require_relative 'spec_helper' module Basic101 describe Parser do def self.it_should_match(s) it "should consume #{s.inspect}" do expect {rule.parse(s)}.to_not raise_error end end def self.it_should_not_match(s) it "should not consume #{s.inspect}" do expect{rule.parse(s)}.to raise_error Parslet::ParseFailed end end let(:parser) {} describe 'new_line' do let(:rule) {parser.new_line} it_should_match "\n" it_should_match "\r\n" end describe 'space' do let(:rule) {} it_should_not_match '' it_should_match ' ' it_should_match ' ' end describe 'space?' do let(:rule) {} it_should_match '' it_should_match ' ' it_should_match ' ' end describe 'printable' do let(:rule) {parser.printable} it_should_not_match "\x1f" it_should_match "\x20" it_should_match "\x7e" it_should_not_match "\x7f" end describe 'decimal' do let(:rule) {parser.decimal} it_should_match '0' it_should_match '123' end describe 'sign' do let(:rule) {parser.sign} it_should_match '+' it_should_match '-' end describe 'integer' do let(:rule) {parser.integer} it_should_match '123' it_should_match '-123' it_should_match '+123' end describe 'fixed' do let(:rule) {parser.float} it_should_match '.2' it_should_match '2.' it_should_match '1.2' it_should_match '-1.2' it_should_match '+1.2' it_should_not_match '1' end describe 'exponent' do let(:rule) {parser.exponent} it_should_match 'E10' it_should_match 'E-10' it_should_match 'E+10' end describe 'float' do let(:rule) {parser.float} it_should_match '1.2' it_should_match '1E10' it_should_match '1E+10' it_should_match '1E-10' it_should_not_match '1' end describe 'line_number' do let(:rule) {parser.integer} it_should_match '10' it_should_match '20' end describe 'unquoted_string' do let(:rule) {parser.unquoted_string} it_should_match 'abc' it_should_match '' it_should_not_match ',' it_should_not_match '"' it_should_not_match ':' it_should_not_match ' ' it_should_not_match "\n" it_should_not_match "\r" end describe 'quoted_string' do let(:rule) {parser.quoted_string} it_should_match '""' it_should_match '"abc"' it_should_not_match %Q'"\n"' end describe 'user_defined_function_identifier' do let(:rule) {parser.user_defined_function_identifier} it_should_match 'FNA' it_should_match 'FNB1' it_should_match 'FNS$' end describe 'built_in_function_identifier' do let(:rule) {parser.built_in_function_identifier} it_should_match 'LEN' it_should_match 'RIGHT$' end describe 'function_identifier' do let(:rule) {parser.function_identifier} it_should_match 'FNA' it_should_match 'LEN' end describe 'base_identifier' do let(:rule) {parser.base_identifier} it_should_match 'A' it_should_match 'A1' it_should_match 'AZ' it_should_not_match 'ELSE' end describe 'built_in_function_identifier' do let(:rule) {parser.built_in_function_identifier} it_should_match 'ABS' it_should_match 'ASC' it_should_match 'CHR$' it_should_match 'COS' it_should_match 'EXP' it_should_match 'INT' it_should_match 'LEFT$' it_should_match 'LEN' it_should_match 'LOG' it_should_match 'MID$' it_should_match 'RIGHT$' it_should_match 'RND' it_should_match 'SGN' it_should_match 'SIN' it_should_match 'SQR' it_should_match 'STR$' it_should_match 'TAB' it_should_match 'TAN' it_should_match 'VAL' end describe 'numeric_identifier' do let(:rule) {parser.numeric_identifier} it_should_match 'A' it_should_match 'A1' end describe 'string_identifier' do let(:rule) {parser.string_identifier} it_should_match 'A$' it_should_match 'A1$' end describe 'identifier' do let(:rule) {parser.identifier} it_should_match 'A' it_should_match 'A$' end describe 'argument_list' do let(:rule) {parser.argument_list} it_should_match '"a"' it_should_match '"a" , "b"' it_should_match '"a","b"' end describe 'array_reference' do let(:rule) {parser.array_reference} it_should_match 'A("a")' it_should_match 'A ( "a", "b" )' it_should_match 'A("a","b")' end describe 'scalar_reference' do let(:rule) {parser.scalar_reference} it_should_match 'A' it_should_match 'S$' end describe 'scalar_reference_list' do let(:rule) {parser.scalar_reference_list} it_should_match 'I' it_should_match 'I , J' it_should_match 'I,J' end describe 'reference' do let(:rule) {parser.reference} it_should_match 'A ( 1 )' it_should_match 'A(1)' it_should_match 'S$' end describe 'reference_list' do let(:rule) {parser.reference_list} it_should_match 'A(1)' it_should_match 'I,J' end describe 'let_statement' do let(:rule) {parser.let_statement} it_should_match 'LET I = 1' it_should_match 'LETI=1' it_should_match 'I = 1' it_should_match 'A(10) = 1' it_should_match 'A$(10) = 1' it_should_match 'S$ = "FOO"' end describe 'multiply_op' do let(:rule) {parser.multiply_op} it_should_match '*' it_should_match '/' end describe 'addition_op' do let(:rule) {parser.addition_op} it_should_match '+' it_should_match '-' end describe 'comparison_op' do let(:rule) {parser.comparison_op} it_should_match '=' it_should_match '<>' it_should_match '>' it_should_match '>=' it_should_match '<' it_should_match '<=' end describe 'and_op' do let(:rule) {parser.and_op} it_should_match 'AND' end describe 'or_op' do let(:rule) {parser.or_op} it_should_match 'OR' end describe 'function_call' do let(:rule) {parser.function_call} it_should_match 'FNA(1, 2)' it_should_match 'STR$("abc")' end describe 'factor' do let(:rule) {parser.factor} it_should_match '"abc"' it_should_match '1.2' it_should_match '123' it_should_match 'I' it_should_match 'FNA(1)' it_should_match '( 1 + 2 )' it_should_match '(1+2)' end describe 'power' do let(:rule) {parser.power} it_should_match '1^2' it_should_match '1^2^3' it_should_match 'I' end describe 'negation' do let(:rule) {parser.negation} it_should_match '-I' it_should_match 'I' end describe 'term' do let(:rule) {parser.term} it_should_match '1' it_should_match '1 * 2' it_should_match '1 * 2 / 3' it_should_match '1*2/3' end describe 'simple_expression' do let(:rule) {parser.simple_expression} it_should_match '1' it_should_match '1 + 2' it_should_match '1 + 2 - 3' it_should_match '1+2-3' end describe 'comparison_expression' do let(:rule) {parser.comparison_expression} it_should_match '1' it_should_match '1 > 2' it_should_match '1 + 2 > 2 + 3' it_should_match '1+2>2+3' end describe 'not_expression' do let(:rule) {parser.not_expression} it_should_match '1' it_should_match 'NOT 1' it_should_match 'NOT1' end describe 'and_expression' do let(:rule) {parser.and_expression} it_should_match '1' it_should_match '1 AND 1' it_should_match '1 AND 1 AND 0' it_should_match '1AND1AND0' end describe 'or_expression' do let(:rule) {parser.or_expression} it_should_match '1' it_should_match '1 OR 0' it_should_match '1 OR 0 OR 1' it_should_match '1OR0OR1' end describe 'expression' do let(:rule) {parser.expression} it_should_match 'NOT 2 * (3 + 1) + 4 > 5 AND 1 OR 0' it_should_match 'NOT2*(3+1)+4>5AND1OR0' end describe 'remark_statement' do let(:rule) {parser.remark_statement} it_should_match 'REM' it_should_match 'REM THIS IS A REMARK' it_should_match 'REMTHISISAREMARK' end describe 'print_separator' do let(:rule) {parser.print_separator} it_should_match ';' it_should_match ',' end describe 'print_arguments' do let(:rule) {parser.print_arguments} it_should_match '' it_should_match ';' it_should_match '1' it_should_match '1 "FOO" , A' end describe 'print_statement' do let(:rule) {parser.print_statement} it_should_match 'PRINT' it_should_match 'PRINT ,' it_should_match 'PRINT , "A"' it_should_match 'PRINT "A"' it_should_match 'PRINT "A" ;' it_should_match 'PRINT "A", 1' it_should_match 'PRINT "A", 1 ;' it_should_match 'PRINT1,"A";' it_should_not_match 'PRINT "ok" ELSE' end describe 'goto_statement' do let(:rule) {parser.goto_statement} it_should_match 'GOTO 10' it_should_match 'GOTO10' end describe 'if_block' do let(:rule) {parser.if_block} it_should_match '123' it_should_match 'GOTO 10' it_should_match 'PRINT:PRINT' end describe 'if_statement' do let(:rule) {parser.if_statement} it_should_match 'IF 1 THEN 20' it_should_match 'IF 1 THEN PRINT "FOO"' it_should_match 'IF 1 THEN PRINT "FOO" ELSE PRINT "BAR"' it_should_match 'IF1THENPRINT"FOO"ELSEPRINT"BAR"' it_should_match 'IFK9>T9THENT9=K9+1' end describe 'randomize_statement' do let(:rule) {parser.randomize_statement} it_should_match 'RANDOMIZE' end describe 'prompt_delimeter' do let(:rule) {parser.prompt_delimeter} it_should_match ',' it_should_match ';' end describe 'input_statement' do let(:rule) {parser.input_statement} it_should_match 'INPUT I' it_should_match 'INPUT I, J' it_should_match 'INPUT "FOO", A$' it_should_match 'INPUT "FOO" ; A$' it_should_match 'INPUT"FOO";A$' end describe 'end_statement' do let(:rule) {parser.end_statement} it_should_match 'END' end describe 'dim_statement' do let(:rule) {parser.dim_statement} it_should_match 'DIM A(20)' it_should_match 'DIM A(X, Y)' it_should_match 'DIM A ( 10 ), B ( 10 )' it_should_match 'DIMA(10),B(10)' end describe 'for_statement' do let(:rule) {parser.for_statement} it_should_match 'FOR I = 1 TO 10' it_should_match 'FOR I = 1 TO 10 STEP 2' it_should_match 'FORI=1TO10STEP-2' end describe 'next_statement' do let(:rule) {parser.next_statement} it_should_match 'NEXT' it_should_match 'NEXT I' it_should_match 'NEXT I, J' it_should_match 'NEXTI,J' end describe 'on_goto_statement' do let(:rule) {parser.on_goto_statement} it_should_match 'ON I GOTO 10' it_should_match 'ON I + 1 GOTO 10, 20' it_should_match 'ONI+1GOTO10,20' end describe 'data_item' do let(:rule) {parser.data_item} it_should_match 'abc' it_should_match '"abc"' it_should_match '123' it_should_match '123.45' end describe 'data_statement' do let(:rule) {parser.data_statement} it_should_match 'DATA 1' it_should_match 'DATA 1.23,"ABC",def' end describe 'read_statement' do let(:rule) {parser.read_statement} it_should_match 'READ I' it_should_match 'READ I, A ( 1 )' it_should_match 'READI,A(1)' end describe 'gosub_statement' do let(:rule) {parser.gosub_statement} it_should_match 'GOSUB 100' it_should_match 'GOSUB100' end describe 'return_statement' do let(:rule) {parser.return_statement} it_should_match 'RETURN' end describe 'stop_statement' do let(:rule) {parser.stop_statement} it_should_match 'STOP' end describe 'restore_statement' do let(:rule) {parser.restore_statement} it_should_match 'RESTORE' it_should_match 'RESTORE 100' it_should_match 'RESTORE100' end describe 'define_function_statement' do let(:rule) {parser.define_function_statement} it_should_match 'DEF FNS$(S) = "FOO"' it_should_match 'DEF FNA(I) = 2 * I' it_should_match 'DEF FNA ( I , J ) = I + J' it_should_match 'DEFFNA(I,J)=I+J' end describe 'statement' do let(:rule) {parser.statement} it_should_match 'REM' it_should_match 'PRINT' it_should_match 'I=1' it_should_match 'GOTO 10' it_should_match 'IF 1 THEN 20' it_should_match 'RANDOMIZE' it_should_match 'INPUT I' it_should_match 'END' it_should_match 'DIM A(10)' it_should_match 'FOR I = 1 TO 10' it_should_match 'NEXT' it_should_match 'ON I GOTO 10, 20' it_should_match 'DATA 1' it_should_match 'READ I' it_should_match 'GOSUB 100' it_should_match 'RETURN' it_should_match 'STOP' it_should_match 'RESTORE' it_should_match 'DEF FNA(I) = 2 * I' end describe 'statements' do let(:rule) {parser.statements} it_should_match 'REM' it_should_match 'PRINT:PRINT' it_should_match 'PRINT:PRINT:' it_should_match 'PRINT : PRINT :' end describe 'line' do let(:rule) {parser.line} it_should_match '10REM' it_should_match '10 REM' it_should_match '20 PRINT:PRINT' end describe 'program' do let(:rule) {parser.program} it_should_match "" it_should_match "10 REM\n" it_should_match "10 REM\n20 PRINT\n" end end end