# SASS-ZERO SASS-ZERO is a css framework that brings concepts from [tailwindcss](https://tailwindcss.com) and [milligram](https://milligram.io) but with ideas from [BEM](http://getbem.com/naming), [Refactoring UI](https://refactoringui.com/book) and [Shape UP](https://basecamp.com/shapeup). ### Tailwindcss "Instead of hand-picking values from a limitless pool any time you need to make a decision, start with a smaller set of options." - [Refactoring UI](https://refactoringui.com/book). SASS-ZERO use font, color, spacing, border and etc from [tailwindcss](https://tailwindcss.com) but instead the utility-first approach we use [sass variables](https://sass-lang.com/documentation/variables). ### Milligram "Programmers don’t need a pixel-perfect design to start implementing. All they need are endpoints: input elements, buttons, places where stored data should appear. These affordances are the core of a user interface design." - [Shape UP](https://basecamp.com/shapeup/3.2-chapter-10#affordances-before-pixel-perfect-screens). SASS-ZERO comes with a basic grayscale theme that help you to bring your ideas to life, questions about font, color, spacing and layout can be resolved after the raw affordances. ### BEM I believe that html is code, therefore it should be named and scoped as well. Developers need to be good with naming things, css is another oportunity to practice. ### Refactoring UI Developers should be able to produce your own design, [Refactoring UI](https://refactoringui.com/book) is the book for that. ### Shape UP SASS-ZERO comes with a implict flow from Shape UP, Find Elemens -> Create Affordance -> Make it Beautiful. ### Breadboard Theme (Just HTML) ![screenshot](https://nixo-etc.s3-sa-east-1.amazonaws.com/Screenshot_2020-02-17+Routeend.png) ## Installation Add this to your application's Gemfile: ```ruby gem 'sass-zero' gem 'autoprefixer-rails' ``` ## Usage Add this line to your application.css: ```css *= require sass-zero/base ``` Create some stylesheet using [BEM](http://getbem.com/naming) and [SASS-ZERO Variables](https://github.com/lazaronixon/sass-zero/blob/master/vendor/assets/stylesheets/sass-zero/variables.scss): ```scss @import "sass-zero/variables"; @import "sass-zero/mixins"; // Block .block { color: $red-300; } // Element .block__elem { color: $red-400; } // Modifier .block--mod .block__elem { color: $red-200; } .block__elem--mod { color: $red-500; } ``` ## References [SASS](https://sass-lang.com) [Tailwindcss](https://tailwindcss.com) [Milligram](https://milligram.io) [BEM](http://getbem.com/naming) [Refactoring UI](https://refactoringui.com/book) [Shape UP](https://basecamp.com/shapeup) ## License The gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT).