import { inject as injectService } from '@ember/service'; import { Component } from 'ember-glimmer'; import { Route, NoneLocation } from 'ember-routing'; import Controller from '@ember/controller'; import { run } from '@ember/runloop'; import { get } from 'ember-metal'; import { RouterTestCase, moduleFor } from 'internal-test-helpers'; import { Transition } from 'router'; import { EMBER_ROUTING_ROUTER_SERVICE } from '@ember/canary-features'; if (EMBER_ROUTING_ROUTER_SERVICE) { moduleFor( 'Router Service - transitionTo', class extends RouterTestCase { constructor() { super(...arguments); let testCase = this; testCase.state = []; this.add( 'location:test', NoneLocation.extend({ setURL(path) { testCase.state.push(path); this.set('path', path); }, replaceURL(path) { testCase.state.splice(testCase.state.length - 1, 1, path); this.set('path', path); }, }) ); } get routerOptions() { return { location: 'test', }; } ['@test RouterService#transitionTo returns a Transition'](assert) { assert.expect(1); let transition; return this.visit('/').then(() => { transition = this.routerService.transitionTo('parent.child'); assert.ok(transition instanceof Transition); return transition; }); } ['@test RouterService#transitionTo with basic route updates location'](assert) { assert.expect(1); return this.visit('/') .then(() => { return this.routerService.transitionTo('parent.child'); }) .then(() => { return this.routerService.transitionTo('parent.sister'); }) .then(() => { return this.routerService.transitionTo(''); }) .then(() => { assert.deepEqual(this.state, ['/', '/child', '/sister', '/brother']); }); } ['@test RouterService#transitionTo transitioning back to previously visited route updates location']( assert ) { assert.expect(1); return this.visit('/') .then(() => { return this.routerService.transitionTo('parent.child'); }) .then(() => { return this.routerService.transitionTo('parent.sister'); }) .then(() => { return this.routerService.transitionTo(''); }) .then(() => { return this.routerService.transitionTo('parent.sister'); }) .then(() => { assert.deepEqual(this.state, ['/', '/child', '/sister', '/brother', '/sister']); }); } ['@test RouterService#transitionTo with basic route'](assert) { assert.expect(1); let componentInstance; this.addTemplate('parent.index', '{{foo-bar}}'); this.addComponent('foo-bar', { ComponentClass: Component.extend({ routerService: injectService('router'), init() { this._super(); componentInstance = this; }, actions: { transitionToSister() { get(this, 'routerService').transitionTo('parent.sister'); }, }, }), template: `foo-bar`, }); return this.visit('/').then(() => { run(function() { componentInstance.send('transitionToSister'); }); assert.equal(this.routerService.get('currentRouteName'), 'parent.sister'); }); } ['@test RouterService#transitionTo with basic route using URL'](assert) { assert.expect(1); let componentInstance; this.addTemplate('parent.index', '{{foo-bar}}'); this.addComponent('foo-bar', { ComponentClass: Component.extend({ routerService: injectService('router'), init() { this._super(); componentInstance = this; }, actions: { transitionToSister() { get(this, 'routerService').transitionTo('/sister'); }, }, }), template: `foo-bar`, }); return this.visit('/').then(() => { run(function() { componentInstance.send('transitionToSister'); }); assert.equal(this.routerService.get('currentRouteName'), 'parent.sister'); }); } ['@test RouterService#transitionTo with dynamic segment'](assert) { assert.expect(3); let componentInstance; let dynamicModel = { id: 1, contents: 'much dynamicism' }; this.addTemplate('parent.index', '{{foo-bar}}'); this.addTemplate('dynamic', '{{model.contents}}'); this.addComponent('foo-bar', { ComponentClass: Component.extend({ routerService: injectService('router'), init() { this._super(); componentInstance = this; }, actions: { transitionToDynamic() { get(this, 'routerService').transitionTo('dynamic', dynamicModel); }, }, }), template: `foo-bar`, }); return this.visit('/').then(() => { run(function() { componentInstance.send('transitionToDynamic'); }); assert.equal(this.routerService.get('currentRouteName'), 'dynamic'); assert.equal(this.routerService.get('currentURL'), '/dynamic/1'); this.assertText('much dynamicism'); }); } ['@test RouterService#transitionTo with dynamic segment and model hook'](assert) { assert.expect(3); let componentInstance; let dynamicModel = { id: 1, contents: 'much dynamicism' }; this.add( 'route:dynamic', Route.extend({ model() { return dynamicModel; }, }) ); this.addTemplate('parent.index', '{{foo-bar}}'); this.addTemplate('dynamic', '{{model.contents}}'); this.addComponent('foo-bar', { ComponentClass: Component.extend({ routerService: injectService('router'), init() { this._super(); componentInstance = this; }, actions: { transitionToDynamic() { get(this, 'routerService').transitionTo('dynamic', 1); }, }, }), template: `foo-bar`, }); return this.visit('/').then(() => { run(function() { componentInstance.send('transitionToDynamic'); }); assert.equal(this.routerService.get('currentRouteName'), 'dynamic'); assert.equal(this.routerService.get('currentURL'), '/dynamic/1'); this.assertText('much dynamicism'); }); } ['@test RouterService#transitionTo with basic query params does not remove query param defaults']( assert ) { assert.expect(1); this.add( 'controller:parent.child', Controller.extend({ queryParams: ['sort'], sort: 'ASC', }) ); let queryParams = this.buildQueryParams({ sort: 'ASC' }); return this.visit('/') .then(() => { return this.routerService.transitionTo('parent.child', queryParams); }) .then(() => { assert.equal(this.routerService.get('currentURL'), '/child?sort=ASC'); }); } ['@test RouterService#transitionTo passing only queryParams works'](assert) { assert.expect(2); this.add( 'controller:parent.child', Controller.extend({ queryParams: ['sort'], }) ); let queryParams = this.buildQueryParams({ sort: 'DESC' }); return this.visit('/') .then(() => { return this.routerService.transitionTo('parent.child'); }) .then(() => { assert.equal(this.routerService.get('currentURL'), '/child'); }) .then(() => { return this.routerService.transitionTo(queryParams); }) .then(() => { assert.equal(this.routerService.get('currentURL'), '/child?sort=DESC'); }); } ['@test RouterService#transitionTo with unspecified query params'](assert) { assert.expect(1); this.add( 'controller:parent.child', Controller.extend({ queryParams: ['sort', 'page', 'category', 'extra'], sort: 'ASC', page: null, category: undefined, }) ); let queryParams = this.buildQueryParams({ sort: 'ASC' }); return this.visit('/') .then(() => { return this.routerService.transitionTo('parent.child', queryParams); }) .then(() => { assert.equal(this.routerService.get('currentURL'), '/child?sort=ASC'); }); } ['@test RouterService#transitionTo with aliased query params uses the original provided key']( assert ) { assert.expect(1); this.add( 'controller:parent.child', Controller.extend({ queryParams: { cont_sort: 'url_sort', }, cont_sort: 'ASC', }) ); let queryParams = this.buildQueryParams({ url_sort: 'ASC' }); return this.visit('/') .then(() => { return this.routerService.transitionTo('parent.child', queryParams); }) .then(() => { assert.equal(this.routerService.get('currentURL'), '/child?url_sort=ASC'); }); } ['@test RouterService#transitionTo with aliased query params uses the original provided key when controller property name']( assert ) { assert.expect(1); this.add( 'controller:parent.child', Controller.extend({ queryParams: { cont_sort: 'url_sort', }, cont_sort: 'ASC', }) ); let queryParams = this.buildQueryParams({ cont_sort: 'ASC' }); return this.visit('/').then(() => { expectAssertion(() => { return this.routerService.transitionTo('parent.child', queryParams); }, 'You passed the `cont_sort` query parameter during a transition into parent.child, please update to url_sort'); }); } } ); }