- if model %form{:action => packet.route_to(model_name, 'profile'), :method => 'post'} - if(packet.flash['error']) .error %p= packet.flash('error') - if(packet.flash['info']) .info %p= packet.flash('info') - for prop in props %p!= view_attribute(prop, model_name, :label => true, :value => model.attribute_get(prop[:name])) %fieldset %legend Change Password %p You only need to fill out the following information if you want to change your password %p %label{:for => "my_currrent_password"} Current Password %br %input{:id => "my_currrent_password", :type => "password", :name => "#{model_name}[current_password]"} %p %label{:for => "my_password"} Password %br %input{:id => "my_password", :type => "password", :name => "#{model_name}[password]"} %p %label{:for => "my_repeat_password"} Repeat Password %br %input{:id => "my_repeat_password", :type => "password", :name => "#{model_name}[repeat_password]"} %fieldset %legend Mailing Lists %p %input{:type => "hidden", :name => "members[email_subscribe]", :value => "0"} %input{:type => "checkbox", :name => "members[email_subscribe]", :value => "1"} Sign up for the mailing list? %p We separate our mailing list into multiple topics to avoid spamming our users with unwanted emails. Choose the information you would like to receive email about. - for group in list_groups %h2= group["name"].capitalize %input{:type => "hidden", :name => "members[groups][#{group['name']}][]", :value => ""} - for opt in group["groups"] %p %input{:type => "checkbox", :name => "members[groups][#{group['name']}][]", :value => opt["name"]} = opt["name"] %fieldset %legend Payment - if(orange[:members].paid?(packet, model)) %p Thanks for supporting the WNSF. You can keep your subscription up to date below: %a{:href => orange[:members].subscription_url(packet, model)} Make a payment - else %p To access parts of this site, you'll need to be a supporting member. %a{:href => orange[:members].subscription_url(packet, model)} You can become a supporting member here. %input{:type => 'submit', :value => 'Save Changes'} - else %p Couldn't find the item you're looking for.