require 'time' require 'sysinfo' require 'digest/sha1' require 'ostruct' require 'yaml' ## NOTE: Don't require rye here so ## we can still run tryouts on the ## development version. begin; require 'json'; rescue LoadError; end # json may not be installed GYMNASIUM_HOME = File.join(Dir.pwd, '{tryouts,try}') ## also check try (for rye) GYMNASIUM_GLOB = File.join(GYMNASIUM_HOME, '**', '*_tryouts.rb') # = Tryouts # # This class has three purposes: # * It represents the Tryouts object which is a group of Tryout objects. # * The tryouts and dreams DSLs are executed within its namespace. In general the # class methods are the handlers for the DSL syntax (some instance getter methods # are modified to support DSL syntax by acting like setters when given arguments) # * It stores all known instances of Tryouts objects in a class variable @@instances. # # ==== Are you ready to run some drills? # # May all your dreams come true! # class Tryouts # = Exception # A generic exception which all other Tryouts exceptions inherit from. class Exception < RuntimeError; end # = BadDreams # Raised when there is a problem loading or parsing a Tryouts::Drill::Dream object class BadDream < Exception; end class NoDrillType < Exception attr_accessor :tname def initialize(t); @tname = t; end def message vdt = Tryouts::Drill.valid_dtypes "Tryout '#{@tname}' has no drill type. Should be: #{vdt.join(', ')}" end end VERSION = "0.8.1" require 'tryouts/mixins' require 'tryouts/tryout' require 'tryouts/drill' require 'tryouts/stats' require 'tryouts/orderedhash' HASH_TYPE = (RUBY_VERSION =~ /1.9/) ? ::Hash : Tryouts::OrderedHash # An Array of +_tryouts.rb+ file paths that have been loaded. @@loaded_files = [] # An Hash of Tryouts instances stored under the name of the Tryouts subclass. @@instances = # An instance of SysInfo @@sysinfo = @@debug = false @@verbose = 0 # This will be true if any error occurred during any of the drills or parsing. @@failed = false def self.debug?; @@debug; end def self.enable_debug; @@debug = true; end def self.disable_debug; @@debug = false; end def self.verbose; @@verbose; end def self.verbose=(v); @@verbose = (v == true) ? 1 : v; end def self.failed?; @@failed; end def self.failed=(v); @@failed = v; end # Returns +@@instances+ def self.instances; @@instances; end # Returns +@@sysinfo+ def self.sysinfo; @@sysinfo; end # The name of this group of Tryout objects attr_accessor :group # A Symbol representing the default drill type. One of: :cli, :api attr_accessor :dtype # An Array of file paths which populated this instance of Tryouts attr_accessor :paths # An Array of Tryout objects attr_accessor :tryouts # A Symbol representing the command taking part in the tryouts. For @dtype :cli only. attr_accessor :command # A Symbol representing the name of the library taking part in the tryouts. For @dtype :api only. attr_accessor :library # An Array of exceptions that were raised during the tryouts that were not captured by a drill. attr_reader :errors def initialize(group=nil) @group = group || "Default Group" @tryouts = @paths, @errors = [], [] @command = nil end # Populate this Tryouts from a block. The block should contain calls to # the external DSL methods: tryout, command, library, group def from_block(b, &inline) instance_eval &b end # Execute Tryout#report for each Tryout in +@tryouts+ def report successes = [] @tryouts.each_pair { |n,to| successes << } puts $/, "All your dreams came true" unless successes.member?(false) end # Execute Tryout#run for each Tryout in +@tryouts+ def run; @tryouts.each_pair { |n,to| }; end # Add a shell command to Rye::Cmd and save the command name # in @@commands so it can be used as the default for drills def command(name=nil, path=nil) return @command if name.nil? require 'rye' @command = name.to_sym @dtype = :cli Rye::Cmd.module_eval do define_method(name) do |*args| cmd(path || name, *args) end end @command end # Calls Tryouts#command on the current instance of Tryouts # # NOTE: this is a standalone DSL-syntax method. def self.command(*args) @@instances.last.command(*args) end # Require +name+. If +path+ is supplied, it will "require path". # * +name+ The name of the library in question (required). Stored as a Symbol to +@library+. # * +path+ Add a path to the front of $LOAD_PATH (optional). Use this if you want to load # a specific copy of the library. Otherwise, it loads from the system path. If the path # in specified in multiple arguments they are joined and expanded. # # library '/an/absolute/path' # library __FILE__, '..', 'lib' # def library(name=nil, *path) return @library if name.nil? @library, @dtype = name.to_sym, :api path = File.expand_path(File.join(*path)) $LOAD_PATH.unshift path unless path.nil? begin require @library.to_s rescue LoadError => ex newex = trace = ex.backtrace trace.unshift @paths.last newex.set_backtrace trace @errors << newex Tryouts.failed = true rescue SyntaxError, Exception, TypeError, RuntimeError, NoMethodError, NameError => ex @errors << ex Tryouts.failed = true end end # Calls Tryouts#library on the current instance of Tryouts # # NOTE: this is a standalone DSL-syntax method. def self.library(*args) @@instances.last.library(*args) end def group(name=nil) return @group if name.nil? @group = name unless name.nil? @group end # Raises a Tryouts::Exception. +group+ is not support in the standalone syntax # because the group name is taken from the name of the class. See inherited. # # NOTE: this is a standalone DSL-syntax method. def*args) raise "Group is already set: #{}" end # Create a new Tryout object and add it to the list for this Tryouts class. # * +name+ is the name of the Tryout # * +dtype+ is the default drill type for the Tryout. # * +command+ when type is :cli, this is the name of the Rye::Box method that we're testing. Otherwise ignored. # * +b+ is a block definition for the Tryout. See Tryout#from_block # # NOTE: This is a DSL-only method and is not intended for OO use. def tryout(name, dtype=nil, command=nil, &block) return if name.nil? dtype ||= @dtype command ||= @command if dtype == :cli raise NoDrillType, name if dtype.nil? to = find_tryout(name, dtype) if to.nil? to =, dtype, command) @tryouts[name] = to end # Process the rest of the DSL begin to.from_block block if block rescue SyntaxError, LoadError, Exception, TypeError, RuntimeError, NoMethodError, NameError => ex @errors << ex Tryouts.failed = true end to end # Calls Tryouts#tryout on the current instance of Tryouts # # NOTE: this is a standalone DSL-syntax method. def self.tryout(*args, &block) @@instances.last.tryout(*args, &block) end # Find matching Tryout objects by +name+ and filter by # +dtype+ if specified. Returns a Tryout object or nil. def find_tryout(name, dtype=nil) by_name = { |t| == name } by_name = { |t| t.dtype == dtype } if dtype by_name.first # by_name is an Array. We just want the Object. end # This method does nothing. It provides a quick way to disable a tryout. # # NOTE: This is a DSL-only method and is not intended for OO use. def xtryout(*args, &block); end # This method does nothing. It provides a quick way to disable a tryout. # # NOTE: this is a standalone DSL-syntax method. def self.xtryout(*args, &block); end # Returns +@tryouts+. # # Also acts as a stub for Tryouts#tryout in case someone # specifies "tryouts 'name' do ..." in the DSL. def tryouts(*args, &block) return tryout(*args, &block) unless args.empty? @tryouts end # An alias for Tryouts.tryout. def self.tryouts(*args, &block) tryout(args, &block) end # This method does nothing. It provides a quick way to disable a tryout. # # NOTE: This is a DSL-only method and is not intended for OO use. def xtryouts(*args, &block); end # This method does nothing. It provides a quick way to disable a tryout. # # NOTE: this is a standalone DSL-syntax method. def self.xtryouts(*args, &block); end # Parse a +_tryouts.rb+ file. See Tryouts::CLI::Run for an example. # # NOTE: this is an OO syntax method def self.parse_file(fpath) raise "No such file: #{fpath}" unless File.exists?(fpath) file_content = to = begin to.paths << fpath to.instance_eval file_content, fpath # After parsing the DSL, we'll know the group name. # If a Tryouts object already exists for that group # we'll use that instead and re-parse the DSL. if @@instances.has_key? to = @@instances[] to.instance_eval file_content, fpath end rescue SyntaxError, LoadError, Exception, TypeError, RuntimeError, NoMethodError, NameError => ex to.errors << ex Tryouts.failed = true # It's helpful to display the group name file_content.match(/^group (.+?)$/) do |x,t| # We use eval as a quick cheat so we don't have # to parse all the various kinds of quotes. = eval x.captures.first end end @@instances[] = to to end # Run all Tryout objects in +@tryouts+ # # NOTE: this is an OO syntax method def @@instances.each_pair do |group, inst| inst.tryouts.each_pair do |name,to| end end end # Called when a new class inherits from Tryouts. This creates a new instance # of Tryouts, sets group to the name of the new class, and adds the instance # to +@@instances+. # # NOTE: this is a standalone DSL-syntax method. def self.inherited(klass) to = @@instances[ klass ] to ||= to.paths << __FILE__ = klass @@instances[] = to end ##--- ## Is this wacky syntax useful for anything? ## t2 :set . ## run = "poop" ## def self.t2(*args) ## ## end ##+++ end