require 'spec_helper' describe SubscriptionFu::Transaction do class << self def should_have_nogw_initiated_status it "should have nogw initiated status" do @trans.should_not be_needs_authorization @trans.subscription.should_not be_activated end end def should_have_paypal_initiated_status it "should have paypal initiated status" do @trans.should be_needs_authorization @trans.subscription.should_not be_activated end end def should_not_support_start_checkout it "should not support start_checkout" do lambda { @trans.start_checkout("url1", "url2") }.should raise_error RuntimeError end end end it { should belong_to :subscription } it { should belong_to :initiator } it { should belong_to :related_transaction } it { should have_many :related_transactions } it { should validate_presence_of :subscription } it { should validate_presence_of :initiator } it { should validate_presence_of :gateway } %w( paypal nogw ).each {|v| it { should allow_value(v).for(:gateway)} } it { should_not allow_value("payPal").for(:gateway) } it { should validate_presence_of :action } %w( activation cancellation ).each {|v| it { should allow_value(v).for(:action)} } it { should_not allow_value("actiove").for(:action) } it { should validate_presence_of :status } %w( initiated complete failed aborted ).each {|v| it { should allow_value(v).for(:status) } } it { should_not allow_value("unknown").for(:status) } shared_examples "successful checkout" do before { @res = @trans.complete } it("should return true") { @res.should == true } it "should transition" do @trans.status.should == "complete" @trans.subscription.should be_activated end end shared_examples "failed checkout" do before { @res = @trans.complete } it("should return false") { @res.should == false } it("should fail") { @trans.status.should == "failed" } end context "initiated activation nogw transaction" do before do @sub = Factory(:subscription, :plan_key => 'free') @trans = Factory(:transaction, :gateway => "nogw", :status => "initiated", :action => "activation", :subscription => @sub) end should_have_nogw_initiated_status context "checkout" do before { @redirect_target = @trans.start_checkout("url1", "url2") } it("should redirect to confirmation URL") { @redirect_target.should == "url1" } it_should_behave_like "successful checkout" end end context "initiated cancellation nogw transaction" do before do @sub = Factory(:subscription, :plan_key => 'free') @trans = Factory(:transaction, :gateway => "nogw", :status => "initiated", :action => "cancellation", :subscription => @sub) end should_have_nogw_initiated_status should_not_support_start_checkout context "complete" do before { @res = @trans.complete } it("should return true") { @res.should == true } it "should transition" do @trans.status.should == "complete" @trans.subscription.should be_canceled end end end context "complete nogw transaction" do before { @trans = Factory(:transaction, :gateway => "nogw", :status => "complete") } should_not_support_start_checkout end context "invalid nogw transaction" do before { @trans = Factory(:transaction, :gateway => "nogw", :status => "failed") } should_not_support_start_checkout end context "initiated activation paypal transaction" do before { @trans = Factory(:transaction, :gateway => "paypal", :status => "initiated", :action => "activation") } should_have_paypal_initiated_status context "checkout" do before do mock_paypal_express_checkout("bgds65sd") @redirect_target = @trans.start_checkout("url1", "url2") end it "should redirect to paypal" do @redirect_target.should == "" @trans.identifier.should == "bgds65sd" end context "ok" do before { mock_paypal_create_profile("bgds65sd") } it_should_behave_like "successful checkout" end context "error (paypal)" do before { mock_paypal_create_profile_with_error("bgds65sd") } it_should_behave_like "failed checkout" end context "error (http)" do before { stub_request(:post, "").to_return(:status => 500, :body => "Internal Server Error") } it_should_behave_like "failed checkout" end end context "without checkout" do it_should_behave_like "failed checkout" end end context "complete paypal transaction" do before { @trans = Factory(:transaction, :gateway => "paypal", :status => "complete") } should_not_support_start_checkout end context "failed paypal transaction" do before { @trans = Factory(:transaction, :gateway => "paypal", :status => "failed") } should_not_support_start_checkout end it "should calculate tax correctly" do trans = Factory(:transaction, :gateway => "paypal", :status => "initiated", :action => "activation", :identifier => "foo") trans.sub_plan.price_tax.should == 250 mock_paypal_create_profile("foo", "AMT" => "5000.00", "TAXAMT" => "250.00") trans.complete trans.status.should == "complete" end end