0.5.1: * SimpleCov and 100% test coverage * Webmock based testing for Pushover#notification. * Added intergration to http://travis-ci.org 0.5.0: * Switched the order of App and it's derivatives so that it's name, api_key to make it more human readable. * Ditto for User. * Merged in me bones. * Using bini's logic whenever possible now instead of reinventing the wheel. 0.4.0: * Added priority and device specification. * Moved all the variables, including message, into the configure block. * Updated the gemspec with some more information. * Better output for error messages. 0.3.1 * Added benwoody's changes back to the system, this allows for some nifty generators. * Fixed the nasty bug where it wasn't working once installed. 0.3.0 * No longer need to supply credentials at all if you have some saved. * Fixed up a ton of documentation and spelling mistakes. * Various bug fixes. * About thirty percent of the tests are complete. * Added convenience methods for App.current_app and User.current_user to supply the correctly inherited credentials. * Will only create the save directory if you attempt to save. * You can specify config on the command line via --config_file