# encoding: utf-8 module Backup module Notifier class Command < Base ## # Command to execute. # # Make sure it is accessible from your $PATH, or provide # the absolute path to the command. attr_accessor :command ## # Arguments to pass to the command. # # Must be an array of strings or callable objects. # # Callables will be invoked with #call(model, status), # and the return value used as the argument. # # In strings you can use the following placeholders: # # %l - Model label # %t - Model trigger # %d - Backup duration (HH:MM:SS) # %s - Status (success/failure/warning) # %v - Status verb (succeeded/failed/succeeded with warnings) # # All placeholders can be used with uppercase letters to capitalize # the value. # # Defaults to ["%L %v"] attr_accessor :args def initialize(model, &block) super instance_eval(&block) if block_given? @args ||= ["%L %v"] end private ## # Notify the user of the backup operation results. # # `status` indicates one of the following: # # `:success` # : The backup completed successfully. # : Notification will be sent if `on_success` is `true`. # # `:warning` # : The backup completed successfully, but warnings were logged. # : Notification will be sent if `on_warning` or `on_success` is `true`. # # `:failure` # : The backup operation failed. # : Notification will be sent if `on_warning` or `on_success` is `true`. # def notify!(status) IO.popen([@command] + args.map { |arg| format_arg(arg, status) }) end def format_arg(arg, status) if arg.respond_to?(:call) arg.call(model, status) else arg.gsub(/%(\w)/) do |match| ph = match[1] val = case ph.downcase when "l" model.label when "t" model.trigger.to_s when "d" model.duration when "v" status_verb(status) when "s" status.to_s end val.capitalize! if ph == ph.upcase val end end end def status_verb(status) case status when :success "succeeded" when :failure "failed" when :warning "succeeded with warnings" end end end end end