//helpers methods to disable, enable, and uncheck radio buttons and checkboxes (function( $ ){ //disable an element $.fn.disable = function() { return this.attr('disabled', 'disabled'); }; })( jQuery ); (function( $ ){ //enable an element $.fn.enable = function() { return this.removeAttr('disabled'); }; })( jQuery ); (function( $ ){ //uncheck an element $.fn.uncheck = function() { return this.removeAttr('checked'); }; })( jQuery ); (function( $ ){ //check an element $.fn.check = function() { return this.attr('checked', 'checked'); }; })( jQuery ); (function( $ ){ //(pre-)check the only active database checkbox $.onedb = function(selector) { active_dbs = $(".databases input[type=checkbox]").not(":disabled") if (active_dbs.length == 1){ active_dbs.check() } return active_dbs; }; })( jQuery ); (function( $ ){ //highlight an element $.fn.highlight = function() { return this.addClass('focussed'); }; })( jQuery ); (function( $ ){ //unhighlight an element $.fn.unhighlight = function() { return this.removeClass('focussed'); }; })( jQuery ); (function ($) { $.fn.poll = function () { var that, val, tmp; that = this; (function ping () { tmp = that.val(); if (tmp != val){ val = tmp; that.change(); } setTimeout(ping, 100); }()); return this; }; }(jQuery)); /* SS - SequenceServer's JavaScript module Define a global SS (acronym for SequenceServer) object containing the following methods: main(): Initializes SequenceServer's various modules. */ //define global SS object var SS; if (!SS) { SS = {}; } //SS module (function () { SS.decorate = function (name) { return name.match(/(.?)(blast)(.?)/).slice(1).map(function (token, _) { if (token) { if (token !== 'blast'){ return '' + token + ''; } else { return token; } } }).join(''); } /* ask each module to initialize itself */ SS.main = function () { SS.blast.init(); } }()); //end SS module $(document).ready(function(){ // poll the sequence textbox for a change in user input $('#sequence').poll(); // start SequenceServer's event loop SS.main(); var notification_timeout; $('#sequence').on('sequence_type_changed', function (event, type) { clearTimeout(notification_timeout); $(this).parent('.control-group').removeClass('error'); $('.notifications .active').hide().removeClass('active'); if (type) { $('#' + type + '-sequence-notification').show('drop', {direction: 'up'}).addClass('active'); notification_timeout = setTimeout(function () { $('.notifications .active').hide('drop', {direction: 'up'}).removeClass('active'); }, 5000); if (type === 'mixed') { $(this).parent('.control-group').addClass('error'); } } }); $('body').click(function () { $('.notifications .active').hide('drop', {direction: 'up'}).removeClass('active'); }); $('.databases').on('database_type_changed', function (event, type) { switch (type) { case 'protein': $('.databases.nucleotide input:checkbox').uncheck().disable(); break; case 'nucleotide': $('.databases.protein input:checkbox').uncheck().disable(); break; default: $('.databases input:checkbox').enable(); break; } }); $('form').on('blast_method_changed', function (event, methods){ // reset $('#methods .dropdown-menu').html(''); $('#method').disable().val('').html('blast'); $('#methods').removeClass('btn-group').children('.dropdown-toggle').hide(); if (methods) { var method = methods.shift(); $('#method').enable().val(method).html(SS.decorate(method)); if (methods.length >=1) { $('#methods').addClass('btn-group'). children('.dropdown-toggle').show(); var methods_list = $.map(methods, function (method, _) { return "
  • " + SS.decorate(method) + "
  • "; }).join(''); $('#methods .dropdown-menu').html(methods_list); } // jiggle $("#methods").effect("bounce", { times:5, direction: 'left', distance: 12 }, 120); } }); $('#methods .dropdown-menu').click(function (event) { // The list of possible blast methods is dynamically generated. So we // leverage event bubbling to trap 'click' event on the list items. var clicked = $(event.target); var mbutton = $('#method'); var old_method = mbutton.text(); var new_method = clicked.text(); //swap clicked.html(SS.decorate(old_method)); mbutton.val(new_method).html(SS.decorate(new_method)); // jiggle $("#methods").effect("bounce", { times:5, direction: 'left', distance: 12 }, 120); }); $("input#advanced").enablePlaceholder({"withPlaceholderClass": "greytext"}); $("textarea#sequence").enablePlaceholder({"withPlaceholderClass": "greytext"}); $('.advanced pre').hover(function () { $(this).addClass('hover-focus'); }, function () { $(this).removeClass('hover-focus'); }); $('#blast').submit(function(){ //parse AJAX URL var action = $(this).attr('action'); var index = action.indexOf('#'); var url = action.slice(0, index); var hash = action.slice(index, action.length); // reset hash so we can always _jump_ back to result location.hash = ''; // display a modal window and attach an activity spinner to it $('#spinner').modal(); $('#spinner > div').activity({ segments: 8, length: 40, width: 16, speed: 1.8 }); // BLAST now var data = ($(this).serialize() + '&method=' + $('#method').val()); $.post(url, data). done(function (data) { // BLASTed successfully // display the result $('.results').show(); $('#result').html(data); $('#blast').addClass('detached-bottom'); $('#underbar').addClass('detached-top'); //generate index $('.resultn').index({container: '.results'}); //jump to the results location.hash = hash; $('#result'). scrollspy(). on('enter.scrollspy', function () { $('.index').removeAttr('style'); }). on('leave.scrollspy', function () { $('.index').css({position: 'absolute', top: $(this).offset().top}); }); $('.resultn'). scrollspy({ approach: screen.height / 4 }). on('enter.scrollspy', function () { var id = $(this).attr('id'); $(this).highlight(); $('.index').find('a[href="#' + id + '"]').parent().highlight(); return false; }). on('leave.scrollspy', function () { var id = $(this).attr('id'); $(this).unhighlight(); $('.index').find('a[href="#' + id + '"]').parent().unhighlight(); return false; }); }). fail(function (jqXHR, status, error) { //alert user $("#error-type").text(error); $("#error-message").text(jqXHR.responseText); $("#error").modal(); }). always(function () { // BLAST complete (succefully or otherwise) // remove progress notification $('#spinner > div').activity(false); $('#spinner').modal('hide'); }); return false; }); $('.results'). on('add.index', function (event, index) { // make way for index $('#result').css({width: '660px'}); $(index).addClass('box'); }). on('remove.index', function () { $('#result').removeAttr('style'); }); (function (store) { try { var visits = store.get('visits') || 0; visits = visits + 1; if (visits <= 10) { store.set('visits', visits); if (visits === 10) { $('#social').modal(); } } } catch (e) {}; }(store)); });