module Ruby2JS class Converter # (block # (send nil :x) # (args # (arg :a)) # (lvar :a)) handle :block do |call, args, block| if @state == :statement and args.children.length == 1 and call.children.first and call.children.first.type == :begin and call.children[1] == :step and [:irange, :erange].include? call.children.first.children.first.type then # convert combinations of range, step and block to a for loop var = args.children.first expression = call.children.first.children.first comp = (expression.type == :irange ? '<=' : '<') put "for (var "; parse var; put " = "; parse expression.children.first put "; "; parse var; put " #{comp} "; parse expression.children.last put "; "; parse var; put " += "; parse call.children[2]; puts ") {" scope block sput "}" elsif call.children[0] == nil and call.children[1] == :function and call.children[2..-1].all? do |child| child.type == :lvar or (child.type == :send and child.children.length == 2 and child.children[0] == nil and Symbol === child.children[1]) end then # accommodate javascript style syntax: convert function blocks with # simple arguments into an anonymous function args = call.children[2..-1].map {|arg| s(:arg, arg.children.last)} parse @ast.updated(:block, [s(:send, nil, :proc), s(:args, *args), block]) else # convert blocks into method calls with an additional argument # consisting of an anonymous function block ||= s(:begin) function = @ast.updated(:def, [nil, args, block]) parse s(:send, *call.children, function) end end end end