/** [Glimmer](https://github.com/tildeio/glimmer) is a templating engine used by Ember.js that is compatible with a subset of the [Handlebars](http://handlebarsjs.com/) syntax. ### Showing a property Templates manage the flow of an application's UI, and display state (through the DOM) to a user. For example, given a component with the property "name", that component's template can use the name in several ways: ```app/components/person-profile.js import Component from '@ember/component'; export default Component.extend({ name: 'Jill' }); ``` ```app/templates/components/person-profile.hbs {{name}} <div>{{name}}</div> <span data-name={{name}}></span> ``` Any time the "name" property on the component changes, the DOM will be updated. Properties can be chained as well: ```handlebars {{aUserModel.name}} <div>{{listOfUsers.firstObject.name}}</div> ``` ### Using Ember helpers When content is passed in mustaches `{{}}`, Ember will first try to find a helper or component with that name. For example, the `if` helper: ```handlebars {{if name "I have a name" "I have no name"}} <span data-has-name={{if name true}}></span> ``` The returned value is placed where the `{{}}` is called. The above style is called "inline". A second style of helper usage is called "block". For example: ```handlebars {{#if name}} I have a name {{else}} I have no name {{/if}} ``` The block form of helpers allows you to control how the UI is created based on the values of properties. A third form of helper is called "nested". For example here the concat helper will add " Doe" to a displayed name if the person has no last name: ```handlebars <span data-name={{concat firstName ( if lastName (concat " " lastName) "Doe" )}}></span> ``` Ember's built-in helpers are described under the [Ember.Templates.helpers](/api/ember/release/classes/Ember.Templates.helpers) namespace. Documentation on creating custom helpers can be found under [Helper](/api/classes/Ember.Helper.html). ### Invoking a Component Ember components represent state to the UI of an application. Further reading on components can be found under [Component](/api/ember/release/classes/Component). @module @ember/component @main @ember/component @public */ /** @module ember */ /** @class Ember.Templates.helpers @public */ /** Use the `{{with}}` helper when you want to alias a property to a new name. This is helpful for semantic clarity as it allows you to retain default scope or to reference a property from another `{{with}}` block. If the aliased property is "falsey", for example: `false`, `undefined` `null`, `""`, `0`, `NaN` or an empty array, the block will not be rendered. ```handlebars {{! Will only render if user.posts contains items}} {{#with user.posts as |blogPosts|}} <div class="notice"> There are {{blogPosts.length}} blog posts written by {{user.name}}. </div> {{#each blogPosts as |post|}} <li>{{post.title}}</li> {{/each}} {{/with}} ``` NOTE: The alias should not reuse a name from the bound property path. For example: `{{#with foo.bar as |foo|}}` is not supported because it attempts to alias using the first part of the property path, `foo`. Instead, use `{{#with foo.bar as |baz|}}`. @method with @for Ember.Templates.helpers @param {Object} options @return {String} HTML string @public */ /** `{{yield}}` denotes an area of a template that will be rendered inside of another template. ### Use with `Component` When designing components `{{yield}}` is used to denote where, inside the component's template, an optional block passed to the component should render: ```app/templates/application.hbs {{#labeled-textfield value=someProperty}} First name: {{/labeled-textfield}} ``` ```app/templates/components/labeled-textfield.hbs <label> {{yield}} {{input value=value}} </label> ``` Result: ```html <label> First name: <input type="text" /> </label> ``` Additionally you can `yield` properties into the context for use by the consumer: ```app/templates/application.hbs {{#labeled-textfield value=someProperty validator=(action 'firstNameValidator') as |validationError|}} {{#if validationError}} <p class="error">{{validationError}}</p> {{/if}} First name: {{/labeled-textfield}} ``` ```app/templates/components/labeled-textfield.hbs <label> {{yield validationError}} {{input value=value}} </label> ``` Result: ```html <label> <p class="error">First Name must be at least 3 characters long.</p> First name: <input type="text" /> </label> ``` @method yield @for Ember.Templates.helpers @param {Hash} options @return {String} HTML string @public */ /** Execute the `debugger` statement in the current template's context. ```handlebars {{debugger}} ``` When using the debugger helper you will have access to a `get` function. This function retrieves values available in the context of the template. For example, if you're wondering why a value `{{foo}}` isn't rendering as expected within a template, you could place a `{{debugger}}` statement and, when the `debugger;` breakpoint is hit, you can attempt to retrieve this value: ``` > get('foo') ``` `get` is also aware of keywords. So in this situation ```handlebars {{#each items as |item|}} {{debugger}} {{/each}} ``` You'll be able to get values from the current item: ``` > get('item.name') ``` You can also access the context of the view to make sure it is the object that you expect: ``` > context ``` @method debugger @for Ember.Templates.helpers @public */ /** The `partial` helper renders another template without changing the template context: ```handlebars {{foo}} {{partial "nav"}} ``` The above example template will render a template named "-nav", which has the same context as the parent template it's rendered into, so if the "-nav" template also referenced `{{foo}}`, it would print the same thing as the `{{foo}}` in the above example. If a "-nav" template isn't found, the `partial` helper will fall back to a template named "nav". ### Bound template names The parameter supplied to `partial` can also be a path to a property containing a template name, e.g.: ```handlebars {{partial someTemplateName}} ``` The above example will look up the value of `someTemplateName` on the template context (e.g. a controller) and use that value as the name of the template to render. If the resolved value is falsy, nothing will be rendered. If `someTemplateName` changes, the partial will be re-rendered using the new template name. @method partial @for Ember.Templates.helpers @param {String} partialName The name of the template to render minus the leading underscore. @public */ export { default as RootTemplate } from './lib/templates/root'; export { default as template } from './lib/template'; export { default as Checkbox } from './lib/components/checkbox'; export { default as TextField } from './lib/components/text_field'; export { default as TextArea } from './lib/components/text_area'; export { default as LinkComponent } from './lib/components/link-to'; export { default as Component, ROOT_REF } from './lib/component'; export { default as Helper, helper } from './lib/helper'; export { default as Environment } from './lib/environment'; export { SafeString, escapeExpression, htmlSafe, isHTMLSafe } from './lib/utils/string'; export { Renderer, InertRenderer, InteractiveRenderer, _resetRenderers, renderSettled, } from './lib/renderer'; export { getTemplate, setTemplate, hasTemplate, getTemplates, setTemplates, } from './lib/template_registry'; export { setupEngineRegistry, setupApplicationRegistry } from './lib/setup-registry'; export { DOMChanges, NodeDOMTreeConstruction, DOMTreeConstruction } from './lib/dom'; export { registerMacros as _registerMacros, experimentalMacros as _experimentalMacros, } from './lib/syntax'; export { default as AbstractComponentManager } from './lib/component-managers/abstract'; // needed for test // TODO just test these through public API // a lot of these are testing how a problem was solved // rather than the problem was solved // DebugStack should just test the assert message // it supports for example export { UpdatableReference, INVOKE } from './lib/utils/references'; export { default as iterableFor } from './lib/utils/iterable'; export { default as DebugStack } from './lib/utils/debug-stack'; export { default as OutletView } from './lib/views/outlet'; export { capabilities } from './lib/component-managers/custom'; export { setComponentManager, getComponentManager } from './lib/utils/custom-component-manager'; export { isSerializationFirstNode } from './lib/utils/serialization-first-node-helpers';