module ActionNetworkRest class Petitions < Base attr_accessor :petition_id # Without a petition_id, this class is used for Petition creation/update endpoints. # With a petition_id, this class is used to initialise the Signatures class, # like client.petitions(123).signatures def initialize(petition_id=nil, client:) super(client: client, petition_id: petition_id) end def signatures @_signatures ||= client, petition_id: petition_id) end def base_path 'petitions/' end def create(petition_data, creator_person_id: nil) post_body = petition_data if creator_person_id.present? creator_person_url = action_network_url("/people/#{url_escape(creator_person_id)}") post_body['_links'] = {'osdi:creator' => {href: creator_person_url}} end response = client.post_request base_path, post_body object_from_response(response) end def update(id, petition_data) petition_path = "#{base_path}#{url_escape(id)}" response = client.put_request petition_path, petition_data object_from_response(response) end private def osdi_key 'osdi:petitions' end end end