# ******************************************************************************* # OpenStudio(R), Copyright (c) 2008-2020, Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC. # All rights reserved. # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # (1) Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # (2) Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation # and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # (3) Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of any contributors # may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without # specific prior written permission from the respective party. # # (4) Other than as required in clauses (1) and (2), distributions in any form # of modifications or other derivative works may not use the "OpenStudio" # trademark, "OS", "os", or any other confusingly similar designation without # specific prior written permission from Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER(S) AND ANY CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, # THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER(S), ANY CONTRIBUTORS, THE # UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT, OR THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY, NOR ANY OF # THEIR EMPLOYEES, BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, # EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT # OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, # STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY # OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # ******************************************************************************* require 'erb' # start the measure class MeterFloodPlot < OpenStudio::Measure::ReportingMeasure # define the name that a user will see, this method may be deprecated as # the display name in PAT comes from the name field in measure.xml def name return 'MeterFloodPlot' end # define the arguments that the user will input def arguments args = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgumentVector.new # make an argument for the meter name meter_name = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeStringArgument('meter_name', true) meter_name.setDisplayName('Enter Meter Name.') meter_name.setDefaultValue('Electricity:Facility') # you can find all possible variable names in the .rdd or .edd file args << meter_name return args end # define what happens when the measure is run def run(runner, user_arguments) super(runner, user_arguments) # use the built-in error checking if !runner.validateUserArguments(arguments, user_arguments) return false end # assign the user inputs to variables meter_name = runner.getStringArgumentValue('meter_name', user_arguments) # check the user_name for reasonableness if meter_name == '' runner.registerError('No meter name was entered.') return false end # get the last model and sql file model = runner.lastOpenStudioModel if model.empty? runner.registerError('Cannot find last model.') return false end model = model.get sqlFile = runner.lastEnergyPlusSqlFile if sqlFile.empty? runner.registerError('Cannot find last sql file.') return false end sqlFile = sqlFile.get model.setSqlFile(sqlFile) def neat_numbers(number, roundto = 2) # round to 0 or 2) # round to zero or two decimals if roundto == 2 number = format '%.2f', number else number = number.round end # regex to add commas number.to_s.reverse.gsub(/([0-9]{3}(?=([0-9])))/, '\\1,').reverse end # unit conversion flag # this measure assumes tabular data comes in as si units, and only needs to be converted if user wants si units = 'ip' # expected values are "si" or "ip" # put data into variables, these are available in the local scope binding # define some timesteps that we'll use over and over zone_time_step = 'Zone Timestep' hourly_time_step = 'Hourly' hvac_time_step = 'HVAC System Timestep' # get the weather file run period (as opposed to design day run period) ann_env_pd = nil sqlFile.availableEnvPeriods.each do |env_pd| env_type = sqlFile.environmentType(env_pd) if env_type.is_initialized if env_type.get == OpenStudio::EnvironmentType.new('WeatherRunPeriod') ann_env_pd = env_pd end end end # array to store values, to find out min and max value_array = [] # only try to get the annual timeseries if an annual simulation was run if ann_env_pd # get desired variable key_value = '' # when used should be in all caps. In this case I'm using a meter vs. an output variable, and it doesn't have a key output_timeseries = sqlFile.timeSeries(ann_env_pd, hourly_time_step, meter_name, key_value) # key value would go at the end if we used it. # loop through timeseries and move the data from an OpenStudio timeseries to a normal Ruby array (vector) if output_timeseries.is_initialized # checks to see if time_series exists output_hourly_plr = [] output_timeseries = output_timeseries.get.values for i in 0..(output_timeseries.size - 1) temp_array = ['{value:', output_timeseries[i], ', hour:', i % 24, ', day:', (i / 24).round, '},'] output_hourly_plr << temp_array.join value_array << output_timeseries[i] end # store min and max values min_value = value_array.min max_value = value_array.max else runner.registerWarning("Did not find hourly variable named #{meter_name}. Cannot produce the requested plot.") return true end else runner.registerWarning('An annual simulation was not run. Cannot get annual timeseries data') return true end value_range = ['{"low": ', min_value, ', "high": ', max_value, '}'] # prepare data for report.html output_hourly_plr = output_hourly_plr.join value_range = value_range.join color_scale_values = [] if units == 'si' scale_min = OpenStudio.convert(min_value, 'J', 'GJ').get scale_max = OpenStudio.convert(max_value, 'J', 'GJ').get scale_step = (scale_max - scale_min) / 7 display_unit = 'GJ' else scale_min = OpenStudio.convert(min_value, 'J', 'kWh').get scale_max = OpenStudio.convert(max_value, 'J', 'kWh').get scale_step = (scale_max - scale_min) / 7 display_unit = 'kWh' end color_scale_values << ['{"value": "', neat_numbers(scale_min + scale_step * 0), ' (', display_unit, ')"},'].join color_scale_values << ['{"value": "', neat_numbers(scale_min + scale_step * 1), ' (', display_unit, ')"},'].join color_scale_values << ['{"value": "', neat_numbers(scale_min + scale_step * 2), ' (', display_unit, ')"},'].join color_scale_values << ['{"value": "', neat_numbers(scale_min + scale_step * 3), ' (', display_unit, ')"},'].join color_scale_values << ['{"value": "', neat_numbers(scale_min + scale_step * 4), ' (', display_unit, ')"},'].join color_scale_values << ['{"value": "', neat_numbers(scale_min + scale_step * 5), ' (', display_unit, ')"},'].join color_scale_values << ['{"value": "', neat_numbers(scale_min + scale_step * 6), ' (', display_unit, ')"},'].join color_scale_values << ['{"value": "', neat_numbers(scale_min + scale_step * 7), ' (', display_unit, ')"},'].join color_scale_values = color_scale_values.join if key_value == '' plot_title = meter_name.to_s else plot_title = "#{meter_name}, #{key_value}" end if units == 'si' runner.registerInfo("Minimum value in dataset is #{neat_numbers(OpenStudio.convert(min_value, 'J', 'GJ'))} (MJ).") runner.registerInfo("Maximum value in dataset is #{neat_numbers(OpenStudio.convert(max_value, 'J', 'GJ'))} (MJ).") else runner.registerInfo("Minimum value in dataset is #{neat_numbers(OpenStudio.convert(min_value, 'J', 'kWh'))} (kWh).") runner.registerInfo("Maximum value in dataset is #{neat_numbers(OpenStudio.convert(max_value, 'J', 'kWh'))} (kWh).") end web_asset_path = OpenStudio.getSharedResourcesPath / OpenStudio::Path.new('web_assets') # reporting final condition runner.registerInitialCondition('Gathering data from EnergyPlus SQL file and OSM model.') # read in template html_in_path = "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/resources/report.html.in" if File.exist?(html_in_path) html_in_path = html_in_path else html_in_path = "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/report.html.in" end html_in = '' File.open(html_in_path, 'r') do |file| html_in = file.read end # configure template with variable values renderer = ERB.new(html_in) html_out = renderer.result(binding) # write html file html_out_path = './report.html' File.open(html_out_path, 'w') do |file| file << html_out # make sure data is written to the disk one way or the other begin file.fsync rescue StandardError file.flush end end # closing the sql file sqlFile.close # reporting final condition runner.registerFinalCondition("Generated #{html_out_path}.") return true end end # this allows the measure to be use by the application MeterFloodPlot.new.registerWithApplication