# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. module RawRecordsMapArrayTests def build_schema(type) { column: { type: :map, key: :string, item: type }, } end def test_null records = [ [{"key1" => nil}], [nil], ] target = build(:null, records) assert_equal(records, target.raw_records) end def test_boolean records = [ [{"key1" => true, "key2" => nil}], [nil], ] target = build(:boolean, records) assert_equal(records, target.raw_records) end def test_int8 records = [ [{"key1" => -(2 ** 7), "key2" => nil}], [nil], ] target = build(:int8, records) assert_equal(records, target.raw_records) end def test_uint8 records = [ [{"key1" => (2 ** 8) - 1, "key2" => nil}], [nil], ] target = build(:uint8, records) assert_equal(records, target.raw_records) end def test_int16 records = [ [{"key1" => -(2 ** 15), "key2" => nil}], [nil], ] target = build(:int16, records) assert_equal(records, target.raw_records) end def test_uint16 records = [ [{"key1" => (2 ** 16) - 1, "key2" => nil}], [nil], ] target = build(:uint16, records) assert_equal(records, target.raw_records) end def test_int32 records = [ [{"key1" => -(2 ** 31), "key2" => nil}], [nil], ] target = build(:int32, records) assert_equal(records, target.raw_records) end def test_uint32 records = [ [{"key1" => (2 ** 32) - 1, "key2" => nil}], [nil], ] target = build(:uint32, records) assert_equal(records, target.raw_records) end def test_int64 records = [ [{"key1" => -(2 ** 63), "key2" => nil}], [nil], ] target = build(:int64, records) assert_equal(records, target.raw_records) end def test_uint64 records = [ [{"key1" => (2 ** 64) - 1, "key2" => nil}], [nil], ] target = build(:uint64, records) assert_equal(records, target.raw_records) end def test_float records = [ [{"key1" => -1.0, "key2" => nil}], [nil], ] target = build(:float, records) assert_equal(records, target.raw_records) end def test_double records = [ [{"key1" => -1.0, "key2" => nil}], [nil], ] target = build(:double, records) assert_equal(records, target.raw_records) end def test_binary records = [ [{"key1" => "\xff".b, "key2" => nil}], [nil], ] target = build(:binary, records) assert_equal(records, target.raw_records) end def test_string records = [ [{"key1" => "Ruby", "key2" => nil}], [nil], ] target = build(:string, records) assert_equal(records, target.raw_records) end def test_date32 records = [ [{"key1" => Date.new(1960, 1, 1), "key2" => nil}], [nil], ] target = build(:date32, records) assert_equal(records, target.raw_records) end def test_date64 records = [ [{"key1" => DateTime.new(1960, 1, 1, 2, 9, 30), "key2" => nil}], [nil], ] target = build(:date64, records) assert_equal(records, target.raw_records) end def test_timestamp_second records = [ [{"key1" => Time.parse("1960-01-01T02:09:30Z"), "key2" => nil}], [nil], ] target = build({ type: :timestamp, unit: :second, }, records) assert_equal(records, target.raw_records) end def test_timestamp_milli records = [ [{"key1" => Time.parse("1960-01-01T02:09:30.123Z"), "key2" => nil}], [nil], ] target = build({ type: :timestamp, unit: :milli, }, records) assert_equal(records, target.raw_records) end def test_timestamp_micro records = [ [{"key1" => Time.parse("1960-01-01T02:09:30.123456Z"), "key2" => nil}], [nil], ] target = build({ type: :timestamp, unit: :micro, }, records) assert_equal(records, target.raw_records) end def test_timestamp_nano records = [ [{"key1" => Time.parse("1960-01-01T02:09:30.123456789Z"), "key2" => nil}], [nil], ] target = build({ type: :timestamp, unit: :nano, }, records) assert_equal(records, target.raw_records) end def test_time32_second unit = Arrow::TimeUnit::SECOND records = [ # 00:10:00 [{"key1" => Arrow::Time.new(unit, 60 * 10), "key2" => nil}], [nil], ] target = build({ type: :time32, unit: :second, }, records) assert_equal(records, target.raw_records) end def test_time32_milli unit = Arrow::TimeUnit::MILLI records = [ # 00:10:00.123 [{"key1" => Arrow::Time.new(unit, (60 * 10) * 1000 + 123), "key2" => nil}], [nil], ] target = build({ type: :time32, unit: :milli, }, records) assert_equal(records, target.raw_records) end def test_time64_micro unit = Arrow::TimeUnit::MICRO records = [ # 00:10:00.123456 [{"key1" => Arrow::Time.new(unit, (60 * 10) * 1_000_000 + 123_456), "key2" => nil}], [nil], ] target = build({ type: :time64, unit: :micro, }, records) assert_equal(records, target.raw_records) end def test_time64_nano unit = Arrow::TimeUnit::NANO records = [ # 00:10:00.123456789 [{"key1" => Arrow::Time.new(unit, (60 * 10) * 1_000_000_000 + 123_456_789), "key2" => nil}], [nil], ] target = build({ type: :time64, unit: :nano, }, records) assert_equal(records, target.raw_records) end def test_decimal128 records = [ [{"key1" => BigDecimal("92.92"), "key2" => nil}], [nil], ] target = build({ type: :decimal128, precision: 8, scale: 2, }, records) assert_equal(records, target.raw_records) end def test_decimal256 records = [ [{"key1" => BigDecimal("92.92"), "key2" => nil}], [nil], ] target = build({ type: :decimal256, precision: 38, scale: 2, }, records) assert_equal(records, target.raw_records) end def test_list records = [ [{"key1" => [true, nil, false], "key2" => nil}], [nil], ] target = build({ type: :list, field: { name: :element, type: :boolean, }, }, records) assert_equal(records, target.raw_records) end def test_struct records = [ [{"key1" => {"field" => true}, "key2" => nil, "key3" => {"field" => nil}}], [nil], ] target = build({ type: :struct, fields: [ { name: :field, type: :boolean, }, ], }, records) assert_equal(records, target.raw_records) end def test_map records = [ [{"key1" => {"sub_key1" => true, "sub_key2" => nil}, "key2" => nil}], [nil], ] target = build({ type: :map, key: :string, item: :boolean, }, records) assert_equal(records, target.raw_records) end def test_sparse_union omit("Need to add support for SparseUnionArrayBuilder") records = [ [{"key1" => {"field" => true, "key2" => nil, "key3" => {"field" => nil}}}], [nil], ] target = build({ type: :sparse_union, fields: [ { name: :field1, type: :boolean, }, { name: :field2, type: :uint8, }, ], type_codes: [0, 1], }, records) assert_equal(records, target.raw_records) end def test_dense_union omit("Need to add support for DenseUnionArrayBuilder") records = [ [{"key1" => {"field1" => true}, "key2" => nil, "key3" => {"field2" => nil}}], [nil], ] target = build({ type: :dense_union, fields: [ { name: :field1, type: :boolean, }, { name: :field2, type: :uint8, }, ], type_codes: [0, 1], }, records) assert_equal(records, target.raw_records) end def test_dictionary omit("Need to add support for DictionaryArrayBuilder") records = [ [{"key1" => "Ruby", "key2" => nil, "key3" => "GLib"}], [nil], ] dictionary = Arrow::StringArray.new(["GLib", "Ruby"]) target = build({ type: :dictionary, index_data_type: :int8, dictionary: dictionary, ordered: true, }, records) assert_equal(records, target.raw_records) end end class RawRecordsRecordBatchMapArrayTest < Test::Unit::TestCase include RawRecordsMapArrayTests def build(type, records) Arrow::RecordBatch.new(build_schema(type), records) end end class RawRecordsTableMapArrayTest < Test::Unit::TestCase include RawRecordsMapArrayTests def build(type, records) Arrow::Table.new(build_schema(type), records) end end