - 1).reverse.conjugate) # end view = row.forward(table, work).halfcomplex_to_complex for j in 0...newcols gm_cc[i,j] = view[j] end end return gm_cc end end class NArray def expand(*new_shape, empty_value) na = NArray.new(self.typecode,*new_shape) na[true] = empty_value range = self.shape.map{|n| 0...n} na[*range] = self return na end end