require File.expand_path('../helper', __FILE__) class TestGitHubPullRequests < CC::Service::TestCase def test_pull_request_status_pending expect_status_update("pbrisbin/foo", "abc123", { "state" => "pending", "description" => /is analyzing/, }) receive_pull_request({ update_status: true }, { github_slug: "pbrisbin/foo", commit_sha: "abc123", state: "pending", }) end def test_pull_request_status_success_detailed expect_status_update("pbrisbin/foo", "abc123", { "state" => "success", "description" => "Code Climate found 2 new issues and 1 fixed issue.", }) receive_pull_request( { update_status: true }, { github_slug: "pbrisbin/foo", commit_sha: "abc123", state: "success" } ) end def test_pull_request_status_failure expect_status_update("pbrisbin/foo", "abc123", { "state" => "failure", "description" => "Code Climate found 2 new issues and 1 fixed issue.", }) receive_pull_request( { update_status: true }, { github_slug: "pbrisbin/foo", commit_sha: "abc123", state: "failure" } ) end def test_pull_request_status_success_generic expect_status_update("pbrisbin/foo", "abc123", { "state" => "success", "description" => /found 2 new issues and 1 fixed issue/, }) receive_pull_request({ update_status: true }, { github_slug: "pbrisbin/foo", commit_sha: "abc123", state: "success", }) end def test_pull_request_status_error expect_status_update("pbrisbin/foo", "abc123", { "state" => "error", "description" => "Code Climate encountered an error attempting to analyze this pull request.", }) receive_pull_request({ update_status: true }, { github_slug: "pbrisbin/foo", commit_sha: "abc123", state: "error", message: nil, }) end def test_pull_request_status_error_message_provided expect_status_update("pbrisbin/foo", "abc123", { "state" => "error", "description" => "descriptive message", }) receive_pull_request({ update_status: true }, { github_slug: "pbrisbin/foo", commit_sha: "abc123", state: "error", message: "descriptive message", }) end def test_pull_request_status_skipped expect_status_update("pbrisbin/foo", "abc123", { "state" => "success", "description" => /skipped analysis/, }) receive_pull_request({ update_status: true }, { github_slug: "pbrisbin/foo", commit_sha: "abc123", state: "skipped", }) end def test_no_status_update_for_skips_when_update_status_config_is_falsey # With no POST expectation, test will fail if request is made. receive_pull_request({}, { github_slug: "pbrisbin/foo", commit_sha: "abc123", state: "skipped", }) end def test_no_status_update_for_pending_when_update_status_config_is_falsey # With no POST expectation, test will fail if request is made. receive_pull_request({}, { github_slug: "pbrisbin/foo", commit_sha: "abc123", state: "pending", }) end def test_no_status_update_for_error_when_update_status_config_is_falsey # With no POST expectation, test will fail if request is made. receive_pull_request({}, { github_slug: "pbrisbin/foo", commit_sha: "abc123", state: "error", message: nil, }) end def test_no_comment_for_skips_regardless_of_add_comment_config # With no POST expectation, test will fail if request is made. receive_pull_request({ add_comment: true }, { github_slug: "pbrisbin/foo", commit_sha: "abc123", state: "skipped", }) end def test_pull_request_status_test_success"/repos/pbrisbin/foo/statuses/#{"0" * 40}") { |env| [422, {}, ""] } assert receive_test({ update_status: true }, { github_slug: "pbrisbin/foo" })[:ok], "Expected test of pull request to be true" end def test_pull_request_status_test_failure"/repos/pbrisbin/foo/statuses/#{"0" * 40}") { |env| [401, {}, ""] } assert_raises(CC::Service::HTTPError) do receive_test({ update_status: true }, { github_slug: "pbrisbin/foo" }) end end def test_pull_request_comment_test_success @stubs.get("/user") { |env| [200, { "x-oauth-scopes" => "gist, user, repo" }, ""] } assert receive_test({ add_comment: true })[:ok], "Expected test of pull request to be true" end def test_pull_request_comment_test_failure_insufficient_permissions @stubs.get("/user") { |env| [200, { "x-oauth-scopes" => "gist, user" }, ""] } assert !receive_test({ add_comment: true })[:ok], "Expected failed test of pull request" end def test_pull_request_comment_test_failure_bad_token @stubs.get("/user") { |env| [401, {}, ""] } assert !receive_test({ add_comment: true })[:ok], "Expected failed test of pull request" end def test_pull_request_failure_on_status_requesting_both"/repos/pbrisbin/foo/statuses/#{"0" * 40}") { |env| [401, {}, ""] } assert_raises(CC::Service::HTTPError) do receive_test({ update_status: true, add_comment: true }, { github_slug: "pbrisbin/foo" }) end end def test_pull_request_failure_on_comment_requesting_both"/repos/pbrisbin/foo/statuses/#{"0" * 40}") { |env| [422, {}, ""] } @stubs.get("/user") { |env| [401, { "x-oauth-scopes" => "gist, user, repo" }, ""] } assert_false receive_test({ update_status: true, add_comment: true }, { github_slug: "pbrisbin/foo" })[:ok] end def test_pull_request_success_both"/repos/pbrisbin/foo/statuses/#{"0" * 40}") { |env| [422, {}, ""] } @stubs.get("/user") { |env| [200, { "x-oauth-scopes" => "gist, user, repo" }, ""] } assert receive_test({ update_status: true, add_comment: true }, { github_slug: "pbrisbin/foo" })[:ok], "Expected test of pull request to be true" end def test_pull_request_comment stub_existing_comments("pbrisbin/foo", 1, %w[Hey Yo]) expect_comment("pbrisbin/foo", 1, %r{href="">analyzed}) receive_pull_request({ add_comment: true }, { github_slug: "pbrisbin/foo", number: 1, state: "success", compare_url: "", issue_comparison_counts: { "fixed" => 2, "new" => 1, } }) end def test_pull_request_comment_already_present stub_existing_comments("pbrisbin/foo", 1, [ 'Code Climate has analyzed this pull request' ]) # With no POST expectation, test will fail if request is made. response = receive_pull_request({ add_comment: true, update_status: false }, { github_slug: "pbrisbin/foo", number: 1, state: "success", }) assert_equal({ ok: true, message: "Comment already present" }, response) end def test_pull_request_unknown_state response = receive_pull_request({}, { state: "unknown" }) assert_equal({ ok: false, message: "Unknown state" }, response) end def test_pull_request_nothing_happened response = receive_pull_request({}, { state: "success" }) assert_equal({ ok: false, message: "Nothing happened" }, response) end def test_different_base_url @stubs.get("/user") do |env| assert env[:url].to_s == "" [200, { "x-oauth-scopes" => "gist, user, repo" }, ""] end assert receive_test({ add_comment: true, base_url: "" })[:ok], "Expected test of pull request to be true" end def test_default_context expect_status_update("gordondiggs/ellis", "abc123", { "context" => "codeclimate", "state" => "pending", }) response = receive_pull_request({ update_status: true }, { github_slug: "gordondiggs/ellis", commit_sha: "abc123", state: "pending", }) end def test_different_context expect_status_update("gordondiggs/ellis", "abc123", { "context" => "sup", "state" => "pending", }) response = receive_pull_request({ context: "sup", update_status: true }, { github_slug: "gordondiggs/ellis", commit_sha: "abc123", state: "pending", }) end def test_config_coerce_bool_true c = "a1b2c3", add_comment: "1") assert c.valid? assert_equal true, c.add_comment end def test_config_coerce_bool_false c = "a1b2c3", add_comment: "0") assert c.valid? assert_equal false, c.add_comment end private def expect_status_update(repo, commit_sha, params) "repos/#{repo}/statuses/#{commit_sha}" do |env| assert_equal "token 123", env[:request_headers]["Authorization"] body = JSON.parse(env[:body]) params.each do |k, v| assert v === body[k], "Unexpected value for #{k}. #{v.inspect} !== #{body[k].inspect}" end end end def stub_existing_comments(repo, number, bodies) body = { |b| { body: b } }.to_json @stubs.get("repos/#{repo}/issues/#{number}/comments") { [200, {}, body] } end def expect_comment(repo, number, content) "repos/#{repo}/issues/#{number}/comments" do |env| body = JSON.parse(env[:body]) assert_equal "token 123", env[:request_headers]["Authorization"] assert content === body["body"], "Unexpected comment body. #{content.inspect} !== #{body["body"].inspect}" [200, {}, '{"id": 2}'] end end def receive_pull_request(config, event_data) receive( CC::Service::GitHubPullRequests, { oauth_token: "123" }.merge(config), { name: "pull_request", issue_comparison_counts: {'fixed' => 1, 'new' => 2} }.merge(event_data) ) end def receive_test(config, event_data = {}) receive( CC::Service::GitHubPullRequests, { oauth_token: "123" }.merge(config), { name: "test", issue_comparison_counts: {'fixed' => 1, 'new' => 2} }.merge(event_data) ) end end