module AsposeWordsCloud # class Border < BaseObject attr_accessor :line_style, :line_width, :color, :distance_from_text, :shadow # attribute mapping from ruby-style variable name to JSON key def self.attribute_map { # :'line_style' => :'LineStyle', # :'line_width' => :'LineWidth', # :'color' => :'Color', # :'distance_from_text' => :'DistanceFromText', # :'shadow' => :'Shadow' } end # attribute type def self.swagger_types { :'line_style' => :'String', :'line_width' => :'Float', :'color' => :'Color', :'distance_from_text' => :'Float', :'shadow' => :'BOOLEAN' } end def initialize(attributes = {}) return if !attributes.is_a?(Hash) || attributes.empty? # convert string to symbol for hash key attributes = attributes.inject({}){|memo,(k,v)| memo[k.to_sym] = v; memo} if attributes[:'LineStyle'] self.line_style = attributes[:'LineStyle'] end if attributes[:'LineWidth'] self.line_width = attributes[:'LineWidth'] end if attributes[:'Color'] self.color = attributes[:'Color'] end if attributes[:'DistanceFromText'] self.distance_from_text = attributes[:'DistanceFromText'] end if attributes[:'Shadow'] self.shadow = attributes[:'Shadow'] end end def line_style=(line_style) allowed_values = ["None", "Single", "Thick", "Double", "Hairline", "Dot", "DashLargeGap", "DotDash", "DotDotDash", "Triple", "ThinThickSmallGap", "ThickThinSmallGap", "ThinThickThinSmallGap", "ThinThickMediumGap", "ThickThinMediumGap", "ThinThickThinMediumGap", "ThinThickLargeGap", "ThickThinLargeGap", "ThinThickThinLargeGap", "Wave", "DoubleWave", "DashSmallGap", "DashDotStroker", "Emboss3D", "Engrave3D", "Outset", "Inset"] if line_style && !allowed_values.include?(line_style) fail "invalid value for 'line_style', must be one of #{allowed_values}" end @line_style = line_style end end end