# ifsc This is part of the IFSC toolset released by Razorpay. You can find more details about the entire release at [ifsc.razorpay.com](https://ifsc.razorpay.com). [![wercker status](https://app.wercker.com/status/bc9b22047e1b8eb55ce98ba451d7b504/s/master "wercker status")](https://app.wercker.com/project/byKey/bc9b22047e1b8eb55ce98ba451d7b504) [![](https://images.microbadger.com/badges/image/razorpay/ifsc:1.4.0.svg)](https://microbadger.com/images/razorpay/ifsc:1.4.0) [![License: MIT](https://img.shields.io/badge/License-MIT-blue.svg)](https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT) [![PRs Welcome](https://img.shields.io/badge/PRs-welcome-brightgreen.svg?style=flat-square)](http://makeapullrequest.com) [![](https://images.microbadger.com/badges/version/razorpay/ifsc:1.4.0.svg)](https://microbadger.com/images/razorpay/ifsc:1.4.0) [![npm version](https://badge.fury.io/js/ifsc.svg)](https://badge.fury.io/js/ifsc) [![Gem Version](https://badge.fury.io/rb/ifsc.svg)](https://badge.fury.io/rb/ifsc) [![PHP version](https://badge.fury.io/ph/razorpay%2Fifsc.svg)](https://badge.fury.io/ph/razorpay%2Fifsc) [![Hex pm](http://img.shields.io/hexpm/v/ifsc.svg)](https://hex.pm/packages/ifsc) ## Dataset If you are just looking for the dataset, go to the [releases][releases] section and download the latest release. The latest [`build` pipeline][buildlist] on Wercker should result in a container with the complete dataset as well. ## Installation ## Ruby Add this line to your application's Gemfile: ```ruby gem "ifsc" ``` And then execute: ```bash $ bundle ``` Or install it yourself as: ```bash $ gem install ifsc ``` Inside of your Ruby program do: ```ruby require "ifsc" ``` ...to pull it in as a dependency. ## PHP `composer require php-http/curl-client razorpay/ifsc` The PHP package has a dependency on the virtual package `php-http/client-implementation` which requires you to install an adapter, but we do not care which one. That is an implementation detail in your application. You do not have to use the `php-http/curl-client` if you do not want to. You may use the `php-http/guzzle6-adapter`. Read more about the virtual packages, why this is a good idea and about the flexibility it brings at the [HTTPlug docs](http://docs.php-http.org/en/latest/httplug/users.html). You can find a list of suported providers on [packagist](https://packagist.org/providers/php-http/client-implementation). The minimum [PHP version supported is 7.1](https://secure.php.net/supported-versions.php). ## Node.js `$ npm install ifsc` ## API Documentation This repository also hosts the source code for 3 modules: PHP/Node.js/Ruby as of now. The API is documented below: ### PHP ```php 'PUNB', // 'type' => 'PSB', // 'ifsc' => 'PUNB0244200', // 'micr' => '110024001', // 'iin' => '508568', // 'apbs' => true, // 'ach_credit' => true, // 'ach_debit' => true, // 'nach_debit' => true, // 'name' => 'Punjab National Bank', // 'bank_code' => '024', // ] $client = new Client(); $res = $client->lookupIFSC('KKBK0000261'); echo $res->bank; // 'KOTAK MAHINDRA BANK LIMITED' echo $res->branch; // 'GURGAON' echo $res->address; // 'JMD REGENT SQUARE,MEHRAULI GURGAON ROAD,OPPOSITE BRISTOL HOTEL,' echo $res->contact; // '4131000' echo $res->city; // 'GURGAON' echo $res->district; // 'GURGAON' echo $res->state; // 'HARYANA' echo $res->getBankCode(); // KKBK echo $res->getBankName(); // 'Kotak Mahindra Bank' // lookupIFSC may throw `Razorpay\IFSC\Exception\ServerError` // in case of server not responding in time // or Razorpay\IFSC\Exception\InvalidCode in case // the IFSC code is invalid ``` ### Node.js ```js var ifsc = require("ifsc"); ifsc.validate("KKBK0000261"); // returns true ifsc.validate("BOTM0XEEMRA"); // returns false ifsc.fetchDetails("KKBK0000261").then(function(res) { console.log(res); }); // Prints the entire JSON from https://ifsc.razorpay.com/KKBK0000261 // res is an object, not string ``` ### Ruby Make sure you have `require 'ifsc'` in your code. Validating a code offline. (Remember to keep the gem up to date!) ```rb # valid? Razorpay::IFSC::IFSC.valid? 'KKBK0000261' # => true Razorpay::IFSC::IFSC.valid? 'BOTM0XEEMRA' # => false # validate! Razorpay::IFSC::IFSC.validate! 'KKBK0000261' # => true Razorpay::IFSC::IFSC.validate! 'BOTM0XEEMRA' # => Razorpay::IFSC::InvalidCodeError ``` Validate online and retrieve details from the server If you call `code.valid?` before calling `code.get`, the validation will be performed offline. ```rb # 1. using find code = Razorpay::IFSC::IFSC.find 'KKBK0000261' # 2. using new(...).get code = Razorpay::IFSC::IFSC.new 'KKBK0000261' code.get # result code.valid? # => true code.bank # => "Kotak Mahindra Bank" code.branch # => "GURGAON" code.address # => "JMD REGENT SQUARE,MEHRAULI GURGAON ROAD,OPPOSITE BRISTOL HOTEL," code.contact # => "4131000" code.city # => "GURGAON" code.district # => "GURGAON" code.state # => "HARYANA" ``` #### Sublet Branches You can use the `code.bank_name` method to get the bank name considering sublet branches. ```rb code = Razorpay::IFSC::IFSC.find 'HDFC0CKUB01' code.bank_name "Khamgaon Urban Co-operative Bank" ``` This works offline, and doesn't need a network call. #### Error handling ```rb # all these `Razorpay::IFSC::InvalidCodeError` for an invalid code Razorpay::IFSC::IFSC.validate! '...' Razorpay::IFSC::IFSC.find '...' code = Razorpay::IFSC::IFSC.new '...'; code.get # these raise `Razorpay::IFSC::ServerError` if there is an error # communicating with the server Razorpay::IFSC::IFSC.find '...' code = Razorpay::IFSC::IFSC.new '...'; code.get ``` ### Elixir Documentation: [https://hexdocs.pm/ifsc](https://hexdocs.pm/ifsc) Online validation ```elixir iex> IFSC.get("KKBK0000261") {:ok, %Razorpay.IFSC{ address: "JMD REGENT SQUARE,MEHRAULI GURGAON ROAD,OPPOSITE BRISTOL HOTEL,", bank: "Kotak Mahindra Bank", bank_code: "KKBK", branch: "GURGAON", city: "GURGAON", contact: "4131000", district: "GURGAON", ifsc: "KKBK0000261", rtgs: true, state: "HARYANA" }} iex> IFSC.get("foobar") {:error, :invalid_ifsc} ``` Offline validation ```elixir iex> IFSC.validate("KKBK0000261") {:ok, %Razorpay.IFSC{ address: nil, bank: "Kotak Mahindra Bank", bank_code: "KKBK", branch: nil, city: nil, contact: nil, district: nil, ifsc: "KKBK0000261", rtgs: nil, state: nil }} iex> IFSC.validate("foobar") {:error, :invalid_format} iex> IFSC.validate("AAAA0000000") {:error, :invalid_bank_code} iex(> IFSC.validate("HDFC0000000") {:error, :invalid_branch_code} ``` ### Code Notes Both the packages ship with a 300kb JSON file, that includes the entire list of IFSC codes, in a compressed, but human-readable format. The Bank Code and Names list is maintained manually, but verified with tests to be accurate as per the latest RBI publications. This lets us add older Bank codes to the name list, without worrying about them getting deleted in newer builds. ## API Development The IFSC API is maintained in a separate repository at . ## License The code in this repository is licensed under the MIT License. License text is available in the `LICENSE` file. The dataset itself is under public domain. [rbi]: https://goo.gl/T9188H "goo.gl link because RBI doesn't allow you to link to their website" [combined]: https://goo.gl/UryY8j "goo.gl link because RBI doesn't allow you to link to their website" [releases]: https://github.com/razorpay/ifsc/releases [buildlist]: https://app.wercker.com/razorpay/ifsc/runs?view=runs&q=pipeline%3Abuild