# RubyQC [![Build Status](https://secure.travis-ci.org/godfat/rubyqc.png?branch=master)](http://travis-ci.org/godfat/rubyqc) by Lin Jen-Shin ([godfat](http://godfat.org)) ## LINKS: * [github](https://github.com/godfat/rubyqc) * [rubygems](https://rubygems.org/gems/rubyqc) * [rdoc](http://rdoc.info/github/godfat/rubyqc) ## DESCRIPTION: RubyQC -- A conceptual [QuickCheck][] library for Ruby. It's not a faithful port since Hsakell is totally different than Ruby. However it's still benefit to use some of the ideas behind QuickCheck, and we could also use RubyQC for generating arbitrary objects. [QuickCheck]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/QuickCheck ## WHY? How do we make sure our programs work as expected? Taking it to the extreme, of course we prove it formally. We have [Agda][] for Haskell people, or [Coq][] for OCaml people. However, in most cases we don't really care if they are 100% correct. Do we care PRNGs are really random in games? Some people might care, we don't. Can we prove halting problem? Of course not, but we do need termination check at times. For most cases, an army of tests is far good enough. Usually we write scenario based tests. We first assume things, and then do things, finally verify results. This is quite simple, but cannot really cover most of the inputs without great effort. QuickCheck took another approach. Instead of writing scenario, we think about what properties do our programs, or functions have, giving a range of inputs. Suppose we want to test the reverse function, instead of testing against a fixed set of lists and verify a fixed set of results, we think about what properties does reverse have. For example, if we reverse and reverse a list, the result should be equal to the original list. With QuickCheck, it could then generate arbitrary random lists to the property function you just wrote, and verify if the property holds. By default, it would generate 100 test cases. This approach would force you think more about the precondition and postcondition, eliminating unusual corner cases you might never think of, and force you think what are the functions we're really writing. We could also raise the number of test cases by configuring it and raise our level of confidence about correctness. [Agda]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agda_%28programming_language%29 [Coq]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coq ## DESIGN: * Testing framework agnostic * Therefore RubyQC could be treated as an arbitrary object generator library * Think about [combinator][] * Self hosted (Test RubyQC with RubyQC!) [combinator]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Combinator_library ## REQUIREMENTS: * Tested with MRI (official CRuby), Rubinius and JRuby. ## INSTALLATION: gem install rubyqc ## SYNOPSIS: ### RubyQC::API.check Here's a quick example using [Bacon][]. We check if `Array#sort` has the property that the front elements of the result array would be `<=` than the rear elements of the result array for all arrays. ``` ruby require 'bacon' require 'rubyqc' Bacon.summary_on_exit include RubyQC::API describe Array do describe 'sort' do should 'Any front elements should be <= any rear elements' do check([Fixnum]*100).times(10) do |array| array.sort.each_cons(2).each{ |x, y| x.should <= y } end end end end ``` [Bacon]: https://github.com/chneukirchen/bacon Basically, `RubyQC::API.check` would merely take the arguments and generate the instances via `rubyqc` method. Here the generated array could be viewed as `([Fixnum]*100).rubyqc`, meaning that we want an array which contains 100 random instances of Fixnum. As you can see, here actually `rubyqc` is an instance method of Array, and it would recursively call `rubyqc` for all elements of the array, and collect the results. Here's the definition of `Array#rubyqc`: ``` ruby class Array def rubyqc map(&:rubyqc) end end ``` And `Fixnum.rubyqc` is a Fixnum's singleton method which is defined as follows: ``` ruby class Fixnum def self.rubyqc rand(RubyQC::FixnumMin..RubyQC::FixnumMax) end end ``` You get the idea. ### RubyQC::API.forall Other than `check`, we also have `forall` which would iterate through all the possible choices in case you would simply like to test all combinations. Here's an example for checking compare_by_identity: ``` ruby describe Hash do describe 'compare_by_identity' do should 'Treat diff arr with the same contents diff when set' do arr = [0] forall(booleans, [arr, [0]], [arr, [1]]) do |flag, a, b| h = {} h.compare_by_identity if flag h[a] = h[b] = true if (flag && a.object_id != b.object_id) || a != b h.size.should == 2 else h.size.should == 1 end end end end end ``` ### Kernel generator The very default generator would simply return the instance itself. So if there's no generator defined for a given class or instance, it would merely take `self`. ``` ruby true.rubyqc # true ``` ### Class generator This default generator for classes would simply return a new instance via `new` method. This could fail if the `initialize` method for the particular class does not take zero argument. ``` ruby Object.rubyqc # kind_of?(Object) ``` ### Fixnum, Bignum, and Integer generator This would give you a random integer. Fixnum and Bignum would guarantee to give you the particular class, whereas Integer would give you either a Fixnum or Bignum. ``` ruby Fixnum.rubyqc # kind_of?(Fixnum) ``` ### array generator We also have instance level generator, which was used in the first example. The array instance generator would recursively call `rubyqc` for all elements of the array, and collect the results. ``` ruby [Fixnum, Fixnum].rubyqc # [kind_of?(Fixnum), kind_of?(Fixnum)] ``` ### hash generator This also applies to hashes which would do the same thing as arrays for the values, keeping the key. ``` ruby {:fixnum => Fixnum}.rubyqc # {:fixnum => kind_of?(Fixnum)} ``` ### range generator Fixnum would actually give a very large or very small (negative) number in most cases. If you want to have a number with specific range, use a range object to specific the range. ``` ruby (1..6).rubyqc # within?(1..6) ``` Granted that this is actually the same as using `rand(1..6)`, but for combinators we need to have a unified interface. ### Define your own generator Just define `rubyqc` method for your classes or instances. This weird name was simply chosen to avoid name conflicting since we don't have [typeclass][] in Ruby, and it's quite natural to open and insert new methods into classes in Ruby. Here's a quick example: ``` ruby class User < Struct.new(:id, :name) def self.rubyqc new(Fixnum.rubyqc, String.rubyqc) end end describe 'User.rubyqc' do should 'Generate random users' do check(User) do |user| user .should.kind_of User user.id .should.kind_of Fixnum user.name.should.kind_of String end end end ``` [typeclass]: http://learnyouahaskell.com/types-and-typeclasses ### Implementation reference [QuickCheck.hs](http://www.cse.chalmers.se/~rjmh/QuickCheck/QuickCheck.hs) ## CONTRIBUTORS: * Lin Jen-Shin (@godfat) ## LICENSE: Apache License 2.0 Copyright (c) 2014, Lin Jen-Shin (godfat) Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.