module CanTango module Permits class RoleGroupPermit < CanTango::Permit autoload_modules :Builder, :Finder def self.inherited(base_clazz) CanTango.config.permits.register_permit_class role_group_name(base_clazz), base_clazz, type, account_name(base_clazz) end def self.type :role_group end def self.role_group_name clazz*)(RoleGroupPermit)/, '\1').underscore.to_sym end def role_group self.class.role_group_name self.class end # creates the permit def initialize ability super end # In a specific Role based Permit you can use # def permit? user, options = {} # return if !super(user, :in_group) # ... permission logic follows # # This will call the Permit::Base#permit? instance method (the method below) # It will only return true if the user matches the role of the Permit class and the # options passed in is set to :in_role # # If these confitions are not met, it will return false and thus the outer permit # will not run the permission logic to follow # # Normally super for #permit? should not be called except for this case, # or if subclassing another Permit than Permit::Base # def permit? super end def valid_for? subject in_role_group? subject end protected include CanTango::Helpers::RoleMethods def in_role_group? subject return subject.send(has_role_group_meth, role) if subject.respond_to? has_role_group_meth return subject.send(role_groups_list_meth).include? role if subject.respond_to? role_groups_list_meth false end end end end