shared 'has integration support' do class << self INSIGNIFICANT_AND_UNMATCHABLE_PATTERNS = [ /^q\[\-?\d+\.?\d*( \-?\d+\.?\d*){5}\]concat\n$/, /^\d+\.?\d*( \d+\.?\d*){3} re\n$/ ] def data_file(file) File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'data', file) end def template_doc(name) data_file("#{name}_example.odt") end def expected_pdf(name) data_file("#{name}_example.pdf") end def comparable_content(file)^[^%][^%]?/). reject {|line| INSIGNIFICANT_AND_UNMATCHABLE_PATTERNS.any? {|regexp| regexp =~ line } } end end before do @check_processing_yields_content = lambda do |contexts, example| generated_pdf = tmp_file('clamsy_pdf').path Clamsy.process(contexts, template_doc(example), generated_pdf) (diff_result = `#{CLAMSY_PDFC_SCRIPT} #{expected_pdf(example)} #{generated_pdf}`). split("\n").join('').should.match(/(| # of Differences).*(------------------).*(| 0)$/) end end after do trash_tmp_files end it 'should do picture replacement for pictures with matching names' do @check_processing_yields_content[ context = {:_pictures => { :sunny_clamsy => data_file('norm_clamsy.png'), :norm_clamsy => data_file('sunny_clamsy.png'), }}, example = :picture ] end it 'should do #{...} plain text replacement' do @check_processing_yields_content[ context = {:someone => 'Peter', :mood => 'Happy'}, example = :plain_text ] end it 'should do ${...} escaped (santized) replacement' do @check_processing_yields_content[ context = {:someone => '', :mood => ''}, example = :escaped_text ] end it 'should do {? ... ?} embedded ruby statements processing' do @someone = do attr_reader :name, :mood def initialize(name, mood) @name, @mood = name, mood end end @check_processing_yields_content[ context = {:everyone => ['Peter','Happy'),'Jane','Sad')]}, example = :embedded_ruby ] end it 'should concat multiple contexts processing to a single pdf' do @check_processing_yields_content[ contexts = [{:someone => 'Peter', :mood => 'Happy'}, {:someone => 'Jane', :mood => 'Sad'}], example = :multiple_contexts ] end end