# frozen_string_literal: true require 'i18n/tasks/scanners/file_scanner' require 'i18n/tasks/scanners/relative_keys' require 'i18n/tasks/scanners/ruby_ast_call_finder' require 'parser/current' # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize,Metrics/BlockNesting,Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity,Metrics/PerceivedComplexity # TODO: make this class more readable. module I18n::Tasks::Scanners # Scan for I18n.translate calls using whitequark/parser class RubyAstScanner < FileScanner # rubocop:disable Metrics/ClassLength include RelativeKeys include AST::Sexp MAGIC_COMMENT_PREFIX = /\A.\s*i18n-tasks-use\s+/ RECEIVER_MESSAGES = [nil, AST::Node.new(:const, [nil, :I18n])].product(%i[t t! translate translate!]) def initialize(**args) super(**args) @parser = ::Parser::CurrentRuby.new @magic_comment_parser = ::Parser::CurrentRuby.new @call_finder = RubyAstCallFinder.new( receiver_messages: config[:receiver_messages] || RECEIVER_MESSAGES ) end protected # Extract all occurrences of translate calls from the file at the given path. # # @return [Array<[key, Results::KeyOccurrence]>] each occurrence found in the file def scan_file(path) @parser.reset ast, comments = @parser.parse_with_comments(make_buffer(path)) results = @call_finder.collect_calls ast do |send_node, method_name| send_node_to_key_occurrence(send_node, method_name) end magic_comments = comments.select { |comment| comment.text =~ MAGIC_COMMENT_PREFIX } comment_to_node = Parser::Source::Comment.associate_locations(ast, magic_comments).tap do |h| # transform_values is only available in ActiveSupport 4.2+ h.each { |k, v| h[k] = v.first } end.invert results + (magic_comments.flat_map do |comment| @parser.reset associated_node = comment_to_node[comment] @call_finder.collect_calls( @parser.parse(make_buffer(path, comment.text.sub(MAGIC_COMMENT_PREFIX, '').split(/\s+(?=t)/).join('; '))) ) do |send_node, _method_name| # method_name is not available at this stage send_node_to_key_occurrence(send_node, nil, location: associated_node || comment.location) end end) rescue Exception => e # rubocop:disable Lint/RescueException raise ::I18n::Tasks::CommandError.new(e, "Error scanning #{path}: #{e.message}") end # @param send_node [Parser::AST::Node] # @param method_name [Symbol, nil] # @param location [Parser::Source::Map] # @return [nil, [key, Occurrence]] full absolute key name and the occurrence. def send_node_to_key_occurrence(send_node, method_name, location: send_node.loc) if (first_arg_node = send_node.children[2]) && (key = extract_string(first_arg_node)) if (second_arg_node = send_node.children[3]) && second_arg_node.type == :hash if (scope_node = extract_hash_pair(second_arg_node, 'scope')) scope = extract_string(scope_node.children[1], array_join_with: '.', array_flatten: true, array_reject_blank: true) return nil if scope.nil? && scope_node.type != :nil key = [scope, key].join('.') unless scope == '' end default_arg = if (default_arg_node = extract_hash_pair(second_arg_node, 'default')) extract_string(default_arg_node.children[1]) end end full_key = if send_node.children[0].nil? # Relative keys only work if called via `t()` but not `I18n.t()`: absolute_key(key, location.expression.source_buffer.name, calling_method: method_name) else key end [full_key, range_to_occurrence(key, location.expression, default_arg: default_arg)] end end # Extract a hash pair with a given literal key. # # @param node [AST::Node] a node of type `:hash`. # @param key [String] node key as a string (indifferent symbol-string matching). # @return [AST::Node, nil] a node of type `:pair` or nil. def extract_hash_pair(node, key) node.children.detect do |child| next unless child.type == :pair key_node = child.children[0] %i[sym str].include?(key_node.type) && key_node.children[0].to_s == key end end # If the node type is of `%i(sym str int false true)`, return the value as a string. # Otherwise, if `config[:strict]` is `false` and the type is of `%i(dstr dsym)`, # return the source as if it were a string. # # @param node [Parser::AST::Node] # @param array_join_with [String, nil] if set to a string, arrays will be processed and their elements joined. # @param array_flatten [Boolean] if true, nested arrays are flattened, # otherwise their source is copied and surrounded by #{}. No effect unless `array_join_with` is set. # @param array_reject_blank [Boolean] if true, empty strings and `nil`s are skipped. # No effect unless `array_join_with` is set. # @return [String, nil] `nil` is returned only when a dynamic value is encountered in strict mode # or the node type is not supported. def extract_string(node, array_join_with: nil, array_flatten: false, array_reject_blank: false) if %i[sym str int].include?(node.type) node.children[0].to_s elsif %i[true false].include?(node.type) # rubocop:disable Lint/BooleanSymbol node.type.to_s elsif node.type == :nil '' elsif node.type == :array && array_join_with extract_array_as_string( node, array_join_with: array_join_with, array_flatten: array_flatten, array_reject_blank: array_reject_blank ).tap do |str| # `nil` is returned when a dynamic value is encountered in strict mode. Propagate: return nil if str.nil? end elsif !config[:strict] && %i[dsym dstr].include?(node.type) node.children.map do |child| if %i[sym str].include?(child.type) child.children[0].to_s else child.loc.expression.source end end.join end end # Extract an array as a single string. # # @param array_join_with [String] joiner of the array elements. # @param array_flatten [Boolean] if true, nested arrays are flattened, # otherwise their source is copied and surrounded by #{}. # @param array_reject_blank [Boolean] if true, empty strings and `nil`s are skipped. # @return [String, nil] `nil` is returned only when a dynamic value is encountered in strict mode. def extract_array_as_string(node, array_join_with:, array_flatten: false, array_reject_blank: false) children_strings = node.children.map do |child| if %i[sym str int true false].include?(child.type) # rubocop:disable Lint/BooleanSymbol extract_string child else # ignore dynamic argument in strict mode return nil if config[:strict] if %i[dsym dstr].include?(child.type) || (child.type == :array && array_flatten) extract_string(child, array_join_with: array_join_with) else "\#{#{child.loc.expression.source}}" end end end if array_reject_blank children_strings.reject! do |x| # empty strings and nils in the scope argument are ignored by i18n x == '' end end children_strings.join(array_join_with) end def keys_relative_to_calling_method?(path) /controllers|mailers/.match(path) end # @param raw_key [String] # @param range [Parser::Source::Range] # @param default_arg [String, nil] # @return [Results::Occurrence] def range_to_occurrence(raw_key, range, default_arg: nil) Results::Occurrence.new( path: range.source_buffer.name, pos: range.begin_pos, line_num: range.line, line_pos: range.column, line: range.source_line, raw_key: raw_key, default_arg: default_arg ) end # Create an {Parser::Source::Buffer} with the given contents. # The contents are assigned a {Parser::Source::Buffer#raw_source}. # # @param path [String] Path to assign as the buffer name. # @param contents [String] # @return [Parser::Source::Buffer] file contents def make_buffer(path, contents = read_file(path)) Parser::Source::Buffer.new(path).tap do |buffer| buffer.raw_source = contents end end end end # rubocop:enable Metrics/AbcSize,Metrics/BlockNesting,Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity,Metrics/PerceivedComplexity