# encoding: utf-8 # frozen_string_literal: false module Propane module HelperMethods # processings epsilon may not be defined yet EPSILON ||= 1.0e-04 # Nice block method to draw to a buffer. # You can optionally pass it a width, a height, and a renderer. # Takes care of starting and ending the draw for you. def buffer(buf_width = width, buf_height = height, renderer = @render_mode) buf = create_graphics(buf_width, buf_height, renderer) buf.begin_draw yield buf buf.end_draw buf end # A nice method to run a given block for a grid. # Lifted from action_coding/Nodebox. def grid(cols, rows, col_size = 1, row_size = 1) (0...cols * rows).map do |i| x = col_size * (i % cols) y = row_size * i.div(cols) yield x, y end end # lerp_color takes three or four arguments, in Java that's two # different methods, one regular and one static, so: def lerp_color(*args) args.length > 3 ? self.class.lerp_color(*args) : super(*args) end def color(*args) return super(*args) unless args.length == 1 super(hex_color(args[0])) end # Overrides Processing convenience function thread, which takes a String # arg (for a function) to more rubylike version, takes a block... def thread(&block) if block_given? Thread.new(&block) else raise ArgumentError, 'thread must be called with a block', caller end end # explicitly provide 'processing.org' min instance method # to return a float:- a, b and c need to be floats def min(*args) args.min # { |a,b| a <=> b } optional block not reqd end # explicitly provide 'processing.org' max instance method # to return a float:- a, b and c need to be floats def max(*args) args.max # { |a, b| a <=> b } optional block not reqd end # explicitly provide 'processing.org' dist instance method def dist(*args) len = args.length return dist2d(*args) if len == 4 return dist3d(*args) if len == 6 raise ArgumentError, 'takes 4 or 6 parameters' end # Uses PImage class method under hood def blend_color(c1, c2, mode) Java::ProcessingCore::PImage.blendColor(c1, c2, mode) end # There's just so many functions in Processing, # Here's a convenient way to look for them. def find_method(method_name) reg = Regexp.new(method_name.to_s, true) methods.sort.select { |meth| reg.match(meth) } end # Proxy over a list of Java declared fields that have the same name as # some methods. Add to this list as needed. def proxy_java_fields fields = %w(sketchPath key frameRate frame mousePressed keyPressed) methods = fields.map { |field| java_class.declared_field(field) } @declared_fields = Hash[fields.zip(methods)] end class VersionError < StandardError end # By default, your sketch path is the folder that your sketch is in. # If you'd like to do something fancy, feel free. def set_sketch_path(spath = nil) field = @declared_fields['sketchPath'] begin field.set_value(java_self, spath || SKETCH_ROOT) rescue TypeError raise VersionError, 'Use JRubyArt for processing-3.0' end end # Provide a convenient handle for the Java-space version of self. #def java_self # @java_self ||= to_java(Java::ProcessingCore::PApplet) #end # Get the sketch path def sketch_path @declared_fields['sketchPath'].value(java_self) end # Fields that should be made accessible as under_scored. define_method(:mouse_x) { mouseX } define_method(:mouse_y) { mouseY } define_method(:pmouse_x) { pmouseX } define_method(:pmouse_y) { pmouseY } define_method(:frame_count) { frameCount } define_method(:mouse_button) { mouseButton } define_method(:key_code) { keyCode } # Ensure that load_strings returns a real Ruby array def load_strings(file_or_url) loadStrings(file_or_url).to_a end # Writes an array of strings to a file, one line per string. # This file is saved to the sketch's data folder def save_strings(filename, strings) saveStrings(filename, [strings].flatten.to_java(:String)) end # frame_rate needs to support reading and writing def frame_rate(fps = nil) return @declared_fields['frameRate'].value(java_self) unless fps super(fps) end private # parse single argument color int/double/String def hex_color(a) return Java::Monkstone::ColorUtil.colorLong(a) if a.is_a?(Fixnum) if a.is_a?(String) return Java::Monkstone::ColorUtil.colorString(a) if a =~ /#\h+/ raise StandardError, 'Dodgy Hexstring' end Java::Monkstone::ColorUtil.colorDouble(a) end def dist2d(*args) dx = args[0] - args[2] dy = args[1] - args[3] return 0 if dx.abs < EPSILON && dy.abs < EPSILON Math.hypot(dx, dy) end def dist3d(*args) dx = args[0] - args[3] dy = args[1] - args[4] dz = args[2] - args[5] return 0 if dx.abs < EPSILON && dy.abs < EPSILON && dz.abs < EPSILON Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz) end end end