#-- # WebROaR - Ruby Application Server - http://webroar.in/ # Copyright (C) 2009 Goonj LLC # # This file is part of WebROaR. # # WebROaR is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # WebROaR is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with WebROaR. If not, see . #++ #This is the model class AppTimeSample related to the application_samples table in the database. class AppTimeSample < ActiveRecord::Base extend Webroar::Analyzer::WithExceptionHandling if defined? Webroar::Analyzer::WithExceptionHandling belongs_to :app class << self #This method supplies the url and there statistics to the admin panel application. This data is used for the graph ploting. #This method supplies the data for database consumption by an application, throughtput and Average Response Time of an application. def get_application_data(app_id, start_time, end_time, type) max = 0 interval = 0 interval = ((end_time-start_time) / 60).to_i final_data = Array.new(interval) wall_time = Array.new(interval) application_samples = select('wall_time, sum(db_time) as db_time, sum(total_time_in_request) as total_time_in_request, sum(number_of_requests) as number_of_requests , avg(avg_response_time) as avg_avg_response_time, avg(peak_requests_served) as avg_peak_requests_served' ).where('app_id = ? and wall_time >= ? and wall_time < ?', app_id, start_time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), end_time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') ).group(:wall_time) application_samples.each do |application_sample| current_time = Time.local(application_sample.wall_time.year, application_sample.wall_time.month, application_sample.wall_time.day, application_sample.wall_time.hour, application_sample.wall_time.min, '0') db_time_data = 0 total_time_in_request = 0 total_requests = 0 total_data = 0 index = (current_time-start_time) / 60 total_time_in_request = application_sample.total_time_in_request.to_f case type when 'db' db_time_data = application_sample.db_time.to_f total_data = (db_time_data.to_f * 100 / total_time_in_request.to_f).to_f when 'averageresponsetime' total_data = application_sample.avg_avg_response_time.to_f when 'throughput' total_data = application_sample.avg_peak_requests_served.to_f end if max < total_data max = total_data.to_i end final_data[index] = total_data wall_time[index] = current_time.strftime("%H:%M") end for i in 0..interval if final_data[i].nil? wall_time[i] = (start_time+i*60).strftime("%H:%M") end end max,slab = get_max_and_slab(max) step = (interval + 1) / 20 return wall_time, final_data, max, slab, step end #This method gives the maximum value for y axis and the value by which the y axis is to be partitioned. def get_max_and_slab(max) if max == 0 max = 1 slab = 1 else if max > 8 slab = max / 8.to_i else slab = 1 end end max = max.to_i + slab return max, slab end #This section of the model is used by the WebROaR Analyzer. def create_sample(app_id, sample, sampling_rate, wall_time) # peak requests serverd is maximum of number of requests served in a second prs = sample[4].max || 0 sample[4].reject!{|e| e == 0} # time in milisecods / number of requests if sample[4].length > 0 art = (sample[4].length*1000) / sample[4].inject(0){|sum,e| sum + e}.to_f else art = 0 end # puts 'creating' with_exception_handling("Application sample creation for application #{app_id}, wall_time #{wall_time}") do create({:app_id => app_id, :total_time_in_request => sample[0], :db_time => sample[1], :rendering_time => sample[2], :number_of_requests => sample[3], :wall_time => wall_time, :sampling_rate => sampling_rate, :avg_response_time => art, :peak_requests_served => prs}) end end # application_samples contains at the most one sample and that is for current sampling period. # if sample doesn't exists ,create it. # if sample exists and wall_time falling in that sampling period, add into sample # if sample exists and wall_time not falling in that sampling period and less than sampling period, check into database for that sample and update it # if sample exists and wall_time not falling in that sampling period and greater than sampling period, create new sample and add current into database. def add_to_sample(message_analyzer, app_id, total_spent_time, db_time, rendering_time, wall_time) # create({:app_id => app_id, :total_time_in_request => total_spent_time, :db_time => db_time, :rendering_time => rendering_time, :number_of_requests => 1, :wall_time => wall_time, :sampling_rate => message_analyzer.sampling_rate }) if message_analyzer.application_samples[app_id].length == 0 message_analyzer.application_samples[app_id] = [wall_time, [total_spent_time, db_time, rendering_time, 1, Array.new(60,0)]] elsif wall_time >= message_analyzer.application_samples[app_id].first and wall_time <= message_analyzer.application_samples[app_id].first + message_analyzer.sampling_rate sample = message_analyzer.application_samples[app_id][1] sample[0] += total_spent_time sample[1] += db_time sample[2] += rendering_time sample[3] += 1 sample[4][wall_time.sec] = (sample[4][wall_time.sec] || 0 ) + 1 message_analyzer.application_samples[app_id][1] = sample elsif wall_time < message_analyzer.application_samples[app_id].first db_sample = where('app_id = ? and wall_time >= ? and wall_time <= ?', app_id, wall_time, wall_time + message_analyzer.sampling_rate ).first if db_sample db_sample.total_time_in_request += total_spent_time db_sample.db_time += db_time db_sample.rendering_time += rendering_time db_sample.number_of_requests += 1 db_sample.save! rescue nil else wall_time += message_analyzer.sampling_rate create_sample(app_id, [total_spent_time, db_time, rendering_time, 1, [1]], message_analyzer.sampling_rate, wall_time) end elsif wall_time > message_analyzer.application_samples[app_id].first + message_analyzer.sampling_rate o_wall_time = message_analyzer.application_samples[app_id].first + message_analyzer.sampling_rate sample = message_analyzer.application_samples[app_id][1] create_sample(app_id, sample, message_analyzer.sampling_rate, o_wall_time) message_analyzer.application_samples[app_id] = [wall_time, [total_spent_time, db_time, rendering_time, 1, Array.new(60,0)]] else raise UndefinedSituation, "Think of this possibility!" end # if end #def add_to_sample # We have kept sampling period of one minute and would keep any sample in memory for maximum one minute. By this method we # would write all such samples which are in memory for more than a minute. def write_stale_samples(message_analyzer) if message_analyzer.application_samples.length == 0 return end samples = message_analyzer.application_samples samples.each_pair do |app_id, sample| if sample and sample.length > 0 and (o_wall_time = sample.first + message_analyzer.sampling_rate) < Time.now sample = sample[1] create_sample(app_id, sample, message_analyzer.sampling_rate, o_wall_time) # peak requests serverd is maximum of number of requests served in a second # prs = sample[4].max # sample[4].reject!{|e| e == 0} # art = sample[4].inject(0){|sum,e| sum + e}.to_f / sample[4].length # create({:app_id => app_id, :total_time_in_request => sample[0], :db_time => sample[1], :rendering_time => sample[2], :number_of_requests => sample[3], :wall_time => o_wall_time, :sampling_rate => message_analyzer.sampling_rate, :avg_response_time => ars, :peak_requests_served => prs}) message_analyzer.application_samples[app_id] = Array.new end end end # def write_stale_samples # At time of stopping a script, we would write the samples which are in memory. def write_all_samples(message_analyzer) if message_analyzer.application_samples.length == 0 return end samples = message_analyzer.application_samples samples.each_pair do |app_id, sample| if sample and sample.length > 0 o_wall_time = sample.first + message_analyzer.sampling_rate sample = sample[1] create_sample(app_id, sample, message_analyzer.sampling_rate, o_wall_time) # peak requests serverd is maximum of number of requests served in a second # prs = sample[4].max # sample[4].reject!{|e| e == 0} # art = sample[4].inject(0){|sum,e| sum + e}.to_f / sample[4].length # create({:app_id => app_id, :total_time_in_request => sample[0], :db_time => sample[1], :rendering_time => sample[2], :number_of_requests => sample[3], :wall_time => o_wall_time, :sampling_rate => message_analyzer.sampling_rate, :avg_response_time => ars, :peak_requests_served => prs}) end # if sample and sample.length > 0 end # do |app_id, sample| end #def write_all_samples end end