# frozen_string_literal: true Capybara.add_selector(:label, locator_type: [String, Symbol]) do label 'label' xpath(:for) do |locator, options| xpath = XPath.descendant(:label) unless locator.nil? locator_matchers = XPath.string.n.is(locator.to_s) | (XPath.attr(:id) == locator.to_s) locator_matchers |= XPath.attr(test_id) == locator if test_id xpath = xpath[locator_matchers] end if options.key?(:for) if (for_option = options[:for].is_a?(Capybara::Node::Element) ? options[:for][:id] : options[:for]) with_attr = XPath.attr(:for) == for_option.to_s labelable_elements = %i[button input keygen meter output progress select textarea] wrapped = !XPath.attr(:for) & XPath.descendant(*labelable_elements)[XPath.attr(:id) == for_option.to_s] xpath = xpath[with_attr | wrapped] end end xpath end node_filter(:for) do |node, field_or_value| # Non element values were handled through the expression filter next true unless field_or_value.is_a? Capybara::Node::Element if (for_val = node[:for]) field_or_value[:id] == for_val else field_or_value.find_xpath('./ancestor::label[1]').include? node.base end end describe_expression_filters do |**options| next unless options.key?(:for) && !options[:for].is_a?(Capybara::Node::Element) " for element with id of \"#{options[:for]}\"" end describe_node_filters do |**options| " for element #{options[:for]}" if options[:for]&.is_a?(Capybara::Node::Element) end end