require 'test_helper' class FunTest < Test::Unit::TestCase context "A Fun" do setup do @svc ='localhost', 9941) end should "be created with a Service, module name, and fun name" do assert, :mymod, :myfun).is_a?(BERTRPC::Fun) end end context "A Fun instance" do setup do svc ='localhost', 9941) @fun =, :mymod, :myfun) end should "call with single-arity" do req = @fun.encode_ruby_request([:call, :mymod, :myfun, [1]]) res = @fun.encode_ruby_request([:reply, 2]) @fun.expects(:sync_request).with(req).returns(res) assert_equal 2, end should "call with single-arity array" do req = @fun.encode_ruby_request([:call, :mymod, :myfun, [[1, 2, 3]]]) res = @fun.encode_ruby_request([:reply, [4, 5, 6]]) @fun.expects(:sync_request).with(req).returns(res) assert_equal [4, 5, 6],[1, 2, 3]) end should "call with multi-arity" do req = @fun.encode_ruby_request([:call, :mymod, :myfun, [1, 2, 3]]) res = @fun.encode_ruby_request([:reply, [4, 5, 6]]) @fun.expects(:sync_request).with(req).returns(res) assert_equal [4, 5, 6],, 2, 3) end context "converter" do should "convert top level hashes to BERT-RPC dict form" do assert_equal([:dict, [:foo, 1], [:bar, 2]], @fun.convert({:foo => 1, :bar => 2})) end should "convert nested hashes in the same way" do assert_equal([1, 2, [:dict, [:foo, 1]]], @fun.convert([1, 2, {:foo => 1}])) end should "keep everything else the same" do assert_equal [1, 2, "foo", :bar, 3.14], @fun.convert([1, 2, "foo", :bar, 3.14]) end end context "deconverter" do should "convert top level BERT-RPC dict forms to hashes" do assert_equal({:foo => 1, :bar => 2}, @fun.deconvert([:dict, [:foo, 1], [:bar, 2]])) end should "convert nested dicts in the same way" do assert_equal([1, 2, {:foo => 1}], @fun.deconvert([1, 2, [:dict, [:foo, 1]]])) end should "keep everything else the same" do assert_equal [1, 2, "foo", :bar, 3.14], @fun.deconvert([1, 2, "foo", :bar, 3.14]) end end context "sync_request" do should "read and write BERT-Ps from the socket" do io = stub() io.expects(:write).with("\000\000\000\003") io.expects(:write).with("foo") io.expects(:read).with(4).returns("\000\000\000\003") io.expects(:read).with(3).returns("bar") io.expects(:close) TCPSocket.expects(:new).returns(io) assert_equal "bar", @fun.sync_request("foo") end end context "ruby request encoder" do should "return BERT-RPC encoded request" do bert = "\203h\004d\000\004calld\000\005mymodd\000\005myfunh\003a\001a\002a\003" assert_equal bert, @fun.encode_ruby_request([:call, :mymod, :myfun, [1, 2, 3]]) end end context "bert response decoder" do should "return response when successful" do req = @fun.encode_ruby_request([:reply, [1, 2, 3]]) res = @fun.decode_bert_response(req) assert_equal [1, 2, 3], res end should "raise a ProtocolError error when protocol level error is returned" do req = @fun.encode_ruby_request([:error, [:protocol, 1, "invalid"]]) assert_raises(BERTRPC::ProtocolError) do @fun.decode_bert_response(req) end end should "raise a ServerError error when server level error is returned" do req = @fun.encode_ruby_request([:error, [:server, 1, "invalid"]]) assert_raises(BERTRPC::ServerError) do @fun.decode_bert_response(req) end end should "raise a UserError error when user level error is returned" do req = @fun.encode_ruby_request([:error, [:user, 1, "invalid"]]) assert_raises(BERTRPC::UserError) do @fun.decode_bert_response(req) end end should "raise a ProxyError error when proxy level error is returned" do req = @fun.encode_ruby_request([:error, [:proxy, 1, "invalid"]]) assert_raises(BERTRPC::ProxyError) do @fun.decode_bert_response(req) end end end end end